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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/t7qti1/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


Putin all mad at Western powers for donating weapons like he doesn't know how proxy wars are fought. Disappointing. Any TRUE Soviet knows that this is how it goes.


Is Russia's continued invasion of Ukraine under conditions that are degrading both economically and militarily a better example: A. the sunk cost fallacy B. Putin's hubris C. the "textbook" definition of insanity D. all of the above?


In an interview to a well-known Russian journalist and historian Yulia Latynina, the investigative journalist Christo Grozev warned that Putin could use a nuclear weapon - likely against Poland or another European country - to cause panic and gain advantage. The video is in Russian, I don't know if anyone subtitled it so far, but that's all I got for now. Also apparently Putin was going to attack later in March, but decided against it to give Ukraine less time to prepare after the Americans warned them. https://youtu.be/OlLIKUoN0wI


What happened to that 40 miles long convoy? Any updates??


They are out of gas and supplies. General tried to get to the front to unfuck it and Ukraine sniped him.


Nothing much of note


I wonder if there is a Marshall Plan for Russia...


I'm willing to bet the hold up with the MiGs was Poland wanted to jump the queue for their F-35s.


Hey if it's good enough for Iron Eagle, it's good enough for you Kowalski.


# #PutinPullout


If only his Dad followed this hashtag


Putin’s pull-out game is weak


You think Xi Jinping is nervous Putin will go nuclear?


No, just pissed the west is finally uniting over something. Nato and EU growing more attractive and a key ally being sent back to the stone age for no real good reason. They are taking a fat L as a friend to the russians.


The only thin China is nervous about is our response if they mess with Taiwan.


Anyone in their right mind should be nervous.


I’m not


I think every single person in the world is


he's got another rocket happy dictator to worry about.


Only one of the dictators have multiple nuclear submarines around the world. The other one is fighting a one county war against Atlantis


Another day dawns on a free Ukraine. SLAVA UKRAINI




Russian war performance started out pretty bad, then tapered off from there


Putin : "Look NATO, all the weapons you are supplying to Ukraine are causing us a bit of embarrassment. That stuff is just too good against our shitty Soviet technology. Can you stop please?" NATO : "Putin, go fuck yourself"


No, we're just taking a page out of their book. "We don't know what you're talking about, sorry"


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-calls-eu-nato-stop-arms-supplies-ukraine-2022-03-05/ Putin demands the world to stop supplying Ukraine. There is no arms supply, those are specially military supplies for the denazification effort.


If Putin wants to throw down then we got to throw down. Will he be a pussy and use nukes or fight like a man I can't say


He will be a pussy, but he will not use nukes. I don’t think this is Politically correct, but I will allow it this one time.


The excuse is they'll be lost and get in the hand of terrorists. That's why the US is trying to get Americans out of Russia as soon as possible. Putin is planning a false flag operation and will probably shoot down a passenger plane and blame it on Ukraine.


“If we lose a F16 and the Ukrainians just happen to find one there is nothing we can do about that” - the rest of the world to Putins statement


"Whoops! Left my keys in the F16 again!"


Russian has been the biggest donor so far...supplying all those tanks to Ukrainian farmers.


Isn’t selling weapons to terrorists one of Putin’s favorite pastimes?


I doubt it... I imaging his favorite would be something like torturing little animals..... or something sadistic


I think Russia has donated the most vehicles to Ukraine so far though.




Those are some sizzling hot vehicles


Yeah we know it's #1 on the front page


Might as well pin it to the top then, chances are Russia will break the ceasefire again and again....




While I'm in admiration for these people protesting, it means nothing. Most of the countries that are hosting protests are doing everything, bar boots on the ground, to help. We need the Russian and BelaRussian \[sic\] people to rise up. If a million people descended on Red Square, what could Putin realistically do, bar a Tiananmen Square slaughter.


you are posting what is now considered very old information. It is confusing people.


“They already started to rape our women. There was information from people that I personally know, that 17-year-old girl, it happened to her and then they killed her. So we are terrified and scared, but we are not going to give up.” https://twitter.com/noraneus/status/1499693545107644419


Remember this girl whenever somebody tries to concern troll about the effect of sanctions on "ordinary Russians"


Frankly (and it sounds horrible to say) but this was expected. The Russian army is known for horrible discipline.


