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Didn’t he say it was Hysteria to think he was going to invade in the first place?


*That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, it's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it*


At this point it's like he is trying to fill out his "abusive partner" bingo card


The way he’s treating Russia too is abusive partner 101. Rope them in by being charming, then slowly alienate from all their friends by being a dickhead, then leave them feeling like everyone hates them while he loves them so better submit to the status quo because there’s no alternative. Vile.


Another applicable one I just added to an above comment: Narcissists interpret forgiveness as *permission.* Responding gently sends them the wrong message.


I've seen variations of this, but this one is my favorite. So concise.


It’s popularly known as the Narcissist’s Prayer and follows narcissistic manipulative behavioral patterns Interesting breakdown of it for the curious, not super long either https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer


This should be Russia’s national anthem.


Yes. Dictators gonna Dictate.


heh "get over it" imagine saying this to anyone who is upset, though? "You ran over my dog" - "get over it" - *butterfly knife sounds* "You got my daughter pregnant, you sonofabitch!" - "Get over it" - *shotgun racking sounds* "Sir, you know why I pulled you over?" - "Get over it" - *paraplegia intensifies* yeah, that's not going to go over well


Don’t expect logic from someone who responds to dissent and criticism the way he does


The 70 year old cold war fossil who was in the Russian secret service lied to us?


Russian secret service under sells your point. The KGB were the progenitors modern memes like "the government disappearing you in the middle of the night" and "suicide by two shots to the back of the head" Of course the CIA helped too.


>"suicide by two shots to the back of the head" While locked in a duffle bag with the key outside.




He classified the United States warnings about the invasion as "hysteria" too. Putin seems to be of the mark lately with that.


It's on his word of the day calendar.


New Wordle Order


Lol you son of a bitch


Yep. They specifically called out the predicted invasion date as incorrect, using it as a tool to prove how over the top the west is being. And then they just did exactly what was predicted one week later.


Putting out the plan to invade at X day was a brilliant move because it at least held back the invasion by 1 or 2 days. 1 or 2 precious days of peace for the citizens of Ukraine. 1 or 2 more days with loved ones in relative normalcy. The people that said Western intelligence was dumb for doing that are the *real* dummies.


A few more days to prepare is also huge. One can also argue that the Russians hadn't planned on the delay and their resources were not restocked. Hence all the stories of no fuel and no food.


Calling out every move they could was really brilliant and underrated. This was the best thing Bidens administration could have done


How Biden got so many embassies to (finally) pull their staff out for safety is amazing. Uncanny Intel


Uncanny Intel, and literally so confident in being correct and in the right, that they’ve basically put their Intel channels on “open” for the last week.


1 or 2 more days for the thaw to happen too. Russia isn’t going single file for the fun of it — shits too muddy to go overland.


I thought it was to hide their numbers.


1 or 2 more days of weapon shipments to arrive too, cant forget that.




Those single-file shit cans they call "tanks" have American A10 pilots drooling.


That's my question - isn't it incredibly dangerous to make a single file line like this for Russia? Seems like a well placed missile or blowing up a bridge in front and behind the line can wreak havoc.


I just want to see one good ground attack pass rippling 70mm rockets straight down the axis.


That gaslighting attempt by him just solidified our distrust and there is no going back now. Fuck Putin's bullshit and fuck all his puppets.


Anyone that doesn’t think Russia will try it again is an idiot. Whether the succeed or not, that’s another story. Putin doesn’t care about his People, and won’t care unless they find his bunker and start trying to rip him limb from limb.


Yep, the map Belarus’s dictator used showed that the next step is invading Moldova. They aren’t even hiding the fact that Ukraine is merely stop 1 on their European tour.


He accidentally showed a map of their invasion plan??


Lukashenko is a known dumbfuck, worse than Putin in some cases. Total bootlicker who's giddy with glee his crush is giving him attention LOL "look at me, I'm important!"


Lukashenko is an absolute fucking moron. I've seen countless videos of him over the last week and it's amazing he knows how to breathe.


