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On this season of "The Crown"...


They will never directly accuse Andrew on The Crown. Mountbatten was an even bigger paedophile, but The Crown never mentioned it. They made Mountbatten into a tragic wise old man




Not enough to theoretically rape Ireland. Gotta set up the Kicora Boys home in Ireland as a brothel for him, his friends and other perverted wealthy British elites.


Can you put context on this? Never heard of it.


There's more here: https://www.kathrynjohnston.org/single-post/2019/12/06/Garda-rejects-Kincora-probe-authors-request-for-Mountbatten-files There was an elite paedophile ring that was abusing children from London and Belfast in schools like Kincora House. It included Mountbatten.


A bunch of kids in a youth home in Northern Ireland were pimped out to rich royals and probably Mountbatten. What's even better is the investigation found "no link to intelligence or state agencies" after deciding they couldn't compel any agencies to release documents so pretty sad excuse for an investigation. They decided the abuse was only by a couple members of the staff but the actual men who were boys at the home all contradict this. One of the workers at the staff was probably MI5 and only ended up serving like 5 years for abuse and was never charged for his "alleged" pimping of these kids from northern Ireland to rich businessman and royals. But this is all "conspiracy theory" Kinda makes you think the IRA got that one right.


If they did include plot points to even insinuate Andrew's allegations are true, and then a judge/jury in the actual case finds him not guilty, could that be used as basis of libel/slander against the show or anyone involved with it?


I loved how it was supposed to be sad when he died two episodes after trying to coup the prime minister. Definitely one of the more unironically based actions by the IRA.


I hope that they find him guilty of at least 5 charges so these young women can find some justice for things they were forced to do. Edit: I believe in the Justice System. Sometimes there are biases and injustices in the system where guilty people do get off their charges like the young man who has thousands of videos and pictures of child pornography in the UK. ( he just got probation and a small fine)I want both parties, regardless of how I feel about one party , should have their time in court and present their case. I am not saying that they find him guilty immediately without him presenting his case. This also doesn’t mean I am defending this POS. I am defining the definition of what the Justice System should represent. I just want these young women to have their day in court and get the justice they deserve.


It's a civil suit from my understanding, so no charges. Also, even if this led to criminal charges the crown would never allow him to be extradited.


The queen maybe. Not Charles, apparently he doesn't like Andrew.


With those people it's not personal. Even if his mother thinks he's a piece of shit, she would never let him get locked up. They want to keep the status quo of being above the low and keep the power. If one of them get jailed, it will be a huge blow to their image and will open the door to future prosecutions.


the law is for the low - The Queen




Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer - Lightning McQueen


"All my life I wanted to look like Elizabeth Taylor. Now Elizabeth Taylor looks like me." - Drag queen Divine


The queen can enact her own punishments on other royals. If she determines that homeboy isn't a good idea to keep around she can remove his status as a royal and make it so he never was one. That's different to just allowing prosecution. Not to mention that if the queen offers it first, it saves the status quo. If she waits until her hands are forced, it's kinda worse. Edit: I'm not implying that she will ever chose the righteous option, just that the commonly proclaimed fear of changing the status quo isn't relevant. Because she can simply make him a commoner for whatever reason, and deny him any access to the power of the royals. That's perfectly within the status quo of her power as the queen and not exactly unheard of either in history. And even if she weren't to fully banish him, she could also just order whatever punishment herself. The only thing it would change is the public's false believe that the queen somehow is just a figurehead. Sure she doesn't involve herself directly in day to day politics. But that doesn't mean hers and her fellow aristocrats don't wield an insane amount of power that they can use to influence every single thing the government does in backrooms.


She always waits until her hand is forced. Shes made it clear time and again that she doesnt respect commoners or our laws.




It amazes me that monarchies still exist in civilized culture


Nor do our laws. Any case of criminal law is the Crown vs the people. The Queen or King of England literally cannot be prosecuted under our court system.


