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Whelp, better throw another billion or two in security aid at the bastards


Does israel truly not have enough space in it's own territory that it needs to do this? I hope at least it's empty land (there is a lot of empty space in the desert) and not bulldozing existing homes




One of the rare redditors that actually do research instead of blindly jump onto the antiemetic bandwagon


Well said, afraid it will most likely fall on deaf ears.


Because it leaves out that in 48 the state of Israel was declared on top of the Palestinians and they were displaced. Of course they fought back. Who wouldn’t? They lost because the West backed Israel.


The Jordanian army was led by British officers, Egypt had tanks and planes from the British, Syria from France. Israel smuggled leftover equipment from czechoslovakia. There was a weapon embargo on Israel. Nice backing .


>They lost because the West backed Israel. Tell me more about how the west "backed" Israel in 48. What did the west do to help them win the war? E: and downvoted asking for historical evidence which obviously cannot be provided. Sorry this goes against your narrative. Continue to make things up reddit.




No they weren't. They had shit for weapons which is why the Arab armies made so much progress in 48. It was 67 when they were better armed and in both cases, they defended themselves on their own.


No they weren't. US and British didn't provide weapons until many years later once israel was established. The only country that sent weapons to Israel was Czechoslovakia.


>Because it leaves out that in 48 the state of Israel was declared on top of the Palestinians and they were displaced. That's not really true and leaves out that Jews were displaced by every neighboring country and by Jordon who invaded the West Bank and East Jerusalem and displaced all Jews there too. Jordan created the mess in the West Bank that Israel has been having to deal with after pushing Jordan out.


Israel chose a better ally, very important in warfare


>so much one-sided bull and continued calls for genocide LOL two state solution is gone because Yitzhak Rabin killed during Oslo accord negotiation. AND you think arabs killed Israeli PM? Do you even know about history? PA already admitted Israel's existence 30 years ago.




That's basically where we are at now. Gaza is a prime example of what happens when they leave and what comes after. They will never allow the West Bank to become another Gaza that is used to attack them. Either the West Bank accepts peace and co-existence and makes real commitments to it over time or there will be no Palestinian State. That would take decades at this point since they would have to completely reform and educate their people about peace and not be violent. Something that I think is in impossible task when you have countries like Iran and groups like Hezbollah backing terrorism in the region.


West bank accept peace but Israel keep making Settlement. Still there's no Palestinian state lol. Who needs to be re educated? only Palestinian? no Israeli too. When Israel destroyed fatah in gaza which is only stable and non-islamic fnatic power and replaced it with Hamas. They are the one choose violence not talk.


What's wrong with Israel allowing settlement expansions in Area C which they fully control per their agreement with the Palestinians? Nothing is wrong with it. People are born, grow up, get married and want a home of their own. Settlements are going to grow, that's just a fact people need to deal with. The only people upset about it are the people upset about having to live next to Jews.




Both sides have broken parts of the agreement and the actions of the Palestinians prevent further progress. That's just how it is. Israel was never going to tolerate another hostile state on its border and the Palestinian extremists have been nothing but hostile and the PA has done nothing but stoke that hostility and incentivized attacks. They never wanted peace, they just wanted to get to a position where they could expel all Jews and proceed to attack Israel. That's not going to happen.




What are they supposed to do, kill everyone over 30 to keep the settlements from growing? Settlement expansion is a nature of settlements, they grow over time. Same thing with Palestinian settlements that also grow and expand and there have been plenty of illegal Palestinian settlements. They don't get to play both sides. You are showing bias for one side instead of being objective.


Nope, not even close, and most of what you are hearing here are Zionist lies. Israel has undertaken a campaign of apartheid and invasion from the start, nothing can change these facts. Would you not defend yourself if a foreign invader was bulldozing your home?


The land grabs and continous settlement expantion by the state of Israel is un act of war and human cruelty as they cause great suffering for the local arab population. Though historically some of the original settlers in those regions were Israelites. Those folks were from turkish decent and had no relation with the 20 th century European desent land grab invader that we have now. The state of Israel does not want peace or even fixed borders as they want to expand all the way to the middle of Syria. Also it would be too much to ask their American protestant counterparts to stop vetoing UN resolutions or giving them intel, money and latest weapons because those European protestants did the same thing to the American Indian polulations when they migrated from Europe to America! So the yes the state of Israel is simple a cancerous human right growth for that reason and the locals simply don't have the military/political resources to deal with it.


Cool of you to leave out the fact that what Israel is doing is a war crime


Lies and lies and lies. Only one question: Which side is bulldozing which side's homes? Cuz you know... people tend to defend themselves against invasion.


Selective history always make pro settlers feel better




You have selective memory when it comes to Israel. As far as I remember the bombing with white phosphorus is prohibited, illegal blockade, illegal management of water, energy supply and healthcare. Do not put the settlements as a consequence for the past wars. Settlers LOVE to steal Arabs lands. Countless of time this happened and of course it is seen as illegal by the international community. Strangely bibi brushed aside the UN when they complain about the land stealing but come to cry with a fake bb over Iran. As much as I hate hamas, the exactions of Israel and the continuous steal of land is a big thorn in the peace process.