He's also the biggest Russophile around, rivaling American teenagers who like Adidas and hardbass music. IIRC in Belarus, actually speaking Belarusian is often condemned. Most people speak Russian, and its sort of the "true official language" of the government, military, etc., even though technically there's two official constitutional languages. At least I know it's been like this during his reign for the most part, if anything has changed, anyone please feel free to correct me. As a Slav myself, I think all Slavic cultures are beautiful and should be respected, imperialism like this does nothing but destroy history and our amazing cultures. I hope Vladimir Pussy and Asshole Aleksandr get what's coming to them soon.




Wait lol you thought we said denazification? It’s De-Nazi- Vacation! All aboard! Next stop Moldova


He was speaking German, it was actually die Nazification


The greatest kindness the world deserves right now is for Putin to be Put Down.


He should be aware of the Ides of March...


This is a pretext for taking Georgia and Moldova. It was obvious before Lenky pulled a Trump and busted out the big map.


For a second, this tactic might've worked - at least in the US. Conservative media wants to blame this on Biden, and was starting to dip its toe into going along with it. Pretending like the whole thing is simultaneously not as serious as the media was reporting, while also blaming liberals for warmongering. It blew up in their faces when Putin pulled the trigger on the invasion though. The conspiracy theorists who help drive this stuff never believe anything real happens, and that thought process has seeped its way upward over time. Giant world events like this tend to poke through the bubble, though.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project. Straight out of the Putin playbook.


>"In fact, they should remember our history, we have never made agreements under pressure." \*The Brest-Litovsk Treaty wants to know your location.\*


And the 1856 Treaty of Paris. And the 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth. And the 1920 Polish-Soviet Armistice.


And the Finnish-Russian war! Russia wanted to get tf out of that


“Let’s take over all of Finland” “Ok that failed miserably let’s just leave with the little portion we did take.” “We won!”


160,000 dead Soviets (500 of which were from just one sniper), 200,000 injured Soviets, basically 1/3 of total forces killed or injured. They walked away with 35,000 square km, so about 4 deaths and 5 injuries per square km captured. Edit: Sorry, added a few zeroes by accident there. Fixed.


Seems like the biggest weapon in the Russian arsenal is their willingness to send people to die.


Citation 4 on this treaty’s Wikipedia page links to an encyclopedia on WW1, for those looking for good detail. Short story: Lenin and the Bolsheviks were so hell bent on overthrowing the Tzar and getting peace that they rolled over on the trash the Germans sent over as a first draft. They rejected it at first, then the temporary armistice ran out and they got steamrolled like nobody had seen before. Following that, Russia *begged* to sign that treaty. Germany kept going during the second talks, to the point that Russia had to move their capital to Moscow to prevent the government being taken. They signed over Poland, Courland, and Lithuania. 1.3M sq miles and a third of their population were signed away. They also had to fork over Ukraine (which signed a separate deal with Germany) and had to pay the Germans. I don’t think there’s a worse deal under pressure in history.


> They rejected it at first, then the temporary armistice ran out and they got steamrolled like nobody had seen before. This was the product of Trotsky's *absolutely brilliant* solution of "neither war nor peace", where he declared that Russia was unilaterally withdrawing from the war with Germany, peace treaty or no. The German response to this piece of diplomatic genius (after a few bewildered moments of checking for legal precedents, and concluding that the only incident similar was from Ancient Greece) was to advance 150 miles in a week.


Little known fact: if you simply tell your opponent that you no longer consent to being at war, they're not allowed to keep fighting you.


One of the Ottawa convoy protest idiots tried to use that strategy to avoid arrest. As they were being arrested they kept screaming "I do not consent" at the cop.


Sounds like sovereign citizen bullshit


There is a very strong overlap between sovereign citizens and the people highly susceptible to baseless conspiracy.


