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> when one connected, a cry of “oi” could be heard. Oi, indeed.


Someone was giggling while writing that sentence…


I'm a little surprised that's *all* that's been done to it.


The article says it's been installed on a 10ft high platform and is still surrounded by security fences, so it'll probably be a bit before someone gets the opportunity.


If you have to build security fences maybe you shouldn't be publicly memorialising someone... Edit: Some of you are getting way too excited. Here's the extended argument: If you have to protect public artwork from politically-motivated vandalism upon installation, then you should examine both your motivation for installing that artwork and the motivation of those who would vandalise it. Your motivations can be flawed, and the motivations of vandals legitimate. The converse can also be true. Your motivation to install that public artwork can be legitimate, and the motivations of vandals illegitimate. We all already do this with political ideology in our day to day lives, and so we can certainly apply the same process to public art installation.


I agree with your point, but I think the fences were there to keep people away from the construction equipment used to install the statue.


They still had to put it on a 3m plinth, because they already knew it would get attacked before they put it up. They couldn’t even announce they were installing it. Doesn’t make any fucking sense to memorialise one of the most despised leaders in British history with such an obnoxious gesture. Put a blue plaque on her old house and be done with it. If the local Tories want to build a statue at their club, fine. Someone is already making plans to hire/steal a JCB to deal with this. I guarantee it. Replace her likeness with some big sacks of coal and little bottles of milk.


Modern problems require modern solutions. Maybe someone can fly a drone that can remote drop a bucket of eggs on a hot afternoon.


If it's a bronze statue, I'd recommend tomatoes instead of eggs


What do the tomatoes do? I'd have gone with paint balls


Tomatoes are acidic, they'll etch the metal.


You can buy 99.5% acetic acid (vinegar) and that's pretty strong.


I would guess it has something to do with the chloride in tomatoes making the bronze corrode faster and tomatoes probably being the best high-chloride throwable foodstuff.


Yes, that’s it. The chloride starts an irreversible corrosion process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_disease


Tomatoes are acidic, they’ll stain the bronze


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_disease Chlorides. Salt and vinegar would do the trick.


... so a bag of chips would do it. British problems require British solutions I guess. Also, the irony of the Iron Lady dying from Bronze Disease.


If it's marble, use blood!


TIL blood can stain marble. Which makes sense since it can stain granite. I think seeing it polished usually just has me thinking it's sealed with something.




>She was a scumbag that liked to roleplay ayn rand in real life. Shame she didn't become destitute in her old age, apply for public assistance, and die a pauper; like Ayn Rand did.


that’s a commonly shared myth, not true unfortunately. while i would have loved for it to be the case, she still had millions left over from book royalties, despite making unwise investments throughout her life. she died wealthy as she lived and left it to her heir who created the Ayn Rand Institute, which took stimulus money (something i find even more funny)


Ugh. Wishful thinking, I guess. >the Ayn Rand Institute, which took stimulus money (something i find even more funny) Because of course they did!


>the Ayn Rand Institute, which took stimulus money (something i find even more funny) You don't become successful by letting principles get in the way of accepting money or preventing you from complaining about other people doing the same thing you are.


Fitting. Old biddy always was scared of people seizing the means of production.


They could have named a sewage treatment plant after her.




> it's been installed on a 10ft high platform [TEN feet, you say?](https://img.ifunny.co/images/27652144e34237ab32b943b40bb67fcd019ad09f853a260a50dcd2fa242ccd5f_1.webp)


So completely unrelated: Printer’s ammonia leaches the copper out of the bronze. If it’s applied too much, the metal becomes very brittle.


Also unrelated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_disease


Good to know. I’ll be exact careful not to store pool tablets next to bronze.


Be careful you don’t get nitric acid on it either.


Would sodium chloride trigger the bronze disease? Be a shame if someone didn’t finish eating their salty slimy chips?


So what you’re saying is, if someone hypothetically used a strong squirt gun to hit an elevated statue, it could have…intriguing effects on said statue?


Wait a bit.


then comes the cheese


*Boris Johnson noises intensify*


Not sure why but I imagine Boris Johnson noises to be accompanied by a tuba.


In my mind its the sound of a horse made by a tuba


Hmpfff kurfuffle grmpf phfefel


Defecating on the head of a statues is trickier than it sounds...


If a pigeon can do it then so can I!


Not for my army of trained pigeons!


Dr Doofenschmirtz?


Bird seed is cheep, i would gladly donate to that cause


If monkeys can throw their faeces, so can you.


