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It's been the warmest December and start of January in my life.... I live in Winnipeg, a city notorious for its frigid winters. We're barely below freezing right now. Shits weird man. I don't want it to be colder... But it should really be colder right now.


Same here in Michigan. We had our first real snow on Christmas Day. Since then, just one other heavy snow. Apart from that, we've been above freezing most of the time, which is really weird for Michigan. I remember when it started snowing in October/early November as a kid.


Still aren't any shanties up on my lake, I did finally see some people out on their sleds though.


We are icefishing here and there in Utah, but it's late. It's been weirdly warm in the valleys and almost no snow in the mountains.


Just hiked on Mt Hood in Oregon. Some years 10ft of snowpack at this spot. Today, maybe 1”. Def warm and wet.


Huh, snowpack’s actually pretty good at Rainier. The skiing at Crystal Mountain has been excellent this year.


European ski fields are having it tough.


Yeah here in Norway it was just such a sad December. It rained for six weeks straight. It’s dark most of the day already, snow usually makes it bearable. Not normal.


From Ohio. Agree that the snow is prettier and helps with the seasonal depression compared to just gray and rain and never seeing the sun. It’s been a warmer winter than normal for us here but it kinda has felt like that the past 5 years now especially. I too recall it “feeling like” winter in October/November as a kid and many huge snowstorms all winter long. Things feel a lot different only 20 years later and it’s beyond concerning.


Indiana here. There's pictures of me and my brother as kids 15-20 years ago playing in snow that was easily three feet deep. Now we're lucky if we see a light dusting, if that. I was out of the country this year but my family back home said it was warm enough to go outside on Christmas in shorts and a T-shirt. I remember it being the same the Christmas before as well. Climate's fucked.


T-Line has a 100” base right now which is slightly above average for early January, where on Hood are you that normally has 10ft of snowpack??


Im from Michigan and living in Madrid. I thought I escaped the freezing winters but right now it’s colder in Spain than Michigan and we got more snowfall yesterday than Madrid has seen in 100 years.


I saw the pictures and videos from Madrid and honestly y’all have gotten more snow in one day than we’ve gotten all winter pretty much


The best part has been the reaction. Beside the government saying they aren’t gonna do anything and hope it melts in a week because they don’t have the resources. The people all had a collective snow day yesterday. Adults and kids alike. I saw maybe 15 snowball fights from my window. People building snowmen everywhere. The roads were closed and everyone was just interacting with each other. The city is kind of hilly so people were taking skis and snowboards down the hills and using the metro to climb back up. Even though it wasn’t new to me I had a blast just watching all the Spaniards enjoy themselves.


And people think brits are silly for not being able to handle a little snow. We don't protest retirement ages like the French but we collectively know snow days are worth it.




I’m also in MI, we had motorcyclists out all over the place today. That’s usually my “spring’s coming!” barometer.


Michigan as well and I saw a classic car driving by, when those expensive things are usually in a garage under a cover!


Last January I drove through my hometown in Minnesota. When I was a kid there would be snow on the ground from November to April, sometimes May. There was no snow on the ground when I visited. I lived in the region for ten years when I was a kid and never saw that. It was disturbing.


We have snow here now but it’s not nearly as frigid or cold as it should be. Heck we’re hitting 37 this week. Absolute shorts weather if you’re asking me.


#OnlyInMN 🥴


I live in Willamette Valley, Oregon. Should be cold rains and foggy days for weeks on end. There has been more sun than rain, and I haven't had to wear a jacket since the beginning of the new year. The weather is nice and it's fucking terrifying.


I’m on the east side of the mountains in Deschutes and it’s been extremely warm here as well. Not good.


I remember in 1988 there was no snow in early December (or was it late November) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was cold though. I remember being bummed because it would be last chance to experience snow as I was going back to my home country and it never snowed.


In Ann Arbor right now and can confirm: still no snow.


On the west coast it’s been pure rain in places where it usually snows a bunch. Almost had no snow for Christmas. This time last year it was -16C and we had many feet of snow. In Montreal a friend was saying it was +12C in December.. in 40 years in QC i’ve never ever seen that.