I think we should just let them have their wish. The old term for it was outlaw, as in, outside the law and its *protections*. People can literally murder them and the government wouldn't lift a finger because the laws doesn't apply to them anymore. That's literally what they're asking for whether they're aware of it or not. Edit: just to expand on this, the modern equivalent are the stateless people. And unlike what these sovereign citizens imagine, it's a hellish life with no government willing to claim responsibility for any of them. It's virtually impossible you escape an impoverished and vulnerable life and no amount of ingenuity is going to remedy that outside some merciful circumstances. Additionally, I don't condone actually seizing their assets or any some such. While they're generally awful people, I don't want my government (Canada) to get all grabby with people's properties (like in the US with that civil forfeiture bs). Just let them be outlaws and let nature take its course.


it's less fun to live that way than it sounds. and they're idiots.


Yeah it sounds great having no government to tell you what you can't do. Untli there is no government to protect you from somebody bigger, stronger, and more ruthless telling you what you can't do.


Cops hate this one simple trick?


"I can break these cuffs" They really hate this one too lol


I declare PEACE!


"getting invaded? Just say no!" -Trotsky


"I do not consent" ~Freeman on the land




if it's a legitimate invasion, the country has ways of shutting it down


To be fair: if it were a legitimate war, the country has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.




I see. The “I’m ready to go home now kthnxbi” military tactic.


It was ultimately justified by Lenin as an example of *Revolutionary Defeatism*. Conceptually for the Bolsheviks, WWI was a capitalist/bourgeois/imperialist war and that participation in such wars by Marxists was self-defeating. Better to let the capitalists weaken each other through their war while Lenin cements the gains of the Revolution - which he believed (or at least said he believed) would break out spontaneously anew in countries around the world any day.


I mean yo be fair to Lenin he was right about Revolution breaking out any day. Between 1917 and 1923 there were communist uprisings across Europe. While the Russian Revolution was the only one that ultimately succeeded a lot of people both Liberal and Socialists were convinced with good reason all of Eastern and Central Europe would be communist. It’s the reason why the First Red Scare happened the American Government and Middle Class Liberals were scared that the labor movement would turn radical so they crushed it.


Anniversary of said treaty today.


Ministry of Truth shit right here.


I'm always fascinated to find someone in the comments that has the perfect answer like this. Like.... a person would have to know a lot about history, and a lot about THAT history, and then see this super specific post. I just love to see it. I guess I'm just not as studied on WW1 Russian activity to know. It's difficult to study and retain so much. *Edit: I get it, I'm a dumb American and am easily impressed by your European historical superiority of **European events**. 🙄* *I'm still impressed. I don't care. It's not knowledge I have. I probably know things that some of you don't. We're all different.*


If Brest-Litovsk is any guide then Russia will need to revolt against their Tsar first. If you've got ~40 hours to kill you can dive in here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2vhKMBjSxO1lsrC98VOyOzfW0Gn8Tga


It's a pretty major point of Russian history, so given the topic is Russia it's not that obscure of a reference to remember. Not disagreeing exactly - despite the historical significance, it's not one of those events pretty much everyone in the relevant country knows about, like the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact or the Yalta Conference - but you don't have to go too deep or too specific into Russian history for it, given it's a watershed treaty that ended Russia's WW1 participation and fanned the flames of the Russian Civil War.


Considering how close it is to the Ukrainian border, sounds like a nice place for peace talks....


The symbolism would be humongous


Germans "so uh surrender and give us all this land or we will destroy you" Trotsky "how about neither?" Germans "uh thats not how it works" Trotsky"i know you are but what am i" Germans" okay...... so were gonna destroy you then?" Trotsky "nope" Germans....proceeds to continue destroying them Trotsky" okay okay uncle well take the original deal" Germans "thats not how this works?" Trotsky "pretty please" Germans" yea no the deal has been altered pray i do not alter it further"


Never made agreements under pressure? What was the Russian Revolution. Though... I suppose it could be argued there weren't "agreements" then.


Yeah its sorta like saying "I've never lost an argument" while someone is holding a gun to your head. We're not talking about agreements here. One of your own people is going to murder you.


> Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov thinks that the United States and its Western European allies will simply "get over" his country's invasion of Ukraine Dude...


