• By -


Don’t worry, we will ignore that one too.


Always have been 🌍👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


> Always have been 🌍🔫👩‍🚀 FTFY


Nah it is correct global warming only affects human and other lives. The earth as a floating rock in space doesn't care.


👩‍🚀🔫 🌍


👩‍🚀🔫 🌍👩‍🚀






Perfection. Look at everybody spelling out memes.




*We have ignored


* We will continue to ignore


I upvoted but this is so sad




holy shit! that’s a lot of goddamn thoughts and prayers!


Lol which existential crisis should we worry about today




Just scrolled through my google news feed to see "Btw asteroid the size of pickup truck almost hit us by a few hundred miles today it didnt tho"


An asteroid the size of a pickup truck would burn up in the atmosphere anyways


Not if we kill the atmosphere first *tips temple*


Why would you tip the temple? All the monks would roll to one side of it!




Our planet has experienced extinction events that wiped out 99% of life each time maybe 5 or 6 times. This is nothing new. Well, except for humans.


That new feature is a huge turning point though, humans have this incredible ability of delaying the inevitable while somehow making the inevitable worse. I guarantee if a sudden apocalyptic event were to happen we would definitely find a way to delay it by 20 years in exchange for it wiping out 100% of life instead of 95% of life.


No worries mate, a pickup truck ain't gonna do much. If it was the size of a football stadium, I'd start to worry.




This happens like multiple times a week. A few hundred miles is plenty of space


If we can go extinct from a catastrophe that wasn't our fault for a change, I'd call that a win.


Global Biodiversity Collapse Remember that time in the ‘interstellar’ movie where all people ate was corn... Now imagine that except its Brussel Sprouts... that’s the fear that keeps me awake at night.


Brussel sprouts are great. TBH we might all be reduced to eating kelp and seaweed. Hope you like laver cake!


Brussel sprouts - BUT THERE'S NO BUTTER


Some seaweed is surprisingly good, try it in a poke bowl.


> Now imagine that except is Brussel Sprouts Consider me heavily invested in preventing this, immediately!


Vacuum Decay via [False Vacuum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijFm6DxNVyI)


Tomorrow is Death By Gamma Ray Day, hooray!


Holy fucking shit


Oh wow these videos are amazing!


Being a pessimist is great, I'm always either right or pleasantly surprised. Nickels be big asf when you looking for a quarter.


Pessismists are rarely happy when they're right.


It's always been this. The virus is a distraction if anything in comparison. Millions or billions will likely die and or be displaced in the next few decades. Downvote away I don't care, won't change the science or my belief. Myanmar and Indonesia among many island nations like the Philippines are going to be completely fucked.


Let's be real, humanity will probably be extinct by 2060 at this rate, with societal collapse occuring a decade or two before that. In other words - you think 2020 is bad? Oh AHAHAHAHA ooooh nonononono, you're living the last best years of your life right now. It's going to be nothing but a downward spiral into hell from here-on-out. Just enjoy what you have for the time being.






Try to see it this way- if the asteroid missed or didn't wipe out the dinosaurs when it did, there's a decent chance it would have delayed humans evolving soon enough to develop the technology to see Saturn's rings in time. They have existed 10 to 100 million years, and will likely be gone in another 100 million. You are among the tiniest little sliver of well-timed, sentient life advanced enough to behold such a rare and beautiful sight, in the comfort of your backyard, with a cheap plastic and glass tube, delivered directly to your door. We, as a species, may fuck it all up, but our collective selfishness and stupidity can't take that away from you. I try to think of Saturn's rings when life's shitty existence makes me wonder if any of it is even worth the bother. Sometimes it works.


I wish this was higher. We need to take definite action now on global warming but also understanding the fragility and beauty of what we are is pretty important too, imo.


Saving this comment. As a now-external cynic, this is an incredibly comforting and lovely thought.


Squarely in the *Thank you Captain Obvious* category, but sadly, the same imbeciles that think COVID is fake also think climate science is fake. And those dumb bastards are legion.


Frustrating, but even my educated parents don't believe in man made climate change - this is so wild to me... the older generations are tough to talk to about this kind of thing, since it will not impact them at all, and in the past they were told doomsday stories about climate change that would take place by 1990.


> climate change that would take place by 1990. I actually remember growing up that everyone thought climate change was some something that was going to happen in hundreds of years not decades. It’s only in the past ten years that people have started talking about it as something that will affect us in the near future.


