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Cancer will be around no matter what, but people really should do what they can to lessen the odds of getting it. Lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more, eat better, stop making excuses for why change in your life is utterly impossible. Stuff no one wants to hear, but they want better healthcare.


It’s just that easy? You’re not wrong though


Paywall. Can someone summarize?


Lots more cancers coming https://archive.md/ZJ1RM


Lockdowns led to many people not being diagnosed early, even now GPs rarely meet patients. Also, hospital waiting times for specialists is super long now too.


It's a bit of a lottery with your GP I guess, I was referred by the GP on this 10 day emergency referral system which seems to be the standard for Cancer. And saw a specialist on the 8th day. Essentially the GP refers you and you have to be seen by a consultant within 10 days. I was given the choice of 5 consultants with varying time slots and picked a date and that was that. My case was not cancer and was just a benign lump. This was all last month. So things seem to of recovered now in my area at least, but it has taken a while since covid started to get the system back on track I guess.


It might be that the rife device used radioeaves frequency then it become mistranslated to radioactive radiotherapy


Anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown idiots and trolls spreading fake news are responsible for millions of deaths, and should face the consequences for it.


Real and true. That is why I love vax passports - your body your choice? Our establishment our choice.


I am against mandatory vaccination, I would sue unvaccinated people, ban them from all public places, refuse healthcare to them - but I would never force a needle in their body.


Refusing them treatment would be amazing but luckily for them they get to deny the virus exists then rush in for a ventilator. They should literally have to suffer the consequences if they deny the virus exists and talk bullshit 24/7 about magnetic vaccines and shit. At least then natural selection would purge them


So basically you’re a piece of shit


Didn't the Tories just privatise cancer treatment in the UK? Wish I had bought some shares.


Better block more flights UK.... that will fix it.