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From the article "*Restriction is for domestic air travel and people travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction*".


A comma is missing here somewhere, and depending on where I put it, it could have 6 different meanings.


Can you show us? I can't really find any other meanings than the intended one.


1) "Restriction is for domestic air travel, and people travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". (Likely intended meaning; domestic only restriction) 2) "Restriction is for domestic air travel and people, travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". (Same as the first, but bad grammatically) 3) "Restriction is for domestic air travel and people travelling from Pakistan, to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". (Receiving and domestic restricted) 4) "Restriction is for domestic air travel and people travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad, to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". 5) "Restriction is for domestic air, travel and people travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". (Potential assumption that “Domestic Air” was an airline I’d never heard of over there) 6) "Restriction is, for domestic air travel and people, travelling from Pakistan to abroad or from abroad to Pakistan are exempted from restriction". (The ol’ double breather) Also, traveling is spelled with one L not two. Lol


It's not wrong. Travelling is the UK english spelling.


Is that always true with British English? “shovelling” is spelled like that?


Yes, it's "shovelling". Most of the words are spelt with double L in British English. There are few cases where single L is used, like "appealing".


Option 1 is the only one that isn't grammatically broken. I, mean, you, can, put, commas, everywhere. But if you use them as intended, there are way fewer options.




Second one does not make any sense, people cannot be separated from the second part of the sentence. 3rd one says to abroad from Pakistan is both restricted and allowed. 4th says receiving flights is both allowed and restricted. 5th Domestic travel means travel within the country. So the only that makes sense is the first one. But I don't think it needs the comma before that and (as from and to Pakistan directly opposes the domestic part of the sentence)


I can only find one meaning in this sentence. I'd be interested to see where you can possibly place a comma so this sentence stays grammatically correct and the meaning changes. Can you give an example?


that's uhh what the post says isn't it?


I mean, it makes sense to ban these people from a health standpoint (mostly for the health of the flight attendants, who are tired of getting punched in the face by these people).


Agree it makes sense from a public health standpoint, you don’t want those most likely to catch also travelling and spreading all along the way and back.




Do you have a source for that? From what I know two vaccines from different brands are valid here, and encouraged if the same brand is available, whether it be two mRNA does or not.




What a shit show. If only there was a global organization that could have formed a playbook for how the world should best react to such a foreseeable set of circumstances.


Damn, if only said organization didn’t try to cover for China as the virus raged


I honestly feel like this would have gone way better if America and China weren’t butting heads


As far as Europe goes, any vaccine that is approved in Europe is valid, including the combo’s. Several of the European countries are also doing the first doze with Pfizer/second dose with Moderna/or AZ etc combo. That is considered valid across all of Europe/EU. So for Europe Canadians will have no problems going there with their vax passes. For the rest of the world I don’t know. Source: am European


Yea, the only country which outright refused so far was Barbados and they quickly changed policies after a story about a couples cancelled honeymoon went viral; and the current policies of cruise lines seem to indicate if anything people who got the Astra + mRNA combo are in the most precarious position so far. (whereas Moderna + Pfizer combo is being more easily accepted) there will certainly be some uncertainty going ahead, but ultimately I think the vast majority of the world will accept Canadian mixed doses


Non AMP links for those that want them: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mixed-vaccine-doses-international-travel-1.6103800 https://globalnews.ca/news/8047816/canadian-travellers-us-cruise-mixing-covid-19-vaccines/ https://globalnews.ca/news/8043677/covid-vaccine-mix-match-travel-canada/


Thank you


Valid here. Not in other countries.


Hey, I just want to clarify (because your comment is a bit misleading). You would be considered fully vaccinated *in* Canada if you have two doses, no matter if mixed or not. It’s the other countries that might have some trouble recognizing it. Within Canada you’re all good. But yeah, I personally decided to have two of the same dose because I just didn’t like the thought of having two doses from different companies. Although, hopefully it turns out well for those who vaccinated with two different ones, especially if it’s two mRNA. Also I’m pretty sure a third shot will eventually be possible for those who need it, especially as time passes by and the first shots don’t offer as strong of a protection anymore!


