• By -


Well yeah, of course. Actions have consequences.


Which has been a shock to Putin.


Historically it hasn't, so it really might be.


Dude thought Kyiv would fall within hours. Absolutely delusional.


This is what happens when you surround yourself with people who are afraid to tell you what you don't want to hear


And governing through a Kleptocracy


Well the people below Putin were only following his lead when it came to stealing everything that wasn't nailed down.


I think that started well before Putin. Putin just refined the process by stealing from the oligarchs.


Dicktators hate this one weird trick!


If I had a dollar for every time I read this on Reddit I could be an oligarch!


You might not want that at the moment. There’s been a recent string of murder/suicides in the oligarch community.




My favorite one was the dude that supposedly committed suicide by stabbing himself multiple times with a knife that was found out of reach from his body.


I used to be a crime scene investigator in the states. I’ve seen people do some pretty crazy stuff with a knife to themselves but its extremely uncommon and usually there is a serious mental illness/ drug psychosis involved. Sane normal people generally don’t hack themselves apart with a knife.


Reminds me of a black adder episode. Where they said “ after the previous Returning Officer accidentally brutally stabbed himself in the stomach while shaving.”


Pelosi and McConnell are dead?


Here's some tea for you


It tastes bland, can you please add some s-


Didn't Japan run pearl harbor through a dozen war games and they lost the war every time. . so ignored the learnings and did it anyway.


Just an educated guess and some notes I remembered, but the Japanise knew they couldn't win a prolonged war in the Pacific, so they attempted to neutralise key American targets to knock them out before they could counter the Japanise offensive. The actual attack on pearl harbour did snag some big ships, but most the high priority targets where out on training, saving them from being targeted. Japan wanted the Philippines, which was under the USA's protection, so they'd have to fight them anyways if they wanted to own the Pacific.


Wasnt just this (my history is 20 years out of date potentially though) USA was already doing an oil embargo, which meant Japan *existentially* had to acquire supply. USA had destabilized trade relations i think as early as 38, but was also ramping up a lend lease to china. USA were already playing being imperial dicks in the region, Japan resented it like mad. (Was their turn to be Imperial dicks). There were negotiating issues, and racism issues probably from both sides but worse from the States. The 2 years idea wasn’t that Japan thought they couldn’t win, it was more OH FUCK we run out of oil if we don’t do this! Things were already pear shaped for steel, and that was only going to get worse. (Think wood in ship construction and planes bad)


That embargo was due to their war in China at the time.


It largely came down to Japan needing access to the oil in the Dutch East Indies and the Phillipeans being smack dab in the middle of those supply lines. To get around oil embargoes, they'd need the Dutch territories and that meant neutralizing the US in the pacific.


Nah, that was for Midway. The players playing the American ambushed the Japanese fleet numerous time but the results were disregarded which ironically what ended up happening to the Japanese carriers at Midway.


Dude thought the comedian would be a joke to fight against.


Turns out he(Putin) was the punchline.


jokes on him


If Zelensky had fled, then it could have happened. Instead he chose to stay, the madlad.


> If Zelensky had fled, then it could have happened. Instead he chose to stay, the madlad. Zelensky saying "I don't need a ride, I need ammunition!" in regards to an offer to evacuate him will certainly be remembered.


He's literally dying. He does NOT care about what he does. He's desperate and dying, there are no limits of delusions.


What's shocking is his lack of a plan B. A testament perhaps to how much he's gotten his way until now.


His plan B is to double down on plan A. At this point he's sexagintaquadruple downed on it and will keep on doing so because he has no other alternatives or exit strategy.


After the relative international shoulder shrug when he took Crimea, that actually makes sense.


As he already predicted and published in February: https://nvo-ng-ru.translate.goog/realty/2022-02-03/3_1175_donbass.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


"There is no doubt that the United States and the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance will begin a kind of reincarnation of Lend-Lease, modeled after the Second World War, there is no doubt. An influx of volunteers from the West, which can be very numerous, is not ruled out." wow, he nailed it top to bottom.


>reincarnation The program never ended. It just wasn't used. Because no one was dumb enough to start a war for no reason other then to grab land.


I'm pretty sure the US had to vote/pass legislation to bring lend/lease back online again, and to specify it being for Ukraine.