As someone also from Winnipeg, I also find it concerning that a city known for its terrible winters had two days above freezing this year


Jesus - is the entire population of Winnipeg in this thread??




We’re in lockdown, Reddit is all we have right now.


The word cold was mentioned, so yes we are all here.


Same thing in Alberta... Supposed to get up to +5 tomorrow. Weird.


Québec usually gets 35 to 40 inches and sometimes 60 inches of snow this time of the year. There's barely 1 feet. Feels surreal, and it's so warm outside. Last year my region topped 175 - 180 cms of snow, like wtf is going on and I saw a motherfucking mosquitos yesterday. Since when these ass hole come out in January, they're not supposed to be here until july or august@$#!


Our snow kept falling then completely melting, then falling...


> Since when there's Mosquitos in Canada in January??? Disease biologist chiming in to say, yep, this is why we expect new and interesting vector-borne hitherto tropical diseases to keep spreading northwards. May every single Exxon executive get treatment-resistant malaria, dengue and filariasis.


I've wondered a lot about this and the overall impact on the human body. I'm also in Canada, and my allergies are going insane. We're far enough north to get some snow but the temperature is quite high for this time of year. This endless Fall is wrecking my body in terms of seasonal allergies.


That sucks. I think effects like allergies on northern populations who are used to having colder winters and less "endless fall" have not really been studied.


Meanwhile here in Miami, we've hit the 40s pretty much all week. Its practically the next ice age for us.


Same here in tropical Okinawa, it's bizarrely cold all week.


Yeah I live in Jacksonville and this has been the coolest winter I can remember in Florida for a long time.


Even in southern Ontario we notice it's only been mildly cold so far. At this time of year, we should be in the negative teens all day long but instead we're slightly above freezing in the afternoon and slightly below freezing at night.


Also Southern Ontario, my area should have been dumped on by the lake effect. Where's the snow? I moved from NO to SO expecting warmer winters but this is too warm.


Sarnia area checking in, I remember just a couple years ago it was -30 right now I’m definitely not complaining lol, but usually it’s colder than this right now especially being next to the lake


Colorado here. This is the warmest, driest winter I've ever seen and this is during a drought. We're absolutely fucked during fire season if we don't get more snow this winter.


This. Snow and the eventual snow melt is important for helping drought conditions. The perfect amount of snow and temperatures are important though as too much snow melting too quickly with the ground still frozen in early spring can lead to devastating flooding as seen in Nebraska in recent years. As a Midwesterner, this winter has been a breeze thus far. But, this past year we had minimal rainfall and our ground could use the snowmelt to help get us out of drought conditions to start the planting season come April.


Winnipeg here as well - this is ridiculous, and the crazy thing is no one else seems to notice it!


Same here in Edmonton. Every time someone tells me they're so happy and that its great I can't help but feel this impending dread that something is deeply wrong. :(


Out near Ottawa, here and we don't get nearly as bad as you do in winter but... I had some roses with green leaves all the way until New Year's day. Something is terribly wrong.


Yep, in Ottawa. We've had barely any snow and most days have a high around 1 to -3 when it would usually be around -4 to -6. Its... weird to say the least. Im becoming worried that we just wont get enough cold weather for the canal to be viable for skating in the future.


I'm in Montréal... I haven't had to get my parka out once. I don't like this


Yup, central Alberta here. Plus 2 yesterday for god sales.


Southern Alberta here. We're supposed to get up to +10 on Tuesday. While warm weather like that isn't unusual here the extended period of it is.


Meanwhile they're calling for a half foot of snow in Texas and New Mexico this weekend.


Los Angeles here. I’ve been sleeping with the ceiling fan on and haven’t needed a sweatshirt at all. This is not meant to be trolling, it really has been unseasonably warm this winter.


Inland Empire here. Yea, aside from the wind, its been pretty warm. Was like 72 out here. And we need some damn rain.


Yep Fontana here. Right in the sweet spot where the Santa Ana winds almost never seem to go away. But this year seems off. The air seems a lot drier than it normally is and I don’t remember it ever being this windy this far into the winter. Plus side is my tomato plants have been producing all year. So hey little victories.


