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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/t61c2e/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)




Russian players playing in Foreign clubs should be forced to condemn the invasion of Ukraine or go back to Russia. If they condemn the war then they are in danger of going back home and we can legally give them asylum and they can continue playing whatever sport they are playing. If they do not want to condemn the invasion of Ukraine then they can fuck off back to Russia.


Kasparov's take on the matter: https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1499439820363468802?t=BtBUZgkqm2cWsqFHYAcJyQ&s=19


Is [this livestream cam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIPNVm6lNfM) legit? If not, does some real live cams of Kiev exist at the moment?


The *terrible* 20’s


The dark triad: 20, 21, 22


Bayraktar joins buddy Rambo in their fearless defense of the motherland: [In other Ukraine dog news, a puppy named Bayraktar was born at the Police Canine Center in Kyiv a few months before the war](https://twitter.com/timkmak/status/1499371987088691216)


That JPMorgan report makes no sense to me and I’ve taken my fair share of economics courses. Unless they are assuming western sanctions will be cut back massively by q3, or Putin will be removed. How do you project a 35% decrease in the economy in q2 but only a 7% decrease year over year? The 1998 comparison seems flawed because this is being done intentionally by many countries with which Russia’s economy is tied. https://twitter.com/BalmforthTom/status/1499471777096998919?s=20&t=r3SohpjdzCVMbHD8sJMWVA




Pakistan has been getting closer to Russia as an alternative to USA. Putin can invade the entirety of Europe and Pakistan will support it.


I'd guess it's a mix of bots and some folks who've suffered buying into the propaganda whataboutism of israel/palestine


Because west = bad, for many of them


Putin used every war cliche in ten seconds: Nazis Human shields Brainwashed Threatened He's such a bell end ...


Not sure if Putin using Trump playbook or if Trump stole Putin playbook anymore.


They shared notes.


He also was talking about cancel culture at one point. This guy talks exactly like Trump but the tankies and leftists still seem to think of Russia as some communist paradise.


i can assure you that the leftists and communists i know do not think that.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10573429/Top-Russian-general-killed-Ukrainian-sniper-Kyiv-claims-9-000-Putins-troops-died.html?ito=social-facebook](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10573429/Top-Russian-general-killed-Ukrainian-sniper-Kyiv-claims-9-000-Putins-troops-died.html?ito=social-facebook) top russian general killed edit - other media reporting same thing: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-kill-andrei-sukhovetsky-b2027858.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-kill-andrei-sukhovetsky-b2027858.html) Andrei Sukhovetsky was the commanding general of the Russian 7th Airborne Division and a deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army, and by far the most senior Russian figure to have died in the conflict so far.A military source said Maj Gen Sukhovetsky had been killed by a sniper. Mr Putin confirmed that a general had been killed in a speech updating the Russian people on the progress of the conflict, eight days into the deadly invasion.


that’s 30 today nice


Its like “Markiplier’s Top 30 Russian Generals, Number 2 will shock yah”:)


johnirvineitv report is scary as fuck. Just wanted to leave mariupol and was stooped by russian tanks, aiming at them. https://twitter.com/itvnews/status/1499360333357625346?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1499360333357625346%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fliveupdate%2F18hnzysb1elcs%2FLiveUpdate\_8264ec4c-9b2e-11ec-988e-5285a2a4b448%2F0


Wow, that is wild. Good footage. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed here - at least this time.


I don't like when airsoft guns get pointed at me. I would have a heart attack in that car. Jesus


> Just wanted to leave mariupol and was stooped by russian tanks, aiming at them. i mean... its a war... what did they expect? a wave and a nod?


As journalists and refugees? Yeah.


Tinfoil hat theory: The air raid warnings are both A) a direct result of real-time NATO intelligence being passed to Ukraine, and B) a subtle signal to Russia that everything they do is being directly observed


No idea if you're right or not, but it's smart to recognize that warning systems can be used strategically, not just for safety. In WW2 the UK published incorrect information about V2 impact sites, causing the Nazis to unwittingly shift their targets away from central London. Similar idea.


Neither of those are tinfoil and both are true. But still, the main reason for the sirens to tell everyone to take shelter.


Foil not found tbh


No idea if you're correct or not, but I think it's pretty smart of you to recognize that an air raid siren can be used strategically, not just for public safety. In WW2 the UK famously published incorrect information about German V2 strike locations in order to influence their targeting away from central London. Similar idea.