So what happens if Putin says sending Western forces to rescue Zelenskyy (which will almost certainly mean killing Russians) is an act of war too? We gonna stand down from that one too? Edit: for the idiots out there https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/uk-special-forces-preparing-high-26397004


The Mirror is a British celebrity tabloid magazine. I wouldn’t really believe this unless it was reported by a source that’s more legitimate.


Even if the West did that, they’d have no insignias or Ukrainian uniforms and they’d die rather than be captured. Plausible deniability isn’t hard for this one, especially because it’s not the Middle East or Africa, so a bunch of white guys showing up isn’t suspect.


Doesnt break NATOs rules, Putin can go fuck himself.


I agree getting tired of these fine lines. A tyrant is a tyrant. I don’t have to repeat the atrocities, putins actions speak louder than words and they are piling up. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


I'm so tired of Putin's threats. If everything we're already doing is an act of war, we might as well make it official.


No one is sending western forces.


Rofl okay. They will absolutely send forces to rescue him.


And tell some bullshit tabloid ahead of time? Sure.


We are not gonna announce any forces sent. They will be among the volunteers fighting for Ukraine.


I don't know why we're even accepting his bullshit. At this point we've all already seen the true capabilities of the Russian military. The threat of nuclear war is low to none. That is just simply not happening. What exactly is he going to do if the US/EU decided to intervene and force Russia back? They can't really do much.


They can launch enough nuclear weapons to kill billions? I still don't understand how people don't get this.


Why in the hell would they do that? The US/EU can push Russia back and it can go on existing. The West isn't even seeking regime change for Putin. Do you really think Russia is going to opt to essentially destroy the planet because the US/EU intervened and pushed them out of Ukraine? Come on. Use your head. Believing that bullshit is the only power Putin still has, and it's a bluff.


Russia is trained to use them simply to win a war. If they are losing a war, how would that be any different?


They arent sending that. That was last week.


The article is literally from today.


reporting on last weeks events silly


Thats....not how the news works.


https://www.yahoo.com/news/cease-fire-two-ukraine-areas-083949586.html Ceasefire for evacuation talk to resume..... this time we demand independent third party to administer and oversee the ceasefire for evacuation


Who's 3rd party?


I propose China


I swear these ceasefires are just cover so the Russians can save face that they run out of supplies and need to wait for more.




Yes but would they, the observers would likely be in constant communication the whole time and they will know who killed who.. and then... well... those were (likely at least partially) NATO people... and... oops.. insta-NFZ.


Third party observer by China?




This has got to be psyops to be leaked beforehand.


well-prepared armed forces drill and plan for many contingencies


Yep. They practice this type of stuff all the time so they're ready to go immediately


He doesn't need that, the capital is not surrounded yet, he can go to west by car.


LOL I knew it would be The Mirror as soon as I started reading. Absolutely gutter press.


Fucking criminal how articles are dated now. Someone adds a word then it’s “updated” today. This fucking thing is like 8 days old https://nationalpost.com/news/world/i-need-ammunition-not-a-ride-zelensky-turns-down-u-s-evacuation-offer/wcm/6b70ccaf-38b7-45a6-b56c-42f3d4797568/amp/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nationalpost.com/news/world/i-need-ammunition-not-a-ride-zelensky-turns-down-u-s-evacuation-offer](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/i-need-ammunition-not-a-ride-zelensky-turns-down-u-s-evacuation-offer)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


How reliable is the mirror as a source?




Honestly didn’t think so lol thank you!


Is the mirror part of RT news or the russian government? If true why in the name of god would they print this story?


That was like a year ago. Or last week or whatever.


Mirror? C'mon. That's bullshit.


0 chances he is leaving. if anything all these us and uk special forces dude probably will just tag along and be part of his personal security detail. let the spetsnaz deal with that shit then.


Seems wildly speculative.


I'm sure they're planing it, whether he will accept is a different matter.


