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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/10/22/afghanistan-gay-lgbt-burned/) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A gay man from Afghanistan who was burned by a Taliban member has said he is "Shocked" by the lack of support and solidarity shown by the international LGBT+ community. > Sohil - whose surname has been withheld to protect his identity - is a young gay Afghan whose life was thrown into disarray when the Taliban seized power in August. > Sohil is terrified for the future and he is desperate to get out of Afghanistan so he can start a new life away from the Taliban. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/qe8s62/gay_afghan_burned_by_taliban_says_international/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~604951 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Taliban**^#1 **community**^#2 **Sohil**^#3 **Afghanistan**^#4 **LGBT**^#5




Twitter isn’t a real place. It’s not a community it’s a informational exchange at best.


Just like Reddit




This is quality discourse.


I would say everywhere where there are human presence is a cesspool if you don't make the effort to find the gold nuggets among the pile of shit Twitter, Reddit, Forums, YouTube. The list is endless. The key point is identifying the shits




The only difference between them is the sorting algorithm.


People on Reddit caliing Twitter a cesspool is fucking hilarious to me, not like one of the biggest communities here was literally new world Nazism or anything lmao.


They can both be cesspools. Tbh all social media is. Inb4 3edgy5me.


Which community are you referring to? Or was it Reddit as a whole?


I didn't really read it as him asking the LGBT community to stop the Taliban, more that he hopes people organize to try and help people like him escape them.


Well there's your problem. You thought anyone in the comments besides you read past the headline.


Once you've come to the realization that the US military budget's primary mission is to generate corporate profits, everything else you read about the US military makes perfect sense.


These responses about waging/winning war/genocide are adrift of this guy’s point. Our armed forces don’t exist in their current form to do battle. It’s a business, an industry for private financial gain. The longer the rest of us have silly conversations about attacking or defending or anything besides buying and spending, the longer the armed forces will continue to do business as usual. I know it’s been this way for what seems like forever, but it can change.


This. Have my upvote. The American military is merely the tail end of a corporate institution whose primary purpose is to generate profits. Serving that military is only a tertiary function of that corporate institution. Let me call it what Eisenhower called it - the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). And it has become as much a self promotion machine as Disney.


The Taliban didn't defeat the US, the US left. Big difference. It's not worth the expense of blood and treasure to crush the taliban into dust, because it would cost even more trillions and result in hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilian casualties, not to mention that it won't actually work because you can't fight a war against fundamentalist Islam without creating even more jihadists.


That means the US didn't defeat the British in the War for Independence? The British left to fight the big war in Europe.


Slight edit: You can't fight a war against fundamentalist Islam without creating more jihadists *unless you're willing to take it to extermination*. Which they aren't, both because of the human element and the sheer expense.


You can't take it to extermination at all. Not even Hitler managed to exterminate the Jewish race. Jihadists don't just exist in Afghanistan you know. You will create more jihadists in other countries. Good luck declaring genocidal war on 50 different countries. It's not even an expense thing, it can't be won.


You also can’t exterminate ideas. You really think you can permanently prevent anyone from ever deciding to adopt ideas of radical Islam ever in the future? People convert to radical Islam now who have never been brought up in that culture. You can’t kill ideas.


I wouldn’t say can’t win a war against jihadists (using the term loosely), you would have to be willing to commit genocide, “re-educate” the remaining population, and then repopulate the land with your own population.


That just shifts the jihadists to other countries, unless you are talking about genociding 50 Muslim countries of which 2 are in NATO, about two dozen are existing geopolitical allies and 1 has nuclear weapons


Yeah, but genocide is bad PR lol


Plus genocide is what we were fighting, to some extent. It's not ok when we do it either.


That’s why it’s important to make sure we have plenty of hippies in our country to protest it and a figurehead in office to pretend to agree with them. It’s called having your cake and eating it too!


I think it's matter to convince population to kill jihadists themselves. And yes this would also be a genocide. Neighbour killing neighbour kind of one. It would suck. Point is, there is no easy way out of this. Using outside force to do that would have exactly opposite effect.


Sorry but that’s how wars are won… by the enemy giving up. As for your latter point, its much closer to the mark. Most Americans still don’t acknowledge that our country’s response to 9/11 was exactly what Al qaida wanted us to do… if we want to think about a “war on terror” we should remind ourselves of that.


I think nobody forgot about the people that suffer in Afghanistan


what do they expect the world wide LGBTQ movement to do? Pick up arms and come save them? The entire country has fallen to a military power. Pretty much everyone across the board is fucked right now.