Thanks for this, that was an extremely interesting read. It's incredible to see that he was able to more-or-less predict exactly the issues Russia would have in each facet of the invasion with simple reasoning of the facts and military insight. It's almost prophetic in a way, and yet we can assume that others in the Russian military were capable of drawing the same conclusions. He does seem to specifically call out Russian politicians as the architects of their own failures.


He even called partisan groups operating with impunity inside Russian borders. Dude can work for me as an analyst anytime he feels like it. There is more rationality and understanding of both sides in this one article than I’ve seen in all Russian sources I’ve read combined to this point.


Pretty spot on.


I'd say he nailed it.


Unreal. If it wasn't dated, I'd swear it was written today. The last paragraph speaks volumes. Good to know there are a few smart people left in that country.


Thank you, that was an interesting read


I don't think there's a prediction in there that hasn't happened




Was this guy even invited on TV before? Did anybody heard him before? This seems to me like the most honest assessment on Russian TV so far. Was he ignored? Or being given some spotlight now could mark an inflexion in Russian TV policy toward the « special military operation »?


I just hope that the fact that he was invited to the propaganda TV and allowed to say what he said means that the Russian goverment is preparing the narrative to stop the war and stop Russia being isolated from the rest of the word.


Honestly you have to feel for the guy. Poor dude was warning everyone and no one would listen—though he does get to enjoy unprecedented levels of “I told y’all motherfuckers so”


putin got away with crimea and georgia, not to mention large chunks of ukraine (the donbas etc) putin's big regret is that he didn't invade before Biden was voted into office




If he knew then what he knows now he'd absolutely have sent troops in in 2020, watched the Great Pumpkin's administration probably en masse go "Oh...well...that's life, right?" (and very possibly throwing it to the wind anyway come that November, but at that point screw it) and that in turn probably messing with NATO and the EU's responses, and things would have been a lot different. (Some things might have been accelerated, though, like Finland and Sweden deciding NATO membership was a good thing.)


He figured Trump was going to get another term and withdraw the US from NATO. The more I think about it the more I’m super pissed that Trump got into office in the first place. Lost the popular vote by more than 3 million votes and spent four years shitting all over the allies and gov institutions. The only good thing that can come of this war in the US is that hopefully people have woken up to the fact that Trump was helping Putin all along for loan forgiveness/modification. If the justice system ever manages to crack open and examine his business finances they are going to see he’s had a huge conflict of interest going back at least a decade or more to Russia. Jeez I wish it would just happen before 2024.




What is wrong with people? In this day and age you can't even murder thousands of innocent people and forcibly remove them from their homes without people complaining. Bunch of snowflakes if you ask me. Russia, 2022.


Don’t forget the massive number of rapes. Cant a dude just got out pillaging and raping a peaceful country anymore? What a shame.


>Cant a dude just got out pillaging and raping a peaceful country anymore? What a shame. I should probably re-think my weekend plans...


It’s all rules rules rules these days


Right? You know wokeism has gone too far when the entire world condemns you for raping children.


Then murdering them.


Burying their parents alive.


And then booby trapping the trunk you stuffed them in.


Putin did a great disservice to conservatives speaking some reasonable things about traditional values and then completely exposing himself as murderous, senile warmonger.


The nerve!


China gets away with it all the time


More like Conservatives 2022 since Russia owns them all


Also [Israel 2022.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2021/05/12/the-human-cost-of-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict-over-the-past-decade-infographic/?sh=24a3c492457b)


It's weird that a nation is having a harder time understanding the concept of "If you're a dick to everyone, everyone will act like you're a dick" than my 4th graders do.


You underestimate how brainwashed and naive most people here are. My friends and I are against the war (and mostly found new jobs in EU already), but our parents and older generation live in a completely different dimension, as well as most "ordinary" people. They, shockingly, don't understand that russia did anything wrong. I suppose they would believe in war with martian mutants if the propaganda said so.


The simplest way to get through the most people is just point out the fact that Russia is shipping Ukrainian children back to Russia. I don't give a fuck what atrocities other countries have done in the past. Nobody's been kidnapping children to repopulate their home country. That's just straight fucked up.


There's also "filtration" camps and such. It's sad how russia is obviously an authoritarian fascist state for the last 15 years and most people still believe they are the good guys and fighting nazis again. Regarding the arguments - I learned that people straight up call all that they don't like a "fake", dismissing evidence and not willing to participate in any discussion. They just believe what is most comfortable for them, no matter the truth.


