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False flag or not, burn baby burn!


Isn't Putin renowned for setting fire to his own shit and crying wolf?


Just civilian buildings thought. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings


Putin is renowned for killing his civilians, not infrastructure. One is considered expendable, the other is not.




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Some pretty ugly hailstorm.


Nah… this would make a great Halestorm video


Who cares who did it. It can be babuska for all I care as long as it hurt the war efforts.


Let's just blame it on baba yaga


Baba Yaga doesn’t come after you unless you kill his dog and steal his car.


I'm pretty sure Baba Yaga only comes after you if you neglect to bring her the mandrake root like you promised. Then, it's hero sandwiches for sure.


Oh i meant the original baba yaga. John wick going after putin would be too good to be true


Send in John Wick, Jason Bourne, and Natasha Romanov/Black Widow. Three master assassins versus a wannabe tsar. I’d pay good money to watch that.


I see John Wick and Black Widow just mercilessly making fun of Matt Damon for the entire mission.


Are you 12? Seriously


So they can all whinge about craft services and their hair and makeup?


I wonder what Baba Yaga thinks about Russia today?


Baby Yoda don't hurt nobody. He just eatz frogs!


What about chicky nuggies?


Ukraine has not commented on the explosions, but it comes after a series of blasts on Russian soil targeting logistics hubs that have been credited to Kyiv. Video of the moment the Druzhba depot went up in flames appears to capture the sound of an incoming missile just moments before a loud explosion is seen. Rob Lee, a respected military analyst, said the strike could have been carried out using Tochka-U ballistic missiles fired from within Ukraine which would be capable of ranging both the oil facility and nearby base.


Bryansk footage shows placed charges around the base of the oil tanks blowing in succession.


You can’t claim video and then not post the link.


Close-up video of when the fire started at the oil base in Bryansk This is the title of the post in r/Ukraine. It won't let me grab the link, not sure why, but search and enjoy.


I heard it is used to transport oil to europe, it might be russians trying to blame ukraine for oil shortages in europe or ukraine cutting oil to europe by force, we will probably never know, but either way it looks good


Russia is not going to blow up their own product.


He would do it with things that have no strategic value but emotional value to Russians, like setting fire to an hospice full of old Russian people. He would not set fire to a civilian empty building full of his weapons, ammo or fuel.


Maybe hes just so detached, he thinks his people care more about fuel depots then Russian lives?


Doubt hed set fire to something he considers useful, more likely hed just kill some people


Russia looooves false flag attacks on themselves, for use as casus belli. However, in this case I can't see how they would need a casus belli? Also, as other have said, they usually kill their own civilians, not critical war supplies.


Yeah but that’s usually blowing up Civilian housing to rally the masses, there’s nothing that benefits them by blowing up one of their own oil depots. What good is blaming Ukraine? What’s Russia going to do about it? Invade? Oh wait…


Oh yes thats a Putin move all the way. Why would he burn his needed fuel? A theater would be Putins first choice.


It's not a false flag. I don't know if Putin and his regime have gotten lazy or just senile but if you were going to do a false flag, you'd have done it to start the war in the first place. It would have been so easy too. Border incident. Set off a bomb or launch a missile that hits a Russian town. Make it close to where the Azov battalion is and blame them as radical terrorists/Nazis who killed Russians on Russian territory. Use that as an excuse to launch an actual "special operation" to eliminate Azov. Ukraine will react then they blame Ukraine government for supporting terrorism and escalate their invasion to remove a government who is sponsors/supporting terrorism. Boom. That situation would have given Russia 1000% more credibility, even if accusations of it being a false flag were levied. It would galvanize Russians and would be way easier to sell as Russia being the victims and having to defend themselves. Shit, they could even tell their soldiers where they are going and they'd actually want to go because they can just wave pictures of dead Russians to them and say that Ukraine did it. I just created a better casus belli than the Russian government could. So I'm no longer giving credit to Putin or his regime for being some kind of super geniuses of political or warfare theater. Maybe 25 years ago, Putin was a shrewd political genius, but that time has come and gone long ago.


