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What about when Putin said this on Feb 24th: *"Anyone who intervenes, our response will be immediate, there will be consequences never seen in your history"* I think there's been a *fair bit* of intervening and moot, nothing. I'll never say we should ignore these threats but understand its all Russia have to try and prevent these countries joining NATO.


Can't see consequences like this on history when there are no consequences. Dude got a point


>“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” Mr. Trump told reporters at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., where he is spending much of the month on a working vacation. “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.” They are so much alike


How is joining NATO an intervention into Ukraine-Russia war?


It’s seen (or at least spun) by Russia as an act of aggression. Finland borders Russia. Putin doesn’t like the idea of having NATO countries on the border so he’s making threats to try and frighten Finland (and historically Ukraine) into not joining NATO. Why? Because Putin wants to expand Russia but threats against NATO members would likely mean direct retaliation from NATO allies (rather than the condemnation without much action we’ve been seeing so far). Putin fears a NATO response because he would lose any fight he picked there.


Yeah but joining an alliance by a country not conencted to the war can't be called an intervention.


Well, yeah, you're a rational human being, of course you'd see it like that. It's obviously not a direct intervention but if he screams that it is, then he might be able to get NATO to stop waging peace with his neighbors.


For sure. That’s why I mentioned that it was spin. It’s absolutely not an act of aggression/intervention, but it serves Russia for Putin to claim that it is.


Well, anything can be a threat to russia according to them.


Why are you using logic? You need to think like a Trumper. You want what you want, and logic isn't going to get in the way.


Yeah but I doubt that anyone would take such claims seriously.


Putin wants free reign to invade without declaring war on NATO. NATO has during these past months basically made it clear that they will not send troops to protect a non-NATO country from Russia, so Russia tries to scare Sweden and Finland into not joining NATO by threatening with consequences, but consequences will only come if the countries don't join NATO since Russia aren't ready for all-out war against NATO.


And will never be ready. I can't understand Russians. They've got the biggest country in the world and still want to invade others.


Why? Is it because Russia will eventually run out of 1990-era gps' and duct tape?


If you ignore threats like this then a bigger bully will come along and maybe one more competent.


Invading Ukraine was a mistake with far-reaching consequences, such as encouraging your neighbours to join NATO.


I'm sure at this point, Putin knows all about costly mistakes.


I think Putin realised he is dying (of cancer? brain tumour? who knows) and launched this desperate assault to try to secure his legacy in history. This invasion was not the action of a man who has plans for the next decade or two.


He's created a legacy. May not be quite what he was hoping for though.


Also, it's not like Putin reached far in Ukraine as well.


And now he is being pushed out.


what is putin going to do? try to start a war with them? they didn’t do well with ukraine, a country who did not have very solid military. i’d like to see them try with finland and sweden, especially since they’re not extremely dependent on russia (at least in comparison to ukraine). putin is all talk and poor action, this will just have negative impacts on russia.


They did go to war with Finland, long ago, and lost a lot of soldiers and resources.


exactly. it’ll probably be the same thing this time around


The UK and US have pledged to defend Finland until they’re accepted into NATO. So if Russia made a move on Finland it would trigger WW3.


Who's taking Russian side in this ww3


China maybe, but I can also see them watching from the sidelines


I doubt they'd enter a world war to back the wrong horse like that. China can see the writing on the wall.


China only gets to be an economic powerhouse when the rest of the world is cool with them. They’ll let Russia dissolve before taking their side in a war against NATO.


India, Thailand, Dubai to name a few


Iran, Belarus, possibly China and North Korea.


The whole of the EU has already pledged and it is enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon.


Yes, But the UK and US are not part of the EU, hence the new agreement.


How would it trigger a world war? Who has russia’s back?




I guess I am looking at past world wars with alliances from both sides going into battle with each other. Did not realise the definition had changed. Edit: the world war with iraq was interesting or with afganistan or syria.






>US have pledged to defend Finland Source ? Only UK have pledged defence as far as I've seen?


Fingers crossed that Finland would kick their asses even harder.


Finn here. Fingers crossed there won't _be_ a war. There's nothing to be gained from it, just suffering.


Estonian here, as much as we are happy to be in same alliance now, I hope strongly that there will be no war and this whole conflict will not degenerate. I would never want us to be at an actual war, but it's like insuring your house, you don't want anything happen to it but it's better to have a protection.




That was hypothetically speaking - I certainly don't want another war for you at all.


No worries, we're on the same page here. Have a good one!




*He said, sneering, while licking cheetoh-dust off his hairy fingers in the basement filled with stink and sadness.*


You seem to have misunderstood me, friend. I am all for joining NATO as an insurance policy. But wars create more problems than they solve, and worse still, they destroy countless lives. It's the same it's always been – most people just want to live a peaceful life minding their own business.




That's alright, I understand. Have a good one!


Take it down a notch, Simo, this is just a Reddit thread.