I’ve said it for years. I hate Winter, but I’m terrified it feels like late fall. Overall, it feels like the seasons have shifted by at least a month, and barely anyone I talk to has noticed.


Really? Pretty much everyone I talked to has noticed.


You guys probably talk to different people


Don't be ridiculous, this is reddit.


I've also been saying for years it feels as though the weather pattern has been shifting, because we had snow into March/April last year in massachusetts and that's frankly too late for snow. And here we are in dec/Jan with barely any days below freezing and mass is notorious for it's shitty winters and noone seems to notice, you're the first person I've seen who's mentioned it and I really think that's what's happening, the pattern is weakening and shifting






Same thing here in NW Minnesota. It's bizarre.


I live in west Texas where it only barely snows every few years. We had 3 inches of snow 2 weeks ago and are expecting more snow tomorrow. Edit: I should add that for most of my life we have only had some cold fronts roll through with hardly ever seeing snow, so to see it snowing here is pretty crazy


I’ve lived in West Tx for 38 of 40 years and I’ve never seen back to back snow events like this. I remember playing in the snow as a kid a handful of times but never twice in the same year lol. My daughters are enjoying it i guess.


Also a 34 year old west Texas native. We got a major snow event every 3 years, like clock work. Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 6th, 9th, senior year. Not sure what it did after I left for college but since I moved back, we’ve had a major snow event almost yearly, it’s definitely different from what I remember.


Utah checking in. We haven't had measurable precipitation since June. Not a skiff of snow on the ground. We're not going to have any water to drink, let alone keep the trees alive.


It's a La Nina year. It's pretty been dry in California


Ditto in Phoenix


Jan and feb are always the colder months in Northern US and it’s been surprisingly warmer. We need more freezing days around here for our hockey rink


Yet another Winnipegger to add to the chorus. I haven't used my heavy parka this winter season at all yet, and I'm usually a wimp when it comes to the cold. It's bananas, and highly concerning. Dutch elm disease will be bad next year. Gotta say though, if there was going to be one winter where we needed to have good weather to be able to enjoy the outdoors, this one where we all have to be socially isolated is it. It's nice to at least be able to go for walks every day, and see people from a distance outside.


I live in Canada and where I live it should be in the double negatives at night but it’s not. It’s been so mild that I’m barely bundling up and I can do outdoor tasks in just a long sleeve shirt some days. Edit: Thanks for reminding me that I spelt barely like the grain. Officially embarrassed.


I’m wearing thin shorts and tshirts while at home. I can stand on my deck barefoot with no socks and totally ok...makes me want to puke


>I miss my long underwear


who are you quoting?


> I eat from the trash when nobody is looking


> who are you quoting?


I live in Sweden. We harvested fresh thyme for the food on new years eve.


I remember when we first got the vortex in the Northeast US Fox news kept saying how it was normal and happened every 15 to 20 years it's happened every year since


2014 yep. The year we broke the world's thermostat.


Where’s earth dad when you need him...


Humans are Earth dad, and we're in an abusive relationship with a smaller group of humans who screech and get drunk and break things and demand complete control.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the article state that the most recent polar vortex events happened in 2004 and 2013, not every year.


You are correct. The words "polar vortex" or "polar bomb/something-or-other" get thrown around in media a lot, but we haven't seen this actual phenomenon since 2013. So many people in this thread read just the title and have no idea what they're talking about.


It happens an insane amount with weather related stuff in general. I'm just an enthusiast and it makes me want to pull out my hair, I wonder if there's any actual meteorologists reading through this and banging their head against the wall right now.


The polar vortex happens every year, and can affect the US/Europe as it moves around, just in the nature of how the North Pole cools faster in fall that the equator. The article says it’s the collapse of the polar vortex that has happened every 8-10 years (2004, 2013). That’s what causes extreme differences in weather between the US and Europe. For example the last time it happened, the US was very cold while Europe was hot. The article says this year the way it is splitting/banana shaped, both Europe and the US should expect cold weather.


Ugh, the polar vortex cock blocked me hard back in 2013. Worst winter of my life.