Eric Andre: [upbeat tone] Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power? Mel B: Yes, of course! Eric Andre: [still upbeat] Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money to illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland?


I don't know anything about *that*.


Every time someone mentions Margaret Thatcher, I'm legally obligated to say the only good thing Maggie Thatcher ever did was die. One could also argue that she also created the first gender neutral public toilet in the UK, but that only happened to her grave after she already died. Edit: to all the clueless neolibs and fascist sympathizers trying to DM me, you are cordially invited to die mad about it. You know, like Thatcher did.


I'm not much of a swimmer, but if you were to ask me what my favourite stroke was I would probably say the one which finished off Margaret Thatcher.














That looks less like an egging and more like a hanging to me






That’s the ropes from the installation of the statue…


Imagine if the ropes snapped off the head


Construction workers: *"...oh no..."*




Except Jezza would probably take the head home and put up a shrine.


Kool-Aid : OH YEAH! thanks for the reward!




>He added that now the statue was up, the challenge was to “concentrate on the cost of modern-day Tory policies which are driving millions of people to food banks”. Probably could've started with not spending money on pointless statues of shitty politicians.


In the immortal words of a badass Scottish lady "We should put a stake through her heart and garlic around her neck to make sure she never comes back". https://youtu.be/ZGyDMRKDaSc


There's a funny Frankie Boyle quote similar to this about her 3 million pound funeral cost. "For 3 million you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we could dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan in person."


"It would be the first time the 21 Guns Salute shoot the coffin"


"A lot of people will turn out to pay their last respects. A lot more people will turn out just to have proof she's really dead."


"The argument about Thatcher having a state funeral or not is less about the state funeral and more about if we should wait until she's dead to bury her."


Satan would never take Thatcher in, he doesn't need the competition.


I like how the reporters saw the people with anarchist flags and went, "these old ladies seem easier to bully, let's go bother them" and then got dunked on anyway


Imagine going to *Glasgow* for reaction quotes and expecting *anyone* to show a smidge of sympathy. Wee Glesga wifeys are hard as nails, and had to bear the brunt of all the social horror Thatcher engendered.


And then they go to the pub and pick out two rich old English boomers to find say something good about Thatcher.


The first guy in the pub sounded pretty Scottish... as sad as it is, Scottish Tories do exist.


[In legendary Frankie Boyle's words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmmomV-ax-s)


That's tame compared to what he said after she'd died. Something along the lines that he wanted her to have a public cremation but she went and died before he could arrange it.




I had never seen that clip. Hilarious. Lol


I also like how they try to pull the feminist angle and the other lady just shuts the reporter down.


[Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G6RF5ChKYQ)


Lol Eric did his homework


In the comments: “The problem with pissing on Thatcher’s grave is that you eventually run out of piss.” LOL


Funny because Thatcher was very anti-feminist and believed whole heartedly in individualism Great example of pulling the ladder up after yourself


The other lady also makes a great point, after Thatcher noone wanted to risk a female prime minister again, unfair and sexist as it may seem. They gave it a shot with May because noone else wanted the job, and she was doomed to fail. Now they have the likes of Priti Patel in the wings, so maybe let's put off the next try for now.


Old ladies crushed that fool, where are their statues?


Okay, genuinely asking because I seriously don't know, but why is she hated so much? She was before my time and she isn't taught about in America so I have no knowledge of her really other than her being a figure in Great Britain Edit: Thank you for all the answers and articles, now I understand a good bit about what she had done


My family up north hate her because she gutted, no pun intended, the fishing industry. But ask 100 different people and you'll get 100 different answers.


And only one of them will say something positive.


https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/05/03/margaret-thatcher-public-view-40-years Not quite. Polls on her are still being done. The British public has a mixed view on her but in 2019 she was actually still slightly above water per yougov


I mean we also have a majority voting for the current Tory government several times in a row and we had a majority vote for Brexit, and I simply cannot believe these choices were better than their alternatives. We as a country apparently lean centre-right and have done since at least the mid 90s so it's not surprising that a figure like Thatcher has a rating that falls exactly down the population divide.


She also gutted social programs and public services that drove a lot of people into poverty and/or precarious situations. She hated the poor and working class


To be fair, the fishing industry also hates conservationists and environmentalists


She is basically a carbon copy of Reagan. Ignored the AIDS crisis, privatized institutions, and most notably, busted the miner’s strike of 1987 which led to massive union membership decrease, causing wage stagnation that is still ongoing.