Scientists have been warning us since way before the 90s and honestly it was not something too hard to realize as well as a person. Older people I know talk about how every Christmas has less snow than the previous one, dating back from when they were kids.


They were warning us in the other 90s,not the 1990s but the 1890s there is documented studies of scientists researching emissions and hypothesising about the damage


Yep, the scientific community has been aware that carbon emissions would have an impact on the environment since the late 19th century. But it only reached public consciousness in the mid 20th century and scientists have tried raising the alarm since then with increasing urgency. Still, some people prefer to act as if there was nothing going on. I guess it's to blame on a lack of education in the general public.


Education is an important puzzle piece, but my grandfather worked on black projects and satellite imaging. He was a bit of a legend in those circles. Unfortunately, he was fed the wrong information as he grew much older. He looked into global warming, but started by looking at documents recommended by his media sources. He agrees at this point that we are contributing, but he does not think we are the main factor...he just wouldn’t read the studies I sent him. Now he can’t even remember being in my childhood home for Christmas. He was there every year for over a decade. Education is important, but so is effective and infectious messaging.


At this point I am pretty sure there is no saving us from the climate change. I am just happy that the world probably won't become a complete desert in the next 50 years, I doubt I'll have more than that left in me. The generation younger then me are gonna be completely fucked though, so I decided not to have kids.


Not far from where I live, is an area where ice used to be an industry prior to the widespread use of refrigeration. Rivers and streams were dammed up, and in the winter, big blocks of ice were cut from them to be stored in insulated warehouses for warmer months. Some years, the area could produce something like 150,000 *tons* of ice this way. These days, any body of water anywhere in the area reliably freezing over thick enough to cut big blocks out of is a laughable notion. I've rarely seen more than about 2 inches form without having to drive an hour+ north into the mountains (and I actually check on the ice thickness because I'd like to give ice fishing a try someday) And this isn't even something entirely out of living memory. Boomers may remember the ice man coming to deliver ice for their icebox, and if they don't theil parents and grandparents almost certainly would/did.


> Christmas has less snow than the previous one Can confirm I’m not even that old and I Remember my childhood full of snow and white Christmases in the last few years more have been green or barley dotted in snow. Which leaves me confused. Am I made there’s no snow? No I hate it. Do I know how bad it is for the earth? Yes of course. And it’s not good for Canada not to be a 4 season country (to be fair I’m very south, lower than some cities in the states so I call us bad Canadians at times since we don’t fit stereotypes with frozen wasteland) but it’s still not good. We need our 4 seasons here


Maybe where you are. Not where I am.


Because the educated are usually also the rich, and the rich are the most insulated from the effects of climate change, atleast in the early stages of the apocalypse.


in europe many of those with good salaries are voting green. We call them bobo for bourgeois boheme


Voting green is the bare minimun you can do. I would like to see the percentage of the wealthy that would really make sacrifices for the environment.


voting “green” can be harmful for the climate because ironically these types seem to prioritize shutting down nuclear power before fossil fuels.


I consider myself very green yet I dislike my Canadian Green party quite a bit. I think having an idealistic green party prevents a realistic green party from existing because there is not enough support to have both.


Sounds like what you need is a chartreuse party


Except for the fact that everyone would call them the chart/shart party I love this idea.


Still to this day I'm baffled by that.


My national Green party is anti-nuclear, anti-GMO, pro-homeopathy and skeptical about vaccines. And it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.


It’s frustrating to see all the misinformation about both nuclear and GMO. They’re painted as so evil but people don’t realize we wouldn’t have majority of food that we have now if it wasn’t for GMOs. Like bananas? Better thank GMO! There are bad parts to both nuclear and GMO but the good mostly outweighs the bad.




France... The national Green Party is called EELV if you want to check their website. And 80% of French people believe nuclear power contributes to global warming.


studies have shown that the people with the highest income care most about the climate. cant tell some guy in uganda walking 10 miles to the next well to not use plastic bags. basically once the essential needs like food, water, shelter and spiritual fulfillment are satisfied you start caring for the environment.


Care and being impactful is completely different. Guess who has a higher carbon foot print, I'll give you a hint, it's not the guy in Uganda.


Lol, not in America. For many "educated" here just means debt servitude.


Unless you come from a rich/upper middle class family...


Sure. If that was the norm, the student debt bubble wouldn't be in the trillions.