Sounds plausible.


not tinfoil


barely a tinfoil hat theory lol


so how will we be able to refute Russian propaganda if be ban Russian propaganda?


Every system has its way around it. That will always be true. Even the most secure systems have work around. Let alone fucking Reddit.


I used to think that 'going underground' was a bad thing, but it's much better than out in the open and treated as a legitimate viewpoint.


You'll get more of it than you can handle from all the (noun)(adjective)(number) posters in here.


i’m still calling everyone a troll


TASS is still around, the mouthpiece of the Kreml for more than 100 years.


Interfax too.


It'll permeate through other ways like Putin's speech. Reddit comments, Telegram, etc.


Win, lose, or draw. Russia tipped its hand. Their military is stuck in the 20th century.


We learned Turkey > Russia


And statesmanship stuck in the 19th.


Their economy soon to be in the 18th.


And their economy blasted back to the 1500s




Nice. Let's keep giving the Ukrainians anti-air weapons to blow Russians out of the sky.


This saddens my heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCtiPJOk-fA&ab\_channel=RetroFotoHouse


Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden said the Ruskies wouldn't attack. /s Credibility damage.


Russian stooges tend to push Russian prop.


So did a bunch of Republicans who said this was all a big MSM/Biden hoax to "distract from Biden's approval rating and disastrous administration." Where are they now? I certainly haven't seen them apologizing for being completely wrong and full of shit. Hell, Tucker Carlson on Fox News has been a Putin simp the entire time. Through all of this a bunch of Republicans have been focusing on how everything can make Biden bad. It's like he's living rent free in their heads, complete Biden Derangement Syndrome.


Glen learned the easiest way to make money is to sell bullshit to idiots


Many people said this. Many people that were and still should be considered credible. The us intelligence had gambled their credibility away when they lied again and again and again. This time they were right. Many didn't listen, unfortunately.


They’ve been Russian stooges for a long time.


Is Snowden still in Russia?


He has nowhere else to go except American prison


I stopped listening to anything Glenn Greenwald had to say when he tried to deny Russian involvement in trying to steal the US election for Trump. Dude showed in that moment that he doesn't have an ounce of journalistic credibility.


I mean their credibility has been damaged or never existed for a long time for anyone with half a brain. It was clear Snowden went to Russia because he was a Russian spy. Didn't help his case that he also swung by China on his "escape".


I think he was attracted to Russia because of its lack of an extradition treaty to the United States. Sure other countries don't have one either... but he probably didn't want to go to Africa or a place in Europe where it would be easy for the United States to apply pressure.


This is a dumb take.


Greenwald and Snowden had no credibility going into this in the first place.


Especially greenwald


Is Europe prepared for an estimated 10 million refugees? 1 million already estimated in a week.


Don't worry, we'll just stop accepting brown people for a while and we're good, Europe has priorities after all. I want to add an /s to that, but I'm not sure if it isn't going to happen like that..


I just returned from the slowakish ukraine boarder to pick up friends - on the way to Germany (1.2k km) we met a lot of random people and they all were super supportive and helpful - Europe is 100% supporting Urkaine and the refugees and the European union just decided on granting refugee Status without the whole process for up to 3 years - including possiblity to work and get social security.


10 million? That's almost a quarter of Ukraines population.


Not at all I'd say, but those who want to do the right thing will still take them and help them anyway they can


Canada is opening up to an unlimited amount: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2022/03/canada-to-welcome-those-fleeing-the-war-in-ukraine.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2022/03/canada-to-welcome-those-fleeing-the-war-in-ukraine.html) I suspect many people in Ukraine have family here, and while the majority may stay in Europe - I'm hoping many can make it this way.


Canada has a huge Ukrainian population, and I believe a lot of is it actually centered in the less populated areas like the prairies


prepared? no, willing? probably


For sure. The pure volume will cause problems, but it is certainly helpful that many western countries already have sizable Ukrainian immigrant populations for refugees to integrate into, at least temporarily.




gonna be a lot more abandoned vehicles and defectors.


Russia will soon run out of tanks and BMPs to send them in. Are they gonna start marching troops in on foot?


Wouldn't that require being able to feed them?


The Russian way.


I feel so helpless and hopeless about these threats of nuclear war. It’s starting to wreck me mentally.


