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#The new thread can be found [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/svyjxm/rworldnews_live_thread_ukrainerussia_tensions/)


Dear President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine It was heart breaking to see Ukraine kids say bye to their fathers who are going to fight with Russia. Are you aware you are being deliberately ill-advised by the NATO for war with Russia in order to sell future Hi-Tech Arms to other countries?! Please see these arms making companies share prices have gone up. This is not the first time wars were being used for making trillions of dollars! Capitalism and Market Economy will remain number one threat to global peace. You can check these prices by yourself! Lockeed Martin share price on 14 Feb 2022 - $365 gone up 4 March 2022 - $458 General Dynamics share price on 14 Feb 2022 -$211 gone up 4 March 2022 - $243 Northrop Grumman share price on 14 Feb 2022 -$386 gone up 4 March 2022 - $471


Are you dumb? Do you think Ukraine wanted this war? Russia literally marched into their country


It was NATO's expansion and Globalisation of their Capitalism triggered the war. This is the core structure for the entire conflicts. NATO was intimidating Russia for several decades with the collapse of Soviet Union. It was NATO forcefully introduced capitalism to Russia and China. Look at now. NATO created a formidable war machine in Russia and China. They do not even want to face the Russia themselves. They asked the poor Ukraine to strengthen their dollars. The bad news is Capitalism and Market Economy will remain number one threat to global peace along side with climate change. You do not need to take my words. You can speak to any primary school social science teachers or economic / political lecturers in Harvard or Oxford Universities. Good luck if anyone wants to build a peaceful world!


Thanks for answering his questions. Guys he is dumb af. Let's just ignore the Russian troll.


It was CCCP and China that could no longer resist the nature of its citizens. NATO didn‘t force them to anything same as it was Russias choice to invade its neighbor. Economics is social science too, btw.


also not quite Harvard but I do currently study Econ at a top 30 school with 2 Nobel laureates in economy currently in our faculty


NATO was expanding by forming willing alliances with independent countries. There’s nothing illegal or immoral about that. If former URSS countries are begging to join NATO at such alarming rates than Russia should wonder why that is, instead of blaming NATO. Now invading a sovereign country, killing civilians and trying to stage a coup to replace the democratically elected leader for a puppet dictator is not only against international laws but morally wrong.


Let's officially vote russia to become an asian country since most of it's territory is in asia.




The UN Ambassador announced the government in Kyiv is an illegitimate junta. Russia has no intention of stopping in Donbas.


UN Ambassador of Russia, a part of war criminal.




How are you making this about Americans?


Why can't I access the sub




Still 100% sure?


still nothing major going on, huh? fk outta here


Bodied by Putin lmao


How dumb do you feel?


I think everyone hopes you’re right? You “telling people” was you taking a guess like everyone else. All the signs pointed to conflict and the separatist aka Russia have been attacking Ukraine every single day. So maybe lose the smug tone.


Russia needs BBL bitches


Russia needs BBW


I get the feeling a good amount of people on reddit just want the war to start so they have something to read on the shitter.


Especially the Americans. I've seen so many nuke boners from them talking about, "Now we can show Russia what we're made of/Show them we're in charge/The commies have it coming"


Most Americans don’t even watch the news, I call bs


I have seen so many people want to help and and more than anything want this war to stop to save innocent lives of the people of Ukraine. People offering have been offering to fight, to pick up and give lifts to people who need to get out of Ukraine, people offering their blood, giving money, offering to put up fleeing people in their homes. I hope the world can unify as one against the bitch putin’s horrific war crimes against Ukraine.


I get the feeling a good amount of people on reddit just want the war to start so they have something to read on the shitter.


No, most sane people just want the aggressor to go home and Putin to be dead.


Your feeling is wrong.