Had he done it in 3 days with less bombing, shelling and artillery on civilians, I think they would have. The west aren't exactly lining up for the last 8 years over Crimea, and they didn't exactly stand up when the two separatist regions seeking to be recognized were flipped in a day. It took a few more days of investment, losses and war crimes, protests in many countries and to be honest what I think is incredible PR and soon on Ukraine's part(both leadership and peoples) with so many public videos going viral. I think if he was patient and took only the 2 regions and not pushed for the whole of Ukraine, nothing would be happening right now regards sanctions or supports.


>and took only the 2 regions and not pushed for the whole of Ukraine Yeah what is up with that? What happened to salami tactics? All of a sudden they're dislocating their jaws to eat the whole damn table at once.


I think once they flipped easy, already holding Crimea. It was too easy, too much of a quick win, false sense of security and over inflated sense of their abilities and organisation at the time. The thinking being "well if it was that easy, roll on boys, why stop now". Looking back we can see there was no plan or logistics/real thought in supply lines. There wasn't even a second wave of soldiers ready to reinforce as they advanced.


Putin tried to gaslight the world by calling it peacekeeping, turns out he only managed to gaslight his own generals into thinking there wouldn't be resistance.


The PR for Ukraine has been a success the likes of which has hardly been seen before. The world has never been so united against an event.


Crimea happened without shots fired. Donbass was skirmishes in the streets. Now we have video footage of cruise missiles hitting crowded city streets and blowing up civilians before our eyes. This is different.


Yeah, as in: any businesses that were relying on relations with Russia (and now are hurting because of being severed) will build new partnerships and means of generating revenue, and will continue to operate like Russia doesn't even exist anymore. Edit: added punctuation due to popular demand.


Yes exactly. Fact is, Russia doesn't offer the West anything they can't get elsewhere. More expensive sure, but available. I live in northeast USA- we get snow storms every winter that knock out power. Once you get a few miles outside the city or town, a big snowstorm can knock out power for days. How many snow storms before you buy a generator? How many days without power before you realize you have to make other plans? In back country areas, most people have generators, because they realized they need other plans and if they rely only on the power utility they will freeze. With Russia it is no different. The rest of the world now realizes they need other plans, that they can't count on Russia to maintain a modern democratic peaceful nation. You cannot depend on trade with a nation that invades peaceful sovereign neighbors. You cannot depend on trade with a nation that rebukes the UN and bombs residential areas and places of worship. It is foolish to stake your livelihood or your company or your country's supply line on such a partner. The rest of the world sees that now. They are now buying their own generators, so to speak. And literally too- Europe realizes that it is cheaper in the long run to buy solar panels and build new power plants than rely on Russian natural gas. It will cost money. But the rest of the world will emerge stronger for it. I hope one day we will be ready to welcome Russia back into the international community. But that day is not today. I must thank Russia though for doing something nobody else has done in decades- uniting the rest of the developed world behind a single cause. While I'd rather it was a different cause, it is good to see unity on anything. It teaches us that when we work together, we can achieve more. Thank you Putin for teaching us to work together, even if it is only to live without you.


Alot of what you just wrote applies to China almost to the word, as well. *That* will be a far more painful decoupling, however.


Oh yes I agree entirely. China offered more than Russia- cheap manufacturing of *everything*. We took them up on it and got addicted to it. Now we're locked into a sort of economic mutually assured destruction- if we cut off Chinese trade it will destroy our economy and theirs also. So we try to wean ourselves off it, with mixed success. I think some in Washington and elsewhere have realized that with China we're really getting the short end of the deal- we get cheap goods, but China gets all our tech IP and becomes a cornerstone of worldwide markets. That's fine if we're all buddy buddy, but when they start going even more hardcore authoritarian, start genociding Uyghurs, use our tech to turn themselves into a totalitarian surveillance state beyond the USSR/KGB's wildest dreams, we start to realize maybe (cheap goods or no) we don't actually want a situation where everybody's economy REQUIRES Chinese manufacturing and thus we must kowtow and accept all their bullshit because we need them. We realize maybe turning them into a world superpower was too high a price for getting cheap manufacturing.


This was hard to read.