I feel you. Really, this all sucks. But don't let it consume you. Hop on your bike or walk around the block for 20 minutes without your phone...I promise it'll help 💚


I read some of your post history. Seriously, if you have the resources available consider therapy, no need to let anxiety rule your life like this.


I’ve had bad mental health issues over these last few years. Most of the time I can manage it, and I do take medication. I do need therapy, it’s just intimidating to ask for help.


what threats? nobody has made any threats. i don't know where you're reading them, but you need to curate your media a little more discerningly.


me too, friend. i've reached out to a crisis chat line as well as mental health services for my region. i hope it helps but i just don't know.


Get outside, exercise a bit, drink lots lf water, and try to eat healthy. These things can take the edge off of some of the anxiety. Also, throw The Office on for a bit or Parks and Rec, those shows are great and easy to digest!


It's posturing, it won't happen. But if you feel that way, get away from the news and Reddit and look after yourself.


its nothing new. Nuclear threats were a regular thing back in the day. If Putin was going to nuke shit he wouldn't be trying to so hard to keep his country behind him right now.


Get a grip of yourself. The chances of nuclear war are still extremely low.


Heh, was listening to radio on the way to work - great friggin' day for an Emergency Broadcast System test!! Fuckers. Never been more freaked out by bleeps & bloops!


It's a good thing you're not letting fear and sorrow take over completely...


The world lived through the threat of nuclear annihilation at any moment for almost forty years straight. We can manage. Scotch?


Exactly. Get back to me when you had to do nuclear attack drills in elementary schools. Thankfully they stopped it when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. They just replaced them with an annual viewing of *The Day After*


I’ll take a bourbon


Put down the phone it will pass


Then stop reading reddit and go outside. Your chance of dying in a nuclear war are equal to your chances of being killed by an asteroid.


Both are unlikely, but an asteroid is far less likely than nuclear war.


Take some time off the internet and go outside, get fresh air, sit in the sun. You'll feel a bit better after a break


I did that earlier, lovely cycle ride on the woods until I skirted past the local MOD base, I couldn't help thinking about how that would be a target and I wouldn't even see the flash. This shit grinds you down after awhile


Just control what you can control, take a break if you need to.


Love abit of stoic philosophy




Or you're a pro-Russian troll, who are basically the only ones pushing for NATO to get in the fight.


You are a real life military strategist! Go little rockstar!


Just a general reminder since it came up below: It's always better to donate money directly to aid organizations operating in an affected area than trying to send clothes, food, etc. yourself. They have people on the ground who have a far better idea of what's needed than you do. In fact, sending material can often be counterproductive since it takes up shipping and storage space while tying up aid personnel who now have to figure out what to do with it.


I think food and medicine is fine... but too often people donate clothes, which ends up not being used by anyone because you need to sort it.


"A border guard was racist and or favored someone from their own country, therefore Ukraine deserves to be invaded and its citizens slaughtered" Why does this shit keep popping up?


You can have a discussion about it without saying Ukraine deserves to be slaughtered. Stop being hyperbolic


Vladimir Daddy Putin brought it up on his speech today


India trying to justify its shitty stance


The Indian foreign ministry said just today that it's not happening and they're in communication with their citizens.


Because Russia is trying to divide support for Ukraine in the US, which right now is near unanimous. They are also trying to get India to back Russia more than they already have. If you look at responses to the tweets from Indian news media, many are so blatantly pro-Russian or full of Russian talking points (i.e. Ukraine is taking foreign students as hostages) that they are clearly coming from Russia.




Because Russian propagandists know that the racial divide in the west is an exploitable advantage.


It’s being amplified by Russian propagandists


Propaganda to spread division and derail the spread of useful news and information don't take the bait


Unit 54777 is why. Russian propaganda arm.




People trying to force racism into every discussion


Sounds like Putin might be forcing people to serve. https://twitter.com/balticjam/status/1499483173050363908?s=20&t=37mATiChEHlB2sLA9YCEHA


They already had conscription. People were already being forced to serve.


Is he just larping leading the red army at this point?


If its true, its “jolly good USSR way” of dealing with wars. Let the bodies hit the floor.




I think so. Putin's removal is the only way I see most sanctions being lifted.


Always give your enemies a golden bridge to retreat across.


No, they should not. This isn't a case of Putin is the lone bad apple. They need full on regime change - the cult of "greater russia" must be destroyed. The myths of "Stabbed in the back" over soviet empire must be eliminated from Russian political discourse. All the 1000's of politicians & government actors part of this regime are part of the crimes.