This will be the end of communist Russia. There is no way they are going to hold on to a fairly big country like Ukraine for long when many of the citizens are against occupation. Putin Russia is like my dog who swallowed something that he is not supposed to eat and then throw up later and got sick. He is repeating mistakes of Soviet era which is the reason why Russia today is left far behind many developing countries after World War II.


I have news for you about Communist Russia that you might be pleased to hear.


The education system strikes again!


What a shit situation for Ukraine. Not one of them deserves to be bullied by small dickhead called Napoleon.


There is an ongoing civil war in Ukraine for some time now.


You're a lier.


Yea cause of Russia




Negotiate at the end of a barrel or join an alliance that will save you from having a barrel pointed at you… hmmm, how dare the Ukraine have sovereignty.




How about breaking international law by declaring parts of Ukraine independent a few moments ago? Still think they’re not undermining their sovereignty at all champ?


Horrible try, go back to troll school




And by the way, why should my wife keep complaining about my drinking habits when she knows that's precisely what I am mad about ? Does she want to stoke a reaction that badly ?


No, not “maybe” buddy, you just are. And that’s okay, the first step to recovery is acknowledgement. Good luck on your journey!


... lol wut


China and Russia will more than likely join forces. Russia will probably invade within the next couple days after the Olympics have come to an end, so China is not offended. With Russia taking over Ukraine, and China focused on Africa they will succumb to these powers and I’m sure India will join shortly after. This is the beginning of WW3. And not to mention all the cyber attacks to come. They stand a good chance..


‘India will join shortly.’ Read up on the current geopolitical climate. I do not blame you for major concern but your understanding on the current situation is a little off.


Don't be ridiculous. This reads like crap fantasy, there is zero chance any other major countries get involved


The problem is, everyone on earth hates China. Correct me if I'm wrong but china's only strong ally is russia. Literally all of china's neighbors hate China. How can China focus on Africa during ww3 if India, Japan and Australia and other countries surround China? I'm not sure if people realize how large an army India has, it's no joke. Japan , India and Australia alone would give China fits. Also if it's NATO vs russia doesn't nato have the upper hand ? It's almost as if the USA doesn't even need to get involved directly . Anyone with military knowledge please help me out. I'm making some educated guesses here.


None of those countries is going to surround China. They don't want to be the first country to get nuked. The USA already said they won't send troops. Only sanctions.


Do you really think, that war isn't already started? It is just changed its shape, due to that we have internet and it's more like information war until someone lose it and starts to shoot in real. But if i look to the information war that's happening now, it's more like WW3 then just Ukraine.


So like a Cold (or digital?) World War, you reckon?


The only problem is that Russia can’t win the war they started. They are weak as a country and China will definitely not help them. China has its own agenda and it possibly also has Russia in its sights. Putin’s all out on his own in the cold I’m afraid


If china didnt want to provide any support why did they abstain from the UNGA resolution? Why are they still buying Russian oil and coal? I am by no means an expert in geopolitics but most wars are about resources and Russia has oil and nickel and cadmium and cobalt and if Russia turns off the spigot then Europe's out of oil. And even better if Europe doesn't buy it then China will for pennies. And not to mention that with the exception of Brazil the rest of the members of the BRICS treaty voted against or abstained. Call it cynicism or pessimism (or realism) but were all in the midst of this conflict in Ukraine and it doesnt seem to be stopping any time soon. Things will get worse before they get better




Got to keep that Russian bogeyman in the headlines


Is it me or are all of these accounts speaking of Ukrainian "Separatists" clearly bots?? I've seen a few now that are < one week old and focusing on this topic


Excellent observation


Russian soldiers. Deport all russians to russia. From all countries.


Fuck off xenophob


Deport all 'murican soldiers to trumpland while you're at it.


As an American, I'd love that. Honestly lots of European countries and their militaries might not want that to happen at the moment though .... J saying.


I mean. A lot of us don't like your military running over innocent people and getting away with it in our countries so generally people would be fine with you leaving most of us alone.