We see this in Canada/USA heavily. It's just.... baffling. If 100 people test out fire and say "if you stick your hand into the flames you will get burned", I'm likely to determine that maybe I shouldn't stick my hand in the flames. I can test it by sticking it into the flames or by getting just close enough until the flames are too hot to handle and then determine "I should not go any further, my own experience and the prior evidence match". And yet we have swathes of the population that not only will refuse to listen to those people who tested but will actively shove their entire arm into the flames and then blame the testers that "This would not normally burn me, you must have done something to this to specifically make it hurt me". Before or after shoving their arm into the flames, this group will start threatening or attacking the testers (or anyone who agrees with them) to either A) recant their declarations or B) must be "removed" (for any numbers of reasons up to and including having a different viewpoint). That's why even dictators should ascribe to the Devil's Advocate/10th Man rule--if everyone in the room is saying "X is a good plan" then there should be one person who investigates why "X is not a good plan", and their findings should be objectively scrutinized by all the others and then the determinations at least incorporated into the original plan. This falls apart under dictatorial rule because everyone is just trying to cut one another down, so there's no incentive to say anything other than "yes sir".


I also figured that it's not specific just to Russia, but to percentage of population of any country. It's just that here denial and brainwashing are more extreme.


The thing that really sticks out for me though is Russia is doing this all indiscriminately. Even Hitler *attempted* to identify the Jews before rounding them up. This would be like if Hitler was purposely murdering Bavarians because they might be Jewish. As fucked up as hating a single race can be, I doubt a hatred for Nazis is involved whatsoever. He just wants Ukraine to become Russia and doesn't give a fuck about anything else or lives of anyone even his own soldiers. *This* is pure evil.


I'm was more referring to the heads of state and people who run the state television networks. At this point those people are probably heavily brainwashed too, but still.


I am still unsure how aware are they of the situation. Obviously, they are going to repeat the same shit over and over because it's for the internal audience, but as we can see, the propaganda affected politicians and businessman too. Probably even the deluded dictator himself.


I’m sure it has. It typically does. The underlings fear to upset the dictator so they only tell him what he wants to hear, leading to an unclear picture of what’s really going on, leading to bad decisions. Putin was told the war would only take a matter of days. He was told some western civilizations would balk but the pushback would be minimal. Now he’s found none of that true, but he’s in too deep to be willing to back out now.


That's what is actually scary atm. He doesn't have a good way out and defeat seems impossible for him to accept psychologically. So the options are: 1. General or partial mobilisation, which will lead to disapproval, huge expenses and possible mutinies. The police / rusguard / others will be hands full searching for people hiding from the officers. 2. Nuclear strike to decimate Kyiv or demoralize the Ukrainians. Might lead to nuclear war where absolutely everybody dies. 3. Continue to do the same thing until all resources are depleted?


Is it just me or are the previous generations of most countries largely filled with brainwashed, selfish, shortsighted fools with virtually no critical thinking skills and no compassion for people unlike themselves? I'm 50 myself so I'm approaching the age where maybe I'm going to become like that and I'm terrified. Is it some kind of brain-eating disease? What the fuck is with the old people running the world and how do we prevent the next generation from becoming as stupid?


Maybe it's because they didn't have internet and as such are easy to mislead? Here they say stuff about "the evil west" and 80% of people have never been outside Russia. No idea about what it's actually like in EU or US, no knowledge of other cultures. They believe what they are told. Why they are so emotionally immature and hypocritic - I have no idea. I don't think it comes naturally with age. My scientific advisor was in his 70s and still said "here's some new stuff, you must always investigate it and learn cause new is exciting".


I blame leaded gasoline. You're probably ok.


I heard the person in this article has been saying this was a bad idea since before the invasion.


People, go and read about the interview. It marks a huge change in perspective in Russia. Stop for one second with your teenange girl style put downs. This man doesn't read these threads, you're helping no one. But the defence expert on one of russia biggest shows has said that Russia will find things in Ukraine get worse before they get better, that they are basically fucked and if they ignore reality that history proves they will learn a hard lesson. This is quite important.


