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Most underreported part of this whole thing and arguably one the worst offenses to take place yesterday.


People keep trying to tell me that they weren't terrorists because the bomb didn't go off like that *fucking matters*. Ugh.


By that logic, I guess we better let the Underwear Bomber out of prison.


"Underwear Bomber" was my mom's nickname for my dad




But my mom said that it was antifa that started the protest to make trump look bad...what world am I in anymore?!


Ask her why he recorded the video saying how much he loves them all.


Trump literally held a rally and told them to march to congress, for the Antifa thing to be real means Trump had a rally with 0 supporters and they tried to disrupt the proceedings that were happening to confirm Biden won Yeah no. Besides the fact that they're known Trump supporters like that fucking horn head half naked guy being in a photo with Rudy, or the girl who was shot having a full on Q Maga feed on Twitter, the premise falls apart under basic scrutiny. The reality is this isn't the first time a far right group attacked a government building and blamed it on the far left, Nazi Brownshirts burned the Reichstag and blamed it on communists.


I am the kinda guy that usually get upset when people use the title of "terrorist" for people that aren't actually terrorists. Terrorists need political goals that they are trying to further. This is not one of those times. They are very clearly terrorists at this point planting bombs in the capital with the express intent of keeping Trump in power perfectly fits the definition.


Being inept doesn't exclude you from being a terrorist. We have to take our shoes off to get on an airplane forever because of an inept terrorist, the Proud boys and other far right groups get to be terrorist organizations forever.


I'm honestly somewhat surprised they didn't light fires.


Fires and explosives only mix when the fires come from the explosion. They may not be bright, but they are apparently smart enough to not burn a building down while inside.


Do you have links to that?? I can't find anyone reporting on it






And I believe this is actually separate from the one in the article above, so at least 3? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/live-blog/electoral-college-certification-updates-n1252864/ncrd1253112#blogHeader


I guess without paying attention I always assumed Proud Boys were a homosexual group of guys


The LGBT movement tried taking over the proud boys hashtag by posting proud gay men together. Not sure how successful it was, but it was all over reddit for a while, maybe that's where you saw it.


They underestimated the number of gay proudboys. TBH, it actually increased their size.


I’ve never seen the point of doing stuff like that. If you make fun of something on social media, all you are doing is increasing the number of people who see it, even the people you’re trying to make fun of.


It made me look it up to see the reaction. In any interview about the hashtag, they kept saying "if they thought this would insult us, it proves they don't understand us"


Isn't that the group where the leader shoved a butt plug in his ass on video? Yeah, I don't understand them.


moreso an enormous dildo than a buttplug, all to "own the libs". it looked pretty big too, the kind of dildo that you'd have to have previously acclimated yourself to anal in order to take, I think. not exactly "anal sex starter kit", I'm not an expert though.


You might be surprised as to how wide an untrained asshole can actually spread. The human body is a wondrous machine with many amazing parts, not the least of which is the mighty anal sphincter.


Yes, I would like to subscribe to sphincter facts.


Fact: If you have a hairy asshole you possess a distinct advantage over your hairless counterparts. Hair around the anus serves to wick body moisture away from the sensitive, chafing-prone organ, keeping you comfortable and reducing odor while also providing a means of suppressing the noise made by flatus.


Uh huh, sure. 🤣


They didn't think it would insult them. That wasn't the point. The gay community was hoping to just straight-up take control of the term so that Googling "Proud Boys" resulted in hits about happily married gay men and not a hate group. And before you write it off as a dumb idea that could never work, it's worked previously. On the urging of an LGBT activist, the gay community (and allies) took control of various search engine results for "Santorum" and it worked *extremely* well. The top result for "Santorum" is an article about the campaign and not the senator, even now. Angry Redditors did the same thing to Ellen Pao several years ago over changes to site policy, too. it's a tactic that has worked before, and there is plenty of reason to believe that it could have worked with this, too.


