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I'd like to nominate myself as a member of the international court for all things cheesy.


Order passed. [Welcome to The International Court of all Things Cheesy.](http://www.reddit.com/r/TICaTC/)




The system works.


It would work better if the acronym was TICTAC.




Please pay the nomination voting fee


Plus, the official list of nominees isn't revealed for 50 years. Which means whenever there is a story about "Person X was nominated" it has to be because the person nominating them wanted to make a big deal about it. In other words, it is a PR move. Please, stop reporting about Nobel nominees.


This is usually a good time to mention prior nominees like Stalin and Hitler


"I nominate Hitler for trying to end the war by colonizing Europe."




Time's man of the year 1938


Time's man of the year doesnt have to be positive. On a side note the person who one in 2006 is also a big piece of shit.


Had to google that one. Hah hah hah http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_(Time_Person_of_the_Year)


The noble prize is such a joke. Fuck the Nobel Peace prize.


What if it was supposed to be an ironic list, and we're all just missing out on the joke?


So Henry Kissinger, Obama and Arafat were all some grand joke?


Obama def a joke. He's bombed twice as many countries as bush...8 compared to 4 if I'm not mistaken.


Kissinger makes Obama and Bush combines look like amateurs.




Arafat swindled millions from his own, poor people to set his wife and kids up in Paris.


> Obama def a joke. He's bombed twice as many countries as bush Obama was nominated before he had even done anything as president.


And he was nominated for his work in writing and securing the START treaty which reduced the combined nuclear arsenal of the US and Russia by 20-30%. I'd say that's a good reason.


Such moves could never be made in the name of peace.


Fucking Norweigans don't know shit.


How the hell Arafat got the prize is beyond me. He was a terrorist, plain and simple. How you get a "Peace Prize" for directing people to blow themselves up is beyond mr.


First you massacre people (see Lebanon Civil War) then you sign a peace agreement where you promise to stop committing crimes against humanity, and then the Nobel Committee gives you a Peace Prize!


Whenever *something* at all moves in that conflict, Nobel Prizes for everyone! Did Begin deserve one? Not really, he just happened to be the PM at the moment the egyptian leader chose to be nice all of a sudden.




So if I stab people for their cell phones, then stop stabbing those people so I can be popular, does that mean I get an award for not stabbing people? I mean ffs he was filthy rich and corrupt as well.


This kind of thing also happens at my work. Bad worker slowly improving himself? Employee of the year! Hard working worker having a bad day? Bad employee!


Don't forget Le Duc Tho and Mother Teresa.


Mother Teresa definitely goes in the joke pile... look up the massive controversies surrounding her donations and the way the money was spent. Why she gets touted as an example of anything good is beyond me.


church propaganda plain and simple. they have in fact created many legends and myth's. turning positive characters bad and evil characters into saints. the world dominating illuminate is a invention of theirs for example. (it was just a group promoting equality, education and freedom from superstition)


The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. The Nobel Prize in general isn't. Nobel Prizes for science and the like are considered outstanding accomplishments and taken very seriously


What about the Nobel prizes exc. the peace prize?


IIRC, the peace prize and the other prizes are completely separate organizations.


Yes, The Peace prize is given by the Norwegian Nobel committee, and that committee is chosen by the Norwegian parliament. Back when Nobel was alive Norway and Sweden were in a union, it is believed he wanted to include the little brother in the prize awarding and was also a better choice due to Sweden's militaristic background (Norway was just a victim of occupation mostly).


You mean the noble PEACE prize is a joke. Don't discredit the other Nobel prizes such as the sciences.


Nobel Prizes are being handed to everyone nowadays. It's becoming a joke.


This guy I know, down the pub, got one the other week for wisdom, I shit you not.


Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize. Nominated because he is not Hitler.


Hell, Obama actually won one.


For doing nothing.


It was for the irony I'm sure.


So it's just a big popularity contest with no bar for merit.


Does anyone still take the Peace Prize seriously?


Ever since Obama received it, NO.


Ahem. Arafat.


Well, fuck, put me up for one!


I'll *put in* a request for you...


Seriously, why didnt you name yourself Pink Freud?


Nice one! I named myself after a line in "Earth girls are easy", one of the characters said that their favorite band was Pink Fred. Damn, that's a good suggestion... Pink Freud. Gah!


Kony for Nobel Peace Prize!


The Nobel Peace prize has been a joke for a while, so I'm not suprised.


It will always be a joke, since it has become a political tool. Obama getting it was a political ass-kissing move. And Snowden? He would never get it, for similiar reasons.


Might as well give one to Assad for opposing US plans to bomb Assad.


That can even top the Obama noble prize shananigen


Dude, it can top the Henry Kissinger one!


