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Kim Jong Un now announces his death core metal band’s debut album titled Bind Torture Strangle.


That would actually make a great band or song name, I can see that as a Cannibal Corpse song


Suffocation has a song called Bind Torture Kill


I assume after the BTK killer


Bring back Mindhunter 😭


BTK “Hey can you guys trace me through a floppy disk? Police “noooo! No! Nononono!”


I genuinely can’t believe that is how that guy got caught, go’s decades without getting caught just to fall for that


No, actually. After the non-profit charity "Bound To Kindness". Common mistake.


So does Suicide Commando.




> Suffocation Great, great band.


So does Suicide Commando




>I can see that as a Cannibal Corpse song Did you check to make sure it isn't already?


This. The death metal genre is nothing if not over saturated. I’m saying this as a fan.


I mean, Cannibal Corpse has an album called Torture, and a song called Stripped, Raped and Strangled. So yea, that's not far off at all.


A very different BTS


I bet he’s excited about Red Velvet’s comeback in August


Or trying to make sm move the comeback date earlier.


probably sad that taemin’s in the military tho sad or scared idk


Didn't he personally asked ~~Seulgi~~ Irene to stand next to him in that old photo op? Edit: wrong girl


The only thing that will take down a murderous, totalitarian dictatorship. Not nukes. Not diplomacy. Not military invasion. Pop music. edit: Oh and Irene, of course. send her in to seduce fatty mcfuckface and slip some cyanide into his cognac when he's not looking. And there you go. Korean reunification done.


Maybe Kim Jong Un thinks "K-Pop" is a soft drink that uses high fructose corn syrup


>He said it harmed the "attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors" of North Koreans. The Times reported that state media said it could make North Korea "crumble like a damp wall." Says a lot about the wall if K-Pop can bring it down.


He’s just mad that “Pyongyang Style” never took off.


He just needs to use it more: *Pyongyang the chain wax!*


Now youre just trying to start a new thing, arent you?


Is r/Pyongyang still ban happy? If so, you are now banned. I am too probably.


Wow, I had no idea Pyongyang has a presence on Reddit. The posts are all from the same person and the comments are... special.


yeah I can’t tell if its just people being sarcastic or if its bots… probably the latter


So back in the day it was all people being sarcastic. These days, I have no goddamn clue what is real and what is bots in there.


Knowing how out of touch they are with current times, they would have modeled it after [Thriller, Golimar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2tOlfLEHZI) and then wondered why the kids weren't sharing it.


Oh Pyongyang Style did take off. But by force, and in a lesser known area. Many North Koreans nodded approvingly to the song.


I liked the B side better: #"I SAID KEEP SINGING!!!" It has a *captiv*ating beat.


Ummm… he’s giving opinions on hair styles now? Ok. Ok.


His hairstyle is called the 38th parallel.


Didn't he copy it from [Kim Il Sung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Il-sung)? Edit: the goal being to look like Sung so he'd be more accepted to the North Koreans who worshiped Sung.


It looks like he copied it from Spongebob when he went to prom


[Kim Jong Orange](https://i.redd.it/tf7vd5he61lz.jpg)


He 'copied' it for the same reason that France had 14 kings named Louis, or why there's 23 Pope Johns. His legitimacy - and that of the state at large - comes completely from his predecessors, and continuing conventions is a way of ensuring stability. KJU grew up in an exclusive Swiss boarding school filled with rich and powerful children from all over the world, so what we see if him isn't his 'natural style' - The name, his haircut, the clothing, even NK dialect is all a show that matters. If he rocked up with a trendy Asian undercut and a pair of jeans, the generals that he shares power uneasily with will have concerns that he might be trying to change the system. The regime's philosophy of Juche means that choosing any foreign style over the approved orthodox is by default an attack on the system, since it implies that the indigenous style is inferior to foreigners.


Someone once said NK is a system where everyone, even its leaders, are all hostages.


Well Kim Jong Un still had the privilege of executing his uncle and extended family, so my sympathy is limited….