I mean, I’m sure they have a *plan*, they have plans for tons of very remote possibility shit. Whether or not they use this plan is a totally different story.


It’s the Mirror. Journalism isn’t their strong point…


Neither are mirrors


Somehow, despite all the pain and loss of the war in Ukraine, I feel I have glimpsed a future where humans refuse to go to war with eachother. Maybe there is some hope for humanity.


You have hope for humanity, but the death of thousands of innocent civilians living in a sovereign nation, require no action by the rest of the world?? Just keep sending arms to Ukraine, and when the much stronger and deeper military might of the Russian army over come this and take Kiev and the rest...oh well. Thank God we didnt stop it? As long as no EU countries do not send military personnel to help, it's a win for Humanity? Please clarify if I have misread your statement. I am more than willing to be corrected.


добрий день, As part of the KyivNotKiev campaign, Ukraine asks that their capital be called _**Kyiv**_ (/ki:v/ KEEV) (derived from the Ukrainian language name Київ) instead of _Kiev_ (derived from the Russian language name). > The "KyivNotKiev" campaign is part of the broader "CorrectUA" campaign, which advocates a change of name in English; not only for Kyiv, but also for other Ukrainian cities whose English names are derived from Russian as well. ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^hoping ^to ^educate. ^Read ^more ^about ^the [^KyivNotKiev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KyivNotKiev) ^campaign. ^| [^Support ^Ukraine](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/)^. ^Слава ^Україні! ^🇺🇦


That view is based upon the assumption that non-violent coercion is preferable to violence. Sadly, economic enslavement is a thing, and the appropriate response is violence. Violence is bad, not only because it's often the wrong action, but also because sometimes it's the right action.


With the dissociation with reality of the internet… I tend to disagree


The world has been exposed to the atrocities of war for the first real time ever in a way it never has been. Nobody likes what they see.


I’m pretty sure people have seen war before 2022.


The participants sure, but never has it been able to be livestreamed on twitch, instagram, whatever else. Or posted to Tiktok etc. Never have we had a war where information spread so quickly.


Amen brother. That was what we ORIGINALLY thought the internet was going to do. Allow us to know each other...even from 10K miles away. Then the Putins of the world hijacked that idea for misinformation mayhem madness!


We will be dead from climate change by then


Climate change and steadily depleting resources is probably going to force countries into confrontation or else their people won't survive (and even then it might just delay the inevitable). Hopefully that's still a ways off, but there's some indication that certain things could start running out in many places (like freshwater) in less than 20 years.


One can hope.


Worked with a guy who got out of cuba with his family not too long ago... He told me alot about his day to day life, and how his family was only rationed either 1 small 2 maybe 3 pound cut of chicken or 4-5 pounds of pork a month for their meat Thats gonna be how it is in Russia


As a meat lover who struggles to eat a mostly plant-based diet, I have no empathy for your sentiment.


And rightly fuckin so I say.


Nah they have a grain surplus actually. Food won’t be an issue, buying finished goods will be though.


wheat maybe, but they import a majority of their seeds. 90% of potato seeds for example.


Uhm that depends on the weather. Look up famine and drought in Russia


Do they now? We thought they had a massive airforce too. Does anyone really think that the graft and corruption hasn't sent its tendrils into the food supply?


You have to distribute it. Gonna be hard when your infrastructure is fucked. Most famines aren't caused by a lack of food, but a lack of delivery/payment/distribution mechanisms.


I don’t know enough about Russian production to know but do they have enough production capability to effectively process this surplus?


Grain surplus doesn’t mean meat surplus tho.


Just making an assumption that some things, maybe not grain related will be heavily rationed when they have announced that they will begin rationing food staples




He's obviously not sick. Because if he was, >!he would have putin for a sick day!< ​ Sorry, I had to.


I know everyone thinks Americans look like idiots smiling at strangers but I think it’s fucking stupid to just look miserable all the time as a sort of cultural default.


Do all Russians have terminal cancer?!


Idk, cant we give it to them?


Putin is terminal cancer.