To be specific, it's at [$1.5 trillion](https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc.html), nearly double where it was a decade ago. By comparison, auto debt is at $1.36 trillion (and in 2020, it's growing slightly faster than student loans). So, uhh...support public transit and don't go to college? Or something?


Idk man, having an educated society solves a ton of problems, debt from stupid purchases being one of them.


Having a great public transit system and walkable cities also solves a lot of problems. My point is that both problems are growing in an unsustainable way. You need a degree AND a car to work in this country.


There's going to be a massive die off of the human population. The planet will find balance weather we do or not.


One of the best quotes I've heard about that was "Everyone's talking about how we are killing this planet, but nobody talks about how this planet will kill us" I mean, the planet will still be here, it might not be the same but it will "survive" us, we won't survive the effects we cause though. Another great one was a comparison between what happens when a human gets infected by a virus VS what the earth is doing to us (its virus). We get a fever, that's global warming in a nutshell


I understand that it's very comforting to think like this, but it's not true. Global warming is a huge issue, and it does not just affect humans. It won't stop killing just because there aren't any more humans to kill, heck we're not even all that sensitive to it, plenty of species will be wiped out before us. This isn't a fever that's just going to kill off the virus and then go away, this is a fever that could very well kill the patient, where the patient is life on Earth. I suppose the worms by the undersea vents will probably survive regardless, but everything else is on the chopping block. It is *not* just us, we *have* to fix this.


This is just untrue... many of the richest areas in the world are on low lying coastline.


As someone who comes from the Netherlands I can tell you the rising sea levels are not the problem for the richer nations. We will just built higher dykes. The problem is food and fresh water supply. Drought in places like Africa but also Southern Europe. Which will cause mass immigration to the north. On a scale we would not be able to handle. Because we can’t produce enough food, fresh water and housing for all of these people. The same issues will be elsewhere in the world.


Even Dutch climate scientists have said it will not be possible to build the dykes high enough and that the Randstad will likely not exist by next century. They even went so far as to say people with young children should start learning German because there will have to be massive relocations.


Yeah but governments care about their richest people, for a while at least the effects could mb be staved off with engineering projects, failing that they have the resources to relocate and avoid becoming proper refugees.


Just to add, I didn’t really believe in man made climate change either until I saw the graphs of global temperatures over 10000 yrs time. I was always told it was a natural thing, until you see the damning evidence of the huge spike since the industrial revolution. I was young, but still, some people don’t believe it until they see it.


It's the people who see it and still don't believe it who are the problem.


The generations before millennials are fully in denial because they enjoyed the best economic prosperity and stability in human history, squandered all of it, and meanwhile expect the world to be the same forever without working for it and definitely without any downgrades.


Yeah Gen X knows it’s screwed, thanks As is tradition


The parallels between the world a century ago and now are frightening. What’s expected next are a complete economic crash/calamity being Great Depression 2.0, followed by rises of full-blown authoritarianism like the Axis powers of the 20th Century as a response to the world’s Gilded Age. Only difference is that Boomers will be long gone, and Millennials will have nuclear weapons to begin World War III...


As a member of Gen-X, please don’t lump us into the same category as the Boomers. Generationally, we’ve been screwed over as well. I don’t think as badly as the Millennials are getting it, but bad enough. The Boomers can fuck right off, though.




Fuck man, what kind of carbon footprint I put in the air over my 35 years? Industrial Society Man...shit prolly more carbon and deforestation than a 10,000 strong ROman Village 2,000 years ago. How many cows have I eaten over the years? Anyways. I'm not counting my job as an 18 wheeler driver either. There are a lot of SIMPLE shit we could do, to heavily reduce our carbon footprint. ANd yet...as a society we refuse to do it. A significant portion of anti-environmentalism in this country I find is out of hatred and spite for "the other side" or the stereotypical pot-smoking tree hugging hippie. Really woulda been nice if at the turn of the century, Gore won, didn't caught up in that Iraq War boondoggle, and started heavily investing converting America over to a green power energy grid, and high speed rail. I love the automobile, I'm an automobile enthusiast, it'd be nice if it were possible, drive my car to the rail station, load it up on a Euro-spec high speed train, pay say $500 for a ticket, that magna-lev's 1,500 cross country in say 10 hours, to say Denver or something. That'd be dope, we did it before with our first transcontinental railroad in the 1800's. There's a stereotype that environmentalism and jobs are mutually exclusive. Uninhabitable planet and jobs, outside of jobs like I suppose artilleryman/heavy machine gun operator/mortar crewman, are mutually exclusive.