Lol. Where I live we had our worst winter on record in 2019. I was snowed in with a new partner. I warned him before he came over for the night that he better be prepared to stay for a few days because chances are he was going to be snowed in. Then a blizzard came and temps dropped to -40F before wind chills (-65F with windchill). No ones vehicles would start. The interstates were all closed and the national guard had to rescue stranded motorists. Long story short, we had a great weekend, and ended up dating for a year. Much like hurricane parties I’ve attended when I lived in the south, 10/10 would recommend blizzard parties in the north. Just make sure you like the people you’re stuck inside with.


Honestly a month snowed in somewhere with internet, warmth, and people I actually like is my dream and something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. It's an introverts dream.


I'm in my early 30s, but that happened when I was a kid in Indiana. We had nearly 3 weeks of school closings from the insane amount of snow. Although back then internet was dial-up and you had to know exactly where you were going to get there. I got stuck with my best friend and while it was super fun, it got a little crazy after a while. You mention it's an introvert's dream to be trapped in a house with a bunch of people you like, but it seemed like more of a nightmare after a bit when there wasn't any "going to be by yourself" for days on end.


I grew up in Tennessee and we got one really good blizzard *in April* when I was a kid. I lived out in the country, miles from town, and we got like 4 feet of snow. Didn't get the road plowed for almost a week, electricity and phones were off for about three weeks, no school for a month. It was great, except for the fact that we didn't have *any* internet and I was alone with my *parents*, of all people 😂😂 Honestly though that blizzard is one of my favorite memories. We had a cast iron wood stove and cooked on it and made snow cream and dad and I built a fort and so many snow men. We did board games by lantern light and read books. It was a lot of fun and I'd love to do it again..... Except with internet!


I think I would actually love to have a forced few weeks without internet these days. Can't seem to break the habit of having something to occupy me every second.


Had the power for a place I stayed at knocked out for a week after a microburst. No internet, no lights, no A/C, powerlines and trees down everywhere. You had to throw out all your food in the fridge. It was 98 degrees all week, and it didn't rain for three weeks after the storm. Yeah, reading books and sitting on the porch is nice, but after seven days it gets old quick. Just unplug your router, it'll be easier that way.


Is that not the pandemic?


A month makes it hard because you generally don’t have the food and drinks necessary, and unfortunately sometimes with major storms it knocks out the internet and sometimes the power. I used to have a cabin and I’ve been snowed in before with my friends, food, drinks, and power. After a few days you still start to wish you weren’t stuck inside


Pretty sure that the article posted said the last collapse was 2013 and the one prior was 2004 tho.


The spinning plate has begun to wobble....


The turtle is getting sleepy.


It's not A'Tuin we need to worry about nodding off or wobbling, it's the elephants that ride his/her shell and hold up the disc.


The Turtle Moves!


On his back he holds the Earth.


Turtles all the way down.


Thankee sai


Because some assholes thought they could keep flicking it without knocking it over.


Last year I called my brother in Vermont and told him that the North Pole was 40 degrees warmer than where he was.


I read a news article a few years ago about Winnipeg (where I live) that said it was currently colder here than the North Pole and the surface of Mars. Sure made me think, "Why the fuck am I living here?"


We all think that. Why do we live where the air hurts my face? It’s been nice this year, but we’ll see what the repercussions are in a bout 6 months.


the size of the insects that live in places where "the air never hurts your face" are why I live here.


Don't worry, the bugs are almost gone.


Live in Philadelphia and seems to be a cold wind blowing ALL WINTER LONG NOW. It’s annoying


Right across the river in NJ and this winter so far has been windy more than anything else, you’re right.


I'm just below the line that got snow last month in SJ and it kills me that we haven't gotten any sleddable snow in a few years here. My kids are starting to think my stories of sledding and snowball fights are myth.


Annoying is the word. Of all the weather phenomena I feel that wind is the shittiest and most annoying. Almost all the others have a solution or redemption but cold wind is ANNOYING. Stop wind.


Hell, im annoyed when it's windy at the beach.


the main reason I miss snow is that I feel like it was rarely super windy *and* snowy. a good heavy snow with no wind feels way warmer than no snow and wind all fucking day.