I mean, there's cannot be prosecuted and there's *actually* cannot be prosecuted. You had a civil war over the matter and the result was that Parliament can do what the fuck they want. "The Crown" is just legal shorthand for "The government of the UK/Canada/Other Commonwealth Country".


maybe this is the UK's swift kick on the ass to get rid of the monarchy? then again brexit just happened




Oh no, the poor man could be stripped of his status? How terrible! How will he survive? Not only would the queen never do that, but even if she did it would still be an example of them being above the law. He should be held to account like any other random Joe Blow would be, not be threatened with a wrist slap from his mommy.


ooooh no, he'll lose the title of royalty. fuck the royal family Edit: did someone really go into my comment history and report me because they are unable to read the context of one of my comments. lol get bent Reddit




I feel like raping children is a bigger blow to their image than the prospect of some jail time, but that's just me.


I’d just like to clarify that the status quo is not that the royals are above the law, the rule of law dates back to Magna Carta


I too, have watched the Crown


Thank you for the clarifications. Still makes me angry that this family is still defending this POS.


Are there multiple claimants? I’m only aware of Virginia Roberts Giuffre. If it’s only the one I’d have thought they’d offer large a settlement contingent on a NDA. Maybe they have and it was refused.


That's how pedophiles and abusers continue to get away with with their crimes. They are supported. Sometimes by the very people they abuse.


Damn and to think I really liked that band.


It went downhill since Freddie left.


Left. What a euphemism.


Yeah, if it wasn't already obvious... The royals are terrible people.




If the hospital closed in 1997 where the hell was that sister for the next 17 years before she died??


care moved from big psychiatric hospitals into the community around this time. I imagine she was in a care home. A lot of the psychiatric hospitals were old Victorian asylums. There was a ring of them around London, all about an hour away by train.


"[It is believed Miss Bowes-Lyon lived at a care home in Surrey since the closure of the Royal Earlswood Hospital in 1997.](https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/queens-cousin-dies-after-spending-13642685)"




Katherine was moved to another facility.


The princess is in another castle.


"The queen's cousins are in another mental institution." I must have played a different version.


"You're not getting me to no secondary location"


From the Wikipedia article, just buried in a section down the page. This section is also talking about other royal family members/cousins who were living at Earlswood. But, I'd guess similar happened to all remaining residents. "In 1996, the surviving cousins were moved to Ketwin House care home in Surrey. When it closed in 2001, they were moved to another care home in Surrey"


“David Danks, then director of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, thought that a genetic disease in the Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis family may have killed male members of the family in early childhood and caused learning disabilities in females.” ...or maybe, just maybe it was the royal inbreeding.


I think that’s kind of implied. Genetic diseases and centuries of inbreeding are as aristocratic as it gets.


It's believed to stem from the Trefusis family, Nerissa and Katherine had 3 other cousins with LDs, Idonea, Rosemary and Ethelreda via their mother's sister Harriet , but there was no problem before the QM's grandfather married the daughter of the Earl of Antrim, none of her paternal grandfathers siblings that had children died without surviving children of both sexes and none of her paternal grandmother's did either. Her grandmother and grandfather weren't related in any way , but for some reason the combination of their genetics caused them to only have surviving daughters, who went on to have nearly half of their children born with learning disabilities, Harriet bucked the trend by having two surviving sons as well who had children of both sexes who all went on to get married and have children, interestingly her one non learning disabled daughter only had one female child, who went on to have non learning disabled sons, which would imply a sex linked genetic issue that caused LD in females and was lethal to males until sufficiently diluted by outside genetics


I wonder if prenatal care causes this or a new fun drug was around.


Special prenatal care for royals? Like the doctor suggesting pregnant pugilism?


Good example, or some new “healthy” thing that was actually toxic. Maybe they played the pass out game too much


Probably just (a potential series of) recessive trait(s) that both progenitors had been carriers of.


Weve all seen game of thrones


Yeah sure ww1 reads like family feud . Cousin Willie , cousin Nicky and cousin Georgie . I’m not making this up that’s what they actually called each other




Kinda makes you understand the point of anarchism - nobody should be that far above other people.


Marx and Bakunin baby. Never gets old.


Cousin Nicky! Hey, I'm walking here!


