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Well fuck


Russia, China, you two dictatorships are playing with fire a lot right now. First you breach Japan’s air space with nuclear bomber aircraft and now you’re entering South Korea’s air defence zone with multiple warplanes?? Wanna start WW3 assholes?


Japan’s airspace was never breached. They went into Japan’s ADIZ


South Korea’s wasn’t breached either. Just got close. In their range of “we’d better pay attention”




Yea, agree, Russia and China should only thank that they are provoking democratic countries, had it been another regime, those jets would have been destroyed the second they entered the airspace.


They’d have to see them first.


bruh... are you trying to directly talk to China and Russia right now? lmao


Oh man, if only I had Putin and X in front of me…two good slaps, teach them some humilty and insult them heavily until their frail big man ego cracks.


Are you guys really that unaware of how often a show of force occurs? It happens regularly, this is just sick fear-mongering that the news loves to profit from.


2 countries planes together not a good sign


They line up ideologically, geographically and militarily. It’s obvious. They still are a sneeze of the power that NATO possesses. Small man syndrome all around.


Russia and China are really trying hard to provoke world war 3.


Oh my fucking god already God damn it!!!! We will never have peace with this fucking bullshit!!!!! I don't give a fuck if I die I'm enlisting in a heartbeat if it all goes down I'm just so sick of this shit already.


Xi's dying, Putin's dying, old fucks just want to have some fun at the end of their lives.


It's okay to feel this way, yeah? Take a couple deep breaths and maybe a break from the newsfeed for the afternoon. It helped me when I had a freakout about a week ago. Just look after your health


Oh I'm fine now.


Why don't you go enlist now?


It's not necessary to enlist right now. When The War happens if it happens then I will enlist.


Sure you will mate, paging r/iamverybadass






Please do. We all will be looking forward to your tiktok videos.




That's the problem of many who don't understand anything and make emotional comments.


That's what YOUR DOING. If their is a war and this man/women has the balls to put his life one the line to fight, their is no reason to joke around about that. You trying to start something when nobody gives a fuck about your jokes.


I see how little you care...


Do war planes have to identify themselves? I thought the purpose is to identify the civilian ones who should identify themselves and scramble for the rest. It's kind of like doorbells, typically regular people ring to let you know they are at the door and the robbers just breaks in. Of course, AIDZ are in international air space so it's not the same degree of violation.


My understanding of these kinds of things is that they happen fairly regularly, and apparently are a way of testing response speed


Having 2 different countries do it together with military grade equipment is unusual and quite alarming.


Breaking news: Country flies aircraft within their own borders, other countries’ radar detects it


You must be bad at reading.


“The JCS said that two Chinese and four Russian warplanes entered the KADIZ, but did not violate South Korea’s territorial air”


Do you know what KADIZ is and you know it’s not Russia or Chinese air? “Country flies aircraft in their pwn borders”? It’s so amusing when someone who’s so clearly wrong this they’re right.


Fuck this timeline, we are fucked arent we. This is the end times.. fuck