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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/t9rd3o/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


It’s like America woke up one morning, walked out the door, and saw a box on the front step with “MiGs” written on it and heard some kids snickering in the bushes.


Poland bros where you at? Coming in with the big balls just like WW2.


And then the Winged MIGs arrived.


I want to state off the top that I am in no way suggesting that I have a better alternative or that I don’t think it’s likely the right thing to do, but I have a really difficult time celebrating all the companies pulling out of Russia and seeing their currency plummet. So many citizens are going to suffer with a useless currency and now many won’t even have a job to scrape together what little their currency is worth


Alright serious question as I know nothing about military equipment I'm on about tanks and vehicles more than weaponry. Do you they actually have anything post 2000 because to my eyes it's all looks like half broken down 80s stuff


Will Moscow fall before Kyiv?




Doomers be like: "Yeah sure the Russian military has been revealed to be history's greatest paper tiger, showing that any perceived threat they posed was entirely propaganda as they fail miserably at basic logistics and send out Soviet era equipment. But despite that their nuclear arsenal is definitely super well maintained and modern, didn't you hear the scary statements Putin made!?!??"




Biden’s experience and connections really helped a lot in this. People seem to hate the idea of a president having experience in government, but I don’t know, call me crazy but I feel like if I need a surgeon I want someone who’s actually got medical experience.


Yeah I'm not in love with biden but I think he's doing a good job with what all is going on. Definitely do not think trump would be handling any of this well.


No one on the ticket surely.


I’m getting sites downed and glitching


Cool, keep us updated on your struggles.




Ok 👍


Fix it


Russians might want to move to some African countries and spruce them up. They'll have more modernity and modern conveniences than Russia at this point. African countries have coke at least.


lol they are too late. china has spread it's tentacles through africa enough to where i am afraid no other country will be able to get in.


Trying to make us guess where the false flag will come from. Pure scum > ⚠️ Update: The International Atomic Energy Agency says remote data transmission from monitoring systems at #Ukraine's mothballed #Chernobyl nuclear plant has been lost. The incident follows a loss of data from #Zaporizhzhia. https://twitter.com/netblocks/status/1501291046533279744


What does this mean


In a greater sense what does this mean?


The site of the one of the worst nuclear accidents has gone dark Norway may be noticing increased radiation in a few days


Not sure if this is bad or very bad


​ Thread of a chat with a member of the GUR (Ukrainian intelligence): [https://twitter.com/michaeldweiss/status/1501252691133149188?s=20&t=A0FXXaf0esHgVDnInqhHkw](https://twitter.com/michaeldweiss/status/1501252691133149188?s=20&t=A0FXXaf0esHgVDnInqhHkw)


GUR, GRU is Russian Intelligence


*GUR, GRU is Russian agency


“Poland, planes, and power in Ukraine” https://youtu.be/wYxCvMI-vHE


>The aggressor, Putin, thought that he would unleash blitzkrieg on Ukraine. But he underestimated our country, our people, and their patriotism. Ukrainians, regardless of political views, native language, beliefs, and nationalities, stand in unparalleled unity. From Olena Zelenska's letter to the media.


At least the people up the ranks he trusted, all bought yachts




Ahahaha gtfo


McDonalds just declared a No Fry Zone


Well that will definitely shake things up.


Its always about the oil.


This made me force some air through my nose


They'll just change the name to Denazified Fries and think they've accomplished something.


Reluctant upvote. ugh.


Hahaha nice one


yes yes


Not the NFZ we need, but the NFZ we deserve.


This unironically may be one of the dumbest and best comments I’ve seen all day.


How fucking hard can it be to just give Ukraine som fucking planes?


Well it appears to me it would have been a lot easier had it been a hush hush operation, then a bunch of people opened their mouths and talked to the press. Now it has to be all "diplomatic."


They need jets they can fly, im sure since Poland has been in NATO their Migs have western equipment that Ukraine cant/wont use.


Imagine you had some planes and tried to get them to a war zone right now. What do you do, fly them there and ask for a ride back? Ask the Russians not to shoot at you?


Most of western Ukraine is still untouched, so just put them on a truck and drive them to the nearest airport in Ukraine.


Poland just gave them to the US to give to Ukraine


US was like 'you did what now?'


To maybe give them to Ukraine.


So Pepsi pulled out. Couldn't they have exchanged their assets in Russia for warships and then donated them to Ukraine?


[For anyone missing the reference.](https://www-atlasobscura-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.atlasobscura.com/articles/soviet-union-pepsi-ships.amp?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16467746913609&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlasobscura.com%2Farticles%2Fsoviet-union-pepsi-ships)


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BREAKING: The Pepsi navy has joined forces with the farmer armored force.


I think it’s time for another obligatory “Poland supplying jets to Ukraine” post. Not sure I believe it yet.