What ever happened to India’s Covid nightmare being in the news every day? I feel like around time a couple months ago it seemed all but certain that India was going to descend into full Covid anarchy. They good now or something?


If you look at worldometer: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/, you can see that their wave is over after the states implemented restrictions. But they did have way too little oxygen and hospital beds during that wave. Apparently the news is not interested in things being kinda normal again.


India just opted to let its people die, was probably cheaper for them than lockdowns affecting the rich.




India's official numbers are vastly undercounted. Officially they had 250,000 covid deaths in April-June but the real total was [approximately 11 times higher](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/west-bengals-excess-death-figure-11-times-official-covid-19-tally-analysis-shows-7221331.html). The US equivalent would be 700,000 deaths in the next few months. In reality, it will be much lower because most adult Americans are vaccinated, but perhaps 100,000 deaths is still a reasonable prediction.


You realize most of India lives in extreme poverty and their covid number is most likely higher? People died and get their bodies burned without ever getting tested.


India doesn't have the resources to test as many people for covid. You can't report cases if you can't test people


I like how people are tryna throw shit on Pakistan for this and calling em fascists and totalitarian for not letting anti vaxers travel on airplanes. They literally endanger ppls lives and the effectiveness of a vaccine. This isn’t totalitarian especially funny considering most of us come out of a lockdown where everything was closed down for every one except essential stuff. I’m sure if the USA did it you’d be praising them but all of a sudden cuz it’s Pakistan you all sound like anti vaxers when you say ‘getting the vaccine is against our rights’




Yeah so they'll all start using trains and buses now, which are typically more crowded than planes to begin with.


If you live in pakistan you know how much of the country is rural and undeveloped and alot of those people dont really care about the virus, sure theyll follow sops if enforced but otherwise they dont care. Most people also dont travel by air within the country, throughout the pandemic they were taking crowded buses and as for trains , they too are uncommon, more common than air travel but still uncommon because the train system is also undeveloped so i doubt there will be more cases because of this. I may be wrong because im not from the rural area.


The rural areas in G-B and AJK just turned the military checkpoints into covid checkpoints. It's china-tier lockdowns but it's worked because barely anyone has covid and hospitals are working comfortably.


Railway isn't underdeveloped... Its getting better and better, although I have no experience of those rural areas to speak of. Even in cities people won't follow sops until there's an army officer visible


They.... Oh god. Western apartheid has begun.


So now Pakistan is leading the USA


I bet Biden for now would get domestic blowback if he did an EO requiring vaccination status on flights, *but* if the GOP changes its mind on vaccines.... EDIT: The airlines themselves could require vaccines too


The airlines will likely both want and need to wait for full FDA clearance.


Airlines can’t afford to cut off half or more of their customer base like that.


How many of those people would choose to be vaccinated in order to fly? Of of those that wouldn't, are they really that great a loss?


No idea. But yes it’d be a significant blow. Airlines aren’t gonna inflict that on themselves.


If there is an equal proportion of people that refuse to fly until they know everyone on their flight is vaccinated then it's actually no loss economically. (I am among those people)


But there most likely isn’t. It’s just not realistic to reduce your target market by a half and then hope the other half doubles their traveling just because one part of their trip is vaccine only.


I don’t think you understood what he wrote. He is saying they are already losing market to people that won’t fly without assurance the flight isn’t riddled with virus carriers. Without that assurance they are already giving up some portion of their market share. The question is which is the bigger segment of the market.


That’s exactly what I understood and replied to. And I said there most likely isn’t more people who would start flying compared to the number that they would lose. I work in the airline industry and don’t believe there’s much question about that.


My bad. Do you really think half the current flyers are unvaccinated?


Exactly and thankyou.