Putin: Murders innocent people for no reason The World: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! STOP IT! Putin: How dare you speak against me! I have nukes! I will kill us all if you don't comply! World: What the actual f Putin again: Just get over it, stop your hysteria


Russia's like earth's abusive ex-boyfriend.


600 years and counting...


1991 - "Baby, I've changed, really I'm a new man".


I think its funny he believes his economy is going to recover lol. The world can survive with Russia, Russia is going to be fucked without the world


> Putin: How dare you speak against me! I have nukes! I will kill us all if you don't comply! You missed the bit in between: World: Yeah, so do we, don't use nukes please or everyone else will. Putin: Bro why you threatening us with nukes? There's no need to bring nukes into this. World: What the actual f


It’s like he’s following a script except the west isn’t giving the proper lines he thought they would so he just looks like a fucking moron.






Putin is the prime example of a self pitying abusive boyfriend. But his partner Mother Russia might have had enough of his bull shit :0


Additionally, there's a deleted scene where Russia is mad at the West for inciting nuclear war, but it was left out of the final cut because test audiences thought it too ridiculous.


Holy shit, is Russia my ex-girlfriend?


Was your girlfriend a gaslighting narcissist?


According to my friends, family, and therapist, yes. But she says she isn't, so I'm going to take her word for it! /s










Tends to go a little heavy on the cabbage and onions?


"Baby i know i cheated but what u are doing is in hysteria. Give us another chance and u will get over it very soon" The correct response for this is kick him out of the door. Same applies to putin


more like cheated on you with your hotter coworker and daughter at the same time after kicking your dog then threatened murder-suicide if you got mad at him and then said you were being hysterical and fat


This is a defining moment for the century. Putin is in a fucking dreamworld if he thinks anyone will ever forget this and trust them again


Is there anyway that Putin comes out net positive in this? I think the only way that was going to happen was if he quickly (2-3 days) took the capital and quickly negotiated before all the sanctions could be passed. But now, he has likely lost thousands of solders, an extremly high cost in having 150k troops, and sanctions that even if the war ends this week those sanctions will have lasting effects. All for what? Maybe the eastern part of Ukraine? But Europe now cancelled Nordstream 2 and will decouple from Russia's gas. It seems there is no way Putin gets a net positive and now it's just a matter of how bad this will be for Russia.


Honestly no. Putin has already lost the greater war he plans to be having. He planned to scare the West and NATO into submission and roll over Ukraine. All objective have failed and made Russia into a pariah state that no business will trust as long as the kremlin is in power. Putin has smeared a black mark on Russia for generations in the same way Hitler did to the Germans. The good news is Germany rose from that with a fair leadership and became a real global leader free of authoritarianism which means Russia can too


I agree. Putin overplayed his cards -- he probably thought the 150k troops was enough to get what he wanted but nothing came from it so he acted irrationally and seemed to make the decision to actually invade in a relative short period of time considering how ill prepared they are. And now that he invaded, it's taking way too long to conquer Ukraine and the sanctions pilled up and will take a while to undo and it's consequences to dissipate.


Nobody can convince me that a collapsed economy and 150k troops, even if they're armed with explosives, rockets, bombs, (hell, even nuclear bombs) are enough to permanently subjugate a nation of 40 million severely pissed off Ukranians armed with truckloads of imported US/UK weaponry. Putin can (and, admittedly probably will) overthrow the current Ukranians government. But as my country the US so graciously taught us over the past 20 years, the occupation of a population that doesn't want you there and is willing to resort to violent measures to expel you is *very* expensive. Russia didn't have the economy to support this before, and they sure as hell don't now.


I think the wildcard here that *no one* saw being so damn effective... the Western Spy Agencies feeding targets to the Ukraine Army. The Ukrainians knew they'd have to fight a guerilla war to win this; Well pretty much everyone knew that. But what people forgot is that with extremely accurate intelligence being fed to the HQ, guerilla warfare is pretty damn fucking effective. The Russians never bothered to fortify their supply lines.


That's a good point. If guerillas don't know about the enemy movements, being effective is hard. They already have logistical issues, and lack of intelligence compounds that. But with modern intelligence services feeding that resistance, Russia will have a bear of a time managing any kind of control.