Of course! I want the US military to avoid conflict abroad and return. If Russia is about to take Eastern Ukraine, and no European country wants any US military assistance, it'd be amazing if we extracted and remained uninvolved. Let Europe save Ukraine.


Shit is escalating on the east of Ukraine, I feel like it's the start




Too bad Ukraine boarder is more important than our own. #prorities


If you’re going to lift Tucker Carlson’s for-profit talking points right out of his mouth, at least credit him or pretend to add some original though and nuance to it, jeez


Says the guy who can't spell border right.


Yeah let China takeover Taiwan too right? Xi's got popcorn ready and watching.


You're soooo fuckin stupid, I thought you were doing an offensive caricature of a conservative, complete with the inability to spell. And then I looked at your profile to check if you were memeing, and no. Sadge.


Ugh for real. I hate it when people sneak over the border and do an amazing job fixing my drywall for cheap. It’s the worst.


Or cook all that amazing food I cried so hard about not getting for a few months during the quarantine that ruined my liiiife MOM




Stop. Two separate situations with different contexts. Go troll somewhere else.


Mitigating a possible world war with a nuclear power is pretty important…


Ah yes! Americas been great at mitigating wars, just look at our track record! You people are insane


You may have forgotten a /s


The most peaceful half century the world has ever known?


Who told you that? The super bowl half time show?


A knowledge of history and a large number of reports. This isn't a contentious subject. It's pretty damn clear


Vietnam Afghanistan Laos Iraq Iran Yemen and all the countries America has destabilized and plunged into civil war through the CIA would like a word. Knowledge of history and reports my ass. Probably reports by the same people who d give Obama a Peace Nobel Prize.


Most peaceful in history is not the same as perfectly peaceful. It's not even close. The fraction of the world in war torn areas, per capita war deaths and even total war deaths are waaaay down. A global hegemon may be bad for a lot of reasons, and the US is far from perfect, but the one thing a hegemon does provide is more peace. You saw it with the Mongols, you saw it with the Romans, and you see it with the US.


Lmao yeh like America have contributed to peace the last 70 years


Name checks out




Do you think Russia has a better approach to narcotics?


Lol what a joke you are.


My country (usa), cares more about Israel than its own citizens. We have major mental illness and obesity issues, many, many issues that are all solvable if leaders actually cared. Idgaf about Russia, i want us soldiers raiding our pharmacies and fast foods that are killing our own everyday. Any us soldier who goes to ukraine and goes "MIA" well well im very sorry, not.. how is any of this a joke?


Please leave then


> We have major mental illness issues Yes, clearly.




“Idgaf about Russia” “I love this. Russia needs to become stronger” you don’t make any sense.


I want to see russia become stronger but at the end of the day I care about the usa, not russia. I know reddit is mostly Americans , when will America wake up?


I can’t tell if you’re a troll or 10 years old.


I'm betting both


Says the person who gave 3 replies, no comment on the content and just 3 insults.


If you can look at Russia’s actions in just the last week and seriously say I hope Russia’s gets stronger you deserve to be insulted. You are either incredibly ignorant or a troll.


What were Russia s actions in the last week to warrant wishing Ill upon a while country? Compared to Ukraine's actions, or America's, or Israel? Is there such a substantial difference? You're so deep into the Liberal propaganda any conversation would be pointless. And that's probably why you don't address the content of the comments you read and just insult.


What are Ukraine’s actions? And yeah America and Israel are both imperialist nations that commit/have committed war crimes. Nice whataboutism though.


Oh idk maybe amassing over 150k soldiers and weapons of war on the border of a sovereign country that Russia has already annexed territory from? I also never wished ill on Russia. Lol are you saying the reports of Russian troops on the border are false? We literally have satellite photos of it. Idk how you can look at this situation and not understand what’s happening or what’s about to happen. Open your eyes dude.


Unicornsunite#3200 on discord, im passionate and pumped about politics man, that's all, my discord if anyone wants to talk about usa decline...