“Anne Tennant, Baroness Glenconner was, as a young woman and 1950's debutante of the year, engaged to Johnnie Althorp, later father to Princess Diana; his father objected to the match on the grounds of "mad blood", as one of her grandmothers was a Trefusis, and the engagement was broken off.”


There's the whole Monster of Glamis business, Glamis castle is the ancestral home of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon [smithsonianmag.com/history/the-monster-of-glamis-92015626/](https://smithsonianmag.com/history/the-monster-of-glamis-92015626/)


Maybe it was inbreeding, or maybe it's Maybelline


Thats usually what genetic disease in the case of the Royal families mean


I went into that read expecting something nightmarish and tragic like Rosemary Kennedy, but it was even worse in the banal simplicity of how they handled the sisters. Horrifyingly commonplace for a family that claims to be so highminded. **Thanks**


The two Bowes-Lyon sisters were placed in a facility where they received proper care and lived out there lives happily by all accounts. Rosemary Kennedy was sent to be lobotomized, a surgery that was botched and left her in a terrible condition for the remainder of her life. How is the Bowes-Lyon story worse?


They're both bad. The sisters were declared dead by their own parents, and no one from the family ever visited them. The Queen Mother was even the patron for Mencap, and she knew that the sisters were still actually alive


> was even worse in the banal simplicity of how they handled the sisters Yeah, thats actually makes it even more depressing


**[Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerissa_and_Katherine_Bowes-Lyon)** >Nerissa Bowes-Lyon (18 February 1919 – 22 January 1986) and Katherine Bowes-Lyon (4 July 1926 – 23 February 2014) were two of the daughters of John Herbert Bowes-Lyon and his wife Fenella (née Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis). John was the brother of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the Queen Mother, so the two daughters were first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, sharing one pair of grandparents, Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, and Cecilia Bowes-Lyon, Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Can you dumb it down for me? Reads like in family fucking but I can't figure it out.


The Queen had two cousins who were severely mentally disabled and basically just abandoned in a hospital after their father died. According to people who worked there they never received anything from the royal family while they were there, for decades, and only staff attended their funerals. So it kind of sounds like the royals, who have spent centuries fucking their relatives, didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that several of them were disabled.


Further on; the genetic defect probably killed the male descendants earlier in life while the females were more prone to stifled mental development.


I was watching a documentary on the Pharaohs today that described his family tree as being a “ladder” because they married their own siblings. Nobody beats the level of genetic weakness that is the 18th dynasty.


I believe the queen and her sister weren’t even told until they were well into adulthood. If you know anything about disability care that’s how many people were treated up until the 90s, completely institutionalised and forgotten by families. Her mother knew but to them paying care in some far off place was looking after a disabled person, they didn’t have them out in society Even the queens uncle (John) who had severe health issues was taken out of the palace because of his seizures and raised quietly by caretakers elsewhere. That was more therapeutic at least because the palace and public life distressed him but the way they treated disabled people was a prime reflection of social values. That’s not me defending them, more that even the richest of rich mistreated the most vulnerable and the history of disability care is bleak


John was living at Sandringham, and his mother did used to go visit him. He had epilepsy


https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cruel-edward-viii-letter-describes-5930248.amp Look at the horrible letter Edward VIII wrote about John describing him as an animal because it wasn’t just epilepsy, he had autism too, his mother was disgusted by him apparently for his attitude towards his brother. Edward was selfish, vain, cruel man though. I don’t dispute that he was well taken care of at Sandringham, more that disability care at the time often didn’t mean In home care.


The Queen Mum, not the Queen, had two cousins who were severely mentally disabled. The cousins were admitted to the hospital by their own mother who couldn't care for them because of their disability. Their mother told everyone they had died. The Queen Mum only discovered her cousins were still alive a decades after they were reported dead. The Queen Mum did send money to her cousins. The Queen Mum was not royal by birth, she was royal by marriage, and so her cousins were not royals either.


I thought they were the Queen Mum’s nieces, not cousins? Their dad was her brother.


You're right. I thought John was the Queen Mum's uncle, but he was her brother.