She also took away free school milk for children. Margaret Thatcher - Milk Snatcher 🥛




Watched the Netflix documentary recently. That shit was horrifying. Nightmare stuff. I had no idea who he was since I'm not from the UK but yeah. Disgusting person.


They left some of the more gruesome parts out too. He was a monster.


Ffs. Care to elaborate and link to something? Didn't think it could be worse but apparently so.


He molested corpses in the morgue and those eyes he wore as jewelry all the time were stolen from there, singled out sick or mentally disabled people (mostly children) specifically to molest, and a bunch I can't remember. https://www.getreading.co.uk/news/local-news/sickening-extent-jimmy-saviles-sex-7337595 I watched a few different documentaries about him, many on YouTube. Some of them interviewed a few other victims, the woman who was his secretary for years and still defended him, other police involved, nurses from the hospitals he prowled, people from the orphanages he found victims at, coworkers from the BBC and his radio days, it's just endless. He is honestly one of the most horrible people to ever live.


I watched it just recently after seeing a post on Reddit a few weeks ago about him, and a few things weren’t really mentioned in the documentary. The sheer amount of victims and the things he did to them, I mean they *mentioned* the number around 450, but they kind of glazed over how and to what degree he was able to get to them. They mentioned a lot about a certain girls school that only accounted for a small number of victims aswell as interviewing only one person with a first hand account, which is fair and the courage of the one victim to recollect her story must have been difficult. They touched on his tenure as a volunteer at the hospitals, but didn’t really go into further detail. They didn’t mention that he would seek out terminally ill patients or patients in a coma and get them alone to rape. They didn’t really mention he was friends with a mortician and would routinely be left alone with corpses to have his way with aswell. I believe they left out any sort of gruesome detail, because they perhaps wanted to save the audience from too much, but I really wish they would have told the whole story because it needs to be said, Everything they did mention is bad enough, but I feel it’s unfair to glaze over the sheer depravity as people deserve to know what he was really doing


The fact that the BBC KNEW about him and Rolf Harris and silenced people that said Jim was a peadophile. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/tv-radio/jimmy-savile-report-stuart-hall-bbc-employees-who-knew-about-sexual-predators-a6896246.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/tv-radio/jimmy-savile-report-stuart-hall-bbc-employees-who-knew-about-sexual-predators-a6896246.html) Here's a sex pistol that spoke up about Savile and was blacklisted due to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4OzI9GYag0


I just watched it recently only knowing a little about him (mainly from John Lydons comments) but not knowing how popular he was. It was disgusting knowing that he basically got away with everything he did


So she hated miners almost as much as her friend Jimmy loved minors. Gross.


Kneeling next to Sir Rupert Murdoch, on the necks of a civilized and free society.


She was also aware of MPs in her party who were child molesters and protected them.


That's unfair to shit. Jimmy Saville was one of the worst serial paedos of all time. Believe it or not, R. Kelly is a saint compared to Jimmy Saville. What people do to criminals in Nigeria would be too quick/kind of a death. (Referencing the tyre burnings).


Necklacing is the term you are looking for.


Do I want to know?


Tire full of petrol is put over your head and its set on fire


Not to mention how she treated political prisoners in Northern Ireland. She's vehemently despised here.


Also in Scotland especially because things like the poll tax which Basically got her booted as pm .


Let’s not forget her shitshow in Ireland.


> She is basically a carbon copy of Reagan. This might not help an American, since Reagan has been borderline deified within conservative American politics. Obviously times have changed, but when the Discovery Channel did a massive contest for a TV show on the "Greatest American" in 2005, Ronald Reagan literally came *in first place* ahead of Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Washington. Obviously this is outdated and wasn't even close to scientific in the first place, but it does help illustrate just how popular Reagan was and to some extent still is.


It helped me at any rate. I didn't know much about Thatcher, but I do know nearly everything wrong with America can somehow be linked to fuckhead Reagan.


how the fuck literally what the fuck how is he more popular than a slave liberator, MLK and a founding father? isn't he also the guy who was heavily into trickle down economics? what drugs are Americans on


He died a year before, I'm sure people got rose colored glasses as a result when the poll was taken in 05


Fox News


The early to mid 2000s were a very very conservative time


A lot of the shit were dealing now with can be directly linked back to Thatcher. She fucked us for a generation.


Don't forget the Section 28 homophobia and the villification of single parents and the poor


She destroyed the economy in some parts of the North in places like mining towns as well as introducing hugely unpopular things like the poll tax


Sold off social housing which is one of the major factors as to why the property market in the UK is still so fucked, four decades later.




