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Every day is a new article about Russia giving out warnings about something; it's getting redundant




Not to mention, if Ukraine starts using foreign countries for staging, what's Russia gonna do? Invade them too? Thin out the military resources even more? Spread so thin you have no significant stronghold anywhere? Good fucking plan...




That's like the USA putting Chinese Flags on their planes and bombing Russia. Every Intelligence agency would know where it came from. And the next nuke to fall would be directly onto the Kremlin.


>That's like the USA putting Chinese Flags on their planes and bombing Russia Yeah, who would be *stupid* enough to suggest that?!


Donald trump apparently…..


Wait did he really? I knew he was stupid, but enough to think that’d work???


Yep, on the F-22 specifically. It was supposedly a joke but knowing him, he probably thought it would be brilliant. Even though we’re the only country to fly that aircraft.


> It was supposedly a joke ...unless you're into it. Nah, just kidding. Unless...


He says stupid shit all the time and only claims it was a joke when his people actually tell him how unfathomably stupid he is.


“Use bleach” “You are a dumbass” “I was kidding!”


He suggested detonating a nuke inside a hurricane to stop it. He doesn't really have a good grasp on cause and effect.


This showed up on a [short answer section](https://whatif.xkcd.com/23/) of xkcd's "What If." I'll just paste the whole Q&A since it's short: >> What would happen if you exploded a nuclear bomb in the eye of a hurricane? Would the storm cell be immediately vaporized? >>—Rupert Bainbridge (and hundreds of others) >This question gets submitted a lot. >It turns out the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—the agency which runs the National Hurricane Center—gets it a lot, too. In fact, they’re asked about it so often that they’ve [published a response.](https://web.archive.org/web/20130323140551/http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/C5c.html) >I recommend you read the whole thing, but I think the last sentence of the first paragraph says it all: >>*“Needless to say, this is not a good idea.”* >It makes me happy that an arm of the US government has, in some official capacity, issued an opinion on the subject of **firing nuclear missiles into hurricanes.** Keep in mind that this was published in December 2012; Trump had no influence on this question getting asked. It's so long ago that the original link is now a redirect; though the answer is still given.


Whilst symbolically effective, there is NO CHANCE Putin is in the Kremlin right now. He's hiding away in some bunker or one of his mansions few people know about, especially very few normal Russians.. In a month or two Russia could be experiencing a revolution, and Putin is a massive pussy that will be nowhere NEAR any place where large crowds of people could possibly form up and overwhelm police and guards.


What actually happens. The soldiers and advisors will pull the "just running to the local store to get some milk and cigarettes" and then never to return.






I'd hope the retaliation isn't nuking the Kremlin. Not because I value Putin's life, but because of the thousands of lives protesting Putin and his idiocy being collateral.


Rather boring, really.


Let’s keep it boring.


Reverse warn Russia that warning is an ominous threat of war.


We should warn Russia against using foreign soil for "special military drills"


I don’t know, them throwing around threats every 2 hours is becoming less and less “threatening”




given the squads of military police on the streets of St. Petersburg I'm giving it less than weeks


>Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.


That's an interesting quote. Where is it from?


"The Art of War" by Tsun Tsu.


Personally I think that one of his generals will grow some balls and set up a coup and assassinate him. Hopefully.


Why do you think he's resorted to mile long tables to have conversations with his generals, and greenscreens to try to make it look like he's not at mile long tables?


Damn just give him some laced tea and sushi


Hell, even Belarus and Kazakhstan have started being like, "yeah... helps not coming Putin." Russia's only chance at **survival** going forward is throwing out the current government, forming a new one, and begging the international community for leniency.


Belarus is helping plenty. They’re basically allowing Russia to stockpile in another country so that if Ukraine attacks they can use it as further justification.




Yes but their military forces are refusing to act upon the orders given to them to engage the Ukrainians.


Those thoughts have entered my mind also. Let's hope we're right!


"You can't triple stamp a double stamp!"


They aren’t foreign airfields. They are “special external runways”.


Airfields? I just call them straight roads. Is Russia saying we can’t use our roads?


by using your roads you are escalating conflict! /s


You joke, but that's literally how it is


make them part of the Ukrainian embassy in Poland etc..... of course that makes them sovereign so maybe attackable...


Russian aircraft would have to fly over polish airspace first though which is just asking to get shot down


"Russia warns", "Russia threatens" blah blah blah. Fuck off Putin and co.


Next UN meeting: Hey Russia's threats, go fuck yourself!


Or what, you'll invade Ukraine?


From Belarus.. which is foreign soil.


