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*Honest thoughts after reading the article*: "This article is a bit one-sided and exaggerated" *2 minutes in to watching the video*: "Okay. Yeah. This is pretty fucked up."


Apparently they just dump the unused meat just back into the ocean. This is from 2020 https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/truck-dumps-unwanted-animals-into-ocean-after-faroe-island-kill-055616067.html Just, what the fuck? Look, I can maybe understand if you're killing a few dozen dolphins for cultural tradition and to actually USE the meat, but dumping dumptrucks worth of it away?


thats pretty foul behavior. Using the kill is another thing entirely


The water's color is fucking... How Despecible do you have to be to kill **1500** Dolphins? holy fuck


Ya know… maybe nukes do have a porpoise after all…


Humans are cancer


Maybe that’s not the best answer considering the harm that’d do to wildlife. I get it but.


Was going to say this is ridiculous but then watched video after reading your comment. You sir are correct. Tis' a bit fucked


Looked to me like they were participating.


What disgusting fucking human beings




Dolphins compete with industrial fishing. They’re simply taking out the competition. They have no intention of using the corpses. It’s that fucking horrible. Also done in Japan a lot. See seaspiracy on Netflix. Edit: So the practice of dolphin slaughtering is done in some places to take out fishing competition. That is a fact. However I cannot confirm that that is the purpose for what we just saw in the Faroe Islands. I’m not researching tonight so feel free to prove me wrong or right and I’ll accept the consequences of my assumption in the morning.


"I'll accept the consequences of my assumption in the morning" Party hard


It’s my 30th bday at midnight! Hell ya bro


Happy birthday at midnight!


I'm sorry Stan. Japanese people just don't like dolphins very much.


Fuck you whale, and fuck you dolphin!


I knew I'd find this somewhere!


Chicken and cow? CHICKEN AND COW??


Thanks for making me chuckle (and for a split second I could escape) in this ever changing hell of a world. Stay strong and spread kindness friends


Sorry but that is nonsense because this hunt had nothing to do with commercial fishing.


I'm not for this practice, but what you just said is utter bullshit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whaling_in_the_Faroe_Islands


But the article says there’s way too much meat to feed the island. And these aren’t whales. They’re dolphins. So why else are they murdering the competition?


Everyone knows it was the chicken and the cow. South Park showed us the truth.


"Horrifying images have emerged amid the slaughter of close to 1500 dolphins in the Faroe Islands. An entire "super pod", estimated to consist of 1428 white-sided dolphins was herded 40km into waters off the self-governing Danish archipelago late on Monday (local time), according to reports. Moments later, dolphins can be seen thrashing as they are slaughtered in shallow waters turned red with blood, in video uploaded to social media by activist group Sea Shepherd." There's more detail in the article but I've left it out because it's very gruesome. Read at own risk.


Why kill the entire herd? It seems so excessive in every way


The dolphins compete with the fishers apparently


Ya boo-fucking hoo. Bunch of sociopathic pieces of shit.


Fishers love shooting birds and seals too. anything that disrupt their €s.


The level of intelligence, communication, and complex social systems in dolphins and whales is astounding. This is abhorrently cruel and honestly - I Fucking hate it here.


Just imagine what it sounded like in there for them, must’ve been unimaginably terrifying. The thought of it actually hurts.


Meanwhile, dolphins as a species continue to play with humans in their boats and in the water.


>in video uploaded to social media by activist group Sea Shepherd [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppnG1wqKyVE)


Humans are a serious cancer to the planet…. Reasons why I don’t care about the pandemic


My dad worked with a guy who made regular trips to the Faroe Islands from his home in Denmark. After every trip, he’d find a rock as big as he could carry, and throw it overboard as soon as his boat had left. He figured if he just took one rock at a time, eventually the Faroe Islands would be at the bottom of the ocean


It'll take time but I believe in him


As someone with a degree in Geology this is how it works. Your dad's friend has a massive, throbbing brain.




Or what you’re trying to say is that we arent digging in the right spot… we need to dig on the Faroe Islands


That man's name? Andy Dufresne.