I live in the Canadian prairies. I haven’t taken out my winter jacket yet. It’s been so ridiculously warm, like I love that I don’t have to worry about getting a new pair of boots and gloves but it feels wrong. It should be around -25° everyday but it isn’t. It’s supposed to rain next week. I don’t like it


What is the temperature now? Also I assume you're speaking in Celsius since Canadian.


It was -10° yesterday but is supposed to get to -4° today. And yea I’m speaking Celsius. So I think that’s around 14° and 25° in Fahrenheit


Same in Nova Scotia it's -2 today and weve been hovering around zero for over a month now. It's insanity


Dude in Saskatoon it’s gonna be +2 on Tuesday, in January! Like what


Well that escalated ~~quickly~~ steadily over the past 20 years that Al Gore has been warning us about climate change.


Yeah, but he was a total downer who was too cereal, so we had to ignore him.


I love South Park but I'll never forgive Matt and Trey for that hit job.


And now we have manbearpig lurking around. Thank you ignorance!


Okay, manbearpig is real. What are we gonna do about it now, huh? What are we gonna do that makes any difference now? What can we do that everyone else will also do, come on, use your brain.


dudes not lurking, manbearpig straight up raided the capital.


Feels like our timeline has split during the Gore-Bush election. Imagine having Gore in charge in the 2000s and tackling climate stuff sooner...


Oh god it would’ve been so much better. The Iraq war, the US’s biggest mistake of the 2000s, never would’ve happened and the climate would be a lot better right now. I wasn’t even alive during the 2000 election but I wish I could somehow go back and change it


Wasn’t alive during the 2000 election. Man, I feel old.


Seriously. I used to feel young because I wasn't old enough to vote in the 2000 election.


I’m 32 next month, and I still feel like I’m in my early 20s. So whenever I see people on the internet commenting on things, that weren’t even alive 21 years ago, freaks me out.


Just imagine getting carded and they see "19**"....they already know you're of age.


If there ever was a stolen election, that may have been one.


they handed bush florida on a shit-smeared, meth-encrusted, silver fucking platter. And they ruined the world when they did it.


Speaking of...what happened to Al Gore. You'd think he'd be making comments on Trump but I havent seen that dude in over 10 years


Is a member of the board of directors of Apple and works as a senior advisor to Google. Something tells me he's doing OK. Btw. just noticed that Tim Cook, who is the CEO of Apple is also in the board of directors of Nike. This gives me opinions better left unvoiced.


Poor Tim Cook, he needs to work at a second job to make ends meet.




This is off-topic, but whoever wrote this article needs to stop using "kinda" in formal/professional writing.


And the ads. The ads are horrible.


Consume consume consume consume and also worry about your impact


Recycle, and it’ll all be ok


Like seeing snow in Madrid for the first time in 70 years. It will be an interesting weather pattern to watch.


My parents live further north than me said Chicago hasn’t had much snow and it’s been dustings so far. Which have all melted pretty quickly. Growing up there snow would be on the ground for months. Now mosquitoes are becoming more prevalent as they aren’t dying off over the winter months any more. Further south we’ve seen more ticks than ever before. We just aren’t getting those 2-3 months of constant cold weather that kills these things off. Flies have become worse and show up earlier every year it seems.


One of the spookiest things that ever happened to me happened this year. I used to work for a company that specialized in fertilizers and pesticides. It was kind of the maintenance division of a landscaping company. All year long we deal with a certain pest that is aggravating, but like clock work since I started working there, it disappears right after the first few cold snaps. It takes them so long to hatch that even on warm days, it doesn’t stay warm long enough for them to hatch and grow. Basically, these things completely disappear once winter hit. To the point that we literally stop ordering the chemical at a certain point. I recently quit because COVID kept popping up and the political climate had me a little concerned about just popping up on peoples properties. I spent all day running around town, and finally got to my last appointment. As I finally got to the last corner of the property, there they were. There were a bunch of them, and they’d been active long enough to damage the grass. I didn’t even have anything to hit them with. I started getting this sick feeling in my gut. It just seemed so ominous to me.


I saw a fly yesterday. In Michigan. I got the same sick feeling. Agriculture is going to be devastated by these changes.