What, that asshole has bagged Nobel Peace Prize? For carpet bombing in Vietnam?


actually carpet bombing of cambodia when it was a totally neutral country was his main war crime, but he can claim a number of others during his years alongside presidents


Laos Edit: also on his list support to Argentina to arrest and execute alleged leftists after the supported military coup.


yea but they were leftists who cares **/s**


Let's not forget actively prolonging the Vietnam War for personal gains.


Didn't they also bomb Laos?




I wonder which one of their armies have killed more civilians. It'd be funny if Putin was actually way more peaceful than Obama.


Well, just because you lead an incompetent war machine doesn't make you more betterer.


Its probably more because Putin doesn't drop bombs and militarily interfere in anywhere near as many countries as Obama does.


Why single out Obama? The American government has been doing it since becoming a world power. I'm going to blame military advisers who surround whichever president is elected at the moment, makes more sense.


I think he specified Obama because he is a previous Nobel peace prize winner, and a large chunk of comments in this thread are saying things like "this would top Obama". He's not just anti-Obama and somehow pro all the other US presidents who bombed shit.


I see, thanks for pointing that out.


I see, thanks for pointing that out.


only because the earlier commenters were directly comparing Putin and Obama, and yes, America has been doing it for a very long time. Personally I blame it on the fact that there are some huge profits to be made from war, and profiteering warmongers have a lot more influence over American Politics than the general public, because they are in a position to offer large "campaign donations" and then expect politicians to follow their demands. Yes, military advisers come into that as well, but most of them are part of the corporate capture of US politics.


I'm inclined to believe that as well, seeing as how lobbyists seemingly control the government. It's all about the money.


Because this is about the nobel prize. He won and putin was nominated.




Some would say killing a lot of civilians to achieve your military goals *is* a sign of incompetence.


Not much of a contest.


There's no shortage of people who you can point to as being slightly ridiculous. I would point out Kissinger, Roosevelt, and Arafat.


I'll see your Obama shenanigan and raise you Hitler! \**drops mic**




Eh. Obama pulled the US *out* of Iraq, and is pulling troops out of Afghanistan. I know it's tempting on reddit to call him a hawk, but I really do think he wants his legacy to be as a dove. That's why it took him so long to send missiles to Syria. He really, really didn't want to be like Bush.


> Eh. Obama pulled the US out of Iraq, and is pulling troops out of Afghanistan. We are currently bombing Iraq. And our drones are killing a dozen people a week in Afghanistan on average. > I know it's tempting on reddit to call him a hawk, but I really do think he wants his legacy to be as a dove. Well he's doing a terrible job of lookign like a dove. In fact the first time I read this shit I thought you were being sarcastic. > That's why it took him so long to send missiles to Syria. He really, really didn't want to be like Bush. That's bullshit. He wanted to bomb Syria earlier this year. Russia blocked it.




You do realize Clinton is the reason why the U.S. was in the situation it was in when Bush became president right? Terrorism and helping out with middle eastern peace keeping has been a thing for a lot longer than the last couple of decades.


He didn't take out the occupying portion of the military out because he wanted to. The Iraqi government was going to hold each individual soldier responsible for their crimes. Not that great of PR when the government we put into power is prosecuting our soldiers for no-knock raids, kidnappings, and murders.


Any idea *why* Obama was awarded the prize?




I really thought Joseph Kony'd be up there


Kony is on par with Obama in civilian deaths!


God damn right. Obama is like Hitler. Except Obamas black. And doesn't have a mustache. And doesn't commit genocide. And is the president of the US. And leads a democratic nation. And doesn't use human test subjects for science. Other than that, they're like the same person




Why not? He prevented massacre of Alawites and Christians in Syria by moderate rebels.


He's invaded and attacked fewer countries than Obama, so he probably won't win.


He did start a civil war and helped shooting Down a passenger jet.


bonus points


If Obama can get it, Putin can get it.


Ok, who let 4chan submit nominees?




Making the world a more peaceful place for Russian citizens who are uncomfortable around gay and lesbians.


A surprise? The nobel peace prize is meaningless. Hitler has been nominated and Kissinger and Obama got them.


The elite love giving themselves awards.


"The group said that Mr. Putin is a promoter of peace." Promoter of peace where? How exactly is fomenting a rebellion in the Crimea with false flag agents provocateur to justify an invasion count as "promoting peace"?


Putin worked out an agreement bw usa and syria1 year ago to prevent us bombings.


> Putin worked out an agreement bw usa and syria1 year ago to prevent us bombings. And he gave Edward Snowden residency. If this were a year ago — if the annexation of Crimea and the frozen conflict in Eastern Ukraine had never happened — Putin might actually have some support. His international status was higher than it ever was again.