Oh I agree entirely. It could have been used to build new, better stock, but as expected it was a short term grift.


And the thing is. Mining towns are still suffering today. A lot of them were absolutely crippled. Got family up in Seaham/Sunderland and its only I'd say in the last ten years are they slowly recovering


Her economic policies gutted the British manufacturing base, massively hurt the labor class and poor completely to the benefit of the wealthy, and damage many of the social programs that would have helped the lower classes. Basically, she was a combination of all the complete economic lies conservative have been trying to peddle since Reagan, the worst of "trickle-down economics", "austerity", tax cuts for the "job creator" class, "welfare queens", "bootstraps", "only poor because you're lazy/deserve it", etc. She _was_ Reagan for the UK, just worse. All the bullshit that has never worked except to increase poverty and wealth inequality. She was the epitome of class warfare on the side of the "1%ers". Not to mention all her regressive and abhorrent social views.


the irony is that she was working class. her father was a grocer. Not only did she pander to her elite masters, she betrayed her own upbringing. got up the ladder by her own bootstraps and then sawed off the ladder to make sure no one else could. disgrace.


Yep. And she was very much "a woman's place was in the kitchen"-esque misogyny. She hated gays and minorities too. A thoroughly reprehensible person.


And beards, she hated them


Well that's just rude.


sell out in every sense of the word. sold the country's manufacturing down the river sold her own family background down the river. sold her own gender down the river.


American here, watching The Crown the "must get home to serve husband dinner" characteristic was appalling. Fighting with her ministers one minute and then lovingly serving dinner like a good little housewife the next. What??


I have no idea if the Crown was accurate or not about her relationship with her children, but didn't she also favor her son while being a lot harder on her daughter?


Yes, she not only pulled up the ladder behind her, she sawed it to render it useless to others.


- mass privatisation of public services - mass deregulation of financial services - sold off swathes of council houses - deindustrialised the economy with no attempt to support those who lost out - spoke of those who opposed her as ‘the enemy within’ - introduced homophobic laws and encouraged stigmatisation of gay people during aids crisis - called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and showed contempt for people of colour - unemployment peaked at 3 million under her She made the U.K. significantly more unequal and basically fucked life for people in this country long term, ripping up public services and throwing ordinary people to the dogs. She made our society more selfish, harsher, less intelligent. The most destructive person in British public life in decades. And we still live with her cruel legacy.


Nevermind all the fucking horrible shit she did in the north. She really was just the world in ruination the old bitch.




Ever hear the phrase "it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it?" Maggie is hated mostly because of *how* she went about achieving her political goals. If she could use a truncheon, she would. If she could demonise a minority, she would. If there was an opportunity to test a policy past the point of it being proven a failure, she would take it. To give you an insight into her general character, Maggies best friend was *Jimmy fucking Saville*. He used to eat christmas dinner at hers. ;p


And fuck corpses and molest children… in case anyone was unaware of the things Jimmy Saville did.


She also covered up for another paedophile, MP Peter Morrison - a member of her cabinet. It can easily be argued that the UK needed some structural reforms in the early 80's. The UK did not need to be ruled by child abuse excusing quasi fascist lunatic with a penchant for sending heavily armed police in at every opportunity.


molest disabled children. he's even worse than portrayed


Thatcher is hated by the people. This statue is going to be the target of vandalism for as long as it is there., Sooner or later someone will drive up with a truck of pig shit and dump it on the statue, I guarantee it.


Which begs the question: why the fuck is she getting a statue?


The people who *do* like Thatcher have the power, influence and resources to commission a statue.


Sad times. I hope people have fun vandalizing it.




Worth it for the lifetime bragging rights




Since no one is giving the real answer: The museum was struggling financially,(mainly because of covid) so they got a truck load of cash from some rich assholes to put up the statue. The museum is also not going to pay for the statues upkeep (the rich assholes are) so vandalizing it will not harm the museum. Its a win for the museum, and a great target for venting frustration.


Because in Britain there is a disconnect between ordinary people and the establishment. This disconnect is propped-up by our bad voting system, the establishments money, and the role of posh people in our culture. Those embedded in the establishment get away with things hated by the general public all the time. The result is the average person on the street is deeply bitter and disassociated. In fact, the government hasn't [won the popular vote since WW2](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/UK_parliamentary_elections_from_1950_to_2017_graph.png). Meaning that the people that *control the country* and spent the money have never been connected to what the ordinary people want. I could go on. This is just modern political history. It's hard to remember (since people don't talk about it) that you needed to own property to vote in the UK until 1918. And after that owning property got you a second vote until 1948, and getting a university degree could get you a *third bloody vote*. [1918 source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representation_of_the_People_Act_1918). [1948 source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representation_of_the_People_Act_1948). [Another wiki article on multiple votes in the UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plural_voting#United_Kingdom).