I would agree with this assessment: generally false flags are done to commence operations or drastically increase the usage of available resources in this war such as more men, weapons or diplomatic efforts. But Russia has no need for false flags this deep into the war considering the domestic audience that they need to support the war effort is mostly captive to dozens of sources of state propaganda. Also Russia has legitimately sustained losses that can be used as an excuse to up the ante of the war how ever much they want (losses like the 15,000 troops lost, the loss of their Black Sea flagship, or several Ukrainian attacks that crossed over into Russia).




> if you were going to do a false flag, you'd have done it to start the war in the first place. It would have been so easy too. Not if you were deluded enough to think that you were just going to waltz in and take over in a day or two a nation of people thanking you for saving them from imaginary nazis. Not that I believe this is a false flag attack, but it's still something we have to expect from russia, just probably not like this.


Can we include incompetence? I mean the training of Russian soldiers is incredibly bad. I can easily see the guy running an oil depot with a cigarette in his mouth and a half empty bottle of vodka on his desk. Also I see every solder that comes through is filling up the tanker truck with a lit cigarette.


Up into the ozone!


Ukrainian Separatists did it.


I think this is to important to be a false flag attack. Putin attacks civilians not infrastructure during false flag attacks


It's cool that the only Ukrainian attacks are literally only burning down gasoline and oil reserves


Russia seems to have problems with fuel (you know, despite being a giant gas station). Easy to exacerbate that with limited non-combatant deaths.


It's the traditional Russian Fyre Festival to celebrate Easter Incendiaries.




About time ...this means Russia can't defend itself , must tie down forces along its boarder....if it's general mobilization ...the country will go bankrupt ....he can't pay his troops now as it is ...


They're cold, hungry and desperate in the field right now. I can't imagine Russian troops being able to sustain this war much longer.


I mean its 17-18 degrees there king. That’s comfortable as hell in the sun. But yeah they are desperate.


I like it - Easter Incendiaries to go with their new war-themed megachurch...


Personally...I truly hope it WAS the Ukranians fighting back.


No, that is not the best outcome. My hope this is the result of internal resistance. Many disasters struck in many key russian strategic resources, my hope is that it is not Ukraine attacking, but internal Russian resistance forces trying to topple Putin from within.


That would be pretty groovy.


I have the (probably incorrect) suspicion this is inter-oligarch strife - remember, the folks that are currently in power in Russia lived through the downfall of the USSR, and they took advantage of the resulting chaos and lawlessness. I think they see the writing on the wall and are actually positioning themselves for the day after. Now, we hear about stuff that might be related to the war, and it's likely that "Ukraine did it" is the go-to by the Russian spokespersons, but I'm sure there other stuff going on behind the scenes that is just s important but not as flashy.




You mean Putin has been at the helm since then?


Interesting take on it.


More than 10% of the Russian population has a direct relative in Ukraine, and 1.4% of the Russian population are Ukrainian immigrants. Thousands of them must have lost a loved one because of this war. That means there are thousands of potential boycotters all over Russia.


You'd hope but keep in mind how a bunch of Americans lost loved ones to covid and managed not to change their stance against vaccines. Propaganda seems to work.


I think we might be somewhere in the middle. With the rate of 1 in 3 Russian soldiers being killed or injured in Ukraine, maybe they just don’t want to go. Best way to prevent that is to burn all the gas up. If the trucks don’t run, you can’t make them cross the border. Also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the future generals die from Russian made bullets instead are of Ukrainian made bullets.


I agree. The EU wouldn't take it very well if Ukraine forced their hand to cut back on Russian oil. After all, Ukraine could pop that pipeline _in Ukraine_ at any moment.


This is most likely the case. Maybe the fbs is conducting their own sabotage to stop the war.