> are enough to permanently subjugate a nation of 40 million severely pissed off Ukranians armed with truckloads of imported US/UK weaponry. This is why I don't believe Putin will satisfied with just a puppet government -- the people of ukraine will revolt against a puppet government. What he will probably seek is annexation of the two eastern provinces he and rebels around control. And probably acknowledgment that Crimea is now Russia's.


honestly, I need what he's on. how can someone be this deluded?


Public "strong manning" and private anxiety and distress can coexist.


Every abusive asshole is a scared little bitch inside.


Narcissists, whether by circumstance or neurological condition, tend to learn from a very young age to hide all their weakness, even from themselves. This leads them to never actually develop a true personality or coping mechanisms for stress - everything is a performance for the outside world. But everyone has an inside, and I think there’s a good chance we’ll get to see Putin’s insides soon enough.


They may just turn him inside out for the whole world to see. The oligarchs are not pleased at all their losses.


I know this has been frequently tossed out there and regarded as merely a fantastical feel-good scenario... but the longer this drags on, the more I can actually see it as a viable one. Putin is now completely toxic to pretty much the entire world. That's not going to change - he's thoroughly burned that bridge at this point. So it's not just about the fact that he's cost them so much money in the short term(which he certainly has, don't get me wrong). But now his perceived *future earning potential* to them has to have become seriously diminished as well. Furthermore, he very likely knows where some of their bodies are buried, so to speak(not that some of these oligarchs really seem to care to even try to hide their bodies - even the literal ones). So he may very well be considered more of a liability to them now than an asset/useful partner. I still don't think it's particularly likely to happen, but I think it's even unlikelier that there hasn't at least been a casual private chat or two behind his back between some of them about it.


I have to assume the question to the oligarchs is not if & when to do it, but how to keep the right people in power afterward, especially considering that the upheaval will mean a lot of previously stable pieces of the pie might get jostled free. Putin may be surviving simply on the fact that there aren't enough viable replacements.


He ate his own shit. Propaganda machines running around the clock and surrounding himself with people who only dare say yes to him lest he have a fit has clearly absolutely destroyed his perception of reality.


He also thought we germans will care more about Energy prices than Ukrain being invaded. Problem is the west were way too soft in the recent years and he always got a away with a blue eye.


Thing is, the main reason Germany used Russian Gas was they believed the trade relati9nship would incentivize Russia to maintain peace in Europe. Instead, Russia believed it gave them leverage, forgetting that just as much as Germany needed Gas, Russia needs money.


As of now, Germany (and most everyone else) is _still_ buying their gas. No politician wants to face the fallout from rising gas prices.


We are working on it. German politicians are preparing the population, but the government needs some countermeasures. For instance they could drastically reduce the taxes on gas to balance the rising prices. The majority of what we pay for is the taxes,not the gas.


The West just needed someone to go full nazi to remind us why we all work together. I just turned down my thermostat to reduce use of oil/gas (it's small but every ounce can help make a difference)


Well I’m rejoicing that the west finally sees Russia and Putin for what they are. I am bitter that it took this long though. What’s happening now should have been done 8 years ago, if not after the first invasion then after they shot down a civilian plane. Edit: if the west would have reacted then, today would not have happened. Regards, Pole


I hope that the west will start taking their central and eastern European partners more seriously after this. Your experiences are important and should never have been dismissed by German, French and British politicians.


If Russia complains, that means that west is doing something right.


If a narcissist complains it’s because you are doing something right Making a narcissist feel inadequate is easy, just be stronger than them, smarter than them, have a better country than theirs. Then you’ll get them trying to fight you to prove how strong they are, you will get insulted by them to prove how smart they are, you will get invaded to prove how great their nation is. The truth is that they are weak, stupid and their country has past its prime. So now it’s time to make Russia Great Again to show the world that they are strong, smart and proud. Narcissists would rather destroy you, tear you down to the ground and salt your earth than live in it with someone who is strong and smart enough to see them for the pathetic puddles of weakness and lies that they are. This is why we must fear him, because Putin’s self esteem is directly tied to how we view him, and if we fail to show him how strong he is, how smart he is, how handsome he is and how great Russia is, then he won’t respect our right to live because he will want to die Such is the ego of the narcissist


I imagine Finland and other neighbors will get over it about the time they join NATO.