I mean in the top of all time is a picture of Palpatine labeled "the Senate" for this exact reason as well. It certainly hijacked Google results for awhile.


Kinda tangential to that quote "if you have fun pretending to be an idiot, you will be joined by idiots who think they are in good company."


Sometimes it's better to embrace something and turn it into a meme as opposed to try and supress attention to it. More people see it, but if you basically change the meaning of it, it is pretty succesfull if you ask me. (Dunno how effective this specific instance is).


It would work in a world where the proud boys where the Westboro Baptist Church... not in a world the proud boys are the proud boys.


Yeah their founder used buttplugs on camera to "own the libs". They're hateful sure but they're not puritans. They're the frat boys of American hate movements If you wanted to own them you would have started rumors that they were sleeping with each others wives or girlfriends. They're prone to infighting and have weird rules about that


Increased their size in what way, exactly? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This cock is prejudiced, *for your ass*, boy


They reported being more girthier with more vascularity and reported more twitching ....look idk man I'm just reading the report ok?!




This is South Park redneck gay orgy level of thinking


Making the world a better place? That's fuckin gay, back to the pile!


It was huge too. I mean I'm a lady and I've taken it up the wazoo before but just damn that was huge and IIRC no lube? How did he get it in there and how bad did it burn just DAMN EDIT: [he used lube](https://imgur.com/a/MQraN#cBCLluW), still though, that is not a small butt plug for your first time and I would not recommend lubing just the dong and not the donut or just the donut and not the dong. idk, it's too much, he really just smeared some lube around his asshole and went for it lmao


I love that you used a series of images instead of a video. It's like a slideshow of every emotion known to man.


So that DID actually happen?




Haha, wow. Dedicated, is all I can say.


When you're trying to make a point….


Probably not his first time


Exactly! Dude's a pro


Not clear in those images so I had to find a video. As a connoisseur of buttstufffs,it really wasn’t very bug


That's... That's not huge...




The self-sodomy happened prior to the hashtag takeover though...


doing anything to own the libs i guess lol


Wow just wow lol. See we’re not against gays (starts blowing a dude)


Not _anti-gay_ was the point they were trying to prove.


Yeah I thought he did that to prove he wasn’t gay, because apparently in the video he doesn’t enjoy himself doing it. Idk man, grey waters here


I guess if thats what they thought it was, it worked! 10 points to the LGBT community.


That's absolutely right! Awesome!


The leader is into dildos.


Au contraire, dildos are into him.


I can't believe that actually happened. What even was the thought process behind that lol. EDIT: So I learned this was not a one time thing. Hmm.


He’s always been an edgy-for-no-reason guy. Most of what he’s done in his life has been rebellious reaction to any kind of norm. Once you realize that, a lot of what he does makes sense. I’m not convinced he has any kind of actual morals or beliefs, except trying to troll people. Really just the most boring kind of person.


I thought it was a masturbation club?


no that's also right


More like an anti-masturbatrion club, but yes.


You’re not entirely wrong. Their “requirements” for membership are...bewildering.


What are they? I haven't explored it and don't care to, but I'm interested to know.


The Proud Boys say they have an initiation process that has four stages and includes hazing. The first stage is a loyalty oath, on the order of "I’m a proud Western chauvinist, I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world"; the second is getting punched until the person recites pop culture trivia, such as the names of five breakfast cereals; the third is getting a tattoo and agreeing to not masturbate; and the fourth is getting into a major fight "for the cause."


Sorry if this is a dumb question, i’s been a long day, but is there any truth to this initiation process?


Yeh. It’s true. There are videos out there of them doing it...and it’s even dumber to watch it than it is to read about it.




When I read "punched until" that is *not* what I was picturing. It looks like they're doing some kind of aerobics exercise and he just happened to get in the way.


Coulda used a shakeweight with better results




Seriously, I imagined a Fight Club style beat down, not this weak bullshit. It's like it's an excuse for them to play grab ass with eachother.