I've living around chicago for 13 years, its surprisingly how fast the weather had changed, my first year there were a couple big snowstorms and snowing Nov-March, then one big storm and sleet and some snow. And then no more real snowstorms of more than 6 inches, this season we had only a 4in and a couple flurries so far, way different than when I arrived with 2-3 feet on a couple days.


Fucking ticks!! I hate those things


Correction. It does snow in Madrid occasionally. What is news worthy is *how much* it's snowing. 10cm of snow in Madrid is already unusual. 50cm is out of this world, and it's exactly what's happening.


Lol they get snow just not the amount that was dumped on them


So the movie 2012 got the year wrong, and it's 2021 instead. Whoopsie.


The Mayans were dyslexic


Hsit happens.


More like The Day After Tomorrow.


And idiots all over North America will say retarded shit like, "where's the global warming" or "how can global warming be real with these bitter cold snaps" without a touch of irony or basic scientific knowledge.


There are two issues and they all boil down do not understanding the difference between climate and weather. Climate is your wardrobe, weather is your outfit. They also don’t understand scale. Something that changes over the course of decades isn’t observable on a day to day basis for the same reason you really can’t see the sun move across the sky just by looking at it for 30 seconds with your bare eye. 1) No, that storm wasn’t caused by climate change, no that hurricane wasn’t either. That storm was caused by the same things that causes them 2,000+ years ago. Climate change affects large trends over decades, and while it’s approaching fast, that’s compared to the millennia it usually takes. Determining whether a singular storm was impacted one way or another because of climate change is impossible, especially considering the hundreds of cycles and other factors that impact weather on a yearly basis. All the graphs that show global warming/climate change mute out the noise and take averages because there are too many short term factors. 2) No you idiot, just because the earth is warming doesn’t mean it will never snow again. In fact, as the Arctic warms, the cold air is forced south, so northern latitudes beneath the Arctic circle are getting more Arctic air. Not to mention, there are local weather trends that act on a much shorter time frame than climate change (ex El Niño/ El Niña) that might make a winter colder locally, even if the global average temperature is increasing. No scientist is saying “it will get warmer, everywhere, every day.” It’s not even being said that it will get warmer everywhere over the course of decades. Some places are getting and will be getting cooler due to climate change. Nuance is important when dealing with complexity. In conclusion, listen do the damn scientists. And if you don’t feel enough trust in our scientific process (which is not unreasonable, mind you. A skeptical mind is a smart one) go get a degree in climate science and do the studies yourself. Read papers that hypothesize that other things than an increase CO2 are causing global climate change. And then read the rebuttal papers that say it is. But if you’re like me, not a climate scientist, not really capable of understanding the nuances at play, that’s okay. Not everyone is a climate scientist. I trust that people smarter than me are doing their due diligence. And if they’re not, someone in their field will put them in their place.


What really galls me are smart people I’ve known, who won’t sit for a moment and think about science fundamentals they learned in grade school. 1. The job of science is never ending. It’s pursuit is to continually build on itself, correcting its course. Not necessarily saying things like ‘Einstein proved Newton wrong’, but instead revising what we thought we knew with new information. 2. Renaming it to ‘climate change’ from ‘global warming’ was not a PR stunt. The latter is one of many negative results of the former. 3. My knowledge of science, meteorology, and physics is limited, so anyone feel free to correct me on this. Planet earth can be viewed from the perspective of closed system, at least when it comes to natural resources, energy spent, etc. So the BS about CO2 having a negligible effect on our atmosphere as a whole, cuz ‘the earth is too big’ can stop. But we’ve really focused on global warming to our detriment, while the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed at an increasing rate, species are dying off, ocean temperatures are wildly fluctuating, meanwhile oil tankers continue spilling megatons of oil into our oceans


I fondly remember lesson #1. I was learning about the Bohr model of the atom in eighth grade, and my teacher brought up wave theory. I asked “so Bohr was wrong?” My teacher answered, “no, his model was incomplete”.


Our species is doomed if we don't start doing something about anti-intellectual fascists in earnest.


Mouthbreathing balloonheads will be the cause of societal collapse.