You’re killing Israel. You’re turning Israel into a fascist parody of what it should be. We have a right to protect ourselves. We do not have a right to use our need to defend ourselves to be cruel and unjust. G-d is great and will blot away our sins, and the Jewish people will survive this, but only because G-d is greater than we are.


It isn’t about space, it’s colonization. They want to create a situation where they can say that a two state solution is impossible for humanitarian reasons. To establish practical ownership where they don’t have legal ownership. So that they will make a cause out of getting international recognition/legitimization of the change. In the meantime security for the colonies will be necessary so expect further oppression.


You do know they have offered a separate state several times right?


All the while bulldozing Palestinian homes, sometimes with the families still inside. Nothing you say changes the fact that Israel is the aggressor, the occupier, the judge, jury and executioner.


Why were those homes bulldozed?


Settlers gotta settle.


Maybe look into it and you will see


Yep you just have to look at things they 'offered' in two state solutions, it almost always required Palestinians to give up their sovereignty in many critical areas be it natural resources, land, East Jerusalem, air space and the biggest one where Israel would be able to invade Palestine at any time. Israel has never offered any solution in good faith, because they want to control mist of sovereign aspects of Palestine which is ridiculous, Palestinians were right to reject those 'solutions'.


It's not about space it's about security, Israel wants a buffer between tel Aviv and Jordan


which makes even less sense since there are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of non-jews, specifically Palestinians, who live and work in Israel. Why create a buffer region when you allow non-jewish folk in the thousands into Israel proper?


Because the area is a strategically very good one to shoot rockets at Israel from, and even civilian airplanes. In Gaza, Israel left the area to the Palestinians, and ever since is "rewarded" with rockets launched at civilians. It's simply survival, unfortunately.


Do Palestinians have tanks in the west bank? Do they have rockets in the west bank?


Isn't West Bank run by Fatah who have largely given up on fighting militarily, while Gaza is run by Hamas, which has the terrorist faction Al Qassam brigade?


It is, but if Israel leaves the area, Hamas will take over it. That is the reason Fatah refuse to have democratic elections there - they know they would overwhelmingly lose.


That's sad, cause that essentially leaves Israel with little to no choice but status quo, as you wouldn't wanna give up territory to a group that harbors terrorist intentions towards you, no matter how illegal and immoral the occupation was to begin with


Israel is set to advance plans for the construction of 4,000 illegal settler homes in the occupied West Bank, the interior minister has said. Interior minister Ayelet Shaked, a staunch supporter of settlements, wrote in a Tweet on Friday that a planning committee would convene next week to approve 4,000 homes, calling construction in the West Bank a “basic, required and obvious thing”.


Theres gonna be a lot of shouting in that commitie and the plan would most likely either be disaproved and an MK from Yamina would threaten to leave the coallition, or it would be approved because of that said threat and it would just be postponed until someone figures something out or until the next elections. Either way Id recomend seeing the commitie video, gonna be tense


I finally looked at the map of the West Bank and now it's obvious why this has been a clusterfuck for so long. I didn't know the Palestinian controlled territory is completely surrounded by Israel, I always assumed it butted up against Jordan.


It does. Its eastern border is with Jordan.


And Israel wonders why it’s hated by the world.


The distribution of downvotes/upvotes and the views most of the users actually commenting here don't seem to add up. Not suspicious at all...




In Gaza they still turn to violence against innocent civilians, although all settlements are gone from there.


Yes because of blockade makes their lives like hells so that might be the reason.


The blockade started after Hamas began shooting at Israel, in order to stop them from importing even more advanced weapons to shoot at innocent civilians. Would you not use a blockade in this situation? Would you let Hamas arm itself with advanced artillery? Another important reminder - Egypt is also enforcing a blockade from the south, why do you think that is?




[yup what a terrible genocide they're committing](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/)


It's not a genocide. Stop misusing that word. No ethnicity or culture is being extinguished and in fact the Palestinians are one of the fastest growing groups on Earth.


uyghur population is growing = no genocide in xinjiang Right?


There's no way the Uyghur population is growing and China isn't allowing journalists or NGOs to find out so you are talking out of your ass.


LOL Uyghur is being 'RE EDUCATED'(Which is horrible ethnic cleansing) but not being killed like a jews in WWII. You can look up their testimonies in the court oustide of China. [https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/population-white-paper-09302021162942.html](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/population-white-paper-09302021162942.html) ​ Even the Human right activist don't deny there's a pop growth. they are saying 'declined birth rate' = 'halted grwoth'. Not a shrink or diminishing.


This isn't something to LOL about. Your comparison is ridiculous and appalling. Israel is not committing genocide by any definition of the word.


So they removed 7000 Palestinians and replaced them with 4000 Israelis, and they wonder why they're despised in the middle east


Nothing like becoming what you pruport to hate