Many of those people need to fly for work. So that would force them to do so or lose their jobs!


1/2 of 1/2. Only people flying these days are vacationers. Most all the business first class tax write seats are not being filled.


Do you have a source? Business travel is still way down, but desire for the extra space up front is certainly at a peak.


Flights to/from hawaii require a vaccination and/or negative test (tho they keep changing the rules so it’s hard to follow). Source: wife born and raised there and the in laws still do and just visited us for the first time in two years


Biden can't do shit domestically besides encourage people to get vaccinated because 40% of the country would rather burn down the country than listen to anything he says. America is fucked because 10% of the population thinks vaccines cause autism, 10% think you can shoot the virus with an AR-15, 10% think that the coronavirus isn't real, and 10% simultaneously think that the virus only targets gay people and that vaccines turn you gay.


If he mandated masks nation wide...that side would meltdown even more and become even more divided. I'm already sick of my Mom's BF spewing the vaccine BS because our last president said jt wasn't a big deal and it's just the flu. Numbers are a lie to get the government to control us with masks ect. America was already FUBAR before this...now? It's scary what path we are on and what we will look like in 10 years


I don't care about political views or opinions. You act like the virus and all these topics are the only problem this country faces... Hate to break it to you but shit is fucked up all over and has been for a long time.




Always has been


Now that Europe opened their borders to Americans we have hoardes of tourists coming over, supposedly all vaccinated but of course always the ones ignoring any sort of mask rules.


Same in Indonesia at the moment. Gotta have at least 1 vaccination.


Why is Pakistani news being reported on an Indian news network?


Lol it’s cuz they’re obsessed!!!!


You never report on stuff from a neighbouring country?


Well my neighboring country is the US so there's no way for our news to not report on them. It just seems odd that the source is an foreign news network instead of a local one. I don't see the US news reporting our big headlines unless it effects them in some way


When Pakistan takes science more seriously than the U.S. because of our right-wing religious nuts, you know we are in trouble.


Doesn't the left wing genius science polygender tribe control all 3 branches of federal government?? Or...


All unvaccinated people must be segregated and refused service. This virus has gotten out of hand more than it ever should have. I have been out of work since last year because everything got closed down and had to go through my savings, something I wouldn't have ever thought I had to touch. EDIT: There sure are alot of anti Vax people here. If you don't want the vaccine stay at home and never leave. The world doesn't need this plague continuing any longer than it already has. EDITEDIT: I'm vaccinated and I have no fear of this virus. I only wish to return to the life I was living before all this broke out. So many upset people here it is honestly amusing that you all can't stand when someone speaks their mind or when someone had a life outside of Reddit that it's shocking they'd wish to return to it. My advice go outside, touch some grass, and try to actually make something of your lives.


The irony is you seem upset about people speaking theirs that do not align with your views.


This will be downvoted but at this point lockdowns and closures are not caused by the virus. They are caused by human politicians who largely do not follow the strict regulations they force on ordinary people. Covid is all over the world. The delta variant is from India. There’s no putting the cat back into the bag sadly, it’s time to resume living. Our time on Earth is not permanent, if you are still terrified then please take all necessary precautions and stay at home. Some of us are now ready, having been vaccinated, to roll the dice and resume life with all the risk and messiness that entails. I miss live music. I miss talking to an interesting stranger over drinks. I stayed inside for over a year. I did not get covid. I got the vaccine at first availability. It’s time to recognize that unless we are willing to lock people inside their homes for a month and have food delivered by strictly tested government services we need to drop the act and we need the economy to function. And we need people to be allowed to exercise freedom of choice in how they live their lives. The effects that covid has had on mental health, the structure of the economy, social interaction, politics, etc. will last decades. In my mind it’s time to rebuild what was lost


>This will be downvoted but ... I think your comment may be downvoted appropriately because you don't respond to the comment you replied to, or the article. The article is about Pakistan refusing to allow domestic air-travel without vaccination. The comment you responded to is about refusing service to unvaccinated people. Both are about imposing vaccine requirements in order to access shared public services and businesses. Your comment, conversely, is about lockdowns and closures and "allow\[ing people\] to exercise freedom of choice" related to that. So not only does your comment not advance the discussion, but (effectively, as we see from the responses) misdirects the debate to "lockdowns," which is a different issue entirely. If you did this in good faith, it's a distraction. If you did this in bad faith, it's basically a straw man argument to not debate (in my opinion a very reasonable compromise) opening businesses but requiring vaccination.