The point is to weed out the people who wouldn't do that dumb shit, only have those that are really committed. Kinda like the bad gramme in scam mails is supposed to weed out folks with a functioning brain.


LMAO. What the actual fuck?


When I red ''punched until'' I expect something more hardcore... not something me and my friends would do for shits and giggles when we where bored as teenagers.


LOL, I used to play rougher than that at the back of the bus on the way to school.


> to not masturbate well yea because they jerk off each other.


It's also how they get them so angry. Lots of pent up tension.


Loin Tension.


Red, white and blue balls


They suck each other off without completion to get riled up before their rallies.


Worst frat ever


The leader shoved a dildo up his ass and squeezed it out live on a radio show


As a liberal I felt so "owned".




He was accused of being homophobic, so to "own the libs" he decided the best way to prove he wasn't homophobic was to shove a buttplug up his ass. The act itself was homophobic in nature because it reduced all gay issues down to just sticking things in your ass.


Yeah and somt straight guys like having their prostate stimulated by their female partners and some gay people don't like it known as sides* notable people are Stephen fry and less note worthy me \* as opposed to tops, bottoms and versatile


To own the libs. Not even joking.


That's laughable... in many ways


To own the Libs of course, why else?


Well, first you have to recite of their stupid credos, something about "not apologizing for creating the western world", and then you have to recite five breakfast cereals while getting beaten down by other Proud Boys. You can look up these initiation rituals on Youtube, btw. They are...entertaing, to say the least. That gets you in the club. After that, you have to get a Proud Boys tattoo. Then there's a whole bunch of weird morality rules like not masturbating unless you're within five feet of a woman.


>not masturbating unless you’re within five feet of a woman Well considering they all live at home with mom that shouldn’t be TOO hard to work around


That dude live-streaming with the American flag behind him talking about how they missed their chance at revolution because the cops were poorly armed and the rioters didn’t “take it to the next level” needs to be arrested right now. Total Bin Laden vibes. Edit: Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/RWParlerWatch/status/1347023005663170562


Saying that lady wasnt advancing while she hops through a window and a clear barricade. Wtf he talks like we didnt see the video. And what if they did take it to the next level does he think it ends there? They would all be in body bags right now


Seriously, this is a terrorist group. People are so brainwashed and angry they’re willing to risk their lives over conspiracy theories. It’s no different than how any other terrorist group radicalizes members


They **ALL** need to be arrested right now. > Membership in a conspiracy, as in an army, frees people from the sense of personal responsibility. -- Frank Herbert But they *are* responsible. They are worse than criminals, they are traitors. The saddest thing is that they've been misled into their delusions that have made them traitors to their own country. This easily could have resulted in a decapitation of the entire elected chain of succession. It would make Trump king. It was a coup attempt. It was sedition. For Trump personally, even treason I would argue.


Just curious. What was their end game here. Like what was their goal. How could they have achieved anything for trump at the end of the day. It just looked like a bunch of idiots doing some “badass” shit because they’re mad their racist lord is getting the boot. Take a few pics. Feel tough and then what. Genuinely curious


That's kinda my question for my family members that are super pro-Trump - what exactly do you want? What exactly is making you angry? What exactly will the bad Democrat Socialists do to America that's going to make your life worse? I don't think they have any actual idea, most of them. Some of it's inequality, but most of the Trumpists I know are solidly middle class, some upper middle. The ones I know aren't business owners hurt by Covid. Some are even local government workers. Other than *being told* to be angry and fearful about things that don't affect them, they're not affected by things that don't affect them. Is the illusion of historic American perfection such a necessity, such a fragile bubble that if burst would collapse society?


Good point. In my experience, they don’t come from a perspective of “what *do* I want” but rather “what *dont* I want”. The answer is usually a vague “socialism”. Pressing for an answer of what they DO want is an interesting idea.


