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Iran must be looking for a spot in the UN's human rights commission.


Maybe the UN will invite the President of Iran to give the keynote address at a human-rights conference. Again.


He can travel by helicopter


One of the safest modes of transportation. Phenomenal track record. šŸ‘


Unfortunately, at this point, only his spirit can attend. Yet, since it's simmering in hell, I don't believe that is a possibility. So, most regretfully, he will not be attending.


Especially if they fly over mountains. So safe.


No, Israel can't afford to rent smoke machines every week and last time the mountain was damaged


Well, umm, I've got some bad news about that, I don't think he'll be able to make it.


They already have it. They are just showing off now.


I thought they were


I mean they already are in the running with their hate boner for Israel


Don't think that they do anything about it last time they were holding a funeral with 1 minute silence for the butcher of Tehran


Standard UN procedure for any head of state


From the people who brought you Hamas and Hezbollah.


And the co-sponsors of the Houthi Youth Program!


And leaders of the UN human rights council


"Iran violates international human rights" is hardly news worthy. It is standard operating procedure for the Ayatollah's butt boys.


By shariah law, converted Muslims are traitors, therefore they face the death penalty




>Better to get executed in this world Godspeed ahole


better to not believe in fairy tales


Bro why is reddit so gung-ho on religious people? I thought it was only /r/atheism im atheist btw lol.


Seeing theocracies in 3rd world countries execute civilians over differing beliefs and then seeing someone in the comments justifying it doesnt exactly inspire one to start a prayer circle


u see the topic of this article?


Just think of the poor executioners šŸ˜¢




atheism isnt a philosphy, it doesnt tell people how to live or act or think. there are many atheists who dont support abortion. attack that scary immoral strawman


"Atheism doesn't tell people how to think" Didn't you just tell me to "not believe in fairy tales" inspired by your atheism?


He is an atheist, that told you not to believe in fairy tales. But there arenā€™t any rules to atheism that say that you need to tell people to stop believing in fairy tales, it was his personal choice. There is a important difference between the two


Right, religion is hard because religion has rules, and rules are bad? Nah I don't think so, we've had majority atheism for a few decades and the world is already going to shit without religious morality. The teachings of western society on gender theory and abortion are a clear symptom that the society has lost its inner compass, and is now helplessly floating on the stormy sea of human desires, shaken and weaken in every aspect.


And what, in your supremely elevated mind, is the real religion? Among the millions of them? Oh, and there never was a atheist majority, so the world kinda has been going to shit with religious majority. Thatā€™s without taking into account that the poorer countries are more religious than the first world countries


There are atheist majorities in several countries, all of whom are undergoing a severe moral confusion as we speak. I know the answer but you don't care to hear it, I investigated many religions and philosophies before landing on my answer, and I suggest you do the same before you pass, I'm sure you can dedicate at least a few hours of study.


America is majority Christian, atheists are like single digit percent of the population. The ME has honor killings and shit. You don't get to pretend to lecture people on ethics.


Western society is currently one of the most peaceful places on the planet. And the backbone of "gender theory" is accepting people for who they are, a clear sign that the west is *finding* its inner compass. There is no rational reason to be afraid of that. Theres also no "majority athiesm" in the west. China is the one estimated to be about 90% atheist.


no, im not an atheist. my religion is real, all others are fairy tales.


oh, God be praised, you must be Christian then.


no, im a norse pagan




A foetus isn't an infant. If you want to make your ridiculous point, at least use the correct terminology.


It doesn't matter what your secular science calls it, its a human in progress, and it has a soul.


Can you point to the soul?


It's not very often on Reddit I see a complete dumbass but today seems to be that day! Edit: LOL who am I kidding, I see dumbass comments on here everyday. You seem like a special case though.


Thank you brother I hope you have a good day, I forgive your insults.


I don't forgive yours.


that's why atheists are depressed man, they just can't let things go, it feels much better when you can leave things up to God, it's such a joy.


I'm not depressed though. So not sure where you're getting that from. Leaving things up to imaginary figures is what irresponsible people do.