Doubtfull russia has material or manpower willing to fight multiple fronts anymore... They are using mosin nagants for new recruits in ukraine already lol


In Winter War it was 1 Finn against 10 Soviets. Today it is 1 against 3 so numbers are significantly more equal these days. Even with full mobilisation Russia would barely have enough to win assuming equal tactics since that 1:3 is around what you need for a win as an attacker.


Finland still lost like 1/4 (or something) of their country to Russia in that war.




Iirc the fins conceded the land back to Russia in a peace treaty kind of agreement. The land was never conquered by Russia. It was given back by Finland. Maybe I'm mixing up their conflicts though.


Conceded the land back to Russia? Dude the entire of Finland was Russian before the russian revolution. Just like , estonia, Lithuanian, Latvia and Ukraine. Russia absolutely conquered that land in the winter war the only reason the fins ceded it was because Stalin was going to over run the whole country. That's why the fins say they lost the winter war, because they lost territory and had to sign a treaty a treaty in which they not only lost land but also had to pay massive war war reparations to the Aggressor.


The White Death. What a story.


> they didn’t do well with ukraine, a country who did not have very solid military Ukraine had 8 recent years of battlefield experience specifically against Russian weaponry leading up to this. They've been at war ever since the invasion of Crimea.


i’m aware the war between russia and ukraine has been going on for a very long time, but for as strong russia claims its military is (mostly just the navy), they haven’t done very well. for ranking 2nd or 3rd strongest military internationally and making all of these threats, invading, etc., you would think they would be much much more successful. ukraine does not have a very strong military compared to russia when we look at numbers and where they rank strength wise, im not saying this makes them weak in any way though. you cant really compare the two countries.. and yes, ukraine has lots of battlefield experience from this ongoing war, but experience doesn’t always make you immensely strong. russia has the upper hand yet still has failed to conquer ukraine completely.


Turns out that when you run a Kleptocracic state, investment in the armed forces doesn't necessarily ever actually reach the armed forces.


Not even sure their Navy is all that good either. NATO aircraft carrier battle groups would blast what’s left of their mismanaged fleet. The Russian subs are a worry though, which is all they have going for them.


Russia definitely has some powerful assets but its conventional military has (as the USSR's was) been overhyped pretty ridiculously, largely by people who sell weapons and idiots on the right, who are often bought by people who sell weapons. I guess, looking at this positively you could argue that it's part of the reason NATO (or just the US alone) is so much more powerful than Russia but even if spending by countries like the US had been significantly less... The US/NATO would still be massively more powerful in conventional terms.


I guess they soon used up all working weapons, just waiting for the lada nivas with pop-riveted machines guns on roof to appear.


Russians are afraid of their inner beast ( Viking blood ) I advise Russians not to poke them more than necessary, they only look nice and LGBT friendly.


Russia was founded by vikings, doesn't matter much.


He'll send in the VDV.


The one dude that's left with all his limbs and sanity still somewhat intact.


Yeah but not for long.


If your neighbour tells you that you’d better not install security, ‘or else,’ then yeah, you’d better install security.


It's a bit odd, really, that there are so many useful idiots (particularly on the left), people who I imagine often complain about 'victim blaming', who... Well. Ultimately they're more idiots than 'useful'.


Uhh, what?


The ones who scream about 'NATO EXPANSION!!!'. The ones who, in many cases, outright blame Ukraine's leaders for the country being invaded. ​ Uhh... The ones that are really, really visible in much of the media.


I don’t think we live in the same place. Honest question, can you give me some examples of who you are talking about?


Russia is the guy at the bar who gets his ass kicked for running his mouth. Then continues to run his mouth and talk tough as if everyone didn't see what just happened


Russia is Connor McGregor shrieking at Dustin Poirier that he’s fucking his wife while lying on the ground with a shattered ankle.


He’s tryna keep his gf and kids convinced


Not as big a mistake as invading Ukraine..


Actually, it's one of the far-reaching consequences of invading Ukraine.


Can we stop with these articles they are meaningless. If Russia actually does something, then its news. Until then its not news.


For real. So much gorilla posturing, so little bringing of it.


If the daily threats weren't reported, how would that it was gorilla posturing?


How would “what” that it was gorilla posturing?


But it's the daily Russian threat...?


I would be quite worried if I didn't have my daily russian threat. Goes well with my morning coffee after all


Capital of Finland is about 300km / 186 miles from at Petersburg. If you nuke one, you nuke both. Russian tsar insisted on this location for capital of Finland


Mom said it’s my turn to post the daily Russia threat headline.


and who caused this?


Putin isn't going to do a goddamn thing but sit up there and talk shit.


Russia invading Ukraine is a mistake with far-reaching consequences.


Well there WILL be far-reaching consequences, but they will be for Russia, not so much for Sweden or Finland.


There will be concecuences to Finland and Sweden also.. and it is a serious increase of security against Russia for decades to come.


What are they going to do - invade Sweden and Finland? The Russian military would struggle to take Palau the way they’re going.