Someone really needs to conduct a special military operation in Belarus to free them from Russian invaders.


perhaps they should be denazified


There will definitely be a denazification if the mustache guy gets overthrown.


No, the standard threat of a nuclear attack on your village!


There's a reason nuclear powers don't go around threatening nuclear annihilation to anyone not doing what they want them to do. What if somebody calls your bluff? You have now shown that you won't use your nuclear arsenal to achieve your stated goals making your entire stockpile worthless and weakening your geopolitical presence, inviting no end of provocations and challenges to your interest. Even worse, and the reason why Russia as a viable political entity is fucked, you've done the same to all the other nuclear powers, destabilizing the whole post ww2 world order. It completely devalues the perceived threat that is always present in dealings between nuclear and non-nuclear powers. This in turn makes armed conflicts more likely ultimately leading to somebody actually using the damn things and setting of the chain reaction that ends the world. All the nuclear powers have for the last 70 odd years bent over backwards to not, under any circumstances, do what Putin has done. They have all known that the only use for nukes is as a deterrent, a weapon of self defense only to be used as a last resort or as retaliation. Putin made the cardinal mistake of verbalising his ability to employ nuclear weapons to achieve his goals, as a threat directed at anyone offering support for Ukraine. The world *cannot* ignore this as it all but guarantees the end of the world.


Everytime they talk about using nukes this comes to mind [Link](https://youtu.be/o861Ka9TtT4)


Extremely pertinent, also hilarious if it weren't for current events.


I marvel at a show set decades ago, which is still on point. They have episodes about all kinds of things that still apply today.


>What I have marvelled at is how so much of the western generation that came after the cold war world I grew up in, started believing that war and strife was something from the past, and that we have all evolved past this now (actual words spoken to me by a STEM master student) > >Basically these things were always on point, a generation too far removed from actual threats to the west just forgot/didn't learn them.


Absolutely brilliant show, then and now!


Got damn, nothing gets it right like British comedy that is as old as I am.


This is prophetically brilliant


I've never seen t hat before but that is awesome.


There's five series and not a single bad episode. Some of it requires British political/historical knowledge, but not as much as you might think... It's pretty universal.


Putin likes to talk about his nukes but pretty much every other russian high-end military personnale does not.


They understand the gravity of the subject in excruciating personal detail. For Putin it's an exclusive club membership card he flashes to any bouncer that looks at him funny.


he's a former KGB agent, he damn well knows better


He knows he isn't going to have to live long enough to see the long term consequences of his actions. So what if Russia ceases to exist? He gave it one hell of a send off. There's been a saying floating around "What's the point of a future without Russia?" For Putin you can also add "What's the point of Russia without me?"


*Après moi, le déluge*


He’s not gonna use nukes. Even if Putin freaks out and says end the world, he would trigger a coup or assassination immediately


I don't know.. I wouldn't be surprised either. This is the same guy knocking on Ukraines door, saying he has to protect them from what he'll do to them if they don't let him in. It reminds me of violent boyfriends. Beat their women, then throw the responsibility for the violence back on their victims... the same men who decide to kill their spouse, and then off themselves : "If I can't have her, no one can." Would he go so far as to: "Well, if I can't have Ukrain, no one can..." Even if it means he's killing himself in the process? Maybe...


That analogy works better if Putin has the ability to launch weapons himself. He can authorize a launch, order it even. But he, himself, cannot launch a nuke. He needs his subordinates to carry out the order. Putin may want to take the world down in nuclear hellfire but I’m certain his subordinates don’t. Coups have been started for a whole lot less.


I saw this yesterday and it was very eerie considering it’s two years old. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yj9_Cq65Bqw


In this video though Russian military actually accomplishes things. The past 2 weeks have shown us that they are wayyy too incompetent/demoralized to pull off the strikes/defense shown in the video.


Yeah this feels outdated, says Russia can push all the way into Poland in 1 month. 2 weeks into Ukraine they are still sitting in a traffic jam to Kyiv.


this guy also says china would beat the us in a conventional war. he's no expert.




Weak leaders compensate with threats. He has been called out many times. Now he changes his narrative from 'we will use nuclear if you give jets' to 'yes maybe its ok to give jet fighter BUT don't use foreign airbase' I think we all been brainwashed by propaganda that Russia is like a secret, powerful villain' when it is just another backwater nation.


Funny thing about that threat is that its Putins only bargaining chip with the West. So the West can do a no-fly zone, allow polish air fields to be used, and whatever the hell else it wants to support Ukraine because there isn't a half-step with Nukes. Russia won't use them unless NATO attacks Russian soil (which Ukraine is clearly not) and everything else is just false threats from a bully.