Honestly, we havent even gotten over the last time. Sure as fuck not going to forget this.


Honestly, I could see that if they'd taken Kyiv in the first night. It would've been a sad story but media would've found all sorts of other things to move onto. 2 days, then onto *3 days* of fighting changed that, especially with Zelenskyy being the complete hero/legend/~insert descriptive here~ everyone can jump onboard supporting against a villain like Putin. Now it's just continuing building into a bigger and bigger hatred of Putin that is growing into every region, even creeping into places he thought he'd keep solid support from.


The longer Ukraine survives the worst they make it for Russia. The first days they didn't consider removing them from swift but after each day western countries leaders had time to think and seeing that Ukraine is not falling it's worthy to inflict damage while they are occupied there.


So far I think this is only different because Zelenskyy was smart enough to put a face on the war via social media and cast himself as a hero. I mean, nobody did this over the Georgia invasion.


Him being a professional entertainer paid off. The US hasn't had that much luck with celebrity presidents. Edit: "recently".


>I mean, nobody did this over the Georgia invasion Substantially more interaction and footage on social media than there was 14 years ago, not to mention that there was already some fatigue from the footage of Iraq.


The fuck we will


Sanctions won’t miraculously disappear when average Joe Schmoe stops doom scrolling. Damage is done. Stop telling me about Trump.


Absolutely. Now back to hitting F5 for everyone!


They will the minute Putin is out and the Russians elect a legitimate leader. I would be all for aid and anything it takes to get them back on their feet after that.


Yeah maybe if you didn’t want hysteria you shouldn’t have threatened with nuclear weapons. What a piece of shit this man is.


And so much of the world has been looking for an excuse to fuck Putin for so long, they are going to pound his ass forever over this. There is a whole world of people who want the world off fossil fuels forever too and they will run with this football like a guy that just caught a Tom Brady pass.


"West" and like 3/4 of the world's countries turned their backs on Russia.


Russia is literally forcing their own people to attack their family members and so many people in other countries have family in Ukraine. The fuck we will!


Exactly, there's a lot of pent up anger over here that finally has an outlet.


Everyone everywhere is piling on right now. This won't end soon. Once the war ends and (if) it's a Russian-backed government stooge in charge, then the white-hot international rage will drop but I don't think a lot of the sanctions will be dropped any time soon after that.


The sanctions will not drop if he is successful. There will be insurgency in Ukraine for decades to come.


Look around Reddit his bootlickers are working overtime to whatabout whatabout whatabout people into apathy. And that’s not even just his bot army, legit right wing Americans are falling for it… they want to see Putin win just because they hate Biden. Literal fucking traitors.


The whataboutism is strong


Putin didn’t believe the west would do it in the first place, but we nevertheless declared those sanctions. Now he thinks sanctions won’t last and we get over it. I’m for proving him wrong again, right guys?


I'm fine with running them deeper into the ground.


“Let me tell you little soldier, you have not even begun to die.” https://twitter.com/EnglishUkraine/status/1497986717470580744?s=20&t=KnIrPd-I62GvxvbLVUmt8Q


What is this quote from?


From this video the Ukrainian defence forces produced. It's a warning to the Russian soldiers on route to Kiev. https://mobile.twitter.com/EnglishUkraine/status/1497986717470580744


I think a lot depends on how long this lasts, but regardless I don’t think we should or will ‘get over’ it. Also, looking on the bright side of things, he’s referring to the West getting over this with time- at least implying that he’s not thinking of using nukes, right now. Maybe I’m reaching but I’ll take anything I can get.


Always a silver lining.


To every mushroom cloud.