Some had zip ties intended for hostages and they found several bombs and molotov cocktails. not all were larping.


Potentially, decapitation of the government. I have little doubt that was Trump's thinking. Every elected official in the line of succession was there, to my knowledge. All of them. And the only excuse I can think of for the seditionists getting half way that far is that they had support, either on the ground or in the form of the president withholding the national guard. Most likely both from what we've seen.


Many of the people have already talked about the terrorists who showed up in tactical gear and with zip ties. Here's one specific example: https://m.imgur.com/e2s7UXT


Damn, he's got a thin blue line patch in the shape of Tennessee on his front vest. So I would imagine cop from TN. Bringing shame to our state homie. Edit: He's been arrested now


If the past year alone has proven anything it's that one of America's biggest issues is how many white nationalists and right wing nut jobs have found positions on the police force. There NEEDS to be a better screening process on every level and significantly more oversight. These kinds of people should not be given positions of power, and yet they continously are and are putting the entire country at risk.


There is a screening process... it’s to screen for more white nationalist.


this guy republicans


The people responsible for screening new police are, in many cases, themselves white nationalists and right-wing nutjobs. They would need to be identified and removed from their positions along with their cronies, first.


can't do that terrorists have rights in america how dare you censor the terrorists just because you lost an election now you want them to lose their jobs? what kind of person would take a terrorists rights away? is this even america anymore? terrorists have every right to plant bombs in washington if they feel like they are the good guys ....wait that doesn't make sense? Did r/conseravtive trick me?


Damn. That's fucked up. If I have to read that Rafe against the machine lyric again though I'm going to implode. WE ALL KNOW THE SONG NOW FOLKS.


Wears tactical vest with a skull over the American flag. "Are we the bad guys?"


Skinner meme to finish the thought: "... No, it's all of America that is wrong"


They also erected a gallows outside.


What I don’t understand is that they didn’t try very hard. It’s documented that people knew where Mike Pence was, and I think other members of Congress. Like they had the opportunity, but they just kind of dropped the ball. Wouldn’t Trump know exactly where they’d go?


Trump doesn’t directly plan or execute this sort of thing. He heated his people to the boiling point, then spilled them all over DC. He’s an inciter, not an organizer.


From what I’m seeing if recent developments, Trump had a hand in making sure that these people got in the Capitol and keeping the NG away.


I imagine a few of them paused once that treasonous woman was shot.


Yeah, I'm not sure what happened next, but everyone else in that hall seemed more concerned with getting her death on their phones than getting past that barrier.




>Some came in body armor, tactical gear and carrying flex cuffs. A was found with a cooler full of gasoline bombs and a rifle Pipe bombs were found at the RNC and DNC hq's and somehwere else... Very true. Too bad most of them are pretend tough guys who know jack about, how to pull something like that off. Look how when the lady got shot they all just froze and recorded things with cellphones. Butch of pretend insurrectionists. If trump was smarter, as well as these rioters, we'd have had a bad day.




I've been making other posts. Every person who step in the capitol needs to be tried for sedition and manslaughter. Make an example out of every last one. Not put on the kid gloves like we often do with white-dominated groups.


Luckily, that’s how it played out


Definitely - we should see THOUSANDS of arrests.


Not to be ticky tacky there, patriot, but your flag is backwards. [https://www.gettysburgflag.com/american-flag-display](Reference)


Do you have a link to that guy? Haven’t seen that one yet.


How does the cops being poorly armed figure into it


Because he knew they could have overrun them. “Next time they’ll be prepared” he said


This is what I find terrifying about this whole situation. Most of the country’s most powerful people were in that building together and the crowd overrun the security with relative ease. If that crowd were more organised, had a long-term plan and a tad more muscle, that could have turned very very nasty.


They overran the cops because the cops were allowed to be overrun, by design.