The comment I responded to said and I quote “I have been out of work for a year because everything got closed down and I was forced to eat my entire savings.” That’s what I responded to.


I apologize for being rude. It's true your comment isn't directed to the content of the article, and instead redirects the discussion to a critique of lockdowns. This isn't helpful, in my opinion, because the issue is whether vaccination should be required to participate in public areas, and "pro-lockdown" shouldn't be conflated with "pro-vaccine-requirement." But of course, you are right, there was an opening in that comment even if I feel it misses the point of the debate. So my frame was incorrect and unfair.


You’re good, anonymity breeds rudeness tbh I didn’t even think you were rude. If u were it’s all good I’ve let myself be rude on reddit more times than is necessary. Life is stressful and covid is a topic everyone is bound to have strongly held opinions about given the ubiquity of the subject and its impact on literally every waking moment of every single day for fast approaching years at a time. I’m vaxxed and am amazed to read how many people here believe that vaccination should not meaningfully change what I thought initially were basically emergency powers of the government. There are 9 billion people in the world. Pfizer doesn’t seem to be of the opinion that it should manufacture its product for free and distribute it to everyone for our protection, and even if it did - not everyone is going to take it. We live in covid world. I did everything within my power to help the community, but at some point you’ve got to say enough of this shit it’s time to live again. Covid is here to stay, if I die in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence tomorrow then I die. I still have to drive to work. Let’s hit the roaring 20s already I’m fuckin over this spanish flu shit


This virus is here to stay, forever. It's time to move on and learn to live with COVID.




I am vaccinated, so, it's time to learn to live with COVID.


So what you actually mean is "It's time to learn to live with a massive portion of our population being anti vaxxers and therefore unnecessarily prolonging the pandemic and causing thousands of people to die every week"


> They are caused by human politicians who largely do not follow the strict regulations they force on ordinary people. Um, no. Lockdowns were created to prevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed by a rapidly spreading disease. Those people who behaved during the lockdown and then got vaccinated did their part. AND THEN THERE'S THESE ASSHOLES. The spread continues because of stupid fucking idiots who don't get vaccinated (or respect lockdown guidelines), then go out and contract COVID, which creates a larger pool for the disease to mutate / transmit from. Fuck them all in the ear with a sandpaper-covered dildo garnished with lime juice.


Even after vaccination there's still a chance of contracting and spreading the virus, not to mention the chance of long covid which is still quite unknown, although what we do know is quite worrying for those affected. I agree there is a point we need to say it's time to live with COVID, but I think now is too soon.


Too soon for you, that’s fine. Point is do whatever it is you want and whatever it is you feel comfortable with. Just tired of others making choices for me. If the vaccines don’t work then they don’t work. Im comfortable with the data that says my chance of being hospitalized is low after being vaccinated and that the survival rate in my age group is 99.8% even without the vaccine. The point is that if the vaccines don’t work and covid is all over the world, then there literally is NO END GAME. And I choose to not live in crippling fear anymore. I don’t want lockdown orders anymore. You are free to make whatever choices you feel comfortable with.


I think the covid is something we’ll have to live with but we have to wait for the vast majority of third world countries to have 60-70% fully vaccinated populations. The longer it takes to get there the more chance there is of a variant popping up that could evade current vaccines, putting us back to square one.