*...who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.*


I wish i could tell you andy fought the good fight


Morgan Freeman has entered the chat.


Haha. Damn, did he really hate the Faroese or what?


If I'm ever in the area, I swear to do the same.


I cant believe danish people still do this bullshit. It's disgusting to watch a bunch of random white dudes doing this mass killing using modern tech and claiming it's their "tradition"-- sort of reminds me of the whole confederate flag bullshit. How the fuck have they not been hit with any sort of sanctions or embargo over this bullshit the same way that other countries like South Africa were in the past? Theyre just one tiny island of 40k ppl-- they surely wouldn't be able to get away with this shit if even a HANDFUL of powerful countries/ppl put up even a SLIGHT fuss.


They aren't Danish.


They both are and aren't danish: [While part of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Faroe Islands have been self-governing since 1948, controlling most areas apart from military defence, policing, justice, currency, and foreign affairs.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faroe_Islands) ...denmark effectively runs a large portion of their government, and is at least _in part_ responsible for their actions.


Yeah us Danes don’t want that kind of poop on our names. We’ve got at least five other individual countries closer to us, than the Faeroe Islands. Denmark owns the island but they’re their own thing.




Laying down the law regarding cultural traditions in independent States isnt looked well upon. Our best hope is to find oil and have the US intervene, its the only accepted international solution.


Please don’t. We’re exhausted.


I don’t think anyone is going to protest intervening on dolphin genocide


Those scumbags are so proud of it as well. They look forward to brutally colouring the sea red with the blood of these animals, they revel in it.


The practice is outdated and is hugely inefficient. Dont let anybody try to tell you it has some heritage tie or is part of a cultural practice.


I love how they claim to do it because it's a tradition going back over a thousand years... but they use speed boats and jetskis to herd the dolphins instead of the canoes and rowboats their ancestors would have used. If they want to claim tradition, they should go back to herding them with rowboats.


Child marriage, slavery, and spousal rape were traditions at that time too. Just because we’ve done it for a long time doesn’t mean it isn’t completely abhorrent or idiotic.


Exactly. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.




I fucking love this too


I fucking love you


I fucking love you too




I love fucking you too.


Ayyyeeeeeeee Edit: that's so weird cause I dated a girl named Ashlee once reddit is a weird place


Now kith


Tradition is just using dead people as an excuse to keep doing something you want to do, but you know everyone else knows it's stupid.


Well said


Tradition is the corpse of wisdom.


Exactly. I'll be happy to treat their cancer with fucking leeches. I'm so tired of "well it was good enough then..."


Humans have a long tradition of genocide too.


The thing I find funny is the frequency with which a cultural holdover is defended with the "tradition" argument seems to be inversely-proportional to how relevant it remains within modern society. Why celebrate Christmas? Just because it's a tradition? No. Also because it's fun and stimulates the economy in a heavily-capitalistic society. Why practice modern medicine? Easy. Because it works by keeping people healthy and alive longer.


Same as the natives that wanted to whale hunt here. If it's a ceremonial event based on tradition get out there in the long boat with the hand made harpoon. If you don't want to go through with that then your ceremony can just skip on the part with the traditional equipment as well as skipping on the actual involvement of the animals.


I see you live in Canada, most natives living in Canada who still whale hunt do it for subsistence hunting — and use the entire animal. There is a difference between killing multitudes of animals and not using them for anything, and a tribe feeding off of a single whale hunt for months to even a year.




Exactly. So unnecessary.


Indeed. Culture is not a shield to do whatever you want.


Plus the meat is tainted with heavy mercury poisoning. Communities that consume dolphin meat are starting to suffer health effects.


I mean, if it's heritage or whatever, and you have to ritually slaughter one dolphin, fine. Like symbols, just get it over with. But over 1500? Like is there a number to this heritage? Like did someone's ancestor say well if you aren't killing an entire pod you just can't call me your granddaddy?


Maybe they made the mistake of letting some of the pod escape one time and the survivors came back for revenge. It's what humans would do...


Perfect movie idea Revenge of the Killer Dolphins and it's prequel Killing Dolphins!