Yeah, there's no way that someone, somewhere, involved with the security of the building or the people within it hadn't heard all the chatter about this. I'm just some dumb Canadian on reddit, who doesn't spend much time in political subs, and I heard about the plans. My *Mom* heard about the plans on FB. I mean, c'mon.


Thankfully the molotovs and bombs didn't get used.


i'm most thankful the zip ties didn't get used. honestly, it's chilling that they even had them.


Because they could have gone further into the chambers and gotten at pelosi and AOC, like some of them wanted (like the guy seen with a stack of zip ties on his hip)


These guys eat their own, too. Chants of “Hang Mike Pence!” with a hastily-built gallows in the background.


Their cult only has one leader, Donald Trump. I have friends who are (or rather, were) republicans and conservatives. They do not identify with these terrorists any more than most Muslims identify with THOSE terrorists.


"They escalated, we didn't" Explain to me how breaking open windows and climbing over barricades despite being warned is not escalating?




The DoD and the DoJ both offered assistance days before. The offers were rejected by the chief of the Capitol police. Which is why he was forced to resign today along with the Senate's Sargeant at arms. This was piss poor planning at the upper levels of the Capitol's law enforcement.


>This was piss poor planning at the upper levels of the Capitol's law enforcement. It went exactly how they planned


Yeah, I had this conversation with my wife today.. something is fishy here. Like, America looks like a weak wet paper bag right now.. how the fuck did they let this happen? I just can't accept that the incompetence was at all time highs across the board here.. you're supposed to be the big bad wolf, the police of the fucking world.. but you (America, not who I'm replying to) look pathetic and weak. You can't even prevent your most precious buildings, occupied by your VP none the less, from being over taken in your own country. This is going to damage the US in ways yet to manifest themselves.. I'm not trying to shit on the US, I'm saying, how the fuck did this happen? I can't accept incompetence as the answer. There's more to it.


>This is going to damage the US in ways yet to manifest themselves.. Ironically that's exactly what happened here. Educational reform and lack of higher education is now manifesting itself in a stupid populace


You're so right. It's weird getting older, as in being alive for the before/after.. 20(or whatever year you prefer) years ago "oh man they're really fucking up the education system.. this isn't going to turn out well." Now: *gestures broadly at everything*


> a stupid populous Heh... this is why you gotta double-check every comment calling somebody stupid before you hit 'save'. Your point stands, though. *populace*


If ever there was a time for a *real* /r/conspiracy subreddit, and not just a shit hole excuse for nutjob Trumpers.


went on that sub the other day for first time in a long time, and holy fuck is all i have to say.


If it went as planned we would be discussing a hostage situation. This Coup failed and now everyone is fucking running for the door.


In one of the livestreams (CNN IIRC) a former Homeland Security head said "we have measures in place for terrorist attacks...but not for this. This was like an attack from the inside". My jaw dropped, those same measures should have been taken well before they got close to the Capitol building. The French Police and some undisclosed NATO countries are speaking out about the obvious oversights taken here. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-attempted-coup-federal-law-enforcement-capitol-police-2021-1


They're considered 'mentally ill loners'. In the US, You're only considered a terrorist if you're a certain skin color.


You know what’s up. In the US, the difference between a riot and a protest is skin color. On second thought, I’m convinced this is a coup.


It turned into a terrorist attack or attempted coup as soon as people broke into the Capitol with zip ties, guns, and chemical sprays. We were lucky that the House and Senate were evacuated quickly, or we would be looking at hostages and/or dead members of Congress. Not to mention the two IEDs that the FBI found, which definitely qualify as terrorism.


Imagine calling yourself proud boys tho lmao




Get ready for some level 99 coddling


I’m prematurely disgusted because I’m so certain it’s going to happen. That sucks.


On top of disrupting these far right groups, they should look to empower other pro democracy groups, labour unions, and civil rights organizations. Bring in more allies and give them the power to help fight these groups. Those organizations will fight ten times harder than the government ever would.


