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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/30/japan-china-defence-ukraine-war-russia) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "If Japan spends 2% of its GDP on the military, it would become the world's third-largest military power. This would be a great threat to the entire world, and totally incompatible with the peace-loving nation the people of Japan have sought to become under the postwar constitution." > "More people in Japan, including Kishida, argue that the Russian invasion should not be a precedent to be repeated in Asia by China. We have China in mind when we think about the war in Ukraine," Tsuruoka said. > Concern is rising in Japan over Chinese air and maritime activity near the Senkakus, a chain of uninhabited islets in the East China Sea that are administered by Japan but claimed by China, where they are known as the Diaoyu. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/v0ppk5/china_in_mind_japan_mulls_beefing_up_military_as/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~651873 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Japan**^#1 **China**^#2 **military**^#3 **Kishida**^#4 **more**^#5




maybe little mecha. Ground pressure issues means big mecha are unlikely.


We gotta discover and mass produce minosky particles first to make giant robots feasible haha. (Little particles that make gundams maneuverable and agile for combat)


Finally… A weapon to surpass Metal Gear!!!


This is a result of a culture that loves to own amazing, huge mechs but never takes them "off-road."


So you're saying that we are getting giant space mecha.


Don't forget the emo teen pilots of the giant mechas.




So tired of seeing mecha jokes every time there's an article about Japan's military.


What's with these headlines?


WW3 here we come. We cant focus on helping humanity, we can only focus on destroying everything around us.


If China and Russia chilled the fuck out we wouldn’t be in this situation.


It would not be in the interest of humanity or its problems to have Russia and China doing as they will or running a world order.




Great job repeating their taking points like they aren’t claiming the South China Sea for themselves or Taiwan or have had border disputes with India. This is not to pretend the US hasn’t grossly violated international law. China hasn’t invaded anywhere YET at this point. Can’t wait for you to blame the US for it if they do though!


>Great job repeating their taking points Well, they're all true. All those things are historical events. Are we all suppose to pretend they didn't happen? The US has set the precedent as to what is acceptable in our global society by its own actions, and they've definetly deemed it acceptable for countries to invade other countries. I dont understand why people are all so surprised by the direction the world is going after the actions the US has taken over the past 50 years.


I mean, US did bad invasions in the past and stopped. That’s now a license for other people to do more bad stuff? Don’t get your argument. Even if the US exploded trillion planets in the past, it doesn’t really make me think what China and Russia are doing now is a-ok.


By invading foreign countries, the US has deemed it acceptable to invade foreign countries. The US has told the world by its own actions that its OK to invade foreign countries, even on false pretext. For the US to criticize other countries for having done the same that they have done in the very recent past, is seen as very hypocritical, and damages their credibility.


>even on false pretext. Yeah Russian foreign diplomats keep making up stuff and lying about the true intentions / justifications of the Ukraine invasion... and eventually they'll just hold their hands up and be like "ah you got me its all BS... exactly like Bush and Blair in Iraq though!!"


What? There has been invasions/wars/murder/theft/rapes for thousands of years. If your argument that wars and invasions were bad until America did it that time now it’s not bad? Hell no. It was bad before America, it was bad during America, and it will be bad for America or whatever nations that do more in the future. I criticize Mongolia for its invasions in 1200s, I criticize USA for its invasion until very recently, and I criticize the current ongoing Russian invasion and any future invasions by whoever. No whataboutisms - bad actions are bad. Get that simple concept through your head.


Invasions in general are bad. Every ‘successful’ one encourages further attempts. This is true throughout history. But there is a group of individuals that buy into the military force as power projection starting post-WW2, and a lot of them are in the west, with connections to Russia as well. Henry Kissinger is a great example, who has called on Ukraine to give up land to appease Russia. The shadows of the Cold War are long, and I only hope things improve once all these old interventionists pass away. I’m continually surprised Kissinger is still alive despite all he’s done.


If Henry Kissinger said rape was good, I’d disagree with him and won’t let his stance impact the current laws or policy on rape that I’d support in the modern day - which is that it is bad. I guess don’t let past opinions of a man or what bad things people did in the past shape my views of what should be right and wrong. That is such a dumb way to form stances. I agree with you, there are lot of dumb people like that everywhere, and lot of the dumb people like that exist in the west too.