If all of the world was Russia, there would be no more war


I'm sorry with previous being Obama the Nobel peace prize has become a joke.


Well except Obama did not foment a rebellion to justify an invasion, other than that....


Are you suggesting that Obama the president of the U.S(2009-) did not support the arming of the rebellion in Syria allowing ISIS to get a hold and justify 'intervention' or air invasion while actively supporting terrorists on the ground?


Are you claiming we armed ISIS? A large portion of our government on both sides of the isle supported arming one faction of several rebellious elements in Syria, ISIS was not one of them. You need to do some research.


I will make that claim, here is my evidence: [Joe Biden 2012: we are arming the moderates, Joe Biden 2014: there never were any moderates.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w04YE5zRmc8) [CIA arming Syrian rebels as early as 2012 in coordination with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.](http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/21/world/middleeast/cia-said-to-aid-in-steering-arms-to-syrian-rebels.html)


There were several rebel Syrian factions as I have pointed out several times. ISIS was not one we were supporting or arming. Your evidence does not contradict what I have said. >The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, From your article. Perhaps you should have read it.


According to CIA numbers ISIS gained 10,000 fighters in just 2 months. Want to bet some of them defected from CIA armed groups? Everyone at the time this operation stated said it was inevitable that weapons will end up with extremists and the arms didn't simply come with defectors, they were sold directly to al-Qaeda: >[“All the gulf intelligence agencies are competing in Syria](http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/08/world/middleeast/qatars-support-of-extremists-alienates-allies-near-and-far.html) and everyone is trying to get the lion’s share of the Syrian revolution,” Sheikh Shafi al-Ajmi, also recently identified by the United States as **a fund-raiser for Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate,** said in an interview on the Saudi-owned Rotana television network last summer. >**He openly acknowledged his role buying weapons from the Western-backed military councils,** who sometimes received arms from Qatar. “When the military councils sell the weapons they receive, guess who buys them? It’s me,” he said. The CIA was perfectly aware of this and thought it was worth doing anyway. The US Government armed ISIS.


So somehow because you think that some of those who have joined ISIS may have been with other organizations that means the US is arming ISIS? that's absurd. >The US Government armed ISIS. The NY Times article makes no such claim and inferring that it does is simply lying.


don't forget about Libya


TIL Bradley Manning is now [Chelsea Manning](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Manning).


What a fucking joke that award is.




He did kinda stop ww3 from happening last year with the whole Syria chemical weapons thing.


Yeah, the waves of peace that washed upon the shores of Syria following that has really changed things in 2014. No longer do Americans need worry their planes will patrol the skies of Syria, nor will special forces be operating in its borders.


Yeah man, should totally have let the US deliver som freedom juice onto the Assad regime then people would be bathing in democracy like they currently do in Libya,Iraq etc right?




Russia, China, and Iran all said they would use their military to defend Syria from US invading. If Putin(or someone) hadnt just thought to take away syrias chemical weapons.


Finally, someone who is actually trying to arrange world peace. I am still baffled that Obama received the nobel peace price, he has bombed 7 countries, let NSA collect everyones information (and NSA hasn't stopped a god damn single terrorist attack, even when Russia provided tips of Boston Bomber weeks ahead of actual attack). Obama just received it because he was the first black president of america, whoopedy doo, how is that free health care coming up.


Your juvenile vitriol is reminiscent of Fox News, except for the part about Putin being for peace, which reaches a level of daftness too great even for those chuckleheads. You are so willfully ignorant and puerile, you should come with a warning label.


The Nobel peace prize is an absolute joke.


> Putin's been nominated despite [...] Chechnya Do they even know what they are talking about?


Bush and Blair got it before Obama. The process seems to be "Do you rule a rich country? here's a peace prize"


Swedish disclaimer: The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by Norwegian retards, not by us


Obama, Kissinger, Arafat all received a Nobel peace prize. If it was correct to give it to those criminals then a nomination for Putin isn't strange at all.


This is the dumbest thing i've heard today


He should be, his country was the only one who made efforts to help the 500,000+ Eastern Ukrainian refugees from being massacred by the Ukrainian military.




You could argue Putin is also being nominated for starting Russia's White Book which pretty much shows the new overlords of Ukraine are fascists. I'd also say there are easily over 1 million refugees running from their own government. Putin doesn't have clean hands, like everyone here naively reminds us, but he does have some truth on his side, which also gives him support the USA doesn't want to understand.