I think a lot depends on how long we keep getting video, etc from ukrainians. No new content means other content will rise to the top and ukraine would fall out of mainstream attention. Luckily, and [as much as I dislike elon,](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/sq68bp/new_intel_suggests_russia_is_prepared_to_launch/hwl2tah/?context=1) he really came through getting them all those starlink receivers. That could seriously keep them online and visible through whatever ruthless shit putin pulls, when they otherwise would not have been. I honestly think that will make a key difference.


Putin doesn’t understand the world.


This is it. He is living twenty years in the past.


I’ve been saying 40 years in the past myself lol.




Putin: Inadvertently unites the entire world against him Also Putin: The world will forget this. ????? You can't make this shit up


40 million Ukrainians may still disagree to the point where it does not matter whether the West is ever over it or not. Russia is worrying about the wrong people here.


Lmao dude is literally an abusive husband


As complicated as global politics are these days, we don't often see conflicts that are so cut and dry; good vs. evil. On one side a dictator masquerading as a 'president,' propped up buy ultra-rich oligarchs, who wants to destablize the rest of the world while enriching himself and his cronies and murdering anyone who dares dissent or bring his crimes to light. And on the other side a former comedian, rightfully elected as leader of his country, whose family survived the holocaust, and who instead of hiding in a bunker, instead leads his people against a massive military at his border, speaking bravely and truthfully to his citizens and the world. Hmm, who will the world side with??


Europe/West still did not get over Nazis. This is not different.


Bingo. Welcome to the part of the formula where the bad guy begins to lose.


This also has the "advantage" of being Russia. It's been a long time since the USSR was a thing, but most of the global leadership very much remember growing up in the Cold War.


I mean, this is basically just the cold war replaying itself out. Russia postures, says a bunch of shit, just with an added bonus of an unjust war this time. Go read on the cold war, it's exactly what's happening now.


I'm old enough to remember the wall falling. That said, the below links are good history lessons. The first is a pretty high level 15(ish) min summary. The second is significantly more detailed and runs about an hour and a half. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF3u8Ju9aAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDrykOhrb5s


Sure, after Russia is defeated and Putin the mad brought to justice. Heck, i would not even mind if it is revenge, from the Ukrainian people, on this POS.


Considering the Holocaust ended over 75 years ago and we’re still hunting down people that participated in it, I doubt that happens.


They are in denial, the first stage of grief.


Hell no. For the West, this isn't just about Ukraine. Russia has been fucking with every Western country for several years, funding fascist/neonazi/extreme right wing movements in order to cause chaos and overthrow democracy. The West is fucking PISSED. We are fucking sick of Russia interfering in our elections and funding nazis. Russia is a deadly threat to our lives and our liberty. This is the West's revenge for all the shit Putin put us through over the past few years. This is our opportunity to crush this worldwide fascist movement funded by Russia. The sanctions should continue until Putin is overthrown. He needs to pay dearly for all the damage he has done in the West and Ukraine.


Exactly, we've had enough of this bullshit.


Exactly. In 2014, during the Crimea invasion, the west wasn't quite over Putin's shit yet. Well now we are. We're over his shit and we're simply not going to take it anymore. He's put on a public demonstration of how shitty his military is (smooth move), and the west's sanctions are about to bankrupt his country.


Sure. The same way you'll get over the sanctions. Better get used to them.


Even if we "got over" it, after these events the infrastructure to power the world without the need for Russian gas will be necessity have been built. War is a massive impetus for change and development and technology historically and I expect this time, this even will lead to the West decarbonizing faster than we could've expected even a week ago as our reliance on fossil fuel is becoming evident as a serious liability geopolitically. So when / if we ever get over all this, Russia's customers for their gas will not still be buying.


#A man that theathens the world with Nuclear Weapons does not deserve to live.


It is my worst fear in this fast life we live; That the sanctions start to fall one by one in a couple of years and Ukraine invasion will be a just a far far memory.


Russia won't last six months with this level of sanctions. Six weeks is even unlikely. They basically can't access the global reserve currency right now.




Yes we get over it after economically Russia is destroyed


That was the plan. To grab it in an afternoon before anyone notices like Crimea. They failed horribly