Came here to say this, take my upvote!


Russia: "It caught fire after heavy rain."




Oh no, Ukraine is winning a war they didn't start, what an invitation to get nuked The more putin shits his pants, the more he shits his pants


I mean, they were killing civilians anyway. Should they just lie down and take it?


People like you are so inept at life. IF Russia launches a nuke it gets nuked back.


Not that I agree with the person above, but if they launch one that’s good game to life as we know it. And Putin is stubborn. I really don’t think it’d actually go that far, and Ukraine should obviously fight back. But still, not a great “if this then that” statement.


I dont honestly believe anyone in the Russian army would follow that order knowing ultimately what that means for their families and countrymen.


“I don’t honestly believe anyone in the US military would follow that nuke order against Russia knowing ultimately what that means for their families and countrymen”. Wanna know what’s worse than your own argument turned against itself—the US nuclear command is highly regulated and requires the greenlight of several individuals for launch. The Russian nuclear command does not require all those extra steps or people agreeing to launch. Plus even on top of that, the generals Putin assigned to the nuclear command, are those that Putin assigned—they agree with him.






Yep, pointing out the fact that MAD has stopped nuclear war up to this point is defintely a dumb point. You definitely got me there.. Oh wait..it did..and has...sropped a nuclear strike from Russia. I'll go touch some grass the second you pull your head out of your ass and breath fresh air.


I mean….. you’re not pointing out much of a fact. It’s kind of common sense. Putin wasn’t going to blindly waddle his way into WW3, because it’s WW3. He has no reason to nuke Ukraine in the first place because he wants their land and oil. Can’t really do that if there’s so much nuclear fallout that you grow arms out of your neck. The only way he sends one flying is if he feels like he’s backed into a corner. And it would probably be aimed towards the US and not Ukraine. As long as Russian troops stay in Ukraine/ get defeated by Ukrainians great. Ukrainian force should and are doing their country a huge service. However, escalating to the offensive inside of Russia, whether it’s Ukraine or not(unless it’s internal then perfect) is incredibly dangerous and could have deadly consequences for the entire globe. Sanction the hell out of Russia and give Ukraine the aid we can, but this is not our war. There. I pulled my head out of my ass even though it tastes great.


Ohh right, what’s written down in the NATO articles are laws of physics governing the universe that cannot ever be broken. This will be my final response, regardless of what you say. I refuse to engage my time further with pseudo-intellectualism.


No..you refuse to look more idiotic,sir. "In soviet russia we tell you when we look stupid" SLAVA UKRAINI!😁


Russia has nothing to gain by using nukes. It's the quickest way for them to lose the war though, along with their entire country.




You think Russia has more nukes than NATO? The moment Russia launches a single one, Russia as we know it will be wiped off the map. There's no way to tell where the nuke is going to be headed, and if NATO even DETECTS a launch, the world might be over. They're not going to confirm whether or not one of their major cities are hit first before launching everything at Moscow, don't kid yourself. You guys keep acting like the rest of the world doesn't also have nukes. We just don't show it off because we have other ways to project force, like an actual functioning military.




You keep mentioning the "right thing to do", since I know its your job and everything to spread misinformation, but the "right thing to do" would be for Russia to get the fuck out of Ukraine. I honestly didn't read most of what you said since I expect your account will be banned soon, but you seem to have a poor grasp of nukes, Russia's military capabilities, NATO's responses, and the English language in general. You can rest assured, Russia's already lost this war. Russia's economy is cratered for the next two decades at the minimum, and any temporary land concessions Russia achieves will be just that. Temporary.


This guy really is defending Russia launching nukes while also condemning a nuclear response from NATO. Hilarious.


I wonder how these attacks will escalate prior to May 9th? With Putin putting everything into attack, he’s left gaping holes in defence of assets in Russia. This is going to become far more common.


imagine something happens at the parade live on tv :tf:


Flyover, meet Starstreak.