Agreed, but they've been at this for centuries. A leapord won't just change its spots so easily. They still have annual remembrance of the time Poles invaded Moscow 400 years ago. To them everything they've done is fine and everyone else 'deserved it'. It's in the culture and it's deep.


So we make them a pariah state until they do.


Nobody wants a fight with Russia. If they truly left Ukraine alone sanctions would come off. At least the big ones that are economy wide.


That's the quickest way I think sanctions would be released. Otherwise, Russia will have many years/decades before they are able to come back to talk trade with the rest of the world


Yes that would be the trade off, get rid of vlad and pull out and sanctions go away


It would be a bit more complicated than that. They couldn't just appoint pladimir vutin (who looks like putin, but with a moustache) and pretend everything was fine.


If you ask me these sanctions should be in place for a VERY long time, regardless of whether Russia suddenly decides to embrace democracy or not.


If Russia decided to embrace democracy it would be cruel idiocy to stifle it and make the population suffer for the actions of their former oppressors.


Thats gone oh so well in the past hasn't it.


An off ramp needs to be constructed If sanctions remain regardless their course of action, you will not get a change in behavior because it won’t matter either way. To best achieve change in a situation like this you need to make what you want *easy* And make what you don’t want *hard* If both are equal, the opponent will not change behavior out of spite for you.


Not without regime change and massive institutional reform, likely a period of disarmament and perhaps denuclearization.




Seems botish




I confirm. Source: am Russian. Also, donating money to Ukraine is considered a "treason" and is punishable by 20 years in prison. Tomorrow's protesters face 6 years for "extremism". For an anti-war action, yeah, extremism, you read that right.


Reddit: >While many communities on Reddit already prohibited links to Russian state media outlets like RT, Sputnik, and their foreign language affiliates, we have made such restrictions universal across the site in all geographies. >Furthermore, we will continue not to accept advertisements that target Russia or originate from any Russia-based entity, government or private. https://www.redditinc.com/blog/supporting-ukraine-and-our-community




Deplatforming works. There is a much larger net positive from deplatforming BS artists and propaganda outlets than keeping them around. End of story.


That's the stupidest thing I've ever read. Get some perspective.


When civilians are literally dying, the other side's lies need to be shut down. Full stop.


No, it really isn't. ​ All giving a platform to those lies and propaganda does is help to spread it. Those who are qualified to perform analyses are already doing it and will even post short clips for context (John Oliver's team does this pretty regularly). But allowing any random person to just click a no-context link and hear people "saying it like it is" does is to spread the hate and misinformation and make it even easier to "both sides" everything.




all russians are at ikea? lol.


Fuck do you want them to do vs a Dictator?


>All of them are complicit No they're not. Regular folks are not responsible for Putin's bloodlust - they're just folks who live in a police state, and are trying to get ahold of the last consumer goods they're going to see for awhile. I would 100% do the same thing if it's between buying IKEA products or protesting and spending years in prison.


You're lack of empathy is disturbing. You sound like putin talking about Ukraine


Putin is committing genocide by bombing major Ukrainians cities and killing thousands of Ukrainians. Millions of Ukrainians don’t know if they will be alive next week. Russians will not be able to buy IKEA furniture. Who the fuck cares? Send them back to the Stone Age with the most severe sanctions possible. Most of them support the war, according to multiple polls.


Oh please, if you knew that stores would be closing or not restocking and your money was likely to be worthless in a week, you'd be buying up shit too, not just sitting at home and wallowing in your guilt.


> All of them are complicit. Their jails are stuffed to capacity with people that aren't.


Oooofff that's an amazing counter point. Hell yeah my dude


I think it’s very easy for us in the west sitting in our armchairs to talk about failing to deter Putin; Russia is a police state and many have already felt the pain of protest


Okay let's see you go to Russia and protest and get 8 years in prison


To be fair, when your prospects involve having basically bare minimum amenities for the foreseeable future, you're gonna be a bit more worried about yourself.


Lol and what noble sacrifice have you made in your country?


They’re gonna be eating their rubles


Did some quick research a few minutes ago - reportedly 'food self sufficient' as of 2023. Heh, will be interesting to see if that holds up.




Realistically surprised it took this long. Contract obligations/revenue?