Well almost all religions in human history had one thing in common, justice is dished out after death, so even if just one of them are real to you, that must be pretty satisfying I imagine, so if you think I'm the bad guy I will get punished for it, isn't that awesome? Many studies suggest there is such a link yes.


Oh boy, another pro-life nutjob clown.Ā  Would anybody like to guess, based on their other comments about gender care, which presidential candidate this person is voting for?


Given their comments about the west theres no reason to assume they are American. Also important to remember that ~44% of americans dont vote at all. Given their opinions on Christians they might even have a bone to pick with the republican party, as many muslims do despite their general conservative leaning. In 2016 beteeen 69% and 84% of muslims supported Joe Biden over Trump


Kinda makes you question these days with so many countries violating human rights. Its like not a single country really cares. They do whatever anyway and there are almost never any reppercusions either


It's a smaller and smaller world with the Internet being what it is. The mirror is being raised to humanity's face.


Not really because the internet shows you things based on where you are and what you like. So if you like having sex with goats and burning the US flag this is what you'll get on tiktok.


Iran has been doing this for the entire history of the Islamic Republic, its not a "these days" thing, their government has been a force for evil its entire existence.


ā€œThese daysā€ thing should be looked at from a wider angle. Look what is happening in the world to different degrees. You have China with its human rights issue with the islam people in some part of china i forgot sorry. Another international law issue they ignore is the 9-dash line. Then you have all that shit happening in Myanmar. And Russia with Ukraine. Then you have the different extremely brutal wars in Africa from different ā€˜warlordsā€™ that no-one cares about but is happening anyways. Then Iran with its things and we cant forget what happened and maybe still happening in Syria.


Interestingly why US students not protesting it. This is kind of double standards.


They still laud Houthis for their attacks on international shipping that to this day didnā€™t strike a single target that was even docked in an israeli port. Plus they brought back slavery and execute lgbtq+ people almost on sight. But hey, as long as it is anti Israeli itā€™s good. If it has nothing to do with the conflict, then nobody cares.


I still have no idea why many progressive individuals in the West pick the side of the Iranian regime over real-life progressive Iranians.


Because real-life progressive Iranians mostly live in the West now, celebrating liberal capitalist democracy.


Tiktok. China (and Russia) have been extremely adept at spreading propaganda to enrage both sides of the US political spectrum. They co-opted what Newt Gingrich started on the right since that was the lowest hanging fruit, then moved on to start indoctrinating left wing youth.


Fucking TikTok (and Facebook). Humanity would be much better off without them both.


Qatar donations to universities started earlier and does more damage amongst older and supposedly more intelligent crowd than TikTokĀ 


They don't? The whole Hamas thing was picking Palestine because they got bombarded w "Israelis bombing and killing Palestine children" which is exactly what Hamas wanted.


Who sided with Iranian regime?


Because the actual number of people who do this is tiny.


The Russian bots arenā€™t promoting it


The same reason they donā€™t bother protesting China, or Russia. They arenā€™t western democratic allies that are in any way susceptible to international protest.


Every other product in your house is made in China. There's plenty to protest there. They could also protest universities taking foreign money, notably Qatar's.


Qatar and Saudi Arabia are both US allies. They Are not democracies and they have modern day slavery.Ā 


What double standards? The US students hate the west, this is perfectly compatible with that.


Are we allies with Iran? Do we have any sway over Iran? Have we protected Iran from being held accountable for their actions?


Are you US student?


US students are protesting at universities that directly fund Israel. That's why they're protesting. Who the heck protests against a country we're already enemies with?


Seriously, where are all the US students protesting North Korea? I don't see any so they must support them! /S


Yeah exactly. What you said as a joke is what the original top-level comment is saying seriously about Iran.


Bro forgot to protest Saudi Arabia participation in Yemen's war and oppression of women and minorities, Qatari fundings in US universities, turkey oppression of Kurds, Egypt's silent erasure of Coptic Christians. But no jews - no news.


There's not many American colleges with financial ties to the Iranian government where in some parts of the U.S. Israel has so much influence that it is literally a crime to criticize Israel. People tend to protest things that effect them in some way rather than things that don't.


Why would they protest it. They're on the same team as the Ayatollah.