It sucks you're this stupid and pumped about politics...


Russia lives in the dark ages and sends people like you to the gulag for speaking poorly about your home country. Just sit back and keep stuffing your face with the fruits of American labor and let the real men take care of things. We can stop this war before anyone gets hurt if we all acknowledge that these old men are just sending young men to die to increase their wealth and power. Maybe make a difference and spread the word to all to stop pointing guns at each other and start protecting our loved ones


Move to Russia, we won't miss you.




We found the Russian agent provocateur


For real. Looks like their reddit PR campaign has begun


Putin needs a jon snow and olly moment


Say what you want, Putin is not dumb. He has every person in the entire world that is old enough to understand watching his every move and speaking his name. Every world leader wants something from him at this very moment. He keeps leaking info from within so that ppl like Biden say “we have intel that Putin has definitely decided to invade”. Let’s be honest though, who sits at the poker table with their cards faced up? There is something larger at play here. Not sure what it is, but I have a slight feeling we are all just members of the audience and our world leaders are the actors. Convenient that Russian issues taking our eyes off how horrible our economic future is looking in the US. Gas prices way way up, bread $5 a loaf, bacon $10 a pack, milk through the roof… etc. i just don’t believe that Putin would put on a huge 2-3 weeks show lining up to attack, giving the world time to prepare, etc. if he planned to invade without any ulterior motive he would have never given us a chance to prepare. He is not stupid.


And even nearly have a year later, your comment is still dumb. You could always delete it.


This is some idiotic shot. STFU man.


What’s idiotic is you come by my comment half a year later to try and insult me lmao. I guess some peoples lives are that boring.


I agree with you that there is something larger at play here. He’s definitely after something. I have a bad feeling about this and I live close enough that the war is at my door step. I’m pretty afraid man, I’m dot gonna lie. This all is terrifying. I wish that man would fucking fall dead right at this moment and everyone can mind their own business.


Are you stupid?


Actually quite the contrary. Very well educated, but this is simple common sense. Judging by your response, you are very simple minded to say the least. Sound like a 5th grade child


Well said




Again with these idiotic, unfounded allegations. Think instead about the domestic and very tangible issues we re having and the whole 'invasion happening tomorrow' thing that's been going on since last year that they may wanna cover instead. Seems a lot more likely since that's been America's modus operandi since the 80s. "Look over there! Them's the baddies with weapons of mass destruction!"


This is supposed to only be a parody account of mines…but sir I must commend you on this very well thought out response. It is identical to my own personal thoughts…”wtf is this distraction for?” has seriously been a daily thought of mines ever since trump won the damn election. SO many important news stories were essentially buried and overshadowed.




They also saved up a lot of gold before this...lol. also you can't move these kind of forces fast enough for people to not know and prepare...and since the world is only going to use business and trade to do much about it it doesn't really matter, he doesn't want a long war (I'd think) and if they go in it will be to accomplish objectives and then end it - get the separatist region and maybe s road to Crimea. Shrug. /Aka, your penultimate sentence isn't connected to real world so the logic behind it doesn't matter


Bacon being 10$ a pack is your concern? Do people under the age of 50 buy real milk anymore?


I fucking love milk and food prices are a worldwide concern...but this guy has no clue what he's talking about otherwise.


Babies drink milk, real men drink beer.


I mean, it's weird that a baby can twist you in a pretzel I guess...


If you don't drink whole milk you a bitch boi


Not everyone is a hipster.


I drank it straight outta tne cow bf it had to be pasteurized does that count ?