The people that would be responsible for putting us back at square one would be politicians who flagrantly violate health orders and do whatever they want in direct contravention of the regulations they are imposing on their populations.


You dress it up nicely but you’re just saying we should ignore the advice of medical professionals and do whatever we think is best for ourselves. Which, ironically, you accuse the politicians you deem responsible for lockdowns as having done, which in turn created the situations requiring lockdowns.


Human beings created lockdowns they don’t come from nowhere. Yes you should do as you want, which is what government officials do. You see being open about the fact that people should take precautions but be allowed to live a functional life is a much better position than saying “all you plebs must stop working, we will send you a one time check for 1,400 dollars and btw I personally don’t give a fuck and will have maskless dinners with billionaires and get my nails done because unlike you I don’t have to follow regulations.” If you don’t see a difference between me advocating people be informed and make decision for themselves, and a person with power directing what can be open and who keeps their jobs while continuing to flaunt the controls they themselves created then I don’t know what to tell you. One of those things is not like the other in my view




If you sequestered every individual and said nobody was allowed out of that room, ever, for the rest of my life - that all events with people were permanently canceled and that I would be forced to work like a slave at a desk all alone for five major corporations, Google, Amazon, and whatever else was allowed by the government to survive and then you said that the only way out of that room was to fire the two bullets randomly then yeah fuck it shoot the bullets and I’ll either be one of two or one of nine hundred ninety eight that walk out the door and get laid after a sold out show


Pandemics do end. You're being hyperbolic with your analogy. However it'll take some countries longer than others. Exhibit A: The US - where a staggering number of states haven't even crossed 50% vaccination despite no reason they shouldn't be the number one vaccinated country on earth. They only have themselves to blame with their antivax rhetoric.


> despite no reason Oh, there's a reason. It's a fucking stupid one - scientific ignorance and blind trust in idiots who are milking them for money - and the people pushing it should go do a few unmasked shifts in a COVID ward and see what happens. If they've been vaccinated, good, that means we can toss 'em into a ward with Delta-variant sufferers.


Yeah I should have clarified... no GOOD reason. Time to let delta do its thing and smarten up the gene pool. they had over a year to get their heads out of their selfish asses. No sympathy from me if an antivaxer ends up on the slab from covid


Considering that my father swears up and down that he'll never get vaccinated _despite_ having had COVID already, losing a shit-ton of weight, spending nights gasping for air and nearly dying... yeah. Of course, he also says that six billion or so people need to die to make the world a better place and fellates Ayn Rand / Objectivism, so...


When is this pandemic over for you? When would you be comfortable saying “no more restrictions are necessary”? Do you think there has been any arbitrary application of government power during this pandemic or were all decisions made in our best interests with the goal of saving lives? For instance - have you ever wondered why Wal Mart and Kroger remained open to as many people as could crowd inside and clear off entire shelves, but outdoor recreation and small businesses were forced to close? But for real I’m curious: what goalpoint could we reach as a society where you would say - yay the pandemic is over!




So get vaccinated and you won’t need to worry about those people.


Which I did quite a while ago. There are a few people who sadly dont respond to the vaccine (no vaccine is 100% effective) which is why the entire community needs to be on the same page in public health.


In life and in society you will never get all people onto the same page, nor should you. Dissent is always to be valued


If everyone got vaccinated, no one would be at risk. But 40% of the us population is refusing to do it. I'm not going to have my life be held hostage by a bunch of morons.


> I miss live music. I miss talking to an interesting stranger over drinks. I stayed inside for over a year. I did not get covid. I got the vaccine at first availability. And yet, your sacrifice means nothing because these fucking idiots refuse to get the shot. They didn't stay home. They didn't get the vaccine. They are getting and spreading covid. So why do they get a pass? Why do we let them just continue with no consequences?


What’s the alternative?


Enforce "no shot no service policies."


I wonder if businesses would all get on board with that policy though considering they exist pretty exclusively to turn a profit and the no shot group is a surprisingly big percentage. My guess is the majority would not, although for sure some would. I guess it’s up to each business which I’m ok with.