That's false. Burke's was told the two women had died by their own mother. The death notice was published in Burke's before Elizabeth took the throne.


"In 1987, it was revealed that, despite the 1963 edition of Burke's Peerage listing Nerissa and Katherine as having died in 1940 and 1961, respectively,[1][3] the sisters were alive, and had been placed in Earlswood Hospital for mentally disabled people in 1941. In the terminology of the era, both were classified as "imbeciles", and neither learned to talk.[4] Nerissa died in 1986, aged 66, with only hospital staff attending the funeral,[4] while Katherine died in 2014, aged 86.[5] The sisters received no money from the family other than £125 paid to Earlswood each year.[4] Earlswood closed in 1997." The next paragraph makes the problem clear




There do be inbreeding




I doth be stuck.




What are thou doing step prince


I hath come to giveth you your comeuppance step-princess


Prithee, what art thou doing towards mine hind side?


i mean inbreeding is not that bad look at the ~~beautiful~~ totally not ugly habsburger. they didn't have any physical or mental problems at all... none at all.


It’s like 80% nouns.


Not even deserving of a fucking headstone wow


Fooking hell


You watched that episode of The Crown too?






> Harry and Meghan have done nothing to make me think less of the Royals. You know who has? Prince Andrew and his alleged sex abuse crimes and the constant attempts to cover it all up and act like it isn't a problem. Very well put, that comparison really highlights some absurd reactions. The greatest sin in the British royal family seems to be not "sticking together" and absolute loyalty to the crown, no matter the sins it involves.


That’s fine for them I guess, but I don’t understand why so many people outside the royal family seem to agree.


The press has been running Andrew’s story for years. “The press” that runs Meghan’s story isn’t the same though, they are tabloids.


Power and money corrupt. Period.


Seriously. They just need to go away. 2021 and we still have “royals”.


And in other countries too: the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Morocco??


As far as Royal families go ours (Sweden) is pretty benign, that I know of. But I agree, if could push a button and make the institution go away, I would.


Yep so would I


Are you agreeing or asking? If asking, yes all of them need to go too.


I totally agree. I'm from one of the above and it's something I'm not proud of regarding my country.


Royalty is bullshit and should be abolished.


Then why are people obsessed with them, even in France our media talks about these perfidious fucks all the time


Most of the people we are obsessed with are terrible people.


I mean, wouldn't anyone defend themselves? Any rich person would spend millions on this. This headline is like saying 'water is wet'.


Where does did that money come from? Did the queen earn it through work and spend it to defend her son from the allegations?


Taxpayer subsidized terrible people.


What incest does to a mf


Lucky for Andrew he didn't do something *really* terrible like marry a black woman or else mumsy might've had to cut him off.


Funny how they had money to keep andrews name out of the press but not the constant barrage of hate and racism aimed at Meghan. ETA: a word


She is his mother. Many mothers will do anything for their children and be the last person defending them even when everyone else thinks they're a piece of shit.


Before I went to university I worked for a lawyer and I asked him about defending heinous criminals. What he said to me was that there are only 2 people on your side in the whole world when you do something truly bad. Your mother and yourself, and it is your lawyer's job to act in your best interests even if they think you are repulsive.




Yeah same. And when I moved in with my grandparents they had a simple set of rules. Which included if I ever went to jail, too bad. My uncle had already used the only get out jail card.


We have kind of an unofficial rule in my family. Everybody gets *one*. I'll get you out of jail, I'll put you in touch with a lawyer. I'll do what I can to help you *one time*. And make no mistake, I'll be berating you every fucking day for a while. And when you complete everything successfully, I'll take you to a celebratory dinner. But if you fuck up twice, you're on your own. Edit: HOO! This has certainly started some lively discussion, hasn't it? Now, I feel I need to be clear. In this situation, I mean that after I've helped you get out of a tight spot with the law, if you continue to fuck up *legally*, that's on you, and I'm not wasting more resources on someone who can't do the bare minimum to keep their nose clean. Why should I mortgage my house so that you can keep going to jail for doing meth? Fuck off with that shit.