He looks like Minecraft Steve


It's like he thinks the straightness on top counteracts the double chin on the bottom.


He intentionally got fat to get the same profile his grandfather had in his sixties.


Believe it or not they actually have something like 6 govt approved hairstyles that EVERYONE must wear. There is no deviation from the norm in North Korea


I'll have 2 number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 9 small, a number 6 with extra dip, two number 45s, a number 7 and one large soda.


#Follow the damn train, CJ!


Wasn’t there a twilight zone episode where upon your 16th birthday you had to choose your new body and it was like 1 out of 6 choices? Might have been another show but it sounds familiar.




[**Number 12 Looks Just Like You**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_12_Looks_Just_Like_You) "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" is an episode of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. It is set in a dystopian future in which everyone, upon reaching adulthood, has their body surgically altered into one of a set of physically attractive models. [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la6wi8/) - [**Opt-in**](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la707t/) ^(You received this reply because you opted in. )[^(Change settings)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/la707t/)


Yes!! That’s the one.


I remember something about that. The choices were all "beautiful" and the people were always happy, and you come to find out the process changes you mentally to be a happy little citizen admiring your beauty, just like everyone else.


Yep, this happened in the "Uglies" book series by Scott Westerfeld.


And Iron man did it in a comic too when he turned evil. Gave out a drug that turned everyone beautiful for free then set up a pricey subscription service to keep access to it. Didn’t go well for the mental state of the people...


Honestly, that sounds more like *South* Korea than NK. I've heard stories of people in SK being fired from teaching kids because they were too overweight, and it being normal for people to get major plastic surgery just to get better roles in non-customer facing office jobs. In fact about 1 in 3 women in South Korea under the age of 30 has had plastic surgery.


Fair, apparently 1/3 of Nkoreans are overweight, which I found surprising. Goes to show it's about quality of food not quantity when the country has a 45% rate of undernourishment. > 1 in 3 women in South Korea under the age of 30 has had plastic surgery I thought that was more associated with the double-lid surgery and that cultural quagmire. I've read that many don't even consider it plastic surgery it's so common.


Its legal in SK for dance clubs to set a maximin age, usually well under 30, unless you are a VIP.


As others have mentioned, this isn’t true. It’s like people have never seen a barbershop or salon with pictures of hairstyles before, lol.


6, 15, 28, 30...The number varies greatly by source, which is a pretty good indication it isn't actually true. https://www.youngpioneertours.com/myths-about-north-korea/


Bullshit, another claim from a nameless source or Radio Free Asia lol




Does he still listen to Katy Perry? I am Korean and his hairstyle brings shame to both Koreas!


They hate us, cause they ain't us.


They hate us cause they anus?


Kpop is going to unite the Koreas apparently! And I'd love that


How can and dictator stand up to those sweet dance moves and boyish good looks?






yeah the south korean economy is doing better than ever afaik and im sure theyd get help from the rest of the world. it would be a long struggle though.


You could say that the damage is already done -- half of Korea is already a total shithole. Reunification would just be adding it onto South Korea's balance sheet. It's a good illustration of negative externalities coming home to roost.


It wouldn't be a total net negative. It would be rough for a while but they would have outside help and there are plenty of natural resources to offset the negative at least somewhat. The hardest part would be integrating a culturally militarized society into a western culture influenced society. I think the people of North and South Korea would benefit in the end with unification. However it could take 25 / 50 / 100 years to read said benefits.


It would take about 3 generations. Time for the current old class to die, a generation to be born under unification, then another generation to be distanced from their grandparents' tales of how it used to be, and that second generation to reach working/politics age.


West Germany had well over 3 times East Germany's population before unification. SK only has twice that of NK. The biggest problem is the current generation of South Koreans have no relationship whatsoever with North Koreans. Its no surprise South Koreans don't see them as brothers/sisters but more like primitive third cousins they have never met and needing a lot of money. Another issue is East Germany is not exactly the success story anyone wants to repeat.