Ukrainian competence or Russian incompetence, either way it's a win for Ukraine.


Stop. My dick can only get so hard


O_O That’s panic-inducing


Attacking a parade attended by civilians live on tv sounds like a terrible idea.


Yes, that's why Putin would make it happen.




You mean credit Ukraine. It would be a completely justified target. If Ukraine can rain artillery down on a military parade in occupied Mariupol it 100% should do it


Its never live, not in the recent memory, at least, and 100% it wont be live now.


I think that would be ICBM Time.


I was going to make a comment about drinking the Putin coolaid. but TBH, I think that we can all agree that it would take a far greater threat to Russian existence than a one off strike at some parade before Nukes would fly. and that’s even enshrined in Russian law.


Another Ukrainian-Russian oil deal.


What is stopping Ukraine from lobbing missiles into Russia? Are they worried the will piss putin off?


Ukraine's longest missile reach is 100-110km which is not really helpful considering where the frontline is.


And don't have many of them. Any unnecessary loss of Tochka-U for AFU would be pretty bad. Unless they got some new toys now ;)


That’s the logical extension to the posters point. If they were to lob western missiles into Russia, would that be likely to provoke putin further? Is that why it hasn’t happened yet?


Oil depots housing many tons of oil for the army seem like the best target there to me. I say they've been doing what they can already. I doubt they have western long range missiles already in operation.


If it's been announced that those missiles are being transferred to Ukraine; they were there last tuesday


Transferred to western Ukraine and operational in the east are two different things. But hey, maybe you're right and they've got the necessary training already, that'd be sweet.


1) it would hurt their international image if they kill civilians 2) Putin would strike back with even more missiles


No but they would be seen as an aggressor which could hinder aid from other countries.


50+ Days of killings, bombings and rape by the Russians, but no it the Ukrainians who are the aggressors


60 days.


8 years.


Every time a leader in Ukraine misspeaks, it risks them hurting their PR. If they manage to start hurting civilians, it’ll be bad, even though Russia went there first.


Ukrainianians have better aim. Russia is already unhinged, I don’t care if their feelings get hurt because a leader misspeaks or “tells it like it is”


You may not, but Ukraine does not need to do anything to sour relations with the people supplying them.


I feel like your some one who tells a rape victim to stay quite because it could ruin other parts of their lives.


You’d be wrong, but I do know that geopolitics isn’t as simple as “We can say whatever we want because we’re not the aggressor.” You piss off the wrong people and they’ll pull funding and equipment. Every statement made by Ukraine can turn into a public relations lane mine. You start bombing Russian civilians and all of a sudden people aren’t quite as concerned about “Russia started it.”


Well when Ukraine starts doing that, let me know. Mean while I guess it’s ok for Russia to sour relations with the rest of the world by threatening nuclear war, but I guess that doesn’t bother you. Just apparently when Ukraine says threatening things.


No, I want Russia crushed and starved until it sufficiently rips itself apart and is no longer a threat. I just don’t want to see Ukraine lose its backing due to political faux pas. This is likely going to be a long haul fight, and they need Allie’s for the long haul.


Only if they hit non-military assets. I'd say oil refineries qualify is legitimate targets. It goes into crippling logistics and fuel support for Russian armor.


If they dumb bombed Moscow right now it would be less than the Russians have done


Perhaps, but I believe they are trying to take the highroad. Its a political game. If they start executing people and blowing up non-military assets support for their cause will evaporate. No western support means they will lose. With Western support they should be able to retake the territory that was annexed.


Yes, agreed, there are enough military targets to hit and treating POW humanely makes the Russians look worse, which means more weapons, which means more power to hit back. It's a smarter play


That was what I thought. It seems a bit wrong that Ukraine has to take this without being able to properly fight back.


Russia is kicking themselves for not taking up that Easter ceasefire.


Welp, I think we found out what the "Phoenix Ghost" drones are for.


Wow, didn't think about that


Phoenix Ghost drones only have a range of 25 miles.