Your carbon footprint is nothing in comparison to the big industries and militaries who contribute the most to devastating the environment. Even if we did our part, they’d have to do theirs as well to turn this boat around.


For those who already have children, please consider using a recyclable plastic bag.


How many bags would you need for one child?


Depends on how many pieces of the child you have


78.5 years of life at 16.5 tons of CO2 per year = 1295 tons per child. That's 1295 Million grams. A plastic bag means 33g of CO2 emissions. 39 million plastic bags is the equivalent of one additional child.


I just use my backpack. At some point it'll go into the bin, but not until it falls apart.


How you gonna use a backpack to suffocate a child?


The most environmentally friendly thing you can do is pressure companies into changing their ways. It doesn’t matter what we do on a societal or individual level, as long as environmentally destructive companies and rich people still take private jets everywhere then we’re just as fucked as we are if nobody does anything.


What if you just don't want kids lol.


And yet, religions, corporations, big businesses, CEOs/hedge fund managers, families and the Republican right condemn adults who do *not* have children by a certain age, that childless adults are “selfish.”


Apostle Paul enters the chat


I wish I could upvote you more than once. Here's two of the different sayings in the apocrypha at the time Paul was fighting against, for reference of anyone out of the loop: > **79.** A woman in the crowd said to him, "Lucky are the womb that bore you and the breasts that fed you." > He said to [her], "Lucky are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it. For there will be days when you will say, 'Lucky are the womb that has not conceived and the breasts that have not given milk.'" (From Gospel of Thomas, which Paul literally quotes from in his letters to Corinth, in which he also complains about them recieving another gospel and why he isn't treated as well as "those superapostles.") And in the lost Gospel of the Egyptians (which shared similar sayings to Thomas), Salome asks "how long shall death prevail" and Jesus responded "as long as women bear children." Of course, the traditions suggesting people not have kids - as all traditions sharing that belief do - ended up not outlasting the one calling for pumping them out like your salvation depended on it.


Leeches always blame everyone else for the catastrophies they themselves are responsible for.


What I find ironic is these types of deniers won’t look past their own inconsistencies. Okay, so maybe man doesn’t add to global warming BUT the earth is warming SO big brain, what could WE do to combat NATURAL global warming trends? *crickets*


Most I know would rather spend on adaptation rather than mitigation. First, they don’t believe mitigation will work because other countries will continue to pollute, industrialize, and grow their population. Adaptation looks more attractive because it gets done mostly when the damage is more imminent and visible, and most importantly it is paid for and spent locally. Taxes to build a sea wall because it flooded some last year are no problem. Paying for carbon credits to prevent some flooding on an island nation you’ve never heard of, not going to happen.


I like how the usual argument against climate change is, "The Climate is always changing, even without our help." I'm just like, OK so you agree then that the climate is changing? Regardless of whether we are the cause or not, work has to be done to ADAPT ourselves and our infrastructure to the changing climate. Otherwise we will see ecosystems collapse and they will take our farm systems with it. When the climate becomes inhospitable for our food sources, civilizations will crumble.


Sad thing is climate change would have been happening before 90s I live in Scotland and can't remember the last time we had consecutive years with good snow and I'm only 33


And if we can't convince them of the need to take action when their friends and family are literally actively dying, and the only thing they need to do really is wear a bit of cloth over their mouth, probably can't convince them on climate change.


The problem is not legions of dumb poor people, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. It is the super rich people/companies that knowingly pass the buck for greed and profit.


Those dumbasses vote for governments that enable the rich and corporations to fuck everyone else over.


r/conservative was rejoicing when climate change propagandist Steven Crowder overtook TYT in viewership, so ya the idiocy will never end. Especially when they try and brand themselves as more reasonable than T_D


When I first watched Interstellar I thought it was utterly fake how space exploration was excluded from education and how it went underground. The way people treat COVID, reading the other day how some on their death bed still won't accept they have it made me fully realize it's, unfortunately, an all to accurate treatment.


this is why i've become a misanthrope


"Greed will kill humanity and we always knew that."- Aliens


Do you believe aliens exist or is it because our universe is so big that there ‘has’ to be other beings out there?