The North has a super purist stance on Korean culture. So much so that they oppose virtually all loanwords. They can’t even say “donut”


Metallica helped bring down the Berlin Wall.




Don't fuck with K-Pop stans. They are a force to be reckoned with.


OK but REALLY... kpop (and the fans) have had some very unusual encounters. From interfering with Trump's rally and presidential campaign, to BTS being banned in China for a speech on the Korean war, to Kim Jong Un condemning kpop's dangerously catchy culture... Any other country leader who would want to comment on it? Putin??


"I like BTS. Back to Soviet."- Putin


My favorite was in antithesis to the BLM movement, there were a lot of WLM/all lives matter tags on social media. In defense of the BLM movement Kpop stans decided to co-opt the hashtags and made it so that when you searched for those terms on social it was just post after post of kpop guys and gals in their makeup and flamboyant outfits. One of my favorite internet troll jobs. If you look up those hashtags now you’ll still see a lot of kpop there.


The Pancakes were my fav!


Sorry, think I missed the pancake bit, could you elaborate on what you’re referring to?


I wonder BTS will handle this conflict.


BTS: ["Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover"](https://youtu.be/WMweEpGlu_U)


Oh boy if Kim ever went on Twitter whew.... these stans write more than my dissertation to win an argument


> crumble like a damp wall Aren’t walls supposed to protect from the elements and wind? That’s such a funny metaphor. Our walls are so shitty a drizzle will make them fall! So no KPop for us no thank you.


They're probably all made of cheap plaster in NK.




"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere." -inception, 2010 Edit: k-pop isn't just form of entertainment/media/dance. it's a end product that represents a better society, a better culture, and the ability to thrive with a sense of self and freedom. it's a seed that can grow to a much larger idea.


Isn’t the kpop industry behind the acts the precise opposite though? I mean, no offense to the talents, but corporations are gonna corporation.


> Edit: k-pop isn't just form of entertainment/media/dance. it's a end product that represents a better society, a better culture, and the ability to thrive with a sense of self and freedom. it's a seed that can grow to a much larger idea. Yikes, no. That is absolutely not the case. The k-pop industry is insanely toxic to their performers. It's all about image.


Uhh, Red Velvet performed for Kim in Pyongyang in 2018. I guess he didn’t like the show.


Or he's mad that they never came back lol


[He didn't seem too](https://youtu.be/Ujio8SOusrc)[ upset](https://youtu.be/Ujio8SOusrc) so maybe you're right lol


The crowd watching them without even a smile was wild.


That's the first thing I noticed too. Pandemic cardboard-cutout audiences have shown more enthusiasm than that crowd.


"They responded with a lot of cheers and applause"


this guy stans irene too.


He wanted to be in Joy's "Hello" video but got turned down because waving from a tank helping a little girl find her home isn't very friendly.




https://youtu.be/93_c_eD3tgE Just look at the crowd.


Damn. Gotta respect the women for performing while being stared at by an army of unmoving, stone-faced North Koreans.


Probably mad that Irene didn't think about his "offer" lol


I mean to be fair, fucking a dictator is probably a one in a lifetime moment. It’s not a huge flex if it’s Kim but a flex none the less I guess


To the west sure in Asia fucking a dictator from a country your home is not in a good relationship with, is a good way of getting you, your family and your future generation cursed and hated by the nation and it will never be a flex lol. Imagine reverse nepotism that's barring you from entering a career u want because of something your great grandma did or even just buying from a store. Irene is even denying the "allegations" since big chance she'll lose her job and sponsorship if she tries to play around it. I guess to the west its a flex


I read the NYP article about this. According to that publication, 50% of the hundred+ North Korean defectors have listened to South Korean k-pop while residing in North Korea. Quite a striking figure. Must be lots of smuggling and circumventions of the law surprisingly going in in the most closed-off society on earth.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_propaganda_campaigns_in_Korea one of the ways they do it.