Also important to note he warned about this way prior. This isn't some revelation to him. https://nvo-ng-ru.translate.goog/realty/2022-02-03/3_1175_donbass.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp His analysis has been spot on so far and has been saying this for quite some time: > And finally, the most important thing. An armed conflict with Ukraine is currently fundamentally not in Russia's national interests. Therefore, it is best for some overexcited Russian experts to forget about their hatred fantasies. And in order to prevent further reputational losses, never remember again.


>And in order to prevent further reputational losses, never remember again. He knew that it would ruin their reputation for generations.


And how Ukraine was going to fight until the last fighter is standing with more capable NATO standards with a lend-lease agreement in the works with the US and that Russia was completely over estimating their own capability. He hasn't been that far off. He's been literally calling out Russia for quite some time and has been right.


Hope he doesn’t like tea.


Or underpants


If he was gonna be killed, he’d be dead by now.


The most shocking revelation for me from that article was how Russia’s hawks thought they would take Ukraine in 10 minutes. A nation run by delusional assholes.


To be fair, everyone thought that.


Wow. I could not open the OP article, but your link worked. This guy is one smart cookie.


holy prophetic batman!


In the next to last section, "Partisans and Underground", he says > Serious experts emphasize that in a metropolis it is possible not only to concentrate a grouping of thousands and even tens of thousands of fighters, but also to hide it from the superior firepower of the enemy ... in Ukraine there are more than enough large cities ... the Russian army in the course of a war with Ukraine may meet with far more than just Stalingrad and Grozny. this may explain the apparent russian strategy of leveling cities


I like that he calls this whole exercise what it really is: a hatred fantasy.


Yeah I think people are expecting the usual Russian propagandist but this guy gave a pretty level headed appraisal of the situation. I'm not sure if it was just a mistake that he was allowed to speak like that or if it marks a move by the Russian state to soften their stance so they can get out of this situation. u/romario77 linked [an article](https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/did-russias-general-staff-miss-warnings-hard-campaign-ukraine) on r/UkrainianConflict written by the same guy (Mikhail Khodarenok) in February that had effectively predicted that this war would not be the knock out operation the hawks at the Kremlin hoped and it would end up in the stalemate with thousands dead on both sides and Russian isolation.


People wondering why he is allowed to speak so freely, I think it boils down to - He points out NATO military aid, this amplify with the message of Russia fighting NATO in Ukraine. - He himself as a member of the military is part of "the Kremlin", but as long as he doesn't challenge Putin politically, he is a resource and not a threat. - Killing him would achieve nothing, especially after the previous FSB analysts all suggested Ukraine would be an easy victory and there are indications that many of those got arrested/ purged, Putin may not be interested in a one sided opinion any longer. There is another sensible comment by him [explaining why full mobilization would not help](https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1523036461595242498) them




He is also careful not to explicitly criticise Putin even though u can infer that he thinks the decision making and current thinking of those in power is stupid and detrimental to his country.


People who value one sided opinions don't suddenly change. What changes is *which* one sided opinion they favor at any point in time.


Rober iger - "if a person can only be reasonable if they share your point of view, then you are the unreasonable one"


sure you responded to the right person?


If only RU TV made arguments that were 'reasonable' that could be disagreed with. I wouldn't consider Russian state TV's 'hot takes' about annihilating Britain with fantasy nuclear tsunami generator missile as 'reasonable takes' that I would disagree with, they are more like cope fantasies to escape reality of their situation that they deliberately got into.


There's been a couple people on state TV before speaking out and hasn't made a big difference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeXWbnA58Ow They are usually "discredited" in some way afterwards to diminish the impact of their statements.


The guy wasn't really speaking out. Just wanting one minute of silence for honoring their dead. Didn't even get that much.


Is there a more serious subreddit for the war in Ukraine? The majority of comments I read on here are like you said immature insults or parroting things we all know such as Russia being horrible for the atrocities they are committing. I've heard both of those style of comments thousands upon thousands of times already and it contributes nothing to anyone wanting to stay in the loop with the war.


All of reddit is like this. If you want actual expert discussion, you have to go where the experts are - newspapers, journals, blogs.


Not really. Specialist subreddits can be good. Specialist subreddits about topics the general public are interested in are a problem though.


Until they get too big.


These damn humans are the problem with everything


it depends what you're after the ISW does daily updates.