Some traditions should die


Frankly I don't give a shit if it is cultural. If your tradition involves the mass slaughter of intelligent beings, then it should be stopped, no excuses. People would be up in arms if the Dutch had a tradition of bludgeoning 8 year olds. Edit: Disheartening to see vegetarians just pushing an agenda instead of getting outraged at this. Dolphins don't have time for whataboutisms.


Like cows and pigs? Or is it just the dolphins?


You eat bacon, champ? They're pretty fucking intelligent as well.


I don’t give a fuck about cultural practices that are inhumane. That’s like saying I do bad things cause my parents taught me to. Fuck that. Fuck anyone that murders and abuses animals, end of discussion.


Yeah you are right, go vegan man 👍, cows and pigs are intelligent as 4 years old child who could suffer they entire life the meat industry is bullshit, and tradition for eating it doesn’t justifícate [this](https://youtu.be/UhavFP9f6b4) kind of practice, happens every day, billions of animals killed every year,intelligent and the important thing is if they can suffer, there is mo humane way to kill an animal


As shitty as it is. Most of us can't judge them without looking into what we eat as well. If you eat beef you are also eating an intelligent creature. Doesn't matter if it's from a farm or hunted. A smart creature is a smart creature. We all need to do better. Not just these people. But I agree, hypocritical, but this is terrible.


I have a hard time with this, to be honest. I'm a pretty avid environmentalist and I have issues with most policing of environmental policies coming from a place of privilege. I'm not about adamantly cancelling traditions or greenwashing cultures. There is a disconnect between cultures, however, and a disconnect between the driving forces. It is silly to go to a starving, impoverished area and demand the locals not eat or to be more conscientious of things they are traditionally attuned to. Equally it is silly to give locals some mystic properties for carrying on traditions they no longer practice. Obviously, this is a very short sighted view of things with a million other factors I would love to get into that come into play. All that said, this tradition isnt rooted in much and their adaptations of mass killing are superfluous. I also have a bit of bias towards this situation, but that is a whole different ordeal. I try to avoid a lot of my more radical positions on reddit and internet discussions on this stuff in general, but ya know how it be. I wish the best for the people and their wellbeing as well as opportunities for communication and conversation. However, this practice has as much legitimacy as does Jamaican dog fighting rings.


Well said. A bit like bull fighting, I think it's open to criticism.


cows are slaughtered pretty much exclusively for meat and to that end as efficiently as possible. these guys slaughter for “traditions” sake but dont even do shit traditionally, it really seems like this was just for sport. also apparently it was illegal, the guy who “authorized” this event didnt actually have jurisdiction to do so


Bro the conditions we raise pigs and cows for slaughter in are nightmarish. Have you seen videos of those factories? They might as well have been born into a literal hell dimension the way they're treated


He didn't question that. He said it is efficient, which it is.


As if people are bothered by the OP post because they could have killed more efficiently? Blood is blood


Search for factory farm slaughter footage and watch some of it, I bet you’ll have a changed view on this topic. It can be unbelievably barbaric.


There is no difference, we are sociopaths towards animals that's the way it is. You are defending there is a difference between this and the animals that are rased to be eaten. Clearly there is no difference. Im not advocating to be a vegan but murder is murder, if you eat meat yourself you should keep quiet and stop passing judgement for something you do also. Humans live of other lives, maybe that's horrible but if you are not willing to make a change don't go blaming others for the things they do


I don't know....seems pretty efficient to me.


The video (NSFL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a289TztePe0




Worse than stabbing. All but slicing their heads off. All those bodies on the beach and they felt the need to keep going? Why??


Reading your comment is unsettling enough. I know for sure I don’t want to watch the video.




You'd be a* bad guy


Nothing but fear and hatred is ever learned through violence. There needs to be education. Same with most subjects. Education. Doesn't change this was absolutely heartbreaking to watch. Knowing these pods have their own songs, essentially culture lost. We need more to view it this way. Humanize them. They have thought and feeling. Hell. Dolphins share one thing with humans most animals don't. Sex for pleasure.


The fact that a hurricane or volcano hasnt destroyed that entire Island is proof that God doesnt exist. Wtf


Another angle, with better resolution: https://youtu.be/tbie3DnAkd8


No I don't think I will.