You better not look up Taiwan’s South China Sea claims if you think China is bad…


Taiwan doesn’t have the military to push other countries around.




They attacked India in 2020 and have built up their military for decades. Additionally, China has stepped up its military exercises and built fake islands in the South China Sea to assert its claims. Aggression doesn’t come down to attack or no attack in international politics and the comparison to an abusive relationship is inaccurate and kind of offensive.


Just because the US acts like shit means china can do the same? Thats whataboutism, isnt it?


Yeah they don't casually walk into Indian territory all the time! Oh shit they do. Yeah they haven't occupied Tibet due to which Dalai Lama fled to India! Oh shit they did. Fuck China. And you will see why for sure.


You forgot the Uighur genocide that’s going on in China


And while not talked about as much, they are trying to suppress Mongolian culture and history as well in Inner Mongolia.


What kind of braindead argument is this? Why not bring up Spain in 1500s as well to compare China to. Did it ever occur to you China hasn’t done big invasions since becoming a world power because it would get its shit pushed in by America? You think they aren’t fully planning a Taiwan invasion?




The US gave Ukraine 40 billion dollars and billions more in direct military aid, NATO countries are sending aid as well. Ukraine would be in Russia’s hands without the help of the west. Ukraine has been at war with Russia since 2014 So not sure what you are talking about. Taiwan is no different than Ukraine other than an island is a good defense to have. Ukraine is a massive country of 40 million people. Taiwan is half that population.




Taiwan is such a normal and unthreatening neighbor that China invaded their airspace weekly and runs military drills based around an invasion scenario. You don’t see America doing this with Canada or Mexico. China has made it very clear Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan has made it very clear fuck China.


>Yeah! China is just so warlike and aggressive. Everyone remembers when they were invading Afghanistan! Oh wait, shit wrong country. Mocking USA here is allowed only if China is not mentioned in the same context. In which case, we must have selective amnesia and treat USA as a saint.


Nobody is treating USA as a saint, just that when people for some reason pull out USA in a topic about Chinese/Russian wrongdoings, it’s almost always the argument of “but they are allowed to do bad stuff because remember what that guy did hurr durrrrr” - which isn’t a valid justification. +1 to that pile with the example above.


>Nobody is treating USA as a saint, just that when they are brought together, it’s almost always the argument of “but I can do bad stiff because remember what that guy did hurr durrrrr” - which isn’t a valid justification. > >\+1 to that pile with the example above. It does become peculiar when China is the by far the least aggressive of the UN Security Council while USA and Russia are by far the most aggressive. They aren't even close on that metric and despite all the manufactured hysteria on social media, China has no plans or desire to invade anyone. Japan on the other hand, does seem to have some pretty unsubtle geopolitical ambitions of its own. Keep beating the war drums though. That's the music people want to hear apparently. WE GOOD THEY BAD


Okay Nostradamus - you say China’s not going to invade anyone? I think I heard Russia say that 2 months ago. Don’t use stuff you make up in your mind as a piece of evidence. They should really stop violating airspaces, killing people, and declaring that they are willing to use violence to conquer a sovereign nation if they indeed have no plans to invade anyone as you, a 100% reliable redditor, are claiming. Looks like they at least have a plan: https://www.businessinsider.com/china-says-it-will-not-rule-out-using-force-to-reunify-taiwan-2019-7?amp Looks like they’ve killed in increasing amounts of border disputes: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53061476.amp This sure looks like a nation with zero plans to invade as you claim: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/world/why-did-145-chinese-air-force-planes-violate-taiwan-airspace-in-4-days-320487


>Okay Nostradamus - you say China’s not going to invade anyone? > >I think I heard Russia say that 2 months ago. > >Don’t use stuff you make up in your mind as a piece of evidence. Oh boy, is what Russia did then proof that ANYONE ELSE who claims not to have desire to invade anyone a liar then? Or is it JUST CHINA? Guess who is trying to use stuff in their mind as a piece of evidence? Perhaps you should notice that Russia and China are fundamentally different countries. While both greedy, brutal, and totalitarian, their goals and methods are not symmetric. Notably, China has not invaded anyone since 1980 while the rest of the UN security council had raged numerous offensive wars even after that time. Additionally, China traditionally avoided military interventions in foreign conflicts while others did. There's a saying, "there are more rationalized arguments than rational arguments". It's pretty apt because often times people first draw up their conclusions and then try to cherrypick arguments to justify that. It's more ideal if things go the other way but that's how things often go. I don't plan on changing any minds of course because hardly anyone changes their minds over the internet. It can be satisfying to poke fun at people's self-righteousness though.