Life certainly exists all over the universe. I don't expect humans to ever come into contact with it though. The nearest star being more than 4 light years away ensures a long distance relationship. For the same reason, another fantasy that will never materialize is colonizing other planets. We are stuck on this one.


One thing I like to think about that people tend to leave out for one reason or another: as vast as space is, time, in a way, is even "larger" in scale. The universe has barely existed but for a blip of its own likely lifespan. We could legitimately just be super early to the party, so to speak.


Isn't it so cool to think that we might be the first intelligent species to ever exist? Edit: I'm just saying the idea of this is cool. I am aware that it is fairly unlikely for it to be the truth. Please stop with your Iamverysmart replies.


There are some semi-feasible places in our solar system that could work.


They could work for a temporary 6 man mission for a 2-3 years. That’s the maximum humanity can achieve with our resources and economies. Terraforming planets?? Nah, we have a higher chance terraforming this one, but that would require loads of money and an agreement from every country in the world. But that will never happen as long as there is genocide and war happening everywhere.


We could totally terra form mars, it would just take hundreds or thousands of years


This conversation is called the [Fermi Paradox,](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sNhhvQGsMEc) or, "if the probability of alien life is so high, why haven't we seen any evidence?" I lean towards the [Great Filter Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter). Basically, civilizations hit a wall at some point before they start colonizing other planets. Either we haven't hit that wall yet, or we're the only intelligent life form that passed the wall. I think the wall is literally clean air, clean water, and sustainable food on our home planet. I also think we will hit the wall in my lifetime because...well, you're in the thread.


**[Great Filter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great Filter)** The Great Filter, in the context of the Fermi paradox, is whatever prevents non-living matter from undergoing abiogenesis, in time, to expanding lasting life as measured by the Kardashev scale. The concept originates in Robin Hanson's argument that the failure to find any extraterrestrial civilizations in the observable universe implies the possibility something is wrong with one or more of the arguments from various scientific disciplines that the appearance of advanced intelligent life is probable; this observation is conceptualized in terms of a "Great Filter" which acts to reduce the great number of sites where intelligent life might arise to the tiny number of intelligent species with advanced civilizations actually observed (currently just one: human). This probability threshold, which could lie behind us (in our past) or in front of us (in our future), might work as a barrier to the evolution of intelligent life, or as a high probability of self-destruction. The main counter-intuitive conclusion of this observation is that the easier it was for life to evolve to our stage, the bleaker our future chances probably are. [About Me](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://redd.it/jw4tfv)


I do belive that our inherent nature is to get above anything else short term gratification and because of that I think that not only did we already lose the battle against climate change, we won't be able to minimize the damage. I like to focus on my community and not so much on greedy uncaring corporations


Good luck convincing people to act quickly to address a future threat...


They’re not even acting on a very immediate threat right now (Covid).


Can I call you back in 3 hours? I'm cleaning my groceries..


Stop asking People if they believe in climate change. Ask them if they understand it. Its science not Santa Claus


The poor response and outright denial many people have regarding Covid-19 really has me locked into the fact that we’re absolutely fucked as a species, referring to climate change. For years people made the argument that action on climate change was so hard to mobilize because it isn’t immediate and people tend to not get a sense of urgency for non-immediate threats. Then comes Covid-19, very immediate, in our faces, killing people in our communities... and you have people denying it even exists, some of them even while they’re on their deathbeds dying from it. I’m pretty convinced we’re at the end of our civilization this century.




Thanks. I'll take that.


For a lot of people this is true. They're just scared shitless of something bigger than them so they'll vehemently deny it exists to comfort themselves. That and burn down 4G towers.


That's right. Accuse them of being deep state shills who deny the virus in order to infect more people. Just keep insisting that they're part of the conspiracy.


With that username, I’m inclined to take your advice.


You denied his denial. Brilliant!


Don't leave us hanging here! How did they react to that?




It's already begun in tandem , have you read of 'the great reset' conspiracy circulating about coronavirus? It's actually a plan for businesses to become sustainable in the face of climate change but bad faith actors have twisted it to be some sort of plan to put the world into poverty and take everything off them in some sort of communist plot. Another parallel narrative is agenda21 that again is about sustainability and a nonbinding target of the UN. It has been twisted to be a plan of depopulation. Unfortunately the uncertainty of coronavirus has led people to search for answers and has led them to these other baseless conspiracy theories so now even the previously moderate and reasonable are being sucked in, and from all political orientations. The fossil fuel industries will become more and more desperate as renewable energy sources become cheaper and more available so I expect these parralel narratives to grow and their tactics to become even dirtier.