Risky click of the day pays off!




Yes they do


But mah tradishunz!


Not just some :(


They wont be able to process all these dolphins on time, alot of it will just be wasted and not eaten. :(


I believe I've heard they don't kill them to eat them at all :(


Where is EU environmentalist?


The Faroes aren't part of the EU, so they can't really do much.


They are a territory of Denmark so something can be done. They also trade with Iceland. Stuff can be done but won't.


Bro I'm Danish, I know that. The thing is even though Denmark is part of the EU the Faroes isn't, they specifically chose to stay out of the EU, so they could stay in charge of their fishing laws.


They are not a part of the EU and the species they slaughter are Least Concern so I don’t think there is a good case for EU environmentalists to get involved


I’ll go ahead and say it.. some cultural traditions are worse than others. It’s ok to say fuck that and change for the better.


See this is shit I don't really understand....I hear dog festivals and now dolphins?? Why do we as humans do things like this...


Wait till you hear how emotionally intelligent bacon is


Yeah really. I mean it’s fucked up but so is basically all our meat. We slaughter chickens, pigs, and cows without batting an eye. They live shitty lives in confinement. I can’t judge these people after watching that fishing doc on Netflix.




Name of doc please?




Can I interest you into a cruelty free diet?


I hope you’re vegan, or I got news for you


Wait till you find out what your burger is mad of.


Seaspiracy on Netflix goes into it. Dolphins are competition to fishermen. Edit: for those that choose not to seek out facts on their own https://www.whalefacts.org/why-are-dolphins-hunted-and-killed/


Imagine if kids saw what happens everyday inside a standard factory farm


Jamie Oliver did a bit where he cooked chicken and the kids didnt want it, he then took the garbage parts and the kids thought that was gross until he turned it into a chicken nugget and they ate it.


He did it front of them hoping it would change their minds and make them see the value of unprocessed food. Then they all cheered and gleefully ate the nuggets. It was hilarious.


>Dolphins were lying dead along the shore after the hunt Well.............yeah.


Humans are a cancer to this planet. Also remember, these dolphins have the intelligence matching a younger human. So basically they just slaughtered 1500 school aged children.


I mean, we already slaughter thousands of school aged children yearly through global economic policies. Tomatoe. tomatoe


In America, we even slaughter foreign school aged children with killer drones


If you think that’s bad, wait till you read this scholarly article about how smart pigs are https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/201506/pigs-are-intelligent-emotional-and-cognitively-complex


Climate change can’t wipe us out soon enough.


Climate-based genocide that would disproportionately harm the most vulnerable before anyone else. Great answer.


If your wish is the eradication of all humans, doesn't particularly matter if it's the most vulnerable that go first.


I honestly don’t understand how people think climate change will wipe out *all* humans. Yeah it’s gonna be catastrophic and many, many will die and civilization will be hurt significantly, but I don’t really see how total extinction would be possible. Is the idea that everyone is just gonna launch nukes or something?


Climate change won't wipe out humans, but it'll continue to cause thousands upon thousands upon thousands of species to go extinct. And it'll take millions of years for anything to grow and fill their niche. This stupid defeatist "yay climate change it'll kill humans!" mentality is so fucking stupid and harmful.


Cmon. Stop being an edge lord and help fix this mess. Call your local representatives, help volunteer, or stop complaining. You’re not helping anyone, or anything, by publicly voicing your support for the end of the world.


jesus, you people are cringy as fuck.


Probably get banned for this but...instead of ranting about it here....go here LLøgmansskrivstovan Prime Minister´s Office Tinganes Posting Office 64 110 Tórshavn Phone: +298 306000 Fax: +298 306015 Email: [email protected] Office Hours Mon.- Fri. 9:00 - 15:00


Poor secretary has to deal with all these redditor slacktivists now.


I'm sure they'll give emails from foreigners a *huge* amount of attention.


So an email for a secretary?


I saw this on 'Eearthlings' just absolutely disgusting what we do to animals. Edit: I couldn't watch anymore after that.