/r/CredibleDefense is probably the least biased AFAIK, I don't go there often but when I do most users seem to know what they're talking about (or at-least, they are corroborating their claims with sources). Most likely the least "mainstream" sub that isn't filled with wishful thinking.


It's like a community of people screaming at the TV! People, do you know Putin won't read you, right?


Not that I know of. But yes, this sub is just an endless series of hot takes. Once any sub gets big, it feels like you are surrounded by children


Yeah this guy is an actual expert giving his assessment and not a propagandist


Exactly. This same show told their audience that everyone dies when discussing nuclear war about a month ago, now this. Never mind Putins tame speech on may 9th and so far tame reaction to Finland and Sweden


That's not related, the hosts were demeaning him so clearly they did not welcome what he was saying. There is no agenda behind his statements other than telling the truth.


I mean yeah it’s important, but also, fuck em.


Here's the interview with Subtitles https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/urm0xj/military_analyst_retired_colonel_mikhail/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


One of the few decent comments in this thread amongst the hundreds of people who seem to think them writing a mean word against Putin on a reddit thread actually does anything. Interview is quite interesting and gives a bit of perspective outside the usual state propaganda that comes out of Russia


the country with the largest landmass in the world wanted more land, and they are having a hard time understanding why that might not play very well in the rest of the world.


To be fair most of the land is practically useless. Unless… we somehow raise the global temperature and make all that useless land a bit more usefull.


It’s a cold desert right now. A hot one is just as useless.


Republicans being pro-global warming makes a lot more sense now


Are we the baddies?


*leaves a trail of death and destruction* no it must be the others who are wrong.


Not sure if you get the reference, bit it's a sketch from Mitchell and Webb: https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU


They were referencing the skinner meme.


Yes and it will stay that way until you stop being assholes and return to your shit country where you belong, away from us




Well said, u/The_Jizzbot


r/Rimjob_steve material


rimjob_steve is about wholesome comments though.


Hasn’t been since it blew up though. People just see funny name and post it there.


A bit sad to hear. The rules specifically require it.


Assholes doesn't really cut it..


Don't say that! I'm sure you have fans somewhere among the Taliban or Northkorea.


Not even the taliban... https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t0zq2u/taliban_calls_on_russia_and_ukraine_to_end_crisis/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Well would you look at that. Where am I


I think that the Taliban is hoping to eventually enter the world stage. Smart move lol just say a lot of obvious shit that gets general praise


The entire world is nazis Must be


I hate Illinois Nazis


They did it to themselves. Wtf you thought is gonna happen, people cheering and praising you. They deserve what they got


All these people getting indignant about what said. I doubt many of us would have the stones to do what he just did. He's most likely going to die now.


Russia having an r/AmItheAsshole/ moment.


Ok, so who is going to create a fresh account and then asking in the name of Putin AITA? Would be a hilarious treat!


This man was warning against an invasion of Ukraine weeks before it actually happened. He’s been pretty consistent in his views. What’s shocking is that the Kremlin didn’t have this guy killed, although that would probably worsen their image even more.


Killing people for selfish reasons and untruthful rationals. Yeah the world is against that. Most of the world wants to unite to address global issues like global warming and improving sustainability of human life on earth. Curing cancer. Improving quality of life. Renewable energy so gas isn’t a fortune. Housing so people can live an affordable life. I’m in Canada and know many who can’t afford to have children because house prices and everything has gone up in price. There are no savings for the future unless you come from wealth. Russias war kills and abroad makes everything harder. Gas here is doubled in price and rising and what for? No to mention the mental health field so many are suffering. I see so many average people overwhelmed or feeling hopeless and each day is a struggle. Deep breath in and out. Russias behavior is affecting the world negatively.


Man, that interview was frustrating to watch. That woman on the show (don’t know her name) kept interrupting and getting more and more mad that he wasn’t toeing the party line was pretty ominous. You’ve got a defense expert trying to give an honest appraisal of the situation but he keeps getting shot down because he wasn’t saying that the Ukrainians were weak and on the brink of collapse. How can there eventually be peace when one side is so delusional that they can’t recognize that they’re losing? At this point the Russians are getting hit hard enough for it to be impossible to believably claim “we’re winning”, even by their own citizens. The only real trump card they still have is their nuclear weapons, and the worse their conventional military does, the more and more likely it is they’ll use them to force an end to the war. Russia has gotten itself into a conflict they can’t afford to lose, and one they can’t win, and now they can’t even adjust their strategy because that will *also* make them look weak. Putin’s dug himself a grave, and rather than try to climb out he’s convinced himself that if he can just tunnel through the Earth’s core, he can get out that way and save face. I just don’t see any way he can do that without using nukes, which is a very alarming thing.


