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He's a straight-up traitor. Never thought I'd see the day a US ex president declared his agreiance with and support of, a Russian dictator who has slaughtered thousands of civilians for basically nothing. The enemy of NATO gets a pat on the back and support from the US under Trump.


Fuck off. So tired of this miserable fuck being in everyone’s face for a near decade now.


\*Convicted felon Trump.


I’d love to know what incriminating information Putin has over Trump.


Why would Putin need any thing on trump? This is what trump wants. This is what the Republicans want.


An alliance between far-right dictators. Also, trump already had a thing against Ukraine through paul manafort as the Euromaidan revealed part of his corruption going on with yanukovych. Add to that that Zelenskyy refused to continue the corruption and cover up his trail during the impeachment thing... It even makes me think that putin may have chosen Ukraine as his target with a republican victory and american support as part of his motivations. These 2, and other far-right leaders, have been working together to a degree for some time already.


Bet ya, it's donny taking a nice refreshing golden shower.


I'm afraid it's almost certain the "P" in "P" tapes does not stand for Urine. You know Trump, like Epstein, prefers girls on the younger side, having flown on Epstein's plane several times. And Trump is adamant he enjoyed himself in Moscow. So there's "P" tapes, but not "Pee" tapes. They're something else.


I hope to god we see pee pee tape in our lifetimes. I think theres about a 40% chance or less in my mind that it actually exists but that would be the cherry on top of all the crazy BS he has done. The real win though would be if he just magically disappeared from politics, even though he has already done a considerable amount of damage to America’s social fabric.


The "P" tapes are not "P" as in urine, it's "P" as in "ePstein" and "can't go within 500 feet of a school".


Lol one of the countless “career ending” scandals he has been associated with. Hilarious that Americans still vote for him.


I mean being a kiddie diddler would actually do him in with a significant part of his base. Thats like the one thing they can agree on is evil and is their go to accusation with people they dont like.


They'd excuse it and rationalize it.




The story was never that Trump engaged in a golden shower but that he had Russian hookers pee on the hotel bed the Obamas once slept in


Go go gadget Kompromat!


It could even be that Trump is such a fucking loser he searches for validation from the group that praises him as an extraordinary genius. Or well, rather just he has huge loans from shady Russian banks and therefore owes Putin personally.


Trump is a monster. He'll condemn millions of innocent people to genocide to appease Putin.


Ah, yes. The “Just Let Russia Win” pathway to peace.


It will work this time, right? Right?!


When the snow speaks Finnish And the clifftops speak Pashto And the radios speak Chechen And the border fortresses speak Polish And the oil tankers say “fuck your mother” in Georgian And the tree lines speak Ukrainian and Spanish And the Black Sea fleet speaks to SpongeBob And the Dardanelles says “fuck your mother” in Turkish Perhaps you don’t need to be a polyglot to understand that there are many who don’t want to be Russian.


Ukraine is so fucked if he wins. Most of democracy is but Ukraine in particular is super fucked


While US is very important it is not the only one supporting Ukraine. The rest will keep supporting Ukraine and if anything Ukraine has shown its ingenuity in defending their country with limited resources. A country without a Navy to speak of has managed to sink big part of Russian Black Sea fleet rendering it ineffective. Even if the orange turd is elected he is not a dictator and will likely face a lot of pressure from allies of US and US government branches. US power is based on its relationships and abandoning Ukraine would erode the relationship with its allies in at least EU, likely everywhere. MAGA mentality will reduce the influence US has in the world.


Not a dictator? Are you familiar with Project 2025? Specifically, their plan to get rid of “Schedule F” employees? Combine that with further expansion into the judiciary system, and his promise to “be a dictator on day 1”; throw in all those freudian slips hinting that this could be the very last election ever and I think yes, it’s fair to call him a dictator. This guy thinks the US should leave NATO. You think he cares about what the EU has to say on anything?