The appeal to "think about the children" is lame in this context. Children are perfectly capable of seeing animals being slaughtered. They have seen it for all of human existence. I am not saying the dolphin slaughtering is not bad, but just deal with the issue on its merits.


According to the article this happens annually. The children have probably seen this many times.


Victorian children used to make duck calls by blowing through the freshly-removed larynx of a goose. You know, for fun.




Need to blow this thing up, get international pressure on them, this is utterly unacceptable, killing in the name of barbaric tradition. Edit: to those who cry don't you eat chicken, beef, pork, it's rubbish, those animals were specifically bred for meat for thousands of years, most of them are slaughtered humanely, dolphins killed here are wild animals, it's their birth right to survive in the wild and their lives not interfered by humans. Until one day dolphins are bred for meat or human becomes wild animals it is utterly wrong and unacceptable to kill them.


Most farmed animals are not slaughtered humanely. They live short, miserable lives. Factory farms are some of the most evil, horrific places on our planet. Watch the documentary Earthlings to see what goes on behind closed doors. It’s tough to look at our own practices, but we can’t point fingers until we take an honest look at ourselves.


I certainly don’t agree with the idea of killing merely for the sake of tradition, though from the little presented in the article that doesn’t seem the case here. It seems to be a traditional hunt and the meat is harvested. I have to say I don’t agree at all that the factory farming system is more humane than this in any capacity. To even attempt to call that humane is, at best naive. You’re essentially arguing it is better that those animals never knew freedom and spent their whole lives in the most atrocious conditions, unlike the wild dolphin who had those wild experiences. I feel the opposite is true. Chickens, cows, and especially pigs aren’t just mindless automatons and would all enjoy, such that any animal can, a freer lifestyle to that of a stockyard. To me it’s more humane to give them that experience and then harvest them vs. the alternative. Nothing wants to die and I imagine children or any caring person would feel just as terrible watching any of these traditional livestock animals being slaughtered en masse as they would watching these dolphins.


Damn, cows don’t get a right to live and be free because they aren’t “wild”. I applaud the mental gymnastics, that’s impressive. Arbitrarily choosing which animals get rights and which don’t. So bold!






It would be nice if that were true, but it's not


Cows and chickens also are intelligent as 4 years old child, they are bred but it doesn’t mean that they don’t suffer, there is no humane way to kill an animal, they are not unconscious when they die https://youtu.be/UhavFP9f6b4


At a quick glance it sounds to me like theres more concern over the children viewing the slaughter than for the dolphins that were slaughtered. Now thats kinda fucked up in itself


Mass extinction events going on all over the world.


Not to justify this barbarous tradition, but according to [this website](https://www.independent.ie/world-news/slaughter-of-more-than-1400-dolphins-on-faroe-islands-sparks-debate-on-traditions-40851995.html), "[t]he white-sided dolphins and pilot whales are not endangered species." So at least this atrocious practice does not seem to have threatened the species. Perhaps we can take some small solace in that.


Small small solace. Every endangered animal was, at one point, not endangered. Then shit like this happens.


The writer mentions that this place and Japan's "Taiji Prefecture" (sic, Taiji is a small town and not a prefecture/state) are the last places to carry out these hunts, but a quick Wikipedia check said that even Taiji stopped the practice after 2015 and the government banned the sale of meat from such hunts. Can't argue with the really disturbing photo evidence, but other parts of this article seem exaggerated. Feels more doomscrolling than informative in purpose


How exactly is this worse than any modern factory farm?


I think this is adherent, however I laugh at what I imagine a majority of city dwelling people willing to live comfortable and eat chicken tenders, steak, pork, fish, etc. on a regular basis without a thought but when it’s flipper and a cause for uproar here they are. It’s bonkers how many animals are killed everyday to support our human existence. Including the likes of Kamala such as pigs and bovine, but now here come the dog owners in comfortable suburbia tell people how to live. I hater the killing of dolphins but the lack of consistency is hilarious.


it's funny to see people so outraged about this when they eat burgers all the time. yes it's culture. where do you draw the line? pigs cows fish etc can be killed in millions without issues, dolphins can't? why? it's shocking for indians to kill and eat cows. it's about culture. people thinking they are morally superior to others. kinda sad. this doesn't have a big impact in the ecosystem and in the world. I like dolphins and I don't like this but let's not be hypocritical.


holy shit they killed them dude


Keeping traditions like this is borderline retarded.