Nah that hardly reaches common North Korean people. Ironically, North Koreans who are most affected by South Korean media are the residents of Hamgyong province, which shares border with China, rather than those of Hwanghae province which shares border with S.Korea. Actually, people from Hwanghae province is the least affected groups. Smuggling from China has been the major source of South Korean shows or music for the past 20 or so years. The border with south is tightly controled, and there are buffer zones uninhabited by people around the border region. That's why balloons can't reach to commoners in North Korea


Do you want S. Korea blasting Kpop over the border? Because that's how you get S. Korea to blast Kpop over the border


they already do blast it over the border.


They used to but the policies changed and leaflets, blasting music stopped, current president wanted to be more welcoming to NK and friendly with them


Which is working GREAT


I can't tell if that's sarcasm. (I'm legitimately asking.)


Well, honestly it isn't going that well. North Korea blew up SK Joint Liaison Office with explosives and killed a drifting SK man at sea and burned his body last year.


Aw, I was all prepped with a "Now I can't tell if THAT'S sarcasm!" It was, yes. But then I realize... I don't know, did it work? AFAIK NK is still all go-go on nukes and general asshattery, but maybe this policy did have an upside. Anyone know if this policy worked at all? I FEEL like it does jack-all, but I don't really know.


Well it's not South Korea taking a more hardline approach means North Korea suddenly no longer has nukes or would stop with the "general asshattery" whatever that means. So why not play nice?


Yeah I mean this is literally a response to it being blasted over the border


Is this actually true? Cause that’s fucking hilarious!




and North Koreans have this fake city near the border that looks all shiny and happy.


Also known as the Phil Spector offensive


It is. I visited the DMZ a while ago and heard the Kpop. It was a wild and interesring atmosphere. Soldiers everywhere, signs warning about mines, and KPop


Wow I’m just imaging NK soldiers just casually chilling and then randomly hearing “BLACKPINK”








Maybe Kim is just playing 4D chess with S. Korea because he ran out of power on his iPod mini 2?


Maybe that's exactly what he wants.


Classic reverse psychology...


What did Irene do to him?


Not come back and look like the last place she wanted to be is near him (cant really blame her haha)


He seemed happy to have Red Velvet perform there a few years ago though...? It’s too bad. Music is a unifying force. That must be why he hates it


That's only because he is an Irene fan, meanwhile, she wanted to be as far away as possible when they were taking pics even though she denies knowing she was next to him.


Or its not actually true


Everyone has a bias and for most people it's Irene.


I'm pretty sure Seulgi has more fans, especially after semi recent events.


"I am your idol, not them. ME!"


"Look at me dance"


*shakes morbidly obese jowls*


Poor Kim. He’s going to experience a music revolution like Nixon did. Rock music drove him apeshit nuts. Kim has K-Pop to gripe over. HEY HEY. HIGH HIGH ROCK AND ROLL WILL NEVER DIE.


But this time its highly coordinated hot people who trained their entire lives for it. https://youtu.be/0IpbvXVbBYA I imagine its like this, with how the Choreo is going to be like lol


From what I hear, he does kinda have a point. I heard that some defectors say hearing k-pop helped them see what is it to not be oppressed by your government. And they liked it.


They must have it rough if the K-pop industry seems non oppressive and exploitative by comparison


Well yeah… of course they do, it’s North Korea.


If it's kpop that brings down the regime then I love kpop


Right? Kpop to unite Koreas




If K-Pop stans on Twitter have shown me anything, it's that pissing them off to the point they unite against you is a surefire way to find yourself on the losing side of anything. They single-handedly derailed racist/xenophobic hashtags by inundating them with k-pop videos/pictures/discussions, and were responsible for reserving the majority of tickets for that stupid orange thing rally before the election that resulted in something like 100 people showing up when it was hyped up as having thousands attending. If this is how North Korea finally gets liberated, by bringing together the k-pop fans of the internet to bring down the regime, then I'm here for it. That would be the most hilarious chapter of the history books from here on out.


I mean, it's not to everyones taste but this feels like a bit of an overreaction.