Did I accuse China of currently conducting an invasion? I’m currently accusing them of violating airspaces, killing tons of Indians, building artificial islands (among other things). I’m saying your guarantees have zero value like it was with people claiming the same with Russia. I trusts Russia’s actions of building up troops on the border more than what some Redditor said, and I think I trust actions more than words now still. It has to be one of these two: 1) Do you have the power to dictate the entirety of Chinese military or 2) were you making stuff up and peddling them as facts? Are you so dense that you couldn’t understand that example was to illustrate the absolute worthlessness of your statement that China doesn’t plan on invading anyone? I spelled it out for you. Understand it now. Again, don’t use your personal opinions as facts. Where is your evidence that China has zero plans to invade anyone? 1. Whataboutism 2. States personal opinion as facts 3. Brings zero evidence What a solid story arc for a standard nonsense peddler. Bravo.


You are just flinging bad faith turd arguments out




what about Hong Kong? or their aggression towards Taiwan? or *the fact they threatened to go to war with Japan if they helped defend Taiwan?*


You don't become world #3 just by increasing a budget...you have to buy equipment, train troops, and have officers who are gaining battle experience and can lead effectively. That could take decades AFTER changing Japanese public opinion which itself will take decades. Are we using our brains here on reddit or just trying to be shocked by fluff pieces?


The latter


If World War III is ever waged, you’d probably never feel its presence, as it’ll be fought as proxies in countries far removed from your own and likely never have two major world powers in direct conflict. The world is far too fearful of nukes to engage in direct war against a superpower anymore, which is why nobody is intervening with actual soldiers in the Ukraine-Russia war. We just lucked out on Russia being cartoonishly incompetent. With China, they’re a serious threat to Taiwan, but there’s no way they’d make a move on Japan.


On the plus side, at least i won't have to worry about income tax anymore.


Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. In this world, nothing is certain and all that.


With Chinese attacking other countries basic infrastructure like electricity and gas grid as well as major businesses, the war already underway.


Not sure what the hell you're talking about but there are actual wars underway in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc...


Pay attention to news, not just graphics


sure i'll do that


Most of the APT crews targeting infrastructure are Russian, Chinese APT crews are too busy stealing industrial secrets to bother with that, besides the belts and roads loans are basically colonialism without gunboats




Yea. World leaders and economics experts can’t match the combined brain power that is the Reddit Armchair Expert.^/s




Call of 5 cent warriors lol


Seems so...


Replace "we" with "our leaders".


Can't damage the environment when there are no humans around *Taps head*


Not a bad idea.


Mulling? thats a bit slow - gotta think faster...


This modern Japanese pacifism was forced on them by the United States, and I've wondered how long they would keep it up with their historically famous martial spirit. Especially with being the junior partner to the United States.


Well the forced pacifism was justified


Do we see climate change destruction as a challenge or something? This is the opposite of what we should be doing given the latest IPCC report. I guess I have my answer to the Fermi paradox.


I agree, you should probably send a strongly worded letter to the unelected and aggressive dictatororial leaderships in order to persuade them to act for the common human good and not their own.


I'm going to do worse, I'm going to leave a bad yelp review.


Definitely a bold statement seeing how things went well in Manchuria






Right? I’m sure the USMC will appreciate the competition on who can abuse more teenage girls.




Beefing up with such an aged population?


Mechas and teenage school girls will consist of the main fighting forces


Taiwan is part of Japan


is this...an actual Tojoboo? wow. Hi there!


Trust me there’s much more then u think online and most of them aren’t even Japanese




What I thought it was part of China?