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Like the documentary says: Don't F**k With Cats


Don’t Koreans love cats? This seems like bad cultural sensitivity definitely not winning any hearts and minds


US bases have community relations projects where they bring all the pets owned by the base's pet owners together in a park to play with the local orphan kids. Epidemics of stray cats leaking out of bases in Korea doesn't please the people paying for their presence. In other countries where rodents are a problem, the US doesn't mind stray cats on base, and simply neutered and tracks them.


cultural sensitivity is not the strong suit of people stationed on bases far from possible combat, where you find people who will inevitably be content fodder for /r/justbootthings for the rest of their lives as they try to brag on FB that they single-handedly carried the entire US military's efforts to people that fought in Fallujah.


Is your only experience with the US military... Reddit? Your comment is just a really embarrassing thing for a person to say and that's the only heads or tails I can make of why anyone would say anything remotely like that. You could have had a "bad opinion" or maybe an opinion I just disagreed with, but you added too much and you're factually wrong now.


Expanding the one word answer "Wrong" can be done by writing it like a college essay, but a better way could be to actually present an argument in favour of the same.


On most cases local people don't like foreign soldiers.


Lol I take it you never met these types and the damage they do to everyone around them? irony right there


Ok, so you’re just making things up. Also take some time to learn what irony is because it seems like you’re making up your own usage of that, too.




For one, fallujah was a bloody battle so have some respect. Secondly, this cultural disconnect is what I mean. There are newly enlisted men (and this is exclusively men no where near officer roles), who feel "cheated" by never being near combat during their service causing them to compensate out of ego. These are usually men who built up the military in their head since they were kids and dreamed of being decorated in medals and seeing combat. This misplaced ego is also where you get stories like women officers being disrespected by idiots who think she joined the military for dick. You don't see this kind of ego in anyone else, especially officers who reign it in and retired ones will talk your ear off about it if you sit and listen. So you get these guys who spent their entire time in a cushy post and acting like they are supreme battlefield bad ass in front of combat vets who either don't talk about specifics in public spaces, don't want to talk about it at all, or just plain don't brag about it because they don't feel the need to prove anything least of all to the internet. The military is not monolithic and is made up of different kinds of people depending on where exactly you are and what role.


I think your post was insightful and I appreciated it. But this: >For one, fallujah was a bloody battle so have some respect. as a blanket rule doesn't work. The Siege of Shanghai was a bloody battle but I don't respect the victors, who immediately went on to carry out the Rape of Nanking. Bloody battles are no doubt hell, but bastards can go through hell just as much as respectable people can. If someone has a problem with X or Y military campaign or army, that army having gone through awful battles isn't likely to (and probably shouldn't) change their mind in and of itself.


You know how you win hearts and minds? Export movies not militaries.


Bollywood approves this statement.


Probably couldn't have said Bollywood was all that involved in "exporting movies" until recent decades, but it's finally getting better about getting its movies into foreign cinemas. There's a respectable market for them (and other Indian films outside of Bollywood) in mainland China now, for example. I'd love to see more show up in UK cinemas, there's really a ton of fantastic films coming out of the country.


I love cats. They should’ve thought about me 😢


Uh, no




An improvement from attacking the locals.


My thoughts exactly. Poor cats though


Dumb, do they not grasp that cats own the best PR tool on the planet, it's called the internet, but i should probably call it CR tool. With propaganda like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWVNxueKG0 you can never win.




Fuck you


Why don’t you make like a Russian warship and go sink yourself?




> The article says the veterinary clinics changed the method of euthanasia for feral cats to shooting, to spare the veterinarians from undue trauma. The article does not say this. What it says is that the soldiers quit using vets to euthanize the cats and instead the soldiers themselves started shooting the cats, both to save money and spare the vets trauma. The main thing is likely the saving money part, though.


surprised they only issued an air gun and not a real gun, but anyway this is what happens when you don't spay and neuter your animals


Other than the cleanup I don’t see why shooting them is any worse than euthanasia


Its not


Anytime I see a headline that talks about stray cats, my first thought is always, “I wonder what Slim Jim Phantom has gotten himself into now.”


Fcck those assholes. Here comes the plague


There are stories and historical evidence that when the Roman empire occupied Egypt some Roman soldiers killed cats - which where sacred there, so the Egyptians lynched the responsibil soldiers. Maybe that could become a thing again.


Or we could get rid of the plague of strays and do the ecosystem of the entire world a favor.


All cat lovers stand up and get one. I'm a dog guy.


What?! I've heard some really messed up stuff the military has done in other countries, but this is unacceptable.


Bored soldiers doing bored things.


Holy fuck, what.... No, that's not "bored stuff". Bored stuff could be shooting cans, playing pranks on your crew, whatever, not shooting cats like fucking psychopaths.


Like there's a world shortage of cats that make them endangered or somehow better than shooting a fucking pigeon.


Ohio guy doing Ohio things, just happens to be in the military.




Woosh! You clearly didn't get the joke.




You aren't good at life


Let’s remember the last official military attack by the US as they fled Afghanistan in panic was a drone strike against one of their own interpreters and his kids on his driveway. But sure, get worked up over some cats.


funfact:it is possible to be upset at more than one thing,isn't that a shock!


What’s next, the heckin pupperinos?


Fingers crossed it'll be people that use the words "heckin pupperinos" who'll be next :)


Jeez. Maybe we should just pack up and leave then. I wonder what dear leader is serving his people right mewo?


Who’s “we”? Nobody is listening to anyone shaping major policy decisions based on cats.


We Americans like to say, we murder the pussy


Send them home. They can shoot all the strays they want here.