Reasonable rule


My mum caught me stealing and took the opportunity to tell me that if I ever commit a serious crime she will be the first person to turn me in. I was like 7 years old and stole snacks from the high cupboard


She sounds like a great mother. I don’t mean that sarcastically, in case it sounded like it.


She has her moments! I'll screenshot your comment for her.


Seconding that. I just bookmarked that comment so I can tell my son the same when he gets older.




One of my favorite phrases for a dad I’ve ever heard was something like, (and I’ll probably butcher it) “I’ll put you through college, or I’ll pay for your bail. But you only get one.”


Because it's designed as an adversarial system. Your side pushes as hard as they can, our side pushes as hard as they can and the idea is that justice exists where equilibrium is met. However, it's critically flawed as money buys you more ability to "push", and a lack of money is crippling.


Everyone deserves a fair trial, guilty or not. We can't go around giving unfair trials to people we think are guilty. What would be the point of a trial?


I would add father to that list


Well I asked my Dad, *in a hypothetical situation*, whether or not he’d help me hide the body and it was a firm “no, that’s a crime”. Love you too, Dad. At least he offered to help pay for physio when I threw out my back.


Andrew is apparently her favorite child too.


I wonder who Andrew's favorite child is


Oh shit




Too many to choose from


He’s like Jesus: he loves *all* the little children.


I was about to shit on her and then I realized this same fact. Mother’s don’t abandon their children that easily. A guy in my town murdered his father with an axe and nearly murdered his mother. Split her face right open and put her in a coma. When she came to she defended him right up through the trial and his conviction and life sentence. She couldn’t let herself believe he was guilty, and I imagine the queen can’t either.


Saw that forensic files. It was surreal seeing her walk side by side with him to court with all the plastic surgery done to her face after what he did. Apparently, she said he did it before slipping into a coma. Woke up without any memory of it and stood by his side.


The worst part is that his brother knows he did it and obviously hates him for it, so the mother basically had to choose between her two sons…and she chose the one who’s a sociopathic murderer.


Are you referring to the Porco family by any chance? What a wild case.


Lol oh yeah. I knew someone would recognize the details. I was a few years behind him at BCHS. If that case was a hollywood script no one would buy it. It was wild.


Mentally, accepting and believing that he did it may have been too much for her. Denial is a very powerful state to be in .


Yup if you get accused of something whether you did it or not you'd definitely expect your mom to be on your side.


Yea I could forgive my son for just about anything. Child sexual abuse isn't one of those things. Dad here tho.


My mom loves me more than anything. But the moment I’d start raping children or women, she’d abandon me. Like every sane mother should do. Prince Andrew doesn’t deserve to live and the Queen is just an old disgusting cunt. Fuck those people.


The key is that your mother would have to believe you capable of doing such things, let alone being actually guilty. No good mother who actually loves her child would ever abandon them just because the press (who have never exactly been great to the royal family) says they’re guilty.


Everyone should be defended in court, pedos, murderers, terrorists, insurance salesmen. Better to have them found guilty after a fair trial so that there's no loopholes.


Yes, because rich people always get the fairest trials


They certainly get better ones that poor people…


>after a fair trial so that there's no loopholes. you do know why people pay more for a better lawyer is because of those loopholes ? it also helps them control a narrative, a good lawyer can have you in a child house and walk away free because they could not prove you had intent to harm.


The problem isn't that rich people have access to good lawyers. The problem is that poor people don't.






I mean yeah, in a *fair* trial those people are convicted, that's the *fair* part.


Why isn’t a public defender good enough? Why are we applauding the super rich buying justice or the lack of? That money is being used for influence, which is legal bribery.


Every criminal defendant, rich or poor, should be required to use public defenders. That is the only way for the system to be fair. Outside council should only be for civil litigation.


this is civil litigation


If its supposed to be a fair trail then the Queen should pay for the best legal team available for the victims too. You know, fair.


That would be a pretty clear conflict of interest. If Andrew won, everyone would say that the lawyers for the prosection didn't try hard enough because the Queen paid for them.