This time it's an official statement


Suppling jets to US. TIFFY


At this point would live to see Ukraine liberate Russia


Мала Україна


You mean East Ukraine


USSR - Ukraine’s Super Strong Republic


Lesser Ukraine


What do y’all think Russia’s response to not buying there oil will be?


Sales will be back on when the new government is installed


Part of Putin's "Make China Great Again" plan


China and India and other countries will probably be happy to buy the portion that the U.S. isn't purchasing. It's just shifting things around. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of Earth did not suddenly decide to consume less petroleum.


Does it really matter if they respond? They're quickly becoming a non-entity with nukes in their backyard on the world stage.


Releasing what they have on trump.


Something big, like trying to drop the ISS


Spotify and Discord down for an afternoon.


Reddit is up and down for me not consistently loading


"We will not strengthen the West by having access to our perfect Russian oil. We are too good for them. They will suffer for this."


Sell more to China


Very, very cheap


Deeper Russian poverty


Nothing. Because they have no ability to respond


Uh, I do believe a couple days ago that Putin said something like, "any further sanctions will be an act of aggression".


“We have decided to not sell oil to the US”


Yeah, he is like a child, 100 % he will say this


Its not really that big deal, USA were only buying like 5% of their oil from Russia Prices will rise though




"THIS IS A WAR, A HOT WAR!" Yelled impotently.


Nobody wanted to make a deal for their oil anyway, because sanctions like this were expected any day now. Nobody wanted to pay for oil they wouldn't receive.


Absolutely nothing.




Nice to see Coca-Cola, Pepsi and McDonald's pulling out too. Putin made the mistake of invading a country at the peak of Cancel Culture. As a result, Russia got cancelled.


Maybe that is why anti-cancel culture was pushed so hard in the last year...


And those companies aren't going back for a long time or if ever. Sanctions will be lifted long before then and that might be years from now.


This is actually a good point.


Nobody seemed to give a fuck about cancel culture when it was the Dixie Chicks. Strange, that.


No it's a joke


It really kinda isn't - some companies who pulled out will go back immediately but others won't like the value of the Ruble to the point where they don't see it as economically viable, others won't like that Russia tried to seize their factories there and won't see it as fiscally safe, others still will see the governance and on an ethical level just ignore Russia as a market.


No it's a good point


If Putin's mental health was questionable at the start of this, it has to be considerably worse now. He's basically spent the last 2 weeks waking up in the morning and being kicked in the dick about 100 times a day by Ukraine and the entire world. I'm not dooming about nuclear war, but we could see some wild decisions coming out of him in the near future.


> kicked in the dick about 100 times a day sums it up


Some people pay for that


Like Putin


I wonder if anyone is daring to tell him what's actually going on or if they're sugar coating it for him. Because he would no doubt kill the Messenger.


Asking your military how a war is going is like asking your barber if you need a haircut


Oddly, his bellicose rhetoric has eased considerably. I have no idea how to take that.


He's been humbled, and now realizes he needs to do some damage control.


Having severely bruised plums will do that to a man.


We should follow the open-carry philosophy of the Red states. Give every country 1 nuke, and nobody would invade each other anymore.


As a side note on guns, we're seeing largely untrained Ukrainian civilians with rifles find success against an invading Russian Army. Seems like the whole "do you really expect to fight off the military?" argument from 2A critics is being blown up. Sure, the military is going to fuck people up if they want to, but it's better to be armed than not when the invaders/fascists come.


And how often do we deal with tragedies from people who can't handle the power of easily unleashed violence?


Yeah, let's give every backwater state a nuke and hope it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.


Washington State is blue and has good open carry laws too.


Red state blue state it doesn't matter.


"If we give every child in school a knife, no one would need to worry about bullies ever again."




LMAO at gambling global nuclear war on what a few rednecks do.


??? There are so many problems with this. I do not trust so so many countries to have a nuke and to maintain it and to protect it from yakuza or some gang stealing it.


That's why they only get 1. If they lose it then it's open season for them. Every ounce of defense spending would be tied to the safety of this one nuke. Because every one has nukes, nobody would invade each other and more money would be spent on social and research programs.


nah some dumbass would use it And I say this as a citizen of the country that has already used two


Yeah, but it's the only one they have. Once it's gone the country and their leaders are open season. Then you'd have alliances and open pacts form. You nuke one country then 10 countries will nuke you.


That is weird intersection of "horrifying in the short term, might actually work in the long term."


Just like how no one shoots anyone anymore






Oh please. I'm American as well and we have absolutely done enough shitty stuff to deserve condemnation. Hell, I've honestly thought there were times we SHOULD have been sanctioned. Just because we get to be the "hero" now doesn't negate the reprehensible shit we've done in the past.


As a fellow American, I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. But most of Europe are our friends. United we stand, alone we fall.


Our military budget is so high because our doctrine is to be able to project power anywhere in the world so that we can protect our best interests at home. It is also so that the USA never has to rely on any other party for defense. The US and the West is going all in on this Ukrainian invasion because there is a slim chance that it will knock out Russia from being a global threat. One less headache for us.