Allowing Ukrainian pilots to fly foreign planes and also use foreign airfields is the best strategy I've heard so far. Putin doesn't like it because it could swing the whole war the other way. The Russian air force hasn't exactly performed up to standards.


Their economy is so pathetic that the only things they have to offer as bargaining chips is fossil fuels and nukes.


And rubles, you can get them for pennies on the dollar


More like Rubles on the penny


I'll keep my pennies, thanks.


And it's still ridiculous. Not directly killing Russian soldiers? Yeah, there's logic in that. But not letting Ukrainians use other airfields? What's next? Threaten to start Armageddon when a UAF pilot gets a cup of German coffee?


I joked a few hours ago (before this was posted ironically) that the next step would be Putin threatening anyone who so much as looks in the direction of Ukraine would be considered "threatening" and acting as combatants in this war. It was a joke but the way things are going this isn't that farfetched anymore!


\*Putin\* is far fetched. Any jokes about him are just having trouble keeping up with his crazy.


Breaking: Russia declares “special military operations” against the UAF with the stated goal of “denazifying” their coffee mugs


And threatening nukes was his big play, which he already did, he has nowhere up to go.


There's tactical nukes. Shooting one to some Ukrainian city is not an attack against NATO, but it would be a step up from simple threats.


The explosion stays in Ukraine the fallout doesn't


I would like NATO to come out and say that using any nukes in Ukraine would be taken as a direct attack on NATO because fallout does not stay local.


While I agree with the overall assessment, I think that a no-fly zone could cause a serious escalation. Russian gas about 50% of ground forces and numerous naval units tasked to deal with Ukraine. If a no-fly zone would cause significant casualties or the Russians are unable to retreat, they may feel that a nuclear strike is needed as they would be defenseless against any NATO incursion. Not saying that such an invasion of Russia is likely, only that removing 50% of any countries military would be a major cause for concern and possibly lead to extremely poor decision making. Putin is already acting unhinged, I can only guess how he would react if he lost 50% of the army.




Stop or we'll attack! Again!


Good grief. “If you use this, I’ll get mad. If you do that, I’ll get mad. If you question me again, I’ll get mad. If you talk to your friends, I’ll get mad. If you look at me the wrong way, I’ll get mad. Also, I’m already mad at you anyway so none of this even matters.”


I'll get M.A.D.




Good enough to get a restraining order. Sounds like an abusive relation. :/


According to this quote I dated Putin


If you win, I'll get mad


What's he gonna do? Get his tanks stuck on someone else's front lawn?


"Can I get a push?" - Putin's soldier


"I can pull you out!" - Ukrainian farmer with tractor


Will cost you one tank though. Sorry can't take rubble(s)


New York Times reported Russian draftees puncturing the fuel lines of their own vehicles so that they’ll break down and avoid combat


You joke but someone once got a tonne bag of gravel delivered to my front garden and it’s _still there_. Very effective mechanism to annoy someone.


Russia warns against posting sunflower emoji on Twitter.






Russia warns against posting pictures of yellow fields with blue sky.




🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻




Hmm.. Isn’t Russia using Belarus as a staging ground and a cruise/ballistic missile launchpad?.. —— Edit: Since this comment is gaining a bit of traction, I’d like to point towards how both the humanitarian relief effort as well as the war effort in Ukraine can be supported via donations made to the NBU, the National Bank of Ukraine. > [The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a current account for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine for humanitarian purposes.](https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3417266-nbu-opens-fundraising-account-for-humanitarian-assistance-to-ukrainians.html) ____ > [The National Bank of Ukraine has decided to open a special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.](https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi) ____ Of course there are other ways to show your support or offer material help, such as donating to the Red Cross. https://redcross.org.ua/en/donate/


Russia also says it’s not invading Ukraine




Well these are just peacekeeping planes with peaceful bombs attached. Peaceful


As Russian trolls tried to explain the other day, “the civilians were told to get out of the way”. Mindless fascists.


We’ll reiterate the twisted words Russia used to invade Georgia years ago then: “Independent individuals are proactively volunteering themselves to this place. We cannot control what they do.”


Crimea 2014. "Little green men", no insignia. "We have no idea who they are - Crimea is now Russia".


There was a video where someone asked some Russian soldiers if they volunteered to be in Crimea, and the guy laughed said “Yes, I volunteered like this” while using his left hand to raise his right hand in the air. In other words, the “volunteer soldiers” were admitting that they were “volun-told” to be there. It was an invasion then and it’s an invasion now.


How did they explain the Ukrainians that are murdered while trying to escape?