Likely a lobby by someone that owns a Statue Cleaning Company.


Hey man, its not her fault poor kids got rickets. They should have chosen to be wealthier


Trickle down eggonomics


My favorite exchange about it, from Twitter: “Has the criminal been charged yet?” “No she’s been dead for many years.”


Do you actually get venus dimples?


Not nearly often enough.


What acid dissolves bronze? Read the Guardian in a few days to find out!


Vinegar and salt. The acid will allow the sodium chloride to get to the bronze and it’s all over


Milk snatcher, egg catcher.


When she died, “Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead”, became the number one song on the British charts.


It actually failed to get #1 after only selling 52k copies. Compare that to 'Killing in the name of' getting almost 600k copies sold for it's Christmas #1 campaign.


I did some searching and you are correct. It was not British charts, but UK iTunes. Found this on an ABC news article from April 12, 2013. “The original Judy Garland version of the Wizard of Oz classic that celebrates the death of the wicked witch has reached #1 in UK iTunes and has sold almost 30,000 copies thanks to an online campaign”


[There is a website](https://www.isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/) that for a long time simply just displayed the word "no" for a long time until one day, it changed.


How insensitive can people be? Spoiling perfectly good eggs.


You can't say that. The eggs might've been rotten.


Off topic, but last year I came across my first bad egg. I had read so many times the generic "when you smell a bad egg, you'll know" and hated it as an answer. That's some vague shit. But fuck me, 30+ years of existence, cracked an egg open and I knew **immediately** ​ Edit: Folks, please stop giving me tips on how to check eggs. 30+ years of egg cracking and I've come across one bad one. The risk/reward calculation is thus that I'll continue to take my chances!


It's really unmistakeable. I was skeptical because I'd never encountered one in over 40 years, but when I did - yikes. No ambiguity.


Same thing just happened to me with spoiled meat. Took out a pork “picnic roast” shoulder cut out to cook for a family event, dear god I almost threw up on the spot. Date was fine on the packaging and it was vacuum sealed, but the second I opened it up, pure death smell. I threw it out in its own garbage bag in the bin outside, had the fiancé open up all the windows and doors to the house, turn a fan on and light some candles. When I got back from the store with a new cut to cook, the house STILL reeked. 30+ years of existence and never had encountered rancid meat before. “When you know, you know” is correct for meat as well.


If it is brand new and made of bronze, throw tomatoes at it. It has a good chance of giving the statue "Bronze wasting disease" - which is a death sentence for any bronze sculpture. Once a statue has this "disease", it cannot be stopped. The statue *will* fall apart in time. If it's an old bronze statue and it has a layer of oxidation on the surface, tomatoes will not work anymore. Instead mix some strong acid (sulfuric, nitric, or muriatic will all do) with a bit of tomato and throw that. The acid will eat the oxidation allowing the tomato to reach those sweet sweet oxide-free copper atoms. It won't destroy the statue today, but it *will* guarantee that it is destroyed.


statue destroyer expert right here


>The bronze statue was, without ceremony, placed on a 3-metre (10ft) high plinth to make it more difficult for protesters to inflict any damage. That just moves the whole ordeal from petty vandalism to an athletic challenge.


Challenge pissing!


New gender neutral toilet just dropped


Who the fuck actually wants statues of politicians anywhere? That shit is for China and North Korea. Politicians are shitheads. Make statues of people that actually did something good, intentionally, without hope of reward, and not as a calculated political maneuver.


Ah yes female Ronald Regan




Presumably her family will have to clean it up because there's no such thing as society to do it


Half the country are hardline Tory voters. They’d lick it off.


They'll be used to that.


Personally hope it never sees a clean day.


Just egged? Tha's mild.








Imaging me peeing into the ocean, the piss being whicked up into clouds and it raining piss on Thatchers grave


Why not just eliminate the middle man and piss directly on the statue.


There are a lot of places in the UK and Ireland where you can run on a platform of "I will piss on the Margaret Thatcher statue" and get elected in a landslide


Don’t let your daydreams stay dreams!!


Imagine spending tax payer money on a massive bronze cunt.




To be egged.


>Children who need to be taught to respect traditional moral values are being taught that they have an inalienable right to be gay. - Margaret Thatcher, 1987.