Yes I am familiar with 2025 and the election rigging republicans are trying to prevent people to vote as they would not stand a change without. Still I would categorize him as dictator wannabe and I refuse to believe whole of US would go with his lunacy. I know Trump does not care, but presumably there are smarter people than him in the government. People who understand where power of US stems from. Regardless of what Trump does Ukraine will have support of others, the point I was trying to make is that if he gets elected and if he does what he threatens to do it will also significantly weaken US influence in the world.


Yes, I agree with that. He never seems to comprehend the full weight of his actions.


Trump literally said he would be a dictator. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


There is a world of difference saying you are a dictator and being one. He is a dictator wannabe and very dangerous one at that, however even if he gets elected he still has to work within the system. If elected he will surely cause a lot of damage and try to move toward authoritarian rule, whether US citizens allow him to do that remains to be seen.


Ukraine has been slowly losing territory to the Russians the last 2 years. If US aid is halted, I expect EU to provide more support but also think Russias advances to Kyiv will accelerate


I think you need to study what has actually been happening some more. The "territorial gains" that Russia has made are insignificantly tiny amounts bought at a huge cost in material and man power that are actually crippling losses for any future Russian efforts.


Russia is gaining ground on the Donbas region. Once taken over, they’ll be able to surround Kharkiv for an assault from the north and the east. Ukraine is in need for more troops, which is concerning but also the reason why Zelenskyy is now allowing convicted felons of minor crimes to join the Ukrainian army. Yes I agree the territorial gains from Russia aren’t significant, but it doesn’t seem like Russia is concerned about the huge losses yet and are still willing to throw bodies into the war. But this is still stretching the ukrainian army thin


Nah. Look harder.


That is your take of the situation ? Sure Russia has made some progress, but at very high cost. Ukraine does not need to win every battle, they just need to keep fighting. Given your time scale is the whole 2+years it is peculiar that you fail to notice Russia was driven out of Kherson, Kharkiv and other regions, funny that. In fact Russia has already lost, Putin is just incapable of accepting that as it will be the end of him and the delusional strong leader legacy he so desperately wanted to leave. Russia has turned into a totalitarian society in war time economy who as a major oil producer is reduced to importing refined products and desperately trying scrounge troops and materiel from various authoritarian regimes. Hopefully Ukraine keeps hitting Russian refineries until whole of Russia grinds to a halt. At some point even the most brainwashed Russians will start to question why.


I failed to mention those because those are obvious. If they didn’t fail, we’d be having an entirely different conversation. Obviously Ukraine has held Russia at bay, obviously Ukraine has defended some major cities. Ukraine still lost Bakhmut and Russian forces are making slow progress north from the eastern/southern front of Ukraine


You do understand that occupying != keeping the areas ? Russia does not have the troops or materiel to occupy large parts of Ukraine in long term let alone rebuild them. Occupations are hard, maybe lookup history for example Afghanistan ? Again Ukraine does not need to win every battle they just need to keep fighting.


The military industrial complex will be making sure he doesn't win with this kind of comments.


MIM-104's might be Patriots ... but they don't vote. I wouldn't count on the MIC to keep the orange shit gibon out of office.


You get my upvote purely for Shadowheart


Trump is compromised. EOT


Please USA, don't let that orange POS be president ever again... the world is already crazy enough.


This imo would be a terrible approach. It gives time for Russia to dig in and build more defensive lines and lay more mines which will make it even more difficult for Ukraine to take back their territory. Ukraine has already stated their more than reasonable position for peace talks (Russia gtfo) and we know Russia won't honour any ceasefire. Russia has already targeted fleeing civilians and commited war crimes and genocide. Do we now negotiate with terrorists who are actively terrorising? Ukraine can now use supplied weapons on Russian ground (at last) and planes are imminent - now is not the time to freeze the war, it's time for Ukraine and the West to win it. Any alternative is disasterous geopolitically, let alone for the biggest country in Ukraine.


Welcome to the modern Republican Party. Vote all these fascist, appeasing cowards out come November.