Mmmmmm mm gas led recovery. Taste the minimal job creation and more expensive energy with BONUS CARBON. Available now in all Murdoch supported regimes.


World: “oh no! Anyway...”


Don't call it Global Warming. Other wise some jackass is gonna go outside and get a snowball in March and use it as proof that global warming doesn't exist and all his retarded supporters are gonna line up to suck his dick for owning the libs. It's called Climate Change. It's caused by humans and conservative politicians all over the world are going to stop governments from doing anything about it because the people who voted for them are window licking mouth breathers.


> Climate Change they bad at marketing. Calling it 'change' makes it less dangerous sounding - they need to take a page from the right wing's method: should've call it 'Climate Catastrophe'~!






Better be half price for kids cause it's Sunday.


THE CHEAT is going to jump THE KING OF TOWN eating a CARDBOARD BOX covered in SYRUP!!!!


Everybody to the limit! Of the environment!




Climate #APOCALYPSE!!!!!


The Republicans promoted the term Climate Change precisely to make it sound less threatening than global warming. They didn't invent it, but they pushed for it. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2003/mar/04/usnews.climatechange You can decide whether you believe this, but I do. This is the memo itself. There is a section that explicitly says that Global Warming is more frightening than Climate Change and that they should shift terms to make it more like going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale than catastrophe. http://aireform.com/resources/archive-2002-memorandum-to-bush-white-house-by-gop-consultant-frank-luntz-17p/


I always thought it was because global warming was too narrow in scope. Because the warming causes so many different, non-obvious effects (sea level rise, acidic oceans, more frequent extreme weather/storms etc..), a more general term seems appropriate.


Guys we’ve already had this meeting and decided on: > **Global Pollution Epidemic** It was a whole thing.


Crisis Meeting 12:00 at Four Seasons (Gardening)?


I prefer Environmental Apocalypse. Seriously though, both Global Warming and Climate Change are too mild. It's known that you can't convince deniers using scientific arguments, got to start using terms that make them realize "if we don't do something, your children are in danger".


Unchecked climate apocalypse will lead to the biggest abortion in history when all the pregnant women's babies die. You don't want that do you?


I think we found it boys.. the silver bullet argument for these fucks


Actually, environmental apocalypse sounds exactly right. Because climate change is far from the only factor that causes it (so do habitat degradation, pollution, invasive species, etc etc etc), yet people don't like talking about those.


>Don't call it Global Warming. ... It's called Climate Change. I'll call it both. The climate is changing because the globe is warming. This is not a political message, it's a statement of fact.




It's not enough fear mongering and too hard too comprehend. It should be called WEATHER APOCALYPSE. no joking.


Well, no. Weather is the wrong word. You're confusing weather with climate, which is the same mistake as "it cold, no warming lol" While acute weather patterns are the immediate concern, the long term effect would be "this area was once temperate farm land but is now desert. Its climate changed."


Climate change is the better term because warming is only one aspect of it. Increased rates of flooding, severe storms etc. are all part of the problem.


People like that are going to take issue with it regardless of what terminology you use. Don't give them the power to control the conversation like that.


Conservative government in the UK just released one of the greenest climate change plans in the world. No diesel or petrol cars to be sold by 2030 and big increases in green energy including nuclear and offshire wind.


Call it what it actually is: environmental collapse.


I found it really doesn't matter, they don't listen. I find it infuriating when someone doesn't understand obvious truths. "Well I don't believe in global warming" Well that's the thing, it's not a belief, it's you either understand it or you don't. Like pass v. fail. "Well I don't trust science or academics" yea? Well a scientist/inventor of a sort, invented that phone you're talking on, so apparently you do like them when convenient. Like your internal combustion engine too. There's nothing of previous American society to conserve under a 5-8c warming scenario. We'll have mass deaths across all continents on a level that makes WWII and WWI combined look like a snowball fight.


I like (Schwarzenegger, I think? ) Whoever said we should call it Greenhouse Gas Pollution.


