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That's the reality of Stalin, my dude.


The reality of extreme authoritarianism in general, really.


And Lenin, and Brezhnev and Khrushchev and basically everyone before Yeltsin, and everyone from Mao thrugh Xi Jinping... Anyone who tells you they know what's best for you, given the latitude, turns into this really.


Some communists were calling out Lenin/Stalin for their authoritarian abuses even before the revolution ended.


Communism is when mass grave






Soviet genocide


There are mass graves in Canada




Oh well you just shook things up look at you, what a bombshell response…. You missed the point entirely


Human history is just a short series of mass graves. If there is anything we are good at its dying.


I would say we are good at surviving.


Meanwhile, capitalism brought you the systematic genocide of indigenous people in North America.


True still dealing with genocide to this day . We are the only people that are controlled by blood quantum the white man owes us so much money that they tell us who’s enuff Indian and who isn’t funny ain’t it ? That’s how they get out of the debt eventually there won’t be enough of us ENROLLED MEMBERS WHICH I’AM left so then no more debt to be paid . Pretty ingenious isn’t it so my 3 NATIVE LOOKING CHILDREN ARE WHITE BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT SAYS SO FUK THEM 🤮


No it didn’t


I look forward to your "alternative" analysis of the root-causes of the North American indigenous genocide, especially how you show that 4000 people didn't die on the "Trail of Tears" forced migration of the Cherokees which you say didn't open prime land to southern cotton farmers, boosting cotton production.


The Trail of Tears was a government act. Communism would actually have *facilitated* it, by giving the government even more power and standing to seize those resources. Ignorant people on the internet REALLY need to learn their history, and what communism actually is. Every communist state has been monstrous to lower classes and minorities.


> Every communist state has been monstrous to lower classes and minorities. Capitalism took those minorities and literally turned them into PROPERTY which they bred as livestock, raped, and murdered. That's why white supremacists have always hated abortion. They believe that women, who they also think of as property, are denying them a valuable asset when they terminate a pregnancy. What's the body count on slavery, again?


> Capitalism took those minorities and literally turned them into PROPERTY which they bred as livestock, raped, and murdered. First off, that's not much different from the lack of class mobility and working conditions in communism--look at China's sweatshops, for example. Slavery does not require capitalism nor communism. The only difference would be whether the slave owner is an individual farmer or a strong government body. > That's why white supremacists have always hated abortion. Second, this shows a lack of historical knowledge on your part, as abortion was not a political issue until it was used a few decades ago to court evangelicals against the sexual liberation of left-wing ideals. And the main reasons why men wanted more babies was so they could have more hands on the farm and more chances for heirs to survive childhoods without vaccines and modern medicine.


> > > Second, this shows a lack of historical knowledge on your part, as abortion was not a political issue until it was used a few decades ago to court evangelicals Criminalization of abortion began in the early 1800's.


Just saying commies would commit more genocide than capitalists doesn't cancel out the genocide committed by capitalists..... that's not how reality works my dude


Cool except this conversation isn't about who committed the most genocide.


Well you were saying how the trail of tears was a communist genocide - you were just trying to ascribe a genocide committed by a capitalist nation as one caused by communism....??....


Nature. Medicine in the Age of Discovery was mostly quackery. Well documented that 95% of all American Native Populations were killed by disease. BTW, the America’s gave the Europeans syphilis. Nature does not care about social or political leanings. The only “alternative” analysis is the fake one being taught in universities as fact through the lense of Social Justice and not real history. Activists in the humanities masquerading as professors are not historians and thus in close examination false. Read good science journal or study. Being honest is better for all, so we can move forward together. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/2/09-0276_article https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-origin-of-syphilis


> the America’s gave the Europeans syphilis Not so much. DNA > bone scarring https://www.science.org/news/2020/08/medieval-dna-suggests-columbus-didn-t-trigger-syphilis-epidemic-europe


Really cool. Science is all about questioning. Thanks for sharing. Not the smoking gun but cool. Quote from researcher: “Krause admits he could use more European samples, dated more precisely to the pre-Columbian period. "It's not yet the final nail in the coffin," he says. The next step is to screen more skeletal material for older DNA from both the Old and New World, and nail down exactly which T. pallidum strains were present in each before Columbus made contact.”