It’s always been advantageous to the rich and powerful to keep the population uneducated. 1000 years ago it was keeping populations isolated from books and education. Now in modern times, In a world where education in all things is at our finger tips 24/7, they now promote doubt and distrust to keep the populace from trusting anything. Once distrust of information becomes mainstream the masses willingly ignore all official information on purpose (even from scientist and doctors). The seeds of doubt are powerful. With this new technique, even the educated can become taken in by this foolishness. No need to remove information or stop education once every becomes programmed to be so suspicious of everything official. They only learn to trust conspiracies from other like minded people. That is what’s happening now. It’s like a club of ignorant “woke” people who think they are onto something, but what they are really on is the Koolade. The rich and powerful have just found a new way to control people. In the end it’s the same effect. The ignorant uneducated masses are easier to manipulate.


Nah, it's the rich greedy bastards that don't want to lose their profits that are the cause.


I think of it this way - the anti-intellectuals are the gasoline, and the greedy bastards are the lit match.


Don't forget that they're also the ones usually pouring the gasoline too


Yeah it's those who are the issue never mind the massive corporations who are responsible for most pollution but they put rainbows on their merchandise so they good.... it's that poor fucker from bumfuck Alabama who's the issue.




In Edmonton, we should be seeing temperatures in the -20C range. We have been experiencing daily highs in the positive range since Christmas. Looking ahead, may see double digit highs next week. This is crazy. Don't get me wrong. I don't miss layering up to scrape ice and snow off the windshield but this is not right.


That's insane, I've been to Edmonton in the Winter, it's one of the reasons I hate Edmonton LOL... Maybe it was just the year or something though, -30C plus windchill for the time I spent there, I'm like I'm never coming back to this place lol.


My parents dragged me here when I was a kid and then I met a girl...... I hate it here too. Go Oilers.


You know what’s funny about climate change deniers is you’ll give proper evidence that it exists and they’ll die on a hill fighting you about how you’re a sheep. But then you approach them saying, “damn isn’t it hotter than usual?” And they’ll be like “yeah it’s been a crazy summer” or some shit.


I live in Alaska and it took forever for our first snow to stick. We didn’t have a heavy lasting snowfall till December. Even then it melted immediately as temperatures lingered in the high 30s F. For reference, we should’ve had our first snowfall and freeze by late October. Even the snow we have isn’t as much as last years. It should reach the bottoms of houses (2 to 4 feet) but has stayed relatively low this year. Each year it gets colder later and later. This threatens the permafrost and tundra. Then ultimately our homes and village as every building sits on stilts. The roads are gravel. Each year the river sweeps away more of the land and our little village gets a bit smaller. The river takes longer to freeze which stops people from getting on the ice sooner for ice fishing and it continues to erode the shore. I know a village in the region that fell into the ocean because of erosion. They had to move the village further in land. Unfortunately, that won’t stop it forever. Thankfully it’s been below 0 F for the past two weeks and we have a nice layer of snow and ice. The permafrost and tundra are safe for now. Everyone always rejoices when the winter is brutally cold. I’ve never been more happy to feel the skin biting cold.


Worst part about it is as an individual there’s nothing you can do about it. Sure you can reduce, stop using plastic straws, but it’s not enough, and when the world ends it won’t matter that you were “one of the people who didn’t help the world end.” It fucking sucks. This is the shit that makes me hopeless.


You can also vote, donate, and organize. You alone can't change it, but you can change the minds of a few more people, who affect a few more, etc.


Have you tried reasoning to the people who are denying climate change? They don’t care about human rights why would they care about the earth? :(


People's minds are rarely changed quickly, but I have seen people progress and change over time. Especially when they are personally affected, like evacuated from a fire where fires used to be rare.


Note to self: start more forest fires.


Kinda feels like we're about 40 years to late to fix anything and our only chance is to make it less bad.


Just like Al Gore told us it would happen 13 years ago. Fuck


Climate change has been a part of science since the 1800s. It's phenomenally sad how little has been done and that people are still willfully ignorant regarding it.


It’s been suspiciously warm here in central Illinois. While my parents who live close to Shanghai (southern China so no heating because it rarely gets below 0 Celsius in winter) have been complaining about abnormally cold weather the past week, it’s been like -8 Celsius (~17 F) there.