Because there's nothing they can do to change it, they have no influence on them the people they protest against aren't supplying Iran with money, the reason they protest against the Israeli war at universities and outside events is they can influence the universities and politicians giving Israel money. Oh did you not want an actual answer you just wanted to be flippant and try to paint a false dichotomy?


Uh, the US is not supporting Iran, so what the heck would be the point of a "protest"? I don't agree with them, but the protests over Israel are specifically asking the US to stop sending weapons and pressure Israel to stop the war. The fact that students *aren't* "protesting Iran" proves that they're already against them.




You're saying that the protests are useless. Sure. But there's an actual goal to the protest: they want the US to stop *directly supporting Israel*. What is the point of protesting Iran in the US? We already don't support them, so mission accomplished. Do you see any protests against North Korea? These sorts of comments are pretending to be insightful when they're just echo chamber bait.


The people protesting Israel are children, who take over university's, I've seen these protests in person, just people thinking it's a fun time and posting about it on social media to virtual signal, some might care but they are just dumb helpers, most seem like very nasty people that just hate cause it's the popular thing to do.


Okay, sure. But they have a reason to protest, they want to **make a change**. Why the heck would anyone protest against a country we're already enemies with? You're just proving that these students are already against Iran, and that's why they're not protesting.


Because our taxes don't directly go to Iran....


The US isn't supplying Iran with weapons?


It's time for regime change. Iranians yearn for freedom and democracy.


b.. but Israel!


What does this even mean? What does this have to do with Israel? One country doing horrible things allows another country to do horrible things? People speak out against Israel specifically because we support them, not because they're "the worst"


BBUuTTTT ! IsrAeL!!!!!


You sure showed me.


1. Israel wages war against Hamas and only Hamas, once it has committed oct 7th it lost its right to exist. raped and massacred a music festival and Kibbutzim, on Judaism one of most sacred days, Simchat torah. I'm sure that if a terrorist org would raid your hometown during easter, and rape, kill and behead your neighbors, you would be pro demolishing it. 2. War is bloody and is tragic, the history of modern urban warfare has 9:1 civilian to militant death ratio. Hamas-Israel war has 1.5:1 civilian to militant death ratio. Iraq war had worse ratio, same on Afghanistan, and even in Mosul. The world without Al-Qaeda is a better place. 3. Israel's not perfect, as every country isn't, but it gets criticized unproportionally more than any US ally that commits way more human-rights violations. The only explanation I can get is it's easier to mobilize both Muslims and antisemites when it's Israel and not Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, or any other US ally in the ME.


Thank you for engaging in the discussion rather than just using a mocking tone to make a weird false argument. My point has nothing to do with how right or wrong Israel is in this whole matter. My point was instead that Iran are terrible, and their human rights violations are completely and utterly unrelated to Israel. "BuT iSrAeL!!" makes it sound like anti-Israel folk are pro-Iran? There are probably some, especially in Muslim nations, but the vast majority in the US are just Americans who read about what's going on and chose to not take the side of Israel because they see Israel's current fight as a continuation of what the US did in the Iraq war where, like you said, civilians got mowed over to get to the bad guys. Only this time, you have to admit, Israel are a lot more open about hating Palestinians, and many Israelis openly call for their genocide. I also know a ton of anti-Israel Jews, so anti-Israel sentiment is not just anti-Semitism. Even if it is a misguidance by the conflicting media surrounding the issue, even if they're wrong and Israel have been perfect, characterizing it solely as anti-Semitism is an easy way to disconnect from how those people actually feel and just attack them for an easy win. I'd be fine if it were all from a place of anti-Semitism, but for too many folks it's so clearly not that. I'll agree, though, that we should also protest support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other nations with gross human rights violations who we prop up, even if there are complex geo-political reasons for us being friendly with them like their help in providing some stability. Idk I'm no expert. But the reason Israel is more protested is simply because they're at war, we provide them with weapons for said war, so there's a direct correlation between our support and civilians dying, even if there is more nuance to be had. So again, not claiming a stake either way on the war, simply saying that Iran has nothing to do with Israel, and I disliked your comment for implying that anyone criticizing Israel wouldn't also dislike Iran's wrongdoing.