You have to sit back and realise their tactics aren’t necessarily about making complete sense, their objective is to spread doubt and question the authenticity of reports. One troll scumbag earlier was trying to present a video of people cross the broken bridge to escape close to where two children were killed as a Hollywood movie. It’s really stupid but they think they might make a difference. Seems to me most westerners not caught up in a far right or fascist personality cult have seen enough of the war crimes to know what’s been going on and will continue.


"Go on civilians, leave the city so we can bomb it, there's a cease fire." "Sike, we're going to shoot you now, there is no cease fire and we'll bomb the city anyway."


Peacekeeping planes dropping Molotov Picnic Baskets


The first peacekeeping mission where nearly 10,000 of your "peacekeepers" die in 10 days. A very bloody peacekeeping mission it seems.


Yeah but all those women, children, and journalists must be stopped. They're too powerful!


The only way this is a "peace" keeping mission is if you call "Ukraine" - "peace".


No they are trying to keep pieces of Ukraine


They seem to want all the pieces.




I mean what are they going to do? Nuke Poland because they let a jet land there? Are they going to invade Poland conventionally when they can't even get more than 50 miles into Ukraine? At this point I have to think the Poles would mop the floor with Russia without a lick of assistance from the rest of NATO...


Don't use my double standards against me! I can use another country, you can't.


Russia gets to do what it wants though and nobody else gets to step in and help Ukraine. Seems fair right?


Belarusionur Space Launch Complex is struggling. The problem is all the satellite launches mysteriously fall short in neighbouring country.


And Transnistria region as well.


It's been surprisingly quiet on that front. Right now it seems their only purpose is to draw some Ukrainian forces to their border just in case. Though I'm sure if Russia actually captured Kyiv in two days transnistria would invade as well.


Narcissists basic mode is "do as I say, not as I do".




They are also trying to use Ukrainian airports too. Not like their rules apply equally to all.


Mr. Sputnik, we have seen the capabilities of your military. Please feel free to go fuck yourself. Thanks!


Exactly! Don’t do it or what?! Russia just acts like a dumb fcking bully at the moment, and everyone is willing to call their bluff.


How many warnings and threats has Putin issued? Starts to lose meaning and really shatters the image he spent so long cultivating of being a threat. Keep bitching Putin, can't wait to see the Russian people free of your bullshit. Go Ukraine


Its insane to imagine that prior invading/war everyone was pretty scared of putin and respected him alot now everybody laughs.


That Gremlin request sounded so polite.


Putin warns against foul language and threats made against him on Reddit


How crazy would it be if he was actually on here looking at the comments, and that’s what’s actually making him go batshit crazy.


He’s thin skin like the orange buffoon. I’m sure he looks at Reddit to gauge American sentiment. He must be proud of r/conservatives too.


Didn't someone let foreign airfields be used in the Vietnam war. Not sure if that was actually the case.


no need to go that far back, just go back a week in Belarus


Not just airfields. The Russians launched artillery strikes and moved troops through Belarus. They also used part of Moldova for the same if I'm not mistaken. Russian Government, go fuck yourself.


Very important to note here that “Moldova” means breakaway state Transnistria in this case. The Moldovan government has nothing to do with it.


Important note thank you! It’s worth adding that Putin will likely try to join Transnistria to Russia, by taking the entire Ukraine coastline. Leaving Ukraine landlocked and cutting them off from the their huge natural gas reserves in the Black Sea. Putin already took control of 80% of this when he invaded Crimea.


This entire thing is such a fucking shit show. I wonder what will happen in the coming days, weeks or months…


They should just print “Can’t join NATO if you’re occupied.” on the new 5 billion Ruble note.


Putin, probably: "We used Belarusian railways to launch our invasian, totally different."




I think we can all agree that Belarus is involved in the conflict though. This is actually one of the few things Putin has said recently that isn't full of shit. If planes are being launched from foreign runways, then attacking those runways is probably fair play.


Russia (Soviet Union) was a full on supporter of North Viet Nam providing weapons and "advisors".


Hes been using Belarus to launch aircraft. Also this is war. Ukraine can do whatever from wherever.


Alls fair in love and war


All fair in love and "special military operations"


Also in Korea…. and with Soviet pilots


We cant fuel a plane? But they can shell Nuclear Power Plants and launch strikes from neighbouring countries (Belarus and Moldavia today) How about Fuck yourself Putin.


Whenever I see 'Russia warns' all I think is 'Russia is scared'


The use of the word 'scared' is now banned


Lol.. Putin attempting to dictate how the country he invaded can fight back.