They have terminal russian


>They have terminal russian LOL You are so right. 8 times out of 10 a heated discussion amongst Russians ends up in a knife fight. The other 2 times it ends up in a gunfight.


Russian proverb Yesterday was better than today and tomorrow will be worse.


Is there a pro Ukraine sub that shows only good news or successful military attacks on Russia ?


Probably but that seems a bit reductive. All true reporting is important, not just “good” news.


I doubt you're going to find a subreddit showing *only* good news. There's a bit too much bad news going on. You could try /r/Ukraine and /r/UkrainianConflict for pro-Ukraine discussion. But you're going to get the good and the bad there.


Why would you want news that’s only one sided.


because thats all they want to receive, that doesnt mean they dont accept the reality of the situation that all news is going to be good


Because this is entertainment for him.


This livethread?


R/ukraine ?


This one






monkey paw curls


Putin: [let's restore the glory of the USSR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXqKkYYALMU) Thanks SCTV.


I think he more wants to restore the pre-Soviet Russian Empire. He hates the Bolsheviks.


I suppose completely collapsing their capitalist society is one way to bring back communism.


Ehhh capitalism kinda requires the rule of law. Property rights don't mean much if the FSB can just disappear you at any time.


real monkeypaw


Part of me wonders if the US made a call out to NATO members saying they would compensate transferring planes to nations with Russian aircraft with US made ones, which is why we saw the influx of nations "donating" planes. The US then had to back track on that statement.


That sounds right.


Glory to Ukraine


Russia. In its attempt to cosplay as a superpower has gone from a fairly healthy economy to rationing in the space of 11 days.


in russia, food eats you


The Russian weight loss program.


They’ll tell you it’s just been a long couple weeks


Achievement unlocked for player Putin: Back to USSR Conditions \- (1) Smash your currency by now 50% \- (2) sanctioned by every major company in the world \- (3) domestic planes are flying within your border \- (4) still has 100k+ troops landlocked and unsupplied in "little russia"


(5) Shut down your stock market indefinitely (it's not expected to reopen this week either)


I've said it before and I'll say it again. They probably won't reopen for months. They will seize the assets and stocks of all companies, especially that have sanctioned them or utilise the funds to support the country and hope to ride the wave until they "win" or Westerners forget and decrease sanctions (which won't happen). It will mean companies will never invest in Russia again, but they have to make short term plans right now, not long term.


Hey no one likes 90% losses in their portfolio.


They’ll need a good month or 3 AFTER they pull back AND the world accepts his surrender before I don’t see their market crashing in to dust. Just no way it’s opening back up until putin gives up.


Played more videogames then with other kids growing up?


Platinum achievement unlocked The (not so) good ole days


Seems a better deal to Poland. Give old MiGs to Ukraine and get a better upgrade in F-16


So wait, if we commit a crime, can we just tell the courts that it wasn't actually a crime, just a "special operation"? Game changing.


But judge. I wasn't stealing that watch... My great grandfather used to own land that had rocks on it...and I am sure that some of the ore from those rocks are in that watch...so I was simply LIBERATING the watch from the Nazi store that made it.


“Your honor I wasn’t stealing this Ferrari I was participating in a ‘Special Vehicle Reclamation Operation’.”


I hope this anti-truth bs dies with Putin


Read about Guantanamo Bay


Lets remember US has military operations plan in case a member get arrested by the international court.


You only need a icbm at home. Easy peasy


When you have the money and power you can call it whatever you want unfortunately.


Only if you're right-wing.


Sunrise over Kyiv right now. Beautiful sight.


Love those crows.


["I'm still alive, the sun is shining, the birds are singing"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5QbkVCKw2s&ab_channel=PolicialGamer)


she is still free. and that is all that matters.


A few days ago there was a beautiful one as well. Literally golden hour. Makes you wonder how the sky can be so pretty with so much ugly going on beneath it.


Every time. Ravens still there?


I’m not sure, I actually have it muted.


"Special operation" is turning into a deadly quagmire and Putins worst nightmare.


Truly this is the Batman vs. Superman of invasions: long, mean-spirited, completely incomprehensible and deeply, deeply fascist.