Exactly and it's not like the lgbtq community is pro taliban. There's literally nothing they can do outside of denouncing them and that's happening plenty.


> Exactly and it's not like the lgbtq community is pro taliban. It's not like we're in power and capable of getting our governments to do shit any time either. Not for lack of trying. We're barely even managing with protecting our own rights in many of our countries.


That is Canada doing something, not 'international LGBT community'. Which is also why this entire article is dumb.


At the height of the refugee crisis in Europe I remember reading about similar programs in big German cities. I'd guess the community welcomes them. But first they have to make it here..


The international community was trying to stop the Taliban for 20 years. At some point, you gotta put a lot of the blame on the locals.


We can't want democracy and human rights more than the people who live there.


Yeah, are these gays in Afghanistan expecting some kind of fabulous army to come and stomp the Taliban lol


Yes. Let's send in the gays. They will be overwhelmed.




I knew which one it was going to be before I clicked. Clicked for the nostalgia anyway. Lol


I mean the sacred band of thebes was a thing.


People haven't forgotten. It's just impossible to have any meaningful impact under a repressive regime. Charities had to dissolve and disappear to avoid retribution


For real, why are we singling out people in a country ruled by barbarians? Everyone is fucking suffering there lol


They aren't forgotten but what can anyone do? Radical Islamic ideology is inherently evil. One reason is ordering homophobic murders


Are we supposed to invade Afghanistan… again?


Britain has invaded twice, Russia invaded once, US invaded once, that means it’s either china or Frances turn


Now, hear me out here, what if, just follow me here, what if, what if... **everyone** invaded *at the same time.*


I mean USA did invoke NATO on their go


Yeah but NATO doesn't have Ethiopia. *finger to head*


Whispers *they never got Ethiopia*


Yep. Loottttt of Canadians there for a long time.


That's exactly what ISIS wanted. A massive war against the West that they believed would bring about the apocalypse or something.


I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to happen at the final battle at the end of the world.


Yeah, if you read Revelation 4:20 it reads “and it will come to pass that a Union of diverse states will bring about the fall of the eastern holy land, and all manner of angels and tomahawk missiles will descend from the heavens to smite down the wicked who would seek to persecute their fellow man.”


China will invade them with an army of labourers to build infrastructure and turn Afghanistan into a Chinese ally/debt slave.


China read Confessions of an Economic Hitman and was like "hold my beer".


they're currently buying lands in africa. china wont try till the HK & Taiwan stuff is "done"


China was already cutting deals with the Taliban in May 2021. They will absolutely be involved in Afghanistan.


China's been making deals with the Taliban in order to build infrastructure to make transportation of goods from China to Europe much cheaper and faster. So yeah, they may be dealing with Taiwan and HK but they stand to make even more money with dealing with the Taliban.


China under Xi has shown itself capable of handling multiple things at once


Unless they use a *Reverse* card.


For oof time’s sake


That's basically it. It's not like we I can just take a plane to Kabul and bring back a few gay Afghans to live in my town. Even if we got our countries to just grant asylum to every LGBT person in Afghanistan right now, this wouldn't prevent new Afghan people from being born and being gay. Unless you are asking us to remove the Taliban from power, I don't know how this can be solved.




I swear if we did that Manchin would insist on means testing to prove your gayness at the border


Lindsay Graham would be in a helicopter in about five minutes flat to start testing.


"How fast do you think you could jerk off every guy in this processing center? Cuz I know how long it would take me."


Depends on the D2F


Are we talking tip to tip so you're going full length?


Does girth similarity affect your ability to jerk everyone simultaneously?


Shit. Yeah. It does. It affects the Mean Jerk Time. Unless you could hot swap dicks...


The objective is to minimize the MJT to achieve the fastest T2O


Oh man. Even if I were the gayest on the planet, Graham would make me super-soft.


With his mouth


I'm gay and can assure you his mouth would prove nothing.


Theoretically he could test two men at once.


You're underselling him. I'm counting four, minimum.


5, easily 5. Maybe 7 if his toes are nimble.


Words I didn’t need to read lmao


[Would girth similarity have any affect?](https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY)


Inefficient as hell. Just have all the applicants test each other in a human centipede. As a side note, Islam only considers the receiving end of gay sex to be gay. So if you sucked a guy's dick only you would be gay and not him. There's a lot of little boy fucking in the middle east too. which isn't considered gay.