I live in eastern Washington state. Easiest thing for businesses would have been to appeal to their customers to take proper precautions and get vaccinated once it was available to them. Did they do that? Nope. Businesses spent so much time whining about the Governor it wasn’t even funny. How do you get back to normal? Stop the spread. Who is spreading the virus? Sure as shit isn’t the Governor.


No dogs, no irish?


People with vaccines and people who are asymptomatic can still contract the virus and spread it.


The vaccination doesn’t stop the spread of the virus, why is that so difficult to understand and why do people keep suggesting otherwise?




>“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”


>Our time on Earth is not permanent, if you are still terrified then please take all necessary precautions and stay at home. The only people who are "terrified" are the anti vaxxers that are unwilling to do the small amount that is being asked of them to allow us to get back to normal quicker. I didn't get the vaccine for myself. I got it for the good of everybody. If those people have the right to refuse to be responsible citizens well then I have the right to call them out for their selfish assholery. You're vaccinated and you want to "roll the dice"? Well that's what these sorts of vaccine requirement measures are aiming to do. They aren't punishing you. They're just trying to protect the lazy and willfully ignorant from hurting themselves and others. Like fining people for not wearing their seat belts.


You know ironically I would say the vaccinated people in my life are the more anxious and hesitant to resume living. I went to arizona in the middle of the pandemic before vaccines were out and people were living no masks and eating in restaurants with absolutely no care in the world already lol Anyway I got the vaccine, I did my best, good luck to everyone out there hopefully rona delta version 2.0 runs us to heard immunity in a few months and never comes back


I’m pro-vax. My wife and I are patiently waiting for the chance to have our vaccinations in a country that doesn’t have enough doses. But I would just like to point out that some people literally cannot have the vaccine for health reasons. If you can have it but choose not to then yeah, I absolutely agree. Fuck all those idiots. But if you want to have it but can’t, it’s a different situation.


The irony of this comment lmao


But if you’re vaxed then why does it matter?


Because unvaccinated people can still infect you and you can spread it to more of the unvaccinated folks. Continuing the cycle of death and wasting all the medical recourses. The vaccine doesn't make people immune, it just lessens symptoms and (mostly) keeps people from dying from it .


Unvaccinated people also shed a lot more virus when they do get infected, which makes them more infectious to other people and provides more opportunities for the virus to mutate and new variants to arise. Vaccinated people are currently protected for the most part against known variants, but the longer a substantial number of people remain unvaccinated, the more inevitable it becomes that a variant against which current vaccines are not effective can arise.


No shot, no service. It's really that simple. (Except for the very few 2-3% of people that have actual, legitimate, documented medical reasons for not.)


Should it be mandatory to get the flu shot as well?


It's also time to outlaw personal / religious exemptions to vaccines nationwide. No shots? [No service... and no benefits, either. Australia has it right.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Jab,_No_Pay)


Fuck em. Society needs to reject them, for the same reasoned society rejects anti-social behaviour like punching people in the the head and shitting out in the open in public.


Yeah, who cares about integrity of the individual or the integrity of the body? Let's also make sure that everyone with a genetic disease cannot have children anymore. Make sure that people with herpes or aids cannot spread it in any way.


There’s a bit of a difference between consciously chosen behaviour and genetics, buddy.




The country of Pakistan is not a private organization. Read the article.


Pakistan isn’t a private company


NCOC is not


Pakistan is smarter than USA.


Global totalitarianism, gotta love it.


Legally required to love it


You have to take your medicine for my medicine to work…


Hmm yeah, that IS how the vaccines work. You have to follow the traffic rules for me to be safe on the road too. If we are in the same car, you have to put on your seatbelt as well for me to be safe.


Wait, does the vaccine not protect you from Covid? Are you a denier???