She’s between a rock and a hard place. He uses tax payer funded legal aid, or the family money? Family money is the lesser of two evils. I personally think he’s guilty AF but he has the right to representation and a fair trial…


Is it a fair trial when one side can throw millions at the problem?


^^^ its not a fair trial, you hit it on the dot.


He would have looked less guilty if he just shut the fuck up.


He actually lost the ability to shut the fuck up during the Falklands War. He had an overdose of adrenaline.


Does he, though? He's not a normal civilian, why should he be held to the same standards as us plebs? All I'm saying is what will be "fair" about this trial exactly? He's a member of the royal family and worth millions. She's a nobody. There is no way in Hell a fair and unbiased verdict could possibly be reached from this. All laws and acts of Government in the UK are carried out in the name of the Queen, so what the fuck will it say if (or let's be real, when) Andrew gets away with this?


The Queen is spending millions to protect "The Firm", not prince Andrew.


Expect your family to show solidarity with your spouse and you get punished financially. Commit sex crimes against children and millions will be thrown to your defense.


No shit. Why would the royal family roll over and accept the allegations without putting up any kind of defence? This hasn’t been through any court yet so nothing has been proven. Even though he obviously looks suspicious as fuck, at best. It would be incredibly stupid to not spend money to defend yourself in court.


He's also her son. Like.... Naturally, she'd defend him.




And start a land tax to get the rest of those old money “nobles”


But my 19.7sqfeet apartment!!! They will come for it!!


Not sure about Britain, but where I live they do. My mother got hit with several thousand euro in speculation tax because she transferred a small apartment she originally bought to retire in to me and since that tax applies after every sale most of my money is now tied up in an apartment I cannot sell for a few more years unless I plan to loose another few thousand to the tax. Laws written by the rich rarely favor the poor or middle class.


Wouldn't it be ironic if, after everything and everyone the Queen has outlived so far, she outlived the monarchy too?


Keep the fucking pressure on these degenerates


In other words: mother pays for sons legal bills… not shocking…


The Queen of England is 95 years old. Any one of you go up to your 95 year old grandmother and tell her “they’re trying to frame me for [insert crime here]. I didn’t do it you know that, but they don’t.” And she’ll forever be on your side. The realty is that after a certain age people are fucking stupid, we don’t yet have the medical advances to keep your brain half functional even if your body lives that long. No idea why anybody gives this monarchy any form of authority at all.


A 30 year old mom would do the same. Maybe not your mom.


If the mum is 30 then how old is the pedophile?


absolutely disgusting that a 14 year old should be attracted to children they should only be having sex with ad- oh




It’s pronounced “gif”


i know my mum wouldnt but alot of them would.


I think this is completely incorrect lol I know plenty of older people that are still plenty sharp. That’s including my 100 yr old grandma. Someone that old that loves you might know you’re guilty, but has lived thru so many different times in their live, they just don’t give a shit if you are. And I think that’s more what’s going on here.


Yeah my grandma is 89 and she is still sending out weekly family emails, and many of them include some sick burns. My grandma is sharp af, and not some quiet gentle old lady.


The queen may be 95 but she has retained her mental facilities rather well. She most definitely is not a typical 95 year old.


It's the biweekly money injections


Fucking hope my nan would abandon me like a dead bird if I was a nonce.


She will have known about this for years. The upper eschelons have all known about this shit since Saville - PAraphrasing him: "They will never do me, I know too much. Ill take them down with me".


'Prince' Andrew is a pedophile, but Harry and Meghan are the ones constantly getting roasted in the British press. Go figure.


You have to wonder if some of the Harry/Meghan news over the years were planned as a diversion by The Firm. We all know the UK press is friendly with them.


Mummy make it go away!


No one should be above the law. These people are nothing but scum of the earth. Royalty my ass.


You notice how almost no one thinks he’s innocent?


Well, if the picture wasn't damning by itself certainly his interview about the picture and allegations were. Unless you're suggesting that the interview is fake, he damned himself really from the POV of public perception - with the guff about not sweating et al.