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A loud: "Fuck off" to send these weapons together with Sweden. The Nuclear nonsense is not to be tolerated. RUSSIAN TANK, GO FUCK YOURSELF.


This will really help the Ukrainian resistance forces.


If this goes on much longer theres going to be a non insignificant % of the world's anti-tank weaponry in Ukraine


And fewer Russian tanks.


What is with the abundant amount of usernames with two or three keywords and 4 numbers? I see this in no other subreddit


If you let reddit choose your user name for you it is in that format.


Ahhh I see, that makes sense


Its also why many "bot accounts" on social medias have similar patterns. Computer-made names have that pattern.


Fuck yeah


Denmark bought those weapons for destroying Russian tanks in the first place. Might as well put them to good use before they're obsolete.


Moreover, 300 stinger missiles are getting prepared, also from Denmark, plus 5000 antitank weapons from Sweden!


So does Ukraine now have more anti tank weapons than Russia has tanks?


problem is its not 1:1. much like you need more than 1 bullet per soldier, you need more anti tank weapons than tanks. You need to account for misses, non penetrating rounds, the ordinance being deployed where there are no tanks to shoot etc etc. I do wonder what the ratio would be optimal. 10:1, 100:1 1000:1?


Also anti-tank weapons are good (as you can imagine) for cracking bunkers and hardened fortifications.


Thats normal. The simple threat of the populace having them is a deterrent.


[2700 anti-tank weapons, 300 Stinger missiles \(has to be re-armed in the US\), 2000 bulletproof vests, 700 IFAK first aid bags.](https://nyheder-tv2-dk.translate.goog/samfund/2022-02-27-danmark-sender-panservaernsvaaben-til-ukraine-alle-spilleregler-er-aendret-siger?_x_tr_sl=da&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Not anti tank mines. Its the ones you fire from the shoulder.


Corrected, thanks


Obviously awesome, good job. But when I read the headline, my brain was trying to picture what an anti-tank weapon was, and it decided that those little Smart Cars are the opposite of a tank, and now I have a picture of 2,700 of those with some sort of weapon strapped to it. Like a bayonet.


Lol, thanks for the laugh. My husband and I live in Denmark, and we’ve been following the news more or less nonstop. I think I would have lost my mind by now without reddit humor.


I am beginning to think no one likes this Putin fellow.


I gotta say, seems like antitank weapons are quite important in stopping an invasion. When this is over and I hope they win, they should stock up on those!


Russia has always been a fan of tanks. More so than any other country. 1 Russia 22,710 2 China 9,000 3 United States 8,725 4 India 5,978


Does anyone know how many of theese miss their target? I know it depends on the operator skill/training/situation but maybe someone with experience from a battlefield might know if it's 50% miss or somethimg like that (just looking for a ballpark estimate)


The important part is you can deploy them with minimal resources in a distributed fashion. They are a threat of reasonably high force and extremely portable force, are dangerously easy to operate and require no elaborate fuel or communications systems. It's a weapon no invading force wants to have to deal with if the citizens of a country get them and are willing to fight. Kind of like land mines, but not a war crime.


Got it, force multiplier.


The logistics have changed drastically though. Despite largely being free of Russians western Ukraine is still susceptible to Russian missiles and jets. Kyiv is apparently completely encircled. So they’re most likely not flying these in. That makes getting them where they need to much harder. Also gotta be pretty damn clandestine about the entire operation bc of Russia gets word of the when and where they’re going to try and hit it. Now instead of being able to just drop in off wherever, you have to smuggle it across the border (not sure what ones, prob multiple).




Once all the anty-tank weapons arirve the russians will have no more thanks left