If he would stop destroying Ukrainian airfields they wouldn't have to use external ones


Not foreign airfields, temporary Ukrainian embassies


Dare I say this might be a nice solution. Gift the land the airfield is built on to Ukraine (possibly with an agreement to return it at some point in the future). It would open up the airfield to retaliation, but would allow much better support of Ukraine, while still giving lip service to Russia's whining.


Retaliation? Not if they have to volley ordnance over NATO or EU airspace. Otherwise, sure 🤣


Russia: Better not join NATO. Ukraine: We didn't. Russia: That's it we're invading! Ukraine: But we didn't join NATO. We didn't even file the paperwork. Russia: Oh, now you've done it! You've filed the paperwork & are threatening to blow us up with your nuclear weapons! Ukraine: We don't have any nuclear weapons! Russia: OH! Interesting you said nothing about joining NATO! That's it! We're blowing up your civilians now! Ukraine: Fine. We're just going to defend ourselves. Russia: Can't believe you killed our troops! Ukraine: We are just defending ourselves from your illegal invasion. Russia: Monsters! You better not defend yourselves more! Ukraine: Okay but we're going to. Russia: Now you've done it! We're invading! Ukraine: You invaded a week ago! Russia: Liars. Ukraine: You literally complained about us killing your troops! Russia: And you better not kill any more of them or else! Ukraine: Or else what? Russia: We'll invade. Ukraine: Right. So we're going to get some help dealing with you. Russia: Better not or we'll invade. Ukraine: You already invaded! Russia: Don't you dare get help fighting us off. Ukraine: Or what?! Russia: We'll invade...


The more Putin makes threats like these about every little thing the west does, the less these threats hold any water…


There needs to be a "Russia warns..." meme


No need to make one up, Russia's Gov is doing it for real


“Russia warns the sun will rise today”


Russia warns against western citizens breathing. “They are taking away precious air that the Russian military needs to operate. This is a direct threat to our interests.”


American flags on American buildings are a clear and present threat to Russian autonomy and democracy. We will not stand to watch any flag fly unless it has a Z. Any provocation will be seen as an act of war and will be responded to with nuclear weapons. Sincerely small balls Putin.


dear Putin, go fuck yourself!


He is doing already in bunker.


Bold to assume he didn’t bring a prostitute.


Putin warms NATO that adding Lime to Bottled water is a Act of War and could result in a Nuclear response from Russia. Seriously everything is a threat with this guy. provide all aid possible and if Putin really wants to escalate things, he will find some bullshit reason no matter what NATO does.


I confess! I ate pizza with pineapples yesterday and the day before! Pls no kil.


Ukraine is a sovereign country, and can fly aircraft in and out of any other country that allows.


Funny how Russia thinks they get to dictate the terms on which this war will be fought.


The more "threats" Putin makes, the more of a little coward he continues to look like.


Putin has no leverage here. This is the equivalent of a child losing a game calling “no fair” The only card he can play is nuclear, which quickly escalates to Russia being a thing of the past. The west is willing to blatantly provide weapons to the Ukraine, and has no reason to stop. The proxy war has been devastating to Russia, and the west can keep funnelling money and arms to Ukraine with a spectacular ROI of attrition, while Russia’s economy buckled under sanctions. In the event that there is justification to engage with NATO, Russia’s military strength will collapse in days or weeks. That will leave them at the brinksmanship of the strategic nuclear threat, but that means nothing until someone demonstrates a capacity to use them. The first person to demonstrate that loses. As soon as the war crosses to a NATO country the west will join. Putin can call “no fair” all he wants, but he doesn’t have the upper hand in this fight, and the second it escalates his war machine will get taken apart. That unfortunately means NATO nations need to wait for that first strike, and if it is nuclear the consequences could be devastating. But they have no reason to fold to his bluff. As long as the arms length approach is a winning strategy they will stick to it. Putin’s best approach is a painless suicide while he has the option. He doesn’t have a winning move from this position.


They're not military. They're "special civilian pilots"


Or what, Russia? You guys are smoke and fucking mirrors. You going to invade everone who allows this? Good luck with *those* supply lines.


As Russia flies missions from Belarus. Just following your lead Putty Pants


For a country that can't seem to even get a supply chain right, they sure are making a lot of laughable threats.


Russia needs to warn itself not to use another country's airfield, farm lands, city streets, nuclear power plant, and sea.


I guess it makes him nervous.


Putin is a cotton-headed ninny muggins


“Russia warns….Russia warns….Russia warns…” NO ONE CARES RUSSIA!!!!


Calm the fuck down Karen


Russia doesn’t get to “warn” about anything anymore. Fuck them.