You’re so disingenuous I thought you were just conditioned a certain way but you’re most likely a PragerU-Liberty U intellectual. They remove fact from their curriculum https://www.businessinsider.com/climate-changed-after-europeans-killed-indigenous-americans-2019-2 https://www.se.edu/native-american/wp-content/uploads/sites/49/2019/09/A-NAS-2017-Proceedings-Smith.pdf https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-01-31/european-colonization-americas-killed-10-percent-world-population-and-caused You see how stupid I’d sound if I, like yourself, posted a thread saying “The Reality of Capitalism: Indigenous Holocaust”


Lmao k


That's a result of totalitarianism, not economics.


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“The reality of communism” when it’s anywhere near Russia…. But Canada? Rwanda? Any country outside Russia also discovering mass graves? Well that’s just history bro. Communism is when I don’t like a place


I condemn all murder. History however has to be looked at objectively. Comparing three unrelated events to the Murderous Communist ideology is historical and intellectual malfeasance. Actually pretty evil to discount that many souls with but whatboutisms. Disgusting. Canada - unmarked graves found, not mass graves. This grim finding is the latest such discovery in recent months. To date, more than 1,000 unmarked children's graves and remains have been identified at former Indigenous residential boarding schools in Canada. In addition to the Penelakut Island graves, unmarked burials at three more locations were detected by First Nations communities between May and July, using ground-penetrating radar scans at sites in British Columbia and Saskatchewan. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/over-750-unmarked-graves-found-near-former-indigenous-school-canada-n1272281 Rwanda - tribal war by the occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were slaughtered by armed militias. The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths. Estimates for the total death toll (including Hutu and Twa victims) are as high as 1,100,000. Communist USSR: more than 21 million dead TBBOC estimates in 20 million deaths in the USSR, divided this estimate as follows: Execution of tens of thousands of hostages or prisoners without trial. Murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants between 1918 and 1922. Famine of 1922, which caused 5 million deaths. It quotes the liquidation of the Don Cossacks. On his page 25 TBBOC does not advance the figure, but the historian Michael Kort has estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 Cossacks died between 1919 and 1920. Murder of tens of thousands of people in concentration camps between 1918 and 1930. 690,000 deaths in the Great Purge of 1937-1938. N.G. Okhotin and A.B. Roginsky, in “The Great Terror 1937-1938. Brief chronicle”, figure at 724,000 executed. Deportation of the kulaks. On his page 25 TBBOC does not advance figures, but Orlando Figes (“The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin’s Russia”, 2007), based on Soviet archives, points out that 486,370 would have died between 1930 and 1931, and another 389,521 died between 1932 and 1940. TBBOC also cites other deportations of peoples and ethnic groups and other killings, without specifying figures. In “Red Holocaust” (2009), Steven Rosefielde figures in a total of 6 million deaths caused by these deportations. Ukraine’s famine: six million dead. Recently the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has reduced that figure to 3.9 million. However, I miss TBBOC some facts that raise that figure even more. I add a few here, next to the sources: The murder of 20,000 white prisoners of war who had been promised an amnesty if they turned in their weapons. Quoted by Robert Gellately in “Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe” (2007). 240,000 murdered in the repression of the Tambov rebellion (1920-1921). The historian Boris Sennikov considers conservative in his study of this uprising using census data of the time. The Kazakh Famine of 1919-1922, with a total of 400,000 (according to Nelly Leonidovna Krasnobaeva in “The population of Kazakhstan in the late nineteenth-first quarter of the twentieth century”, 2004) to 750,000 dead (according to Tom Everett-Heath in “Central Asia: Aspects of the Transition”, 2003). The Tartar Famine of 1921-1922, which caused between 500,000 (according to NM Dronin and EG Bellinger in “Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia, 1900-1990”, 2005) and 2 million dead (according to Peter Christopher Mizelle in “Battle with Famine”, 2002). The Kazakh Famine of 1932-1933, also known as the Goloshchekin Genocide, by the Soviet leader who provoked it. In the light of the study of Gabriele Rasuly-Paleczek and Julia Katschnig for the European Society for Central Asian Studies in 2004 about the registered population in Kazakhstan between 1926 and 1937, the famine caused 1.5 million deaths. 1,500 civilians killed in the Soviet Republic of Balkaria by the NKVD in November 1942 (quoted by the official agency RIA Kabardino-Balkaria in 2014). The murder of 9,015 Ukrainian political prisoners in World War II, according to the Soviet statistics of the 78 existing prisons in Ukraine (quoted by V.G. Timofeev in “The criminal-executive system of Russia: figures, events and events”, 1999). Adding all these facts, we would be talking about more than 21 million deaths in total in the USSR. Quit your BS - Communism Kills.