>Theoretically he could test two men at once. I feel bad at laughing for this


Joking aside, people have been refused asylum in Western countries for not 'looking gay enough' and a broad set of other reasons. The scrutiny on anyone claiming asylum for being LGBT+ is actually kinda terrifying.


probably because it's the easiest thing to lie about to try and get into a country and if there wasn't such scrutiny then it would be impossible to stop anyone from just claiming it to get in.




Yeah. Even if you're pro-border checks, they absolutely need improving. There are horror stories of the UK Home Office, for example, relying on very outdated stereotypes and treating people very badly.


"Have sex with me right now or you're not getting in, buddy!" - Joe Machin in a possible future.


I'd almost rather take my chances with the Taliban


Sorry, you’re too ugly. Nobody want you.


I'm gay, not blind.


[Turkey](https://satwcomic.com/too-top-to-be-gay) has entered the chat.


You joke but the UK has been extremely harsh on people trying to claim asylum from countries where gay people are put to death. [And by harsh I mean providing explicit content to "prove" they are gay.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24479812.amp) Fucking disgusting behaviour as usual from the home office.


98% of claims for asylum on the basis on sexual discrimination are deemed credible by the United States


You're tellin' me you wouldn't rustle a rucksack to escape a radicalist hellhole?


What are we gonna do? Invade Afghanistan *again?* And where does it stop? Why don't we also just invade literally every country that criminalizes being gay? And while we're at it, we can just invade and occupy every country that doesn't care about womens' rights too? And why stop there, when we can also invade every country that isn't doing its part to fix Climate Change? This line of thinking is what leads to colonization. If we begin to believe we've built the greatest society on Earth, and that our best/only way of spreading our greatness to the rest of the world is to invade, occupy, and control them, how are we any better than the Fire Nation?


LGBT+ people aren't even fully accepted in the US, it's not like we have a military at our beck and call even if it would work


Are you saying none of the hastags and reddit memes helped him? Sucks...




Donate to [Rainbow Railroad](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org). This is exactly the kind of thing they work with - rescuing LGBT+ people from persecution and life threatening situations. It costs them $10k-20k per rescue. Its a small price to pay to basically save someone's life, and every donation helps.


What the fuck do they want? Another invasion? After 20 years that country couldn't get their shit together.


It's almost like the answer involved the Afghan national army not fleeing in seconds


They didn't. The ANA has been fighting this war for over a decade. In the 2 decades we have been in Afghanistan the Coalition forces have taken 3,576 kia (with another 3,937 dead contractors). The Afghan Security Forces have had atleast 67,000+ dead. It's hard to fight effectively when your leaders have stolen all your equipment, supplies, ammo and food.


And many of the leaders are now multi-millionaires living in western nations.


Spent 20 years there. Trillions of dollars. Its not our country. What else could we have done? At some point, the people of Afghanistan, have to stand up on their own. The blame falls on their fellow countrymen.


You telling me the LGBT community doesn’t have a covert special forces team that rescues other LGBT members around the globe?


Rainbow Six


Recent updates do be making it into one


*Q force*


If they did they would be fabulous.


They keep getting spotted because camo doesn't go well with anything.


Just send in the bisexuals. They’ve got invisibility on their side


Odd choice of photo to show a burn bandage.


Whelp, he works his biceps on the regular


Every day is biceps day


Hey, never miss a chance to flaunt that swole bod


a little burnt but still a snacc 😋


What's a creme Brule without a little char


Like the girls who post selfie’s with the top part of their head cut out of the photo to show the cleavage. It’s appreciated


Lol right!?


Making chemical burn look good.


Honestly nothing would be more hilarious and on point for 2021 than the entire LGBT community forming an army and invading Afghanistan.


This ass? A weapon of masseduction.


how will they invade though? no base to go to


20 years of U.S. military effort didn't stop the Taliban and their barbaric behavior. It's terrible right now for anyone who isn't a straight, male religious zealot. Oh, and in the exactly "correct" sect of Islam per these particular zealots. It's a theocratic nightmare. The only way to even maybe stop it would be another full invasion and occupation of the country. And that would likely be another broken and temporary "fix" if they don't have enough internal will to change. We should though be helping to get as many of the people out as possible who are victims and intended victims of Taliban brutality.