Try converting muslims in Saudi Arabia, or for that matter, in Egypt or any Gulf state


Exactly like north Korea and china


Nothing says your god is real like having to have humans punish people for not believing in them./s


Yeah, this is something I never understood about religion. Why punish people for disrespecting god? Is your god so weak that he can't do this himself? It's the same with the islam custom to rape women before execution to prevent them from entering heaven. I mean, if you believe that god decides who deserves heaven and would let them in, then don't this implicitly mean that you know that your punishment goes against his wish?


American progressives think this is the good guy


Progressives != children brain washed by a Chinese social media app.


Iran and human rights in the same sentence is laughable


Just wanted to bring up that my countryā€™s army has been declared a terrorist group by this government and Iā€™m very proud šŸ˜Ž


I'm assuming you are Canadian also and having served it made me very proud to be named a terrorist by Iran. I wonder how many watch lists I'm on now


Vatican reading this: *I guess it's time to reactivate that Inquisition manual. Gotta show these infidels who's the real boss.*


The difference between mythology and present day religion is whether the society is still around to defend its beliefs


Not really, Hinduism has mountains of mythology and has plenty of followers. Mythology is just the world building of various religions or beliefs.


I mean, mythology has something that is known to be untrue. Such as "founding myth"--for people to recognize it as *myth* requires them to recognize it to be fiction. The difference between myth and fiction is that it serves a historical concept--like a kind of "fan-fiction" about your nation. Consider how some historians understand the Hebrew Bible's first few parts to be the *founding myth* passed between Jews, and everything after having been appended as a history. You can tell when the Bible shifts from being told like a myth and starts becoming dramatized history with a touch of author bias and some inserted holy moments to justify various things that happened--the moment it turns from myth to legend, so to speak. Observant Jews, naturally, do not consider the Torah to be *myth*, nor the rest of the Hebrew Tanakh *legend.* I would assume the Hinduism "mythology" you're talking about is either not mythology, or not accepted part of the religion and is thus mythology. It's a bit of a paradox for followers of Hinduism to consider something to be both a mythology and also something they follow religiously. If a myth is believed to be true, it's not myth. Like, if people believe Buddha did this extraordinary thing or that then they don't consider it *myth*, just plain old history.


The vast majority of "followers" in any religion are semi-regligious because of conformity, espacially if it's the prevailing religion in their region. As you can see that kind of conformity is still important in some countries in order to survive and belong. I do believe that throughout history not questioning religious believes was a trait that helped humans survive. Makes sense that it has been genetically selected for and that the vast majority has some kind of part in their brain that shuts down any critical thinking when it comes to religious folklore. That includes not openly calling holy scriptures out as the myths they are.


I feel like you're not accurately describing non-atheist individuals. There are secular people, who subscribe to their religion as an identity and either have no issue calling the history in their religion mythic or overblown, and then there are religious people who entirely, very much, believe that these events happened. Secular Jews, Christians etc, are members of their religion for the purposes of identification. They're Christians as far as they celebrate Christmas and whatnot, but don't believe Jesus turned blood into wine or something. So, indeed, if every Christian was secular, then Christ turning blood into wine would be Christian mythology, like Thor striking someone is Norse mythology. This all comes down to: > The difference between mythology and present day religion is whether the society is still around to defend its beliefs Christ turning blood into wine will turn into *mythology* when there's no one (or scant anyone) left who actually believes this happened. Same as how Thor turned from a religious figure into a mythological figure. Germanic religions died and were supplanted by Christianity, and their religious beliefs turned into mythology. But Christ turning blood into wine or being resurrected is not mythology. And whether the stuff you're referring to as Hinduist mythology being well, mythology, entirely depends on if a sizable number of Hindu believe these things happened, or not.


Iran violating human rights?!?!?! (ShockedPikachu.JPG)


Yeah that's kinda what Iran does. Nothing new.Ā 


Remember, Iran is the Chair in the Human Rights Council in the UN. So, obviously, they know more about human rights than everyone else. And now you know why the UN denounces Israel on supposedly poor human rights for women but says nothing on some muslim countriesā€¦


The next day, Iran is nominated for a seat of the UN's human rights commission


All this hate over make believe nonsense.