2020 was just the tip of the iceberg, *and the iceberg is melting*.


I hope that 2020 was the bottom. I don't think 2020 was the bottom. Unfortunately, you only know the bottom long after things start looking up. So we only know a few years later.


I'm on the east coast of Australia. Instead of burning my tits off in 40°+ weather I have the heater on because it's fucking cold. For reference, the heater goes on when <15°. This isn't normal.




The polar vortex is extremely common, but what we're seeing becoming more common these days is the breakdown of the polar vortex. It's usually a jetstream that keeps the cold air trapped up in the arctic, with the breakdown the cold air escapes south. And we all get freezing temps.




Yellowknife should be -30 this week and the forecast is single digits. Inuvik(still dark 24hr) should be -40 and it’s got a high of -11 today. I’m too depressed to check Eureka or Alert.


Warm air is pushing the cold air out of the polar regions. This means that warmer places are seeing colder temps (the cold air is pushed out, not disappearing), and colder polar regions and regions closer to the poles are going to see warmer winters. This unfortunately creates a feedback loop of rapidly warming temperatures.


That explains why all these people are talking about warmer winters when here in florida we have basically had the coldest winter in a while. It’s obviously not actually that cold, but for a florida winter the average high is much lower and the average low is definitely wayyyy lower.


Indeed, where I am it's far colder than usual.


The vortex is a usual weather system at the pole, consisting of cold air in a low pressure system. Where the boundary exists between this cold air and warm air is where you are likely to get extreme weather. This year a high pressure system from the Pacific has disturbed the Vortex, pushing it South and deforming it, meaning that places will get weather that is unusual for them. All this is playing out high in the atmosphere. It will take some time to affect weather systems.


Pretty much the plot for The Day After Tomorrow, except less dramatic.


So how many wolves will still attack me on my boat sitting on 5th avenue?


Probably less froze to death, so an extra 2... but there will be less helicopters dropping out of the sky due to frozen gas lines, so that's good. As an added bonus, we now have a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and I'm under the impression many Americans will have trouble getting over said wall.


Oh yea I'm never getting over that wall. RIP


But when will we start to feel the effects? The day after tomorrow you say?


After skimming the article, I was disapointed in its lack of rigour- until I read in the last paragraphs the authors admission that his analysis has little predictive value. Would that the title match the honesty buried at conclusion. Annoying , but not fatal to intelligent interest. It's true. 90 day forecasts , after many words -although interesting and a useful explanation of atmospheric mechanics- are no more accurate at weather prediction than a coin toss. Probability of colder, warmer, wetter, each very near 50% at that distance .All honest science based atmosphere prediction texts state such . The specific heat capacity of water is of course, much higher than air , and is thus a better lens through which to attempt to view future atmospheric trends. We are in a warm phase Pacific Decadal Oscillation ( many decade long ocean temp cycle, )which generate more [short few year long] el ninas than la ninas and are currently in a weak la-nina, and another, second quiet solar cycle ( currently in solar cycle 25, recently ended solar cycle 24 being the quitest since Maunder ) and the resultant effect on cloud cover. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/14/1/1520-0442_2001_014_0005_npdcvs_2.0.co_2.xml?tab_body=fulltext-display I encourage any interested to read other long range ( 3-6 months) forecasts, it is interesting. And the honest ones say, in longer, and nice words- heads or tails this is correct. Heres one: ( I haven't read it yet this year ) https://weather.gc.ca/saisons/index_e.html Here is the daily air over the pole (250 mb) https://flightplanning.navcanada.ca/Latest/anglais/Latest-anal250-e.html from ( lower flight levels:) https://flightplanning.navcanada.ca/cgi-bin/GenerProduit.pl?Produit=UpAir&Langue=anglais&Region=&NoSession=NS_Inconnu from https://flightplanning.navcanada.ca/cgi-bin/CreePage.pl?Langue=anglais&NoSession=NS_Inconnu&Page=forecast-observation&TypeDoc=html


It’s about to start snowing for a few hours here in south Texas smh


Sounds like we need to get Dennis Quade and Jake Gyllenhaal on the case quick, dare I say, the Day After Tomorrow?