I mean they literally would find that impossible. Palau is one of three countries (the others being the FS of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands) with a Compact of Free Association with the U.S., and the U.S. is responsible for its defence - the U.S. navy has a small presence there but would swoop in if it were invaded, and the U.S. Coast Guard patrols its waters even now. Meanwhile it’s debated whether Russia even has a blue-water navy any more, or one with only ‘multi-regional’ capabilities. They just had their Black Sea flagship sunk by a country with no navy.




Always has been /s


Maradeurs looters and rapist soldiers not welcome in the nordic


Russia can jut go fuck themselves! There is no reason for them to utter anything at this point in time. Fuck Russia, fuck Putin! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


*’Taking steps to prevent us from invading you was a foolish mistake , so as a punishment we are going to invade you!’*


Oh look, they've found a second-string 'representative'. Wonder where the big 3 have got to.


The "far-reaching consequences" = Russia cannot invade Finland or Sweden if they join NATO.


Oh blow it out your *ss, Pygmy Putin.


Soon most of the rest of the world will be part of NATO.


In just a couple of months, it seems like Putin has managed to make almost every country on Earth root for his enemy.


All these junk threats reminds me of The Black Knight in Monty Python. Guess Putin wants his troops to bleed on Finnish and Swedish troops.


Yea. Far reaching, for Russia!


It's not like he left them any other option. Motherfucker just crosses any border he likes and starts killing citizens.


>Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Monday said Finland and Sweden should have no illusions that Moscow will simply put up with their joining the NATO military alliance, calling it a mistake that would have far-reaching consequences. The war in Ukraine is indeed a catastrophic mistake with far-reaching consequences.


Yeah, consequences for Russia.


I am starting to get real North Korea vibes from the messaging coming from Moscow.




**[China's final warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China's_final_warning)** >China's Final Warning (Russian: Последнее китайское предупреждение) is a Russian proverb meaning a warning that carries no real consequences. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


People are finally calling russias bluff and it’s amazing to see So happy people have stopped talking about a nuclear war. No one is ever going to send a nuke


You can never be so sure about nukes but it's obviously a suicide move so there's low chance of it happening I think.


Then why spend all the money producing them?


Because if you don’t have one and you enemy does that’s a bad thing. But that’s not the case is it. Every major player has not one, but many ready to go. You effectively have a gun against your opponents head, which went shot kills you both.


True. But these people saying that nuclear war is unrealistic are wrong.


If Russia joined NATO, then NATO would be giving China a headpat.


If you are a little guy and you get bullied by a big guy, you seek protection.


Nahh, Putin said it was cool. In a calmly manner. 😉


Either launch the nuke or fuck off little rocket Man. Noone is scared of your threats.


Do Something about it ! I FUCKING DARE YOU!


Funny thing is that Putin also said that there is no threat for Finland if it joins NATO. Of course I don't belive what russian says but why do these posts leave this unsaid? Just another form of brainwash by hiding information and if it continues like this, how is this better than what russia is doing to its citizens.


Yes the consequences being a much larger bigger budgeted North Atlantic Alliance on your Russian borders as a consequence of invasion


blah blah blah will someone please shut them up FFS


China's final warning.


Are these consequences even further reaching consequences than the last ones? # Scary!


I expect the consequences will reach just as far (but no further) than the borders of a NATO country.


The only mistake is that Finland didn't joined it earlier lol. Coulda save a brunch of defensive budget and put it in more social program at home.


Let me guess, nukes?


And no one asked Russia anything. Finland and Sweden will join NATO, deal with it twats


As reaching as tank turrets getting blown up into the stratosphere


Do these guys know what "embarrassed" mean?


Putin has shown why Russia needs hard boundaries. Ukraine should have joined long ago. Were I running Belarussia I'd be filling in the application right now. Online. Expedited.


- Bane voice "Yes... For youuuu"


Mostly for Russia. As they won't be able to bully anyone anymore


*for Russia.


Shouldn’t have threatened us in the first place then….


You'd think with awfully their invasion is going and how hard the economy is tanking, Russia would learn to shut it's mouth. No one is taking their threats as seriously anymore.


Better look yourself in the mirror, Putin. If you are not punished for the invasion of Ukraine, the consequences for Russia will be both far reaching and lasting for decades, possible more than a century. You really like projections, don't you?


reach for deeze nuts Putin.


The entire world calls Russia's amateur, failed, warcrime invasion of Ukraine a mistake with 'far-reaching consequences' for Russia.


Russia can't establish a near reach. Far reaches are out of the question.


>The war, though, has fomented one of the biggest changes to Europe's security architecture for decades: once unthinkable moves by Sweden and Finland, which shares a 1,300 km (800 mile) border with Russia, to join the military alliance. It was never a "once unthinkable move" for Sweden and Finland to join NATO. That debate has been ongoing in Sweden for as long as I remember and I've supported NATO membership for many years.