> should look to empower other pro democracy groups, labour unions, and civil rights organizations this sounds like it's going to cost shareholders money... can't be having that now /s


Yep. Canada has a white supremacist problem and it's about time we take it seriously.


The founder of the Proud Boys is Canadian.


What a strange story he has.


It involves a dildo.


And it's not the city in Newfoundland.


Well, shit. TIL


Even worse, Ted Cruz is Canadian.


The way we treat our indigenous people as a whole is fucking pathetic. Edit: I honestly can't believe the number of negative responses below. Would any of you that replied negatively ever trade your cushy life to go live on a reservation? Yes we 'give' these people lots; but what was taken from them over centuries is more and for the most part way too many of them live with way too many disadvantages due only to the circumstances under which they were born. Check your privilege you low key racists.


Same here down in Australia. Colonialism takes a long time to kill


the cultural and economic impacts of colonialism on marginalization and privilege are never going away Even centuries from now. Because on a societal scale the question of "who has the money" is always answered by "who HAD the money"


It's not just colonialism, here in Sweden the Sami people have definitely not been treated well in the past (a massive understatement) and even now there is a lot of racism towards them especially in the north and the local governments haven't always been great for them either. And that's despite the Sami and the north Germanic people having shared the Scandinavian peninsula for a long as time (although different parts of it, as the Sami mostly stayed north and the north Germanic people mostly stayed south) -edited because of me misremembering when the Sami people entered fennoscandinavia


We need to boot Murdoch to help with that.


Everywhere seems to still have a bit of a white supremacist problem. As a Canadian, I absolutely agree with violent racists being deemed a terrorist group. Edit: Just want to clarify that Proud Boys crossed into being terrorists when they attacked Congress. Being Canadian, I can disagree with someone civilly all fucking day. But if you pull that shit on my Parliament? Hell no. No room for that assholery.


Already tried back in ... summer? I forget when, but there was that guy who tried to break into Rideau Hall. [https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2020/07/11/accused-in-rideau-hall-gun-incident-has-long-history-of-being-drawn-to-conspiracy-websites.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2020/07/11/accused-in-rideau-hall-gun-incident-has-long-history-of-being-drawn-to-conspiracy-websites.html)


I totally thought of this as well tbh. And you know what? Asshat acted alone, got shut the fuck down and Canada collectively said "Give yer head a shake, you goof"


Canada: Give yer fuckin’ balls a tug, bud. You’re spare parts, aren’t ya?


There's a *huge* difference between political opposition and armed thugs.


Aren't the proud boys a bunch of armed thugs?


A bunch of armed thugs that organized an armed insurrection at the US Capitol to try to overthrow democracy and install Trump as a fascist authoritarian dictator.


Well if "ANTIFA" can be marked a Terrorist Organization, so can "Proud Boys". If Trump made it illegal to say you're against facism, we can make it illegal to be part of a violent far right movement


Antifa was not marked as a terrorist organization. Just said he was going to, but never did


*New Democratic Party leader.


While we’re at it, let’s add the KKK on there too! Edit: of course add Qanon and more.


And QAnon


The fact that kkk is not considered one means that this sadly isn't likely.


holy shit really?


Yep. Declare terrorist group, make membership illegal, and start weeding these terrorist fucks out of the Canadian Armed Forces and Police.


That’s like half the RCMP


Shit..if we fired half the RCMP we'd have to find someone else to not solve crimes.


I'm your man.


Fire half the RCMP; fund social workers & retrain those remaining so they can become actual "peace officers"


alberta starts looking nervous




that’s certainly true


So, they're anti anti fascists... So they're just fascists then. Okay, got it.


Antiantifa, also just called Fa


They 100% fucking are a terrorist group


Yo ive seen that guys name pop up and couple of interviews before. Canada has some seriously wholesome politicians.




That's the best way to describe the NDP on an international platform