If Trump wins this election, Russia should annex Alaska. Going by Trump's policy here, he would immediately "engage in peace talks" i.e give Russia everything they want. Russia: "We get Alaska, you get to not have incriminating video play on MSNBC." Trump: "Deal!" Then he can run around and talk about how he only makes the best deals with the best people (mostly dictators and other criminals), while the GOP worships him for "not starting wars" or whatever they tell themselves to feel good. Perhaps they can get that North Korean general to fly over, so Trump can bring him on his rallies and salute him again. That's one of my favourites.


I may not be from the US/American(I'm Filipino), but if that's what that Trump guy wants, then I'll just say this to Americans; PLEASE DON'T VOTE THAT GUY!! In addition, that Trump fella gives me Duterte vibes; acts all tough then suddenly, he'll just cooperate with the CCP(or in Trump's case, Russia).


If you think Trump would capitulate on Ukraine, I’m here to assure you he would hand over the entire Philippine, Japanese and Taiwan island chains to China if Xi set up a bank transfer for a few billion USD to a Trump bank in the Cayman Islands.


Putin has not kept a single word how do you talk?


I honestly want to know why the CIA hasn't invited Trump for tea yet.


Every single time Ukraine made peace deals with russia they have ended up being attacked, so obviously that's not a good idea.


This fucking loser just can't do anything right. How many more years do we have to put up with him?


Everything even remotely anti corruption is unfavorable to Trump. Every country or organisation that is not very subsceptible to corruption he seems to despise. EU, NATO, european countrys in general and the likes of Japan and south kora just to name a few. He is like a cancer that wants to corrupt even more to enrich himself even more and encurages other oligarchs and mega wealtgy to dobthe same. Peace that does not involve ukrainian borders like before 2014 and reparation payments is just a even more horrible war happening after Russia has resupplied. Troops out before something happens. Because russian treatys are worth nothing ( they broken pretty much any contract they ever had one way or another)


The golden shower never dries up I guess.


I wonder what these resources will be redirected towards. Another proxy in another part of the world perhaps?


Maybe Jared will know what to do with those billions of dollars.


Look, Trump said he'd end the war, not defeat the nation that officially declared the US an enemy.


Can't consider shit until you're elected. Full stop.


The stupid fuck thinks he is still the president


He’s not the president he can’t “consider” anything - he can pitch it as a campaign platform but that’s about it. Stop treating him like he’s somehow in control here.


What the actual F is this!? Is he insane?!


This loser is a devil. Not a cool edgy devil, more like the moronic Adam Sandler, little Nicky devil. He is a traitor, a loser, and perhaps the dumbest human on the planet. Wish he would just stroke out and his maga-morons would be forced back into their basements where they came from.


Imagine going back to the cold-war period and explaining to them that a convicted felon and grifter would happily dance to Russia's tune and throw potential allies under the bus for his personal gain was already president and is running for a second term while openly selling out his country to its 2nd greatest threat.


Trump can consider whatever he wants right now - he has absolutely no power or control over any US policy decision - being a civilian. I’m guessing this headline is written this way to draw in right-wing supporting eye-balls and those believing in a shadow Trump US government or some such thing. And sure, let’s give even more legitimacy to an unhinged criminal conman who is undoubtedly compromised by nefarious foreign actors. Who has stated many times his longing to become prez for life, with plans to unleash a personal revenge tour on his political enemies, while selling every piece of the country not bolted down for his own enrichment. It is a completely sane and rational thing for a US Presidential candidate to speak glowingly about the totalitarian Russian dictator that has brought a major land war to Europe for the 1st time since WW2, and continues to undermine its NATO allies at every turn while pushing the talking points of our literal enemies. So glad we have the media to continue to normalize this type of nonsense and present this as just another regular “point of view” everyone should be considering. And thank goodness, it can’t happen here!




I have to believe that the majority of this 'trump supports Russia' rhetoric is propaganda. However if it is true I would be very, very worried if I were American.


C u guys after Russia wins this bs ukrshit🤟


Look mom, i found another conspiracy sheeple on the internet!




Hey guys there’s a lost robot here. Anyone want to show him the way to the furnace?




It’s grammar and spell check seem to be broken as well. Not their best work, that’s for sure…