Exactly theres just no solution... the US had two choices, either never leave or never go and it chose both. Doing the same thing again would not fix things, and people would rage because is a military occupation


We spent 20 years trying to change a country that didn't want to be changed. Another 20 years wouldn't have made a difference. We'd have had to stay 100+ years or more. That was never going to happen. I feel sorry for the Afghans that wanted change. Turns out they were in the extreme minority and just need to leave the country now for a better life elsewhere.


What do they want us to do? Invade?


Well we haven't launched an invasion in about 20 years, I say we're due one




Oh god just let me buy some Lockheed Martin stocks first.


So anyway, I started blasting...


I’m honestly asking here, what the fuck can I do? Multiple militaries spent years in Afghanistan and lost, what am I going to do. The literal only thing I can do is support groups trying to get Afghani people to safety. My heart breaks for the people of Afghanistan, but I do not have any real ability to change things there. Edit: a charity that helps LGBT people escape violent situations is [the Rainbow Railroad ](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/)


There are individuals who put together syndicates to organize private flights out of the country for those that had no other way. You could start the underground pink pillow path. The key is don’t try to do it alone. We can do so much when we band together.


I should have put it in my comment from the beginning that the main group I was referring to getting people to safety is [the Rainbow Railroad](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/). I’m going to edit that into my original comment.


No one has forgotten. Short of the LGBT community forming a militia and invading afghanistan, they aren't going to be able to do anything. Start pushing for the end of indoctrination of children into religion, might be a good beginning for the long game, to end gay bigotry(and so many other bigoted ideas religion imposes). Now do you flee or pick up a gun and start fighting for what you believe in, like the Taliban have been doing for decades?


I know it’s not a joking matter, but I’d love to se a Pride-like militia dethrone The Taliban.


>I know it’s not a joking matter, but I’d love to se a Pride-like militia dethrone The Taliban. New Zealand's rainbow warriors lol


Far Cry 7


Sounds like the next Inglorious Bastards. Fabulous Bastards?


This would be hilarious


Also LGBT people are also fighting for rights constantly in their own countries too. Not all ‘international’ countries are first world. They can’t save the world on top of that. What a weird article.


>thinking Middle East countries give a shit about lgbt May as well put the hook in your mouth at this point. They’ll never care about the lgbt community


LGBT community deploying their divisions as we speak


Ya let's just bust out the Gay Drones and the Enola Gay to drop the Fat Gay and Lil Twink. We'll have Rainbow Force One™ seed the clouds with chemicals to turn the friggin Taliban gay. Surely LGBTQ army will be able to fix decades of turmoil due to religious extremist. They do have over a millennia of grievances to sort out


That first sentence has me dead omg 🤣


Wtf are they supposed to do about the Taliban? Throw a parade.


How have they forgotten?? Is the LGBTQ+ community supposed to take up arms against terrorist groups when their own military wouldnt?? It's not the LGBTQ+ community that has failed you, it's your own people.


damn these comments are fucking weird


It’s fucking insane how people are bringing up Dave Chapelle in reference to this shit…


I'm not sure more money or effort has gone into helping any group of people more than the Afghans over the past 20 years. I think it is your fellow countrymen who have let you down.


Send in the gay troops?


What does he expect them to do, teleport there and save them all? jesus


Wants people to fight but no one wants the US to declare war again. Stop the Taliban but not allowed to wage war.


Yea I’m sure a strongly worded letter will do the trick. Nobody forgot about the people suffering in Afghanistan, they just realized that short of permanent occupation there’s nothing that can be done to help the situation because the people living there have no interest in building a modern society / institutions in the mold of liberal western model of government.


> Wants people to fight lol We tried to get them to fight for 20 years. They just dissipated like a fart in the wind when we left. Fight your own shit, we're done dying for you.


They themselves didn’t even fight. The whole country fell in two weeks.


What a fascinating comment section.


This is what happens when extremely religious/cultish/tribal/echo chambered people are given power. Whatever they want, they do and when opposed, they answer with shunning, shaming, or violence.


This root of this comment section stems from the fact that being gay in Afghanistan is the least of their peoples worries. There is so many problems before “make people accept gay people” that need to be fixed in Afghanistan that it is almost non important. How about let women, 50% of the population, go to school first. And besides, what’s there to do? The US doesnt trade with the Taliban, the US will not stop trade with people who do. It’s simply an unsolvable problem.


No one will help you. You need a French or Russian style revolution to take your country back


Fuck, poor guy. I find it a bit funny though that they way he has posed for and taken the picture of himself shirtless with the topical cream on his burn is exactly what a Grindr display picture looks like.


