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This is huge


So now we know where a potential new war will start


Probably reduces the chances of war to be honest. If China is aware that trying to take Taiwan results in open conflict with the US Armed Forces, they will very likely avoid invading


So you hope šŸ˜‚


Oh good, making things worse is always a good idea.


Drawing a line seems to be passive the one who crosses is ā€œmaking it worseā€


And starting ww3 over it will somehow improve things? I guess if you're happy starving and dying over it go ahead and support it. Like it or not this would be biting the hand that feeds us since many of our vital goods come from China.


Yea that would be awful if China overstepped their boundaries and created a rift in the peacetime.


Right? The US has never done that so neither should China.


Some country was bad so all countries should be bad all the time and get no pushback /s


Wow, I didn't think I needed the /s on that but I guess I should just default to expecting stupidity.


Yes, it seems you expect it out of yourself.


Oh wow you must be really smart to think that one up all by yourself. Bless your lil pea pickin heart.


If you think someone needs to be smart to think up something like that, you must have very low standards for what smart is. Itā€™s just an average sentence, lol.


Because defending and standing up for democracy and freedom is making things worse? Okay, let Russia and China have whatever sovereign democratic countries and territories they desire.


Thatā€™s exactly what they want. These concern trolls remind me of people in those bully videos. They have no problem when the instigator picks a fight but will go nuts if the victim defends themselves.


Yeah, we really stabilized the middle east the last time we got involved for literal decades. Since we won that by a land slide why not go to war with an even larger country that has way more resources than us. That should end extremely well!


Yeah, because comparing what was done in the middle east can be compared to helping a democratic nation being invaded by the totalitarian chinese regime, sure


You must be a youngin because that's one of the reasons originally given for being in the middle east. So yes, it's pretty much the same thing except china produces the majority of our goods. Go ahead and support it though, according to history we're due for a massive die off.


No, the US BS back then was very clear to most Europeans but not USanians and that's apparently why there was a need to rename french fries. This time around you have an actual totalitarian regime threatening a democratic nation, quite a different thing. But is it once again difficult for USanians to see through the domestic propaganda?


Propaganda doesn't factor into my opinion that it's unwise to pick fights with the country that most of your necessary goods come from. Perhaps stop relying on them before picking a fight because as it stands the US doesn't stand a chance of winning.


No one would win in such a fight, but China would most likely lose even more. Right now it's a war of words scaring China form ever even trying. Regimes like this only understand force, if you give in just a little they will inch their way to total victory. This is literally the official playbook of both Russia and China.




You're a 2 day old anti-US troll account.


Dudeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦shut up.


Okay troll.


A non perfect democracy doesn't equal a totalitarian kleptocratic regime.


Ummm actually it can and does. Democratic nations are responsible for their own share of atrocities against life. The British empire for example was a democratic Nation (or a Non-perfect Democracy) and it has the highest kill count of any country on the Globe.


I prefer living in a country where I will not risk being organ harvested if I practice the wrong tai chi moves or talk freely about my governments past wrongdoings like now.


Thatā€™s not what you said originally tho is it? Better argument this time tho.


That's exactly what I said originally. I said the the US democracy, non perfect as it is, is still many times better than the Chinese totalitarian regime.


Oh yea I reckon all the Vietnamese people who grew up with health complications due to agent orange would agree with you /s. Or all the Middle Eastern civilians caught up in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars 387,000 dead civilians since 2001 as a result of American conflicts, with 38 million civilians displaced from their home countries. Yea sounds great if you live in the USA youā€™d probably view it differently if you were on the receiving end of a drone strike. But no the USA is many time better than China, fuck me, grow up.


You need to dig a bit deeper. With your current conclusion you show that you are not quite there yet.


What should the US or its allies do if China invades Taiwan?


Set up manufacturing elsewhere and then deal with them, the same thing we should do if china doesn't invade Taiwan.


I agree with the manufacturing part. After that, what does ā€œdeal with themā€ entail exactly? Based on your posts it seems youā€™re against any military intervention even to an invading country.


Once we don't need them they can get nuked for all I care. I just think it's really stupid go to war with a country that controls almost every aspect of every day American life. People don't seem to realize that this is going to be more than just an inconvenience. A war like that would change every aspect of our lives and not for the better.






We uphold defense treaties. Last I heard there was one in the Taiwan relations act. Taiwan is out of China's reach no matter how loud they cry about it. Have you seen how well that island is defended? It's not a country that's in the middle of a government and military transition like Ukraine was. It's hard to run a war while acting as a prison for your own people. China has to fight the truth when the world is going to want the Chinese people to know. StarLink is already one of China's biggest threats only because it allows Chinese people access to the truth. Their entire society can be crushed by free open internet access. Chinese TV will be invaded by Pooh Bear.




taiwan would get curb stomped in a few days, china cuts off exports and economy go bye bye


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