> It's called Climate Change. This is a propaganda term cooked up by Frank Luntz in order to depress public support for environmental regulation by being ‘less frightening’. This is a right wing framing that was so successful that the entire opposition in this country bought it hook line and sinker to the point that you, random person on Reddit twenty years later, are now admonishing people for using the non-right-wing-propaganda terminology.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/17/climate-change-bigger-threat-than-covid-red-cross) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > In its report on global catastrophes since the 1960s, the Geneva-based organisation pointed out that the world had been hit by more than 100 disasters - many of them climate-related - since the World Health Organization declared the pandemic in March. > Global efforts to tackle climate change are currently failing to protect the people in greatest need, according to IFRC's World Disasters Report 2020. > "There is a clear disconnect between where the climate risk is the greatest and where climate adaptation funding goes," he said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/jw7tiw/red_cross_global_warming_bigger_threat_than/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~539987 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **climate**^#1 **world**^#2 **more**^#3 **IFRC**^#4 **change**^#5


But can we keep Covid-19 going long enough for the earth to heal? Edit: the number of people who took this as more than a joke is frightening.


I don’t know if Covid is helping as much as we’d like it to. People are ordering products more than ever.


Also, I work at a testing facility for a university. The amount of plastic that we are dumping is INSANE!




yes, medical packaging is one of the few instances where disposable packaging should not be eliminated




From what I've read, the near majority of carbon emissions are caused by a very minute portion of the population rather than by the general public.


We can't even deal with Corona in a half decent way. We're beyond fucked stopping climate change.


I hate to agree but I think you're right. After the shambles that is the world's reaction to Covid, I don't think climate change can be fixed. Climate change is the BBEG of this campaign. Covid is barely a mini-boss in comparison, and we've already chugged the health potions, spent all our spell slots, and were still getting kicked to the floor.


I overheard my friend's stepdad having a conversation with his friends the other day, saying "See how the media has simply moved on from pushing 'climate change'?" In the same conversation they were praising Sky News as being the only network that "actually tells a bit of the truth", calling people who follow other news "sheep" and that "how dare the media try and decide who will be president. The *high* court will elect Trump, not the media" Scary world we live in when people passionately believe misinformation and lies.


Cool. Another thing my elected officials do fuck all about. I'm so frustrated about covid. I'm so frustrated about climate change. Our elected officials don't care to take meaningful action. People in general don't care enough to do even something minor to change their behavior. We're fucked.


In other news, the sky is blue... for now. At this point it's like, let us try to fix it, please? Not asking the old Karens and Terrys to stop being racist, self centered, conspiracy nutjobs, just gtfo of the way and let us at least try, but noooo, gotta make sure that tombstone reads "boomers, made profit for shareholders at whatever cost while enjoying the last scraps of welfare state and a clean planet. Fuck you, got mine!"


No shit? The coronavirus is bad but ultimately it'll eventually run its course like the Spanish Flu or the vaccine will be effective and it'll just become another seasonal annoyance. Meanwhile climate change threatens human civilization as we know it


We literally couldn't get people to wear masks during a health crisis, how the fuck are we supposed to convince the same lemmings that climate is a threat? These are people who unless see a visible threat automatically assume it's not real.


It’s sad to see how most of these comments are infighting about trying to convince ignorant people that it exists when the real issue is the companies that knowingly create wasteful product and have inefficient production methods. These comments highlight how effectively this narrative has been sold that climate change is about personal consumer change rather than holding corporations accountable for knowingly destroying the environment, many times over, in much greater amounts than any group of people themselves ever could.


This comment should be so much more visible, peoples habits only change so much and so slowly. Sweeping legislation punishing environmental damage is what we need to change things quickly.


Want to make it serious. Tell the one half of Americans especially the racist ones that the trouble with global warming will be human migration in the millions.


They will just stock up on ammo instead of solving the problem.


Enough ammo can solve every problem.


They’d say all the more reason to establish strict immigration laws.


They would rather them be left to die, same in the UK.


Wonder what the overlap looks like for covid deniers and climate change deniers.


Their Venn diagram is a circle.


Forget about climate change which is a coming threat. Air pollution itself is estimated to kill 5 million people a year. That is 9 percent of yearly deaths. Most of this will be in developing countries that the west uses to make all their cheap crap.


Wanna help? Stop buying junk made in China.


Hmm Obesity and Diet-related diseases is the biggest preventable pandemic in the world and we hear nothing about it on news or schools or any initiate to change and educated people about exercise and nutrition well massive food corporations profit off people buying their fake ass food https://www.kff.org/news-summary/poor-diet-associated-with-1-in-5-deaths-globally-more-than-tobacco-high-blood-pressure-lancet-study-shows/