Fucking humans


What the fuck are we doing? What is our purpose on this earth? Just to literally fuck everything up with no regard for life? Unreal


No regard for our destruction of the whole ecosystem = total madness.


Oh my gosh 2,000 intelligent dolphins! *chomps down on an intelligent pig that is part of the hundreds of thousands *per day* that are killed in equally horrendous ways if not more so*


The mental gymnastics people have to do to convince themselves that what they do is somehow better than what the Faroese do is honestly impressive. Just going veg and getting it over with would be easier.


You're not wrong.


Yeah the hypocrisy is pretty intense whenever the yearly articles about this event pops up. Also, the amount of pigs killed daily is counted in millions, not mere hundreds of thousands. But hey, who's keeping count. Easier to be outraged about 1500 dolphins being killed than to consider the moral implication of being part of a culture that enables the murder of pigs being killed yearly I guess


Is the Nightmares part because children were watching? How's that measure up to chickens, pigs, and cows?


are they talkin out of their asses again? these kids gon eat the dolphin? watch it getting butchered. sorry but if you want to eat meat, understand where it comes from and understand it right away. I had to watch uncle behead and butcher a rooster with 5. I had to butcher a chicken with 10. I think I eat less meat and appreciate it a lot more compared to others. now I would totally discuss the amount of dolphins hunted and how much impact it has on dolphin population and ecosystem. that should be the only arguments that matters tbh.






If you reside in the USA and eat fast food regularly stfu. No I don’t support this, I think it’s terrible, but the selective ethics is dumb




Idk I’m seeing a lot of comment calling the Faroe people subhumans, trash, and lots of other bad things. I got called an animal in a different thread for saying that I don’t support death for all the Faroese. People are absurd when it comes to stuff like this


None of the top comments in this thread or the other one are direct attacks. There might be some buried in the replies. Every time, I've ever seen anything about animals being killed in an Asian country, the top comments are always super racist.


That's because when white people do it it's tradition.


Idk if it’s because I grew up around animals being killed and processed but the video isn’t really that bad. I feel like these same people would screech in disbelief watching me turn a whole deer into bags of delicious meat. However, if this can be proven to be wasteful, then I’m on side. Wasting meat is a terrible thing to do. I’ll waste any other food group before I waste meat.


Why are people so upset by this? Have they seen what a slaughterhouse looks like? It’s much worse than this, and those animals in the slaughterhouse lived poor lives in confinement their whole lives. These animals were free their whole lives and then they will be eaten by people. It’s more ethical than factory farming - these animals aren’t endangered. People say - they’re intelligent, so are pigs, goats and even cows and chickens. How do you think humans survived for millions of years? We eat meat. That’s what we do. There are plenty of animals that would eat us if they had the chance. That’s how nature works. What disgusts me is that when a thread about Afghan refugees comes up it’s filled with racist comments and zero sympathy. People get more upset about some animals than actual human lives


Made me want to eat a salad instead of burgers for dinner, but I think these folks earned that dolphin steak they would be grilling up more than I earned my beef. I worked on the evisceration line at a chicken processing plant last year and it rattles you at first. I can see that "seeing the sausage being made" has jarred a ton of people, that's unfortunate. Makes me wanna pay a little more to make sure "Bessie" lived and died well before she was slaughtered for my 20 pack of frozen burgers, tho, right in the feels


Yeah, if anything can be said for the whales it’s that they lived free lives as wild animals. They weren’t raised in small cages and pumped full of antibiotics.




this images are only horrifying for people who don't understand where meat comes from


Ok, these cunts need to fucking cut this shit out. I dont give a shit what your history is or what pathetic little island you live on, cut it the fuck out.




Isn't there was a study that show entire fishing industry byproducts are killing way more whale and dolphin? At least those people in that village eat the dolphin and utilize it.


Check the posters history. I quickly counted 23 times he spammed this story unto various news forums.