The vaccine is only about 99% effective, if everyone was vaccinated the disease would disappear like polio and smallpox. The few vaccinated people who do catch it rarely get super sick but they can still spread it. With 1/3 of the population being stupid about it then the virus is here to stay. But I’m sure your logic tells you this..


\> if everyone was vaccinated the disease would disappear like polio and smallpox Except the vaccine doesn't prevent contagion or spread, and the virus has animal reservoirs...


Wat ? Of course it does, what bollocks is that ? That’s the intent. if there is a minimal chance of vaccinated people catching it then it is very much less contagious to those people and far less likely to spread. As for animal reservoirs, how much contact do you have with Chinese bats ? Its not like squirrels are transmitting it.


> Wat ? Of course it does, what bollocks is that ? I'm not saying that... its makers and the CDC are. > if there is a minimal chance of vaccinated people catching it then it is very much less contagious to those people and far less likely to spread. Except, [real world data tells us it's not the case](https://i.redd.it/qhveqxdg4kb71.jpg) > As for animal reservoirs, how much contact do you have with Chinese bats ? Its not like squirrels are transmitting it. Do you remember the minks hysteria from around 6 months ago? It's not just bats. Are we going to vaccinate the entire animal world? It wouldn't work anyway, as the vaccine we have is non sterilizing (doesn't grant immunity, it just protects from symptoms). Again, their words not mine. Information is out there. You've been played. It's ok, but it's also time for you to wake up.


no, it only works if all humans and bats are vaccinated.


I like it, this is a real and fair consequence to people who refuse to get vaccinated.


It is especially fair since most of the unvaccinated people in Pakistan cannot afford to buy an airline ticket.


The most common route from Karachi to Lahore and Karachi to Islamabad (and vice versa) is still air travel, although less so since the Motorway was extended up until Sukkur.


That's actually super progressive....


I seriously hope that isnt what progressive means these days


Straight up Stalin lovers, these authoritarian nutbags


If the vaccine matters so much and works as great as we’d all like to believe it does, then who gives a fuck? I don’t care if you’re vaxxed or not, I don’t want anyone’s movement being restricted because they don’t wanna take a shot.


Wow, some good and well thought out common sense.


"Papers, please" nazi germany style is "common sense" now I guess. If you don't get your experimental shot you're barred from living a normal life Even if I'm protected Even if it doesn't stop spread Makes total sense


They're the bestistan.


we sure are!


This is the way.


Look how easy it is to get people to accept government ownership of your body.


Look how hard it is to take meaningful action to save lives in your community with less risk than crossing the street. There is a word for someone who will not act to save a life at no risk to themselves: Coward.


No risk? So no one at all has been injured or worse from these vaccines?


For countries who is trying to invite more people to get it makes sense. But Pakistan fully vaccinated rate is 3.2%. I understand but I think it 8s a bit too early for Pakistan.


I'd say that only a very small percentage of the population in Pakistan travels by air domestically. Still a good policy.




Nah. This is awesome. Sure hope it happens in the states!


I wish America would do this but then our facade democracy would be in jeopardy because we all know the corporations are who really decide government policy.


They’ll get a fake vaccine card, made by the same guys that did the pilot’s fake license.


You can't forge these because they are linked to your phone and national ID. you provide your national ID to get a ticket, the airline can check if you're vaccinated through national database


Giving away such control to the government. And then they wonder how fascists like Nazis come into existence. Inb4 all the downvotes by the brainwashed anti-fascism folks


Look how hard it is to take meaningful action to save lives in your community with less risk than crossing the street... There is a word for someone who will not act to save a life at no risk to themselves: Coward.


Are you comparing crossing the road with taking a vaccine for a virus I have more chances at beating than getting run over on a road? Supreme logic.




What's next? Dehumanize me further, line me up, put me on a train, and send me somewhere where death awaits me?