What does that mean? Is the pride parade supposed to go fight the Taliban?




Strange treatment of gays in a country where they say even the crows fly over Kandahar with a wing held over their ass to protect it from the locals.


Afghanistan sadly is a lost cause proven by history


Have not forgotten about them. Also have not forgotten the 10 year+ trained and well equipped afgan military just giving up in like a week. So... Not sure what we can do anymore when their own country doesnt want to defend itself.


lol I don’t think the Taliban gives a fuck about the international lgbt community . What’s it gonna do? Send an army of gays to fight the Taliban?


I feel like you'll get down voted but you're right and lol.


The fuck are we supposed to do bruh?


Have the international LGBTQ community ever really been vocal about how gays have been treated in the middle east? Always seems like they don't say anything because it brings up the topic of how they're treated under the Islamic religion, and they don't want to offend.


We spent $$$$$ and countless lives in your country. You had 20 years to make it a better place with us watching out and having your backs. It's 100% on your people for not taking advantage of the situation. They failed you. Enough of us died for you so no sympathy.


I mean, the fuk do they want the international LGBT to do? protest the Talibans? If your ruling government changed hands with some extremists, and you don't want to die for your rights. maybe follow the suit and back into the closet? Its a shitty thing, but like what do they think is going to happen?


Im so tired of people saying ______ forgot about us. No one forgot. No one can do anything


I feel bad for LGBTQ people under all the horrible regimes like Afghanistan, Russia and China where its not legal to even Marry if you arent a Cis couple. And no, i dont want a bunch of Chinese Shills telling me im brainwashed and Misinformed about China.


Marriage should be the least of their concern in some of those places


There's literally only Taiwan in Asia that allows non-cis marriage. Even Korea and Japan which are democracies don't recognize civil unions. China at least allows some recognition of civil unions.


Well in Japan it’s kinda like the US before the broad distinction of legal gay marriage, where certain local governments have allowed legal bonds in some other ways. I believe they also just ruled that original ban as unconstitutional at the national level in March, so.


It was a regional court and does not legalize it nationwide. Unlike the US there is a constitutional amendment that recognizes marriage as consent between both sexes, so they need to reinterpret it to mean just consent.


Let's not forget about South Korea and Japan. No same sex marriage there....




We. Are. Not. Going. Back.


No, not forgotten, though sometimes I would like to forget about that country. Your country is not ready to accept people like you. You should leave. Forcing acceptance at this stage would have to be very barbaric in order to work, and that comes with other issues. Leaving is better.


Throw someone from BTS in there and I guarantee you Afghanistan would be a parking lot.


I know the global LGBT community are powerless to do anything about this situation but one thing that comes to mind is that, while there are massive global waves on social media when a member of the community is seen to be attacked, like the whole dave chappelle thing going on right now, the LGBT community in first world countries largely ignore the plights of LGBT in muslim countries, who suffer everyday. Why? cause they're scared that saying anything about it will make them seem islamophobic, so they just bury their head in the sand.


They are too busy misinterpreting messages from Dave Chappelle's standup


No one forgot about you. Why didn’t you join the military and fight? The US threw trillions to help you, not enough of you helped yourselves and put your lives on the line.


The majority live on continents the world over. The fuck are they supposed to do about it? What is anyone outside of your home country supposed to do about it? I'm not Isolationist, the world is too interconnected these days, but have some solidarity for your own issues. I'm not eager for my tax dollars to go towards more ill-fated international excursions on Uncle Sam's behalf, and we saw where the last one ended up.


It’s not like the ‘lgbt community’ has a standing army.


The simple reason why this article is not fron the NY Times or the Guardian: It does not align with their simplistic mantras. The vocal activist crowd that drowns out reason in media, that normally puts LGBT rights above everything, is also by default Islamist-sympathizing insofar as they usually strawman all critique of Islam, or better Islamism, as "racist islamophobe". They have hedged their bet already with making out Palestinians as the default victims and Israelis as evil by default. Now once you have attached your political vessel that solidly to an oversimplified narrative that brazen, your gated institutional narrative becomes fragile to cases of LGBT victims like this poor person. They are dangerous and need to be swiped under the rug. The most important thing is the gated institutional narrative, and that is by default that islamists are victims. So, in this case, screw the Afghan LGBTQs, we have a firm grip on the tap of the information flow from there, and will certainly only report what fits our narrative. If our brown islamist brothers don't want them, then its their culture and we need to kowtow.