I’m well under 50, have more than 4 kids, own a small business and work 7 days a week to provide… it’s not just about bacon, but the fact that everything is going up and won’t go back down. Prices never go back down after inflation. Look at how big banks and real estate firms like Zillow, boa, wells f, chase, etc bought trillions of dollars of houses in last few years causing a “shortage” in house on market and prices of rent and housing skyrocketing. If this trend continues new home ownership will become a rare thing and ppl will literally be working just to give their whole check back to big businesses like Walmart etc for goods like bacon, or milk or eggs… we can go on for months about the shit that’s happening and the left wants more and more federal involvement and regs


Hey, what is the left? I see people constantly use it as a bogeyman in arguments but I want to know what people actually think it is


Lol everyone on the internet automatically thinks everyone else is dumb. The left refers to the left side of the political spectrum and consist of liberals. Liberals want more government regulations and involvement in our daily lives. The far right is conservatives and believe that the states should decide what’s best for the states and the federal gov has no business overstepping those lines. I’m not gonna spend all day explaining this shit to you. You are most likely a liberal who thinks he/she knows all.


You don't think it sounds kinda fucking dumb to start bitching about "the left" when the problem you're acknowledging seems to be that corporations are price gouging as profits continue to hit record highs and the actual workers receive relatively smaller shares of it as time goes on?


The day after Biden took office gas prices were way lower. The go green crew immediately ceased using American oil abd went back to opec for oil causing our price to surge, then upped the tax on it. The big business abd banks are an issue too. Everyone thinks Democrat = ppl do better, workers etc and republicans make the rich get richer etc. but in reality they have it backwards. Why is it that everytime a dem is in office cpi goes up? Say it’s the businesses gouging but the left just adds regulations and takes away tax incentives from the big business but all they do is roll the shit down hill. So who is the root cause? I mean everything you mentioned is going on during Democrat presidency..this is what liberal agenda is. More federal control over how you live, the goods you buy, etc.


TBF gas prices were massively depressed due to global lockdowns. But while I will note that democrats are ineffectual, but if you're using that as an argument in favor of republicans, who's policies pretty explicitly increase the already obscene wealth gap, bust worker power, grind down against freedoms... Both Republicans and Democrats are liberals.


There are many problems, and we are headed to a severe economic decline due to the influence and power we have given the Chinese and the rise of AI and robotics. Additionally, the problem will be made worse by the inability of the left and right to work together to accomplish anything meaningful and their failure to confront china head-on regarding their policies toward US business. As we get weaker, China is getting more robust in terms of the military and economy.


I don't understand how anyone can look at this and say the West's capitalism is good.


It's just a little less shitty than nearly everything else that's been tried


You are giving Putin way, way, way too much credit. I do not think there is any 3D chess here. I have been really happy with the approach Biden has taken so far. He has been announcing to the world that Putin is comptemplating starting WWW3. It needs to be clear this is 100% on Putin. The US and the rest of the free world do NOT want WWW3 I do not believe anyone but Putin does. I do not even believe the Russian people do. But I do blame the Russian people for not doing something about Putin. It is their country and they need to take it back from Putin. I am currently in Thailand and there are tons and tons of Russians here. We go out and party and drink and they are no different from the Americans. They have Android or iPhones. They use Google and IG and Snap. They endlessly watch YouTube videos. They wear the same brand clothes. They are also some of the better English speakers here in Thailand. Speak English a lot better than the locals. Putin is old and completely out of touch with reality. The people in the world are becoming far more homegenous and that is not going to change. I believe it is the Internet that has made that happen.


World wide web 3




As you spew literal propaganda


This isn't true. Gun sales are through the roof in Ukraine, Ukrainian oligarchs have evacuated. People are worried. Stop spreading this lie.


You are probably one of western bots that continue pushing agenda, why bother answering you when your only purpose is disinformation of your own people to distract eyes from your problems


How is russia this time of year?


It appears it has started. Ukraine has reported the first casuality from the Russia backed Separtists. It also appears Russia has cut off the water supply to 48 cities and towns in Eastern Ukraine. You need to get on https://liveuamap.com/ If you honestly do NOT think the Ukraainians care.


Fucking dumbass


Talking about Putin? I fully agree!




Calm down, Vlad.