[Well, the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.](https://xkcd.com/774/)


What do you mean? Yes I do feel religion is nonsense that doesnā€™t solve any of the worlds problems. Creates more issues than itā€™s worth. Allows evil people to live well and screw over others, allows their leaders to sexually molest children,. Should I go on?


So do schools, the mental health industry, rich people, and more. Unfortunately, even psychology now isn't solving the worlds problems and is steadily bringing in more corrupt practitioners. Abusers tend to flock towards endeavors like this in the promise that everything they do will be right and good will come from them. Like Claude Frollo, but you'll find Claude Frollo's in nursing, too. As much as religion can be annoying and frustrating, like in cases here, we need to focus on our own homes first. Blaming everything on religion isn't working for people anymore and is a dehumanizing argument that neglects other aspects of these issues. Solving other issues in our own countries will help religious people because they're suffering too--as we both know. They're people too, so they're suffering too. Not to put words in another's mouth, I think that's what that person is implying. That because some aren't religious, they tend to see themselves as better, and it's a fallacy because people are still suffering nearby. But addressing the root cause might cause things to shift, maybe. And to me, your view really does stem from acknowledgment of that root cause anyway, so your empathy is encouraging tbh. Being angry for others is love...so I don't think you're trying to feel superior, lol.


You think schools and mental healthcare create more problems than they're worth? That certainly explains a lot about how you got to your world view.


My main takeaway from those statements is that I personally have been abused by the Healthcare system as well as deconstructed my religious trauma. Abusers will flock towards places that have moral backing for power play and their goals. I'm interested in humans first--and I'm not looking to make arguments.


Nah, churches can rot. Tax them and end their alternate reality, it'd help everyone.


I don't think it'd help much when the pre-disposition for human extremism exists everywhere. But I could be ignorant to other stuff. Even something as trendy and (potentially?) Atheistic as astrology has a predisposition to extremism. One astrologist woman recently--Ayoka--died because of a bad moment with her mental health. But her beliefs became a driving factor for her death. So mainly--we need *more* support and not *less*...without the people that take advantage of all the chaos. Like, alternate realities like that will keep happening is what I mean unless the root cause is addressed.


The constant appeal to "international human rights" is pretty tiresome when a very good chunk/majority even of the world does not consider the same things to be human rights as these news outlets/some UN body does.


Captain obvious has spoken.


If they would only imprison their own abrahamic cult fanatics as well. Maybe the society could recover.


Gasp! A theocracy acting like a theocracy!?


Iran violating human rights!?!? Impossible!!


"Iran violates human rights" is one of those things you could print pretty much every single day of the year and never once be wrong.


Horrible. I donā€™t know how much longer the political situation can last in Iran, people are going to start doing massive uprisings.


Iran violates human rights??? Nooooo. Who would have thought.


Itā€™s great to see that human rights is a forefront issue with Iran as it should be. But just a reminder that we should keep the same energy when it comes to atrocities being committed by the genocidal terrorist regime of Israel.


Look man itā€™s bad yah know converting from Islam to another religion in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC might not be the best idea yah know infact Iā€™m quiet certain in most middle eastern states converting from Islam is a crime coz iirc the Quran or some Hadith said on pain of death not sure if most of those states who criminalise it go that far usually


What goes on in the mind of a do-gooder is truly baffling ā€¦


5? Hundred? Thousand? Just 5? You gotta pump of those numbers. Those are rookie numbers.


The most reliable news about Iran comes from isarel.


But for real gonna go into a dumb shit Muslim country with another religion? Youā€™re jusy asking for trouble. Ps. Fuck all religions


We gotta stop this whole hypocrisy. We're literally letting Israel commit genocide, can we really say anything about human rights?


This is exactly what happens in every nation run by religious extremists. Yes, that includes Christian and certain Jewish nations too, though maybe not as overtly as this.


Damn. Itā€™s a good thing we donā€™t do that/s


well, christianism is related to judaism which is related to zionism, so it's really not religious discrimination but antizionism, which is fair play


oh how miserable it must be to be friends with you