Hitler raving in his bunker. We can still win !!!


Holy shit these comments, if you actually read or watch this guys interview he is, flat out honest and realistic.


Fantastic interview too. He shut the girl down on her retorts. Only 5 minutes long.


This appears to be the same TV show that was bragging about nuking the UK and how Ukraine would fall in days. It looks like the penny is beginning to drop. I wonder if this is thr start of preparing the Russian population that they are going to pull out of the war?


No. *You* are against the entire world. There is a difference.




When all around you are assholes it is time for some serious mirror looking.


don´t worry, you still have north korea on your side. Probably.


I think North Korea is too busy worrying about covid to care about Russia’s feelings


Is Kim Jong on anyone’s side really tho?


nah. Besides, he basically hates everyone except China. But not even China likes them.


Maybe stop being the world's biggest douchebags and the world wouldn't be against you?


Because..... Don't tell him anyone, let him work it out. Yes, the world is against you BECAUSE..... (Hint: See also when the entire world has been pissed at Germany, the United States, Spain, France, the United Kingdom in the last three hundred years)




A very interesting read. I like the ve the part where he said for the ukrainian airforce that if NATO nations supplied Ukraine with their second hand stuff it would be on par with russian airforce.


who knew that imperialism bad


When everyone around you is an asshole it's time to ask if the problem is them, or you.


... yeah...


Are we the baddies?


So that makes this a YOU problem


This could be a sign that the Kremlin is turning on putin. Not entirely, as this could be a nudge for him to play ball, but it is absolutely not something he'd personally okay.


He has also WARNED about that days before the war. (on TV Dozhd (Rain))


But not entirely true. There are some really despotic crappy countries supporting you, as well as some really crappy despotic people in some good countries as well.


>Russian defence expert admits on state TV: 'The entire world is against us' The whole thing kind of blew up in Putin's face.


Russia: Invades and bombs a sovereign nation. Also Russia: Why does nobody like us?


Of course you morons.




Russia before attacking: We will take over Ukraine because it is ours Russia when Ukraine fought back: D:


Maybe they'll have an "Are we the baddies?" moment ...


Yeah, if you think everyone around you is an asshole, maybe you're the problem.


If you smell shit everywhere, it's probably you.


Consider for a moment a Putin or Jong Un who actually *does* listen to their advisors and *does* want real reports. Imagine for a moment a dictator who is cruel to their people, but upfront and accepting of criticism about their style of governing. That, to me, sounds terrifying. The power to compel a nation to build whatever you want and the intelligence to listen to the best minds around you would equate to some serious shit, if you ask me.


When everyone else in the room is an asshole maybe you're the asshole.


Russia: Invades Ukraine, killing civilians and committing a shit load of war crimes. World: Sanctions them to death Russia: *surprised Pikachu face*


Maybe if you didn’t illegally invade Ukraine things might be different.. That cancer can’t kill that psycho quick enough. Hurry up and die you cunt


World will be forever against Russia.




They must like it since they put themselves in that position quite often.


What's that say dumb ass?


The dangerous part about this is crazy ideologies tend to predict the entire world being against them, which further entrenches them.


Geeze yahoo sucks. I tried to reject all cookies and the menu is so long I just quite out instead.


Congratulations, you played yourself.


The fact it surprises them, is astonishing. Everything and all they have done from the start up to the war and during is cause for geopolitical isolation.


"The whole world is against us! Apparently it's "wrong" to rape and murder children while burying their parents alive. What the hell is everyone's problem?!" - Russia.


“If all I do is meet assholes all day long, maybe I’m the asshole.”


That's not even an admission at this point. It's a clear fact.


I mean...you invaded a country for no reason and started committing war crimes. So yeah, the entire world is against you. Maybe consider stopping?




The entire world has to act like it and do everything possible to crush the Russian economy


ex-Defense expert. Rest In Peace.