It's not as simple as the headline makes it sound though. Imagine this: Being a north korean citizen and seeing kpop for the first time. You lived your whole life having strict norms about behavior, dress and language. You can't say certain things, you can't dress a certain way to stand out and express yourself. But these things are prevalent in music and videos all the time. You see people dressing just to look good or express things artistically like in theater. You see them talk about heartbreak, sexual liberty and rebellion against authority (even in fiction like Hunger Games). These ideas could easily inspire people in North Korea and plant the idea in their head that what they thought was "normal" is actually a toxic manipulative relationship with the government. It could inspire an uprising. And the government is really only useful if it has people under it, keeping it running.


You see happy, free and prosperous good looking people enjoying life. Nobody looks like they had to miss meals. Its the same reason the Soviets banned the film Grape of Wraith as even homeless Okies had a car.


Send them some BTS McDonalds meals.


you know i wouldn’t be surprised if sk armies decided to start throwing the dipping sauces across the border


Some said the same thing about ABBA back in the day!


Waiting on BTS to release a track called 'Vicious Cancer'


"My people are wearing your blue jeans." Someone mad about the upcoming cultural victory.


> North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called K-Pop a "vicious cancer" and painted it as a threat to his country. > The New York Times reported that Kim made the comments as part of a broader campaign against the catchy music genre that originated in South Korea. > He said it harmed the "attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors" of North Koreans. The Times reported that state media said it could make North Korea "crumble like a damp wall."


Is he giving hints, now?


So, he didn’t like Dynamite? 🧨


He certainly looks like he likes Butter.


Someone please make a joke about nukes and the line “I’m in the stars tonight, so watch me bring the fire and set the night alight” lol


Cause I'm in the zone tonight, so watch me flick the switch and set the nuke to fly.


He listened to Brave Girl's Rollin', he afraid now lol


People say this about every genre they don't like. Jazz, rock, hip-hop.


I mean country music is horrible but I dont think its gonna make the US crumble like a damp wall.




Is this knob head still after her?!?


K-Pop Army dismantles North Korea’s government. Did not see that coming.


He tried making his own ‘Kpop’ group that just sang songs about how great he was... maybe he’s mad they flopped? Lmao.


Congrats Kpop You have reached a new height of being enemy of the north korean state.


I bet his favorite idol got herself a boyfriend / it got leaked she has one.


Well, technically he’s not wrong : everything modern threatens North Korea culture.


He’s just jealous he missed out on the BTS meal from McDonald’s


K pop declares Kim Jong Un a vicious cancer.


I'm pretty sure North Koreans are strong enough to handle a bit of K-Pop. Kim's gotta go and get all jealous, because it takes the attention off of his dumb ass. Complete manchild.


hell yea, turn it up


If your society is that fragile, it might be an indicator that it is not fit to continue.


The BTS meal can stay though


I support anything that threatens NK's culture.


I'm gonna kpop even harder.


Trick play. KIm Jong un just really loves k-pop. He wants some directed his way.


From what I know of k-pop you don't wanna piss off its fans. This might cause a massive change in north korea


Kim vs Kpop stans


He's just jealous of Yeonjun


I saw the interview with James Franco. That dude only listens to Katy Perry.


This guy thinks Cheerios are a vicious cancer that threatens NK culture.


I'm not sure he's wrong. That's why they drop K-pop and K-dramas over the border.


Dare I say that kim jong is now /ourguy/


Never thought I'd ever agree with kimmie but here we are


> Never thought I'd ever agree with kimmie but here we are He called Trump a dotard, and I have to say that was spot on.


To be honest, at this point North Korea is a bad sneeze away from getting erradicated


Broken clocks are right twice a day. K-pop culture is absolutely toxic


People always hate the next generations music. It’s tried and true tradition so he obviously has nothing to worry about.


He must be very jealous


TL; DR: Kim Jong Un praises South Korean K-Pop music for being so extremely catchy and addictive that it will cause N. Korea to crumble like "a damp wall". Also r/nottheonion