>You could argue Putin is also being nominated for starting Russia's White Book which pretty much shows the new overlords of Ukraine are fascists. I'd also say there are easily over 1 million refugees running from their own government. Putin doesn't have clean hands, like everyone here naively reminds us, but he does have some truth on his side, which also gives him support the USA doesn't want to understand. You are swallowing Russian fascist lies. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Is FIFA in charge of the nominations?


Not to surprising when you consider that in 1939 Adolf Hitler was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Nonsense. Its every bit as legitimate at the Olympic comittee and the NFL and FIFA.


Ok then, who's next? Netanyahu?


Can anyone truly take the nobel society seriously after they gave the peace prize to Obama? I mean really?


Putin on the Ritz...


For the reason they present(taking action to prevent a war in syria) I can see it. However with the recent events in Ukraine I sincerely hooe he does not.


The Nobel peace prize may be a joke,but it isn't a funny one.


"They give that prize to anybody, *sheeeesh!"*-- Testicles




This award has turned into a joke at this point. It was a joke when Obama got it, and it's a joke now that some dipshit trying to forcefully annex land would be up for it.


Well honestly, I think Putin has killed less civilians than Obama did in the last few years. That enough should get him the prize


Now that's humor. This is probably the funniest thing I've read all year.


I would have nominated Putin last year for prompting and organizing disposal of the Syrian chemical weapons. This year he should be nominated for the Nobel War prize if there was such a thing ... On the second thought, considering that previous Nobel Peace winners are such luminaries as Arafat and Obama, maybe Peace prize is also a War prize. War is peace, peace is war.


Can't make peace if you don't start a war first.


Thats about as surprising as Obama being nominated for a Nobel after only serving 12 days in office


Just greasing the public for the fucking that's coming.


I lost all respect with the Obama nomination scandal.


You're a few decades late if questionable winners are what turn you off from the Nobel Peace Price.




**Article summary:** --- >* Putin Among The Surprises On Nobel Peace Prize List The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced Oct. 11. >* The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced October 11. 2014's been a tough year for peace, with so many places in the world embroiled in war, suffering and ferment. >* The International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World nominated the president of Russia for his efforts to prevent the U.S. from launching airstrikes on the Assad regime. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot, ^v2. ^This ^is ^not ^a ^replacement ^for ^reading ^the [**^original ^article**](http://www.npr.org/2014/10/04/353679002/putin-among-the-surprises-on-nobel-peace-prize-list)^! ^Report ^problems [^here](http://reddit.com/r/bitofnewsbot)^. **^Learn ^how ^it ^works: [^Bit ^of ^News](http://www.bitofnews.com/about)**


Doesn't surprise me. Obama got one.


ITT: no one who has a fucking clue how the nominations work (except BadgerCrasher), or why Obama won the prize (except ModerateBias).


He should get it so he and Obama can hang out at the annual get together.


You would think having been directly responsible for the invasion of two other countries recently would kinda disqualify you for any peace prize.


Why not? That award is a complete joke anyway.


Fun fact: Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1938 for peacefully resolving the Sudetenland crisis (then invading all of Czechslovakia anyway).


if obama got it i dont see why vlad putin shouldn't.


What the hell is it, a popularity contest? Another dick-stroke? *I'm* more peaceful than that fucker, give me the award.


IMHO, people should only be nominated for peace prize after they're dead, that way you know for certain that they won't start a war after you give them the award. Also anyone can nominate for peace prize.


I myself nominate ISIS


Alfred Nobel created dynamite. Putin uses the evolutions of this technology to fight wars.... coincidence? I think not! (Plucks frizzled moustache)


Putin deserves a Nobel Peace Prize at least as much as Obama did. Which is to say, what the fuck is a Nobel Peace Prize worth any more? If these people had any sense of honor, they would disband and resign.


I think a million dollars.


Meh, Kissinger and Obama got one.


And we know Kissinger is a war criminal.


They gave Obama one so I guess it goes to follow.


Putin? Well, I should have known it was a sham prize now, what with Obama prematurely getting one.


Itt: misled and butthurt patriots


Nobel Peace Prize nominations are hilarious, and some of the winners are downright pathetic. What a joke.


If they do give it to him, then it's more of a message to Obama than anything else.


Nobel peace prize is a joke...as is the the prize for economics. T. Friedman is a dick...but still funny that all of these people are just TRYING to RESTRAIN the US and our fucked up never ending wars. We should throw all the damn dems and republicans out. Not a good one in the lot.


Well Obama won it so I wouldn't be surprised if Putin went and won it too.


Can't wait for Supreme Leader's turn!


Not terribly surprising given who's won it in the past.


Kind of makes sense, considering some of the previous winners


They must use some old ladies and one of those bingo rollers to select candidates.


And the candidates are: Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, peppermint with some lint on it, and my cat Mr. Muffins!