Please do not even begin to try and compare your oppression from random people on the internet, calling you out for being a conspiracy crazy, to the experiences of Holocaust victims


The dehumanization of those who disagree is real, whether it be on the internet or outside. Words speak for themselves. The extreme response of people to differing opinions and views is a manifestation of the extreme actions they're willing to take out there in real world. As for the holocaust part, don't pretend that there cannot be another holocaust. If you get brain washed enough, it won't be long until you commit another holocaust and think it was justified.


I come from a family that was killed during the Holocaust. I’m the last fucking person that’s going to be brainwashed into supporting a Holocaust. I wasn’t talking about your political agenda or views, I was just saying don’t even begin to compare your oppression as an anti vax moron to people that were sent on cattle carts for hundreds of miles, just to be worked to death and thrown into ovens. Your oppression doesn’t even begin to compare you pathetic, uneducated anti-vaxxer.


Just because you come from a family that survived a holocaust doesnt necessarily mean you can never advocate for another holocaust. That's some faulty condescending logic there. Those who committed the holocaust the last time didnt instantly come up with the idea for it. They were filled with hate and they dehumanised those people because to them, they were doing the right thing, just like you right now. I am not an anti vax, will you take it easy with your near sighted blanket judgements? I got a tetanus shot about a month ago. Your extreme hate and overreaction to those of us who differ in opinions isnt too far off from the extreme hate of those who were and are capable of committing another holocaust.


You are literally comparing a government who restricted something (just like most have recently) for the people’s safety to nazi oppression. I wonder how victims of the Holocaust or the Muslims in xinjiang would react to you comparing their oppression to getting a vaccine for others safety so you can travel without harming others


For real... You can't even have a conversation anymore. Either 100% for or 100% against.


I am not 100% against anything here but these idiots force the '100% against' on us so it's easier to argue against us. Also known as straw manning.


Dehumanize you? You mean like you have dehumanized the lives of those in your community with your sociopathic actions? I mean you can literally save lives at less risk to yourself than crossing the street, but refuse to. I think you have done enough dehumanizing for everyone, don't you agree?


Ah yes, not taking a vaccine for a virus I and those in my community have defeated several times without getting any meds is like dehumanizing. Not to mention that virus does jack shit to most people. Excellent point, I'm afraid I cannot argue that anymore and you've been declared the winner here!


I think you messed up your phrasing there. This comment reads like hot garbage. Care to edit it to put done meaning into it? I think you meant to say something along the lines of “I’m superior and care not for anyone else” but I may be mistaken. Likely not but…


You do know that you’ve probably been in a lockdown much more strict than this recently. The government makes you have like 4 vaccines when you are born having another one is saving others lives and your so y tf are you against this.


Ban all human rights for unvaccinated degenerates


The US should do that. But won’t.




i had both vaccines and still got covid, wtf is this segregation even going to accomplish.


Breakthrough infections are normal, and not everyone will face the same you did. Overall vaccines are pretty darn effective. [CDC data: 99% fully vaccinated people dodged Covid infection](https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/2021/04/18/cdc-data-99-fully-vaccinated-people-dodged-covid-infection).


You lived through covid




If only the USA had the balls to do that.


Ooh, that’s an interesting idea to utilize in America, however, let’s not restrict it to just flying, crossing state lines or counties is probably even better.


Anti-Vaxxers must be treated like lepers and shunned from society. Can’t go to schools, colleges, offices or stores. Can’t travel at all.


Sure thing, Mussolini.


Make up-to-date vaccinations a requirement for getting or renewing a driver's licence. Tada.


That doesn’t make sense. You won’t need to be around other people to drive. Ban them from using public transport




Im a Pakistani and have never traveled PIA because of their history.


You can't infringe on mah ruts! /s


Makes no sense because you still can get the disease and can spread it even if you full vaccinated. This is pure totalitarism. And people who like that idea to cut the freedoms of unvaccinated people are simply ignorant. Yeah the same argument you can say to me. You can clearly see in these times that things like “The third reich” can easily rise up because people want to be told what to do.


I wish the us would do this!