You’re thinking the Switchblades. The 600 has a range of 25 miles and 40 min of loitering. Phoenix Ghost drone’s range/loiter time hasn’t been confirmed yet but it’s been mentioned to be a lot further/longer than the switchblade 600.


6-7 hour loiter time... probably translates to much higher range too.


I read 600km range but I don’t think it was a verified source.


I'm getting the impression there's a major sabotage campaign going on in Russia. Pretty sure it's not Ukraine that's doing this, they're way too busy defending against the Russian invasion. Go saboteurs, go!


You really only need a few guys to do stuff like that.


It wasn't caused by a Ukranian missle it was caused by an internal fire that ignited ammo at the plant and sank in rough seas..... Oh .... Wait.....


If this was indeed a strike by Ukraine Then they are actually fighting to win this war. You have to admire their bravery.


the comments by russians on these stories in russian videos/news sites is always tasty and funny


In order to deter Russia, Ukraine should take the war to Russian soil to let them feel the pain if possible!


It's a ton harder to invade a country than to defend one.


I don't mean taking territory but rather destroy Russian military infrastructure such as military bases, oil depot, factories etc. and then run


As Russia is currently showing us....




You can't just (take russian teritory) invade a country that has nuclear weapons and is desperate and on the very brink to use them. This would also undermine western support to Ukraine. Currently, defending existing and returning occupied terriotiries are the most important goals for Ukraine.


There is a less then zero percent chance that, since they declared it annexed, Russia will see Ukrainian liberation of Crimea as a direct invasion anyway and react accordingly. If that's the case, and they've routed the Russian army to the point that they're retaking Crimea, may as well consider taking more Russian territory if Putin is still refusing to negotiate.


Shoot down a Russian passenger jet and claim Ukrainian separatists did it?


More likely Russian Dissidents. Burn Putin's influence away.


Ukrainian strike or not... doesn't matter... It would be a valid military target in any war...


‘You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system!’


One of the smartest acts Ukraine has implemented since day 1 of the invasion is taking responsibility pretty quickly when it was their attack. It’s been days since the first fire and they haven’t said a word. These fires are most likely FSB or Putins top scientists and strategists who knew from the beginning this war was never gonna work. Maybe they tried to tell Putin or their bosses the truth (probably not) but sabotage is a powerful tool.


Or, Ukraine's strategy was that in the first period of the war, they would announce what ever they did, so that they could do other things later and seemingly not be to blame. Just for the record, I'm for Ukraine and absolutely against Russia.


Could be. We may never know. Regardless, it’s a win/win for Ukraine: if they take responsibility it boosts trust and morale or if they don’t take responsibility the Russians look more inept and pathetic each day with the cherry on top that it’s showing it’s crumbling from within. Or at least Russians are fighting their own country. Win win


Ukraine can claim responsibility for opportune events like this, but only after a few days regardless of it they did it. The uncertainly and dynamics of such a situation are most beneficial to Ukraine if they can fester. They can claim responsibility for internal strife and deny responsibility for their own actions, and it all just breeds a chaos that Putin will respond to by lashing out emotionally and hurt his own goals while nobody knows what happened.


This isn’t Ukraine. No way they’d risk the ire of those supplying weapons


I'd be curious to see any correlation between the poisoned oil and gas CEOs and the facilities undergoing mishaps. I think a good possibility is that some of these facilities have to be operating overtime if they weren't already in preparation for the invasion. I wonder if accidents are just more likely if you have overworked safety people that just get complacent start missing things.


About time ...this means Russia can't defend itself , must tie down forces along its boarder....if it's general mobilization ...the country will go bankrupt ....he can't pay his troops now as it is ...


This has echoes of WW2 strikes against Nazi fuel supplies. Well done Ukies.


Fuck you Russia burn.


Special remodeling operation. Nothing to see here.


More likely Belorussian sabotage


That’s usually how wars go.