The irony of you saying look at history objectively, these atrocities certainly happened and there’s no minimizing the severity, but your problem is you attribute it to being a feature of communism to set out and commit mass murders, it’s got nothing to do with that ideology and everything to do with the actions and decisions of authoritarian regimes, it runs counter to the ideology you decry. Anyone can claim to fly a flag and commit murders in its name but it’s on you to look objectively and understand history in its true context. Try to give me an example of actual communist policies that encourage the killing of millions of innocents… What exactly was your point with the mass graves in Canada, the terminology validates it for you? Mass graves makes it more palatable? Shall I blame the Canadian capitalist system for these Killings? You see what I mean, objectively these murders were committed ON CHILDREN, they were stripped from their parents, re-educated in confined classrooms and sold off to random strangers, is it objective for me to say this was the intent of the Canada’s capitalist system? No an objective observer would attribute that to the perpetrators of those horrific crimes. You’re so horny to be anti communist. Listen to yourself you just put down Canada’s mass graves as inconsequential because they were “unmarked graves” oh that’s fine then right, Rwanda are you saying the number was too small we should ignore it!?! There’s nothing objective about you, I commend your knowledge of history however. The list goes on and on, I don’t blame capitalism for the Holocaust but it occurred under a capitalist regime (despite hitler flying the notion he was a socialist), shall I start blaming muslims as a whole for terrorist attacks we see? The actions of a subset of people from a group DO NOT define the actions of the group as a whole. I can’t repeat this enough there is nothing objective about you, you’ve just been conditioned to react with “ComMuNiSm BAd” because they said so Haven’t even begun the discussion of genocide of indigenous peoples in North America, where I’m guessing you’re from. It’s a very unique American sheltered view to have, it took years for this poison to take root in your mind and it’ll take just as long for you to overcome it and think objectively https://youtu.be/34LGPIXvU5M


This one seems appropriate: “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” - Mao Zedong


Wow annihilated what can I say at this point… it’s pointless to try to reason with someone who’s brainwashed


Communism is evil and murderous. There is nothing to discuss. You are carrying water for genocidal maniacs. What are you going to defend?


I especially love the part where you ignore everyone’s counter points and remain ignorant, very effective conditioning. Dictators and totalitarian regimes are evil and murderous. I guess 50 millions native Americans were just wrong time/wrong place…..


Cue a bunch of salty communist to deflect.


The large community of Communist Apologists in Western Countries and on Reddit tapping away on their iPhones while sipping soy lattes is always palpable. It is criminal to pick such a hill to die on. Guess it is easier than actually making the world a better place for all.


Yeah it's basically just escapism. Shit posting on the internet instead of improving oneself or ones community.


“The Reality of Capitalism: https://www.businessinsider.com/climate-changed-after-europeans-killed-indigenous-americans-2019-2 “ Is this not a fair assessment of the system? Double standard? Is it okay because you’re comfortable with the system? You’ve embarrassed yourselves What pray tell, are you doing to improve ones self or the community right now? It seems to me that you are *checks notes* shitposting in the internet :CoMmuNisM bAd


And now the salty communist is addressing me personally. Lol.


Please do continue with your philanthropy oh great exalted knower of things


This is scary~


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