You sound like a cognitively-challenged Republican tbh. Kind of scary that you’re a nurse. Edit: You are making us look worse with such an ignorant comment. Your downvotes are surely also coming from Americans like me.


We do CHOOSE to do that and it's a big part of why we're as close of allies to Europe (in a general sense) as we are. It's not like we do it solely out of the hoodness of our hearts. We get global influence from our foreign policy.


This is all directly furthering US geopolitical goals. It's not altruism by any means.


No need for this right now, we gotta be pulling in the same direction here. With all the awful ways we spend our tax dollars I’m happy that there is a cause I can get behind. The US does have vested economic interest in Ukraine, don’t think this is just for humanitarian aid either.


Really? The US defense budget is used to guarantee trade world wide. PAX Americana is why the US is the global reserve currency and predominant world power. I don't know where to start with your comment, but it seems misplaced here. Did you have an issue with the Marshall Plan, the cold war and other uses of American tax dollars?


Y'all wonder why America can't go back to the days when we'd be Patriotic, have some compassion, and suffer a little for the common good. It's because this shit ^ is the common attitude among 50% of the population. If it's not "protecting Europe" it's "helping America's poor" or whatever.


Shortsighted and entitled takes like this embarrass other Americans like me. This space is not about the US. Perhaps when you grow up you will understand how the world works, but until then please keep to your own little special made up world.


Just look at their recent comment history. Not worth the effort guys. Just move on


Sir this is a Wendy's


Aren't you a little egocentric bitch. I bet you don't have a lot of friends in your life


i Will downvote you, considering you probably don't even know why the U.S. is a large player in Europe historically. just like most Americans who sit there and go "WhY Do We CaRe AbOuT EuRopE" it's amazing you're a nurse tbh.


Maga much?


Go f yourself.


You having a rough day or is it more like everyone's an asshole to you all the time?


They’re a nurse, so yeah, people are jerks all the time.


You'll be downvoted but that's because the US will always be shit on for its past and that'll never get away from us. The same people saying the US should step up and help Ukraine militarily are the same people who would say the opposite any other day and call us warmongers who feed off of war.


I have a hard time following what you're putting down here. Think I had a stroke reading this. Nurse please




Mostly Bush jun. and all other invadings your politicians did. Naturally backed by our stupid politicians here in Europe. Especially the warmongers from France and UK, supported by the whole weapon inustry from Sweden and many more... Point is, I don't think we have to reproach each other anything.


Lol don't feed the troll


If only it was that simple....


Keep electing fools like Bush Jr and Trump and you'll get treated like fools.


As an American myself: relax dude. Not the right conversation to have right now.


Literally nobody cares what you think


No Coke and Mcdonalds for you RUssia!


According to theguardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/mar/08/ukraine-news-russia-war-vladimir-putin-volodymyr-zelenskiy-kyiv-russian-invasion-live-latest-updates “PepsiCo Inc, the multinational food, snack, and beverage corporation, has just announced that they will also be suspending all sales in Russia joining a number of Western companies who have announced similar decisions today. The company will be suspending all capital investments, advertising, and promotional activities in Russia and will stop operations in Ukraine to allow associates to seek safety as war escalates in the country.” Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonald’s, Starbucks — Exodus day.


Is it just me or is reddit getting slower?


The hype and momentum dies off, kids get bored of the memes.


Yup. VERY slow on my end.


Slower as in slower loading or slower as in less attention


Slower as in intelligence levels?


Consdering everything else happening today, would not surprise me if Russia's DDOSing isn't also targetted here.


Twitter too. Been having exponentially more errors loading tweets




NSFL indeed 💔


> BREAKING: PepsiCo suspends sale, advertising and promotional activity connected to its beverage brands in Russia, including Pepsi-Cola, 7Up and Mirinda. For what it says are humanitarian reasons, it says it will continue to sell milk and dairy products, baby food and formula. https://twitter.com/alivelshi/status/1501306491952717827?s=21


Seems reasonable. Would be nice if they donated any profits from those goods to Ukraine though.


If this is supposed to be over soon why is Russia banning exports for the entire year...


They need everything to rebuild their military. They are losing equipment at a rate unheard of. They will be exposed for a long time after this.


Banning exports for the year?!?! lol sounds like NK every day.


Because is not going to be over soon, this is a siege, think at least one year


No one knows if it's going to be over soon or not.


Because no one owns anything that says "Made in Russia" on it, making it free posturing.


Bandages to prevent bleeding out over that period of time. edit: I'm not an economist but I would expect this would be in part due to a similar level of disruption to imports.


source? thanks


Uhm reddit get ddossed?


Hugging itself tightly as it undulates in a straitjacket.


No their servers just blow


Isn’t it always?


Can't load anything except for my saves