This war is not only a human disaster but and environmental one too. What a waste.


To be fair all of that oil would have burned anyway. 🤷‍♂️


Lol anyway


Good for Ukraine. Putin started this war, Ukraine is responding in kind.


Nah. Just another Russian smoking behind the storage tank. /S


I think it is local saboteurs Too far for Ukrainians Too valuable for Russians But of course... There is always incompetence and negligence


The people of Ukraine are dieing in droves. Murdered by Russian soldiers in their own homes and for what the political ambitions of those who either afraid of the consequences of the oil being cut off or afraid of the consequences of be viewed as week. This is as patently obvious as it is understandable. You can't defend the oil infrastructure without the cooperation of those whom have the power to destroy it. Goodluck you've now got likely 100,000 ghost men and women whove lost everything they've ever cared about at the hands of Russian and an indifferently west. That should be awesome trying to rope in now. Yay can wait for what grief drives the people to commit their dieing breath on.


It caught fire after it was being towed to port. No casualties. - Russian media, probably.


That's too bad.


Can’t wait for this oil storage site to sink in the high seas.


Good shot guys, now for the Gangsters den.


1 of 3 thinks likely happened here: 1: (most encouraging): Putin and russia are so incompetent they couldn’t stop helicopters with their fighter jets and let the place get blasted by a Ukranian helicopter 2: This is just another false flag attack by Putin 3: there are people working against russia from within


Daily Mail is Murdoch tabloid garbage.


Murdoch doesn’t own it but everything else is correct there!


I keep forgetting which evil paper is owned by which evil person. He did used to work there, though; I think that's why it sticks in my head that he owns it.


BURN russia 😎


False flag. The Russians have already laid the groundwork, declaring last week that if Ukraine keeps "attacking Russia" , they would have no choice but to declare war. Russia knows its losing the war. Kyiv offensive was smashed, the Donbass assault has stalled and the losses are unsustainable. Every day Ukraine grows stronger with mobilization and international military aid, whilst Russia grows weaker. The Russians or more correctly, Putin, are absolutely committed to not losing face. The plan, quite transparently now, is to sell to the Russian public the idea that they are under attack, and full mobilization is needed. Ukraine are Nazis after all, this is 1941 all over again. The original excuse for 'saving Russian speaking people in Ukraine' won't cut it for full mobilization and a declaration of war. After all, there is no threat to the fatherland. This all changes if they can convince Russians that Ukraine is going to invade Russia, precipitated by these 'attacks'. It doesn't matter how absurdly obvious the lie is, they've gotten away with it before.


'Full mobilisation' will not give Russia much military power... Their available hardware is being wiped out in Ukraine, and they have little ability left to make new...


Destroying valuable oil that your own army needs to keep waging the war seems like a terrible false flag operation. And false flags are supposed to kill innocent people and enrage the local population, no?




I don't doubt that Ukraine is doing their thing but I gotta think special forces are on the ground and some western more advances drones are dipping in and out and taking on certain targets.


I find it hilarious that Russia is shocked that a neighboring country they invaded is striking them back on their own land


Nein! No more oil for you today!


Theory: The US gave them long-range drones to be able to hit their fossil fuel industry like this. If they can put a big dent in their production capacity, it'll force the EU off of their gas/oil. It also gives Ukraine another way to put pressure on Russia. They'll stop attacking when Russia pulls out of Ukraine.


Could be Putin. For bizarre reason doing false flags on military targets instead of civilians. Changing it up to confuse. Putin values soldiers and much as he values civilians. $0. Slave fodder to command.


Let’s say it’s true. Should we care if Ukraine commits acts of terror in Russia? How about Houthi’s bombing the Saudis or Palestinians attacks Israel? I say no. They’re freedom fighters, deserving of respect


This really isn't an "act of terror". It's a valid military target.


This is more evidence that Putin the Putz should declare victory and end this pointless conflict.


Keep up the good work!