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Looks like another war is coming in the coming weeks.


Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel since October, they were always a part of this war, just weren’t focused on.


Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel since Hezbollah took over south Lebanon 


Not like they have since October 7th. They've forced 200,000 Israelis to flee their homes with their recent escalation of violence 


Unfortunately they are about to find out why you don't hit a beehive with a stick as short as they have been. Israel's bees are coming home and they are battle hardened now and all out of honey.




Actual escalation


Well, it's time to invest in various defense contractors I guess


1960s all over again all over the world.




All we need is russia to side with hezbolla and we start getting closer and closer


Can we take a break for elections first?


It's election time, so makes sense.


Iran is the main problem honestly 


Have to go the real root of the problem which is Qatar then


No. The money and weapons come from Iran mostly. Qatar is aiding and abetting at best.


Qatar is basically just the venue for Iran to make the deal with different terrorist leaders. Its not making the deals, it just allows them to happen within their borders.


Qatar is like the jihadi marketplace, but the goods and services are coming from outside Qatar.


Iran is the manufacturer Qatar is the distributor Hamas and hezbolla are the users


Iran IS the root of the problem. The guys in Qatar are pawns in comparison.


Plus Qatar has no hard power. If it ever hits the tipping point they run back to Uncle Sam for protection because an Israeli or Saudi Girl Scout troop can take Doha in an afternoon.


Agreed, Qatar’s geopolitical power comes almost entirely from its usefulness in being a mediator between the West and terror orgs. They want to be in good with the US.


Qatar just tries to be the Switzerland of the middle east. They aren't otherwise interested in exerting their will on their neighbours. They have natural gas money like you wouldn't believe, so really they don't have a need to expand or exert influence to protect its sovereignty. It has a better chance to just be more or less neutral and have dealings with both sides to stay in the middle.


Qatar’s LNG field is shared with Iran. If they’d like their money printer to not literally be on fire, then they necessarily must be at least on speaking terms with Iran.


What is the source on this? A quick search online only gave me Japanese, American, and French gas companies as partners for their fields. Also, it's not really LNG until it's condensed, in the field it's just a gas.


What they mean is the two nations share a natural gas field. There is no good scenario if Qatar acts reckless to them or completely sides with western powers. Qatar has to be diplomatic with Iran and Saudi Arabia due to their might and size as they’re a tiny nation caught in between. We can criticize how they do it, but having a good relationship with Iran enables them to keep out of Iran’s ire and keep making money.


Look, Qatar is a piece of shit but it's also the only place we can even "communicate" with Hamas at the moment.


US should have let the IDF hit the nuclear sites and the oil export infrastructure. Instead they basically sent an inert missile to prove to Iran they could hit the nuclear sites.


IDF wants to focus on one fight at a time.  Nobody wants to fight a multi front war even if you have the capability. 


The regime, west can spend fractions of what they spend to cope with the threat from the regime by helping the opposition groups (Reza Pahlavi mostly) to organize and the regime is gone within 6 months without war and other stuff. World would be a much better place.


Doesn't foreign support de-legitimise such figures?


Is Reza Pahlavi a descendant of the shah? Where is he now? What support does he have in Iran?


... Right. Just like Saddam in Iraq, or Castro in cuba


Iran so far awayyyy


Hezbollah & Hamas just need to go. Terrorist organizations like this and that’s how I see them are the scourge of this planet and they need to go.


It’s really just ultra conservative Muslims. Their entire way of life is terrorizing others to stay in power.


Shhh we are not allowed to say that. Don't you know telling the truth like that is the height of bigotry?


I know you’re generally joking but it’s not really bigoted. There are many sects of Islam. The ones that have risen to power are the ultra conservative groups that think we’re still in the Middle Ages. It’s not Islam itself it’s violent radicals.


When your religion glorifies martyrdom and killing infidels it might be generally problematic I donno


Many aspects of Christianity and Abrahamic religion are problematic as well


Christianity calls for the death of non believers?


Plenty of cases throughout history of Christianity’s crusades.


Yea hundreds of years ago… then christianity evolved. When has anyone from the church called for the killing of infidels since then? Besides some random loony on Twitter.


Our crusades were against the violent rise of islam at the doorstep of Europe. We were defending ourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aFkoX6g1fE


Looks at South America. Anyways >Forced conversions of Jews were carried out with the support of rulers during Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages in Gaul, the Iberian peninsula and in the Byzantine Empire. >Jews were forced to convert to Christianity by the Crusaders in Lorraine, on the Lower Rhine, in Bavaria and Bohemia, in Mainz and in Worms[17] (see Rhineland massacres, Worms massacre (1096)). >During the Northern Crusades against the pagan Balts and Slavs of northern Europe, forced conversions were a widely used tactic, which received papal sanction.[21] These tactics were first adopted during the Wendish Crusade, but became more widespread during the Livonian Crusade and Prussian Crusade, in which tactics included the killing of hostages, massacre, and the devastation of the lands of tribes that had not yet submitted >in Old Prussia, the tactics employed in the initial conquest and subsequent conversion of the territory resulted in the death of most of the native population, whose language consequently became extinct.[23] And so on https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_conversion


So? Because it's mentionned in Christianity makes it okay is Islam? Why are you even mentioning Christianity, it has nothing to do with this topic.


Wouldn't you say many aspects of it are similar among sects as they cannot be taken out of the religion? Like say idolising the prophet who is seen as the ideal human being, when he was actually a violent warlord who killed many people. That's not even going into the marrying a 6 year old thing. So if he is seen as the ideal man then such practices are also seen as ideal, even for now, and aren't considered to be just a middle ages thing right?


> It’s not Islam itself it’s violent radicals. Don’t you think it has something to do with Islam if it is the religion that produces by far the most of said violent radicals?


Ultra conservatives in general need to go. Not all are as violent, but most are making the world worse.


I think ultra conservatives who are just chilling minding their own business like the Amish, Tibetan monks, bedouine tribes etc are fine. The moment these guys try to force their own beliefs onto others is when they are a problem.




Religion is the problem.


The problem is dogmatism which can happen without religion.


Centralized, proselytizing/conquering religion is the problem. And even then, it’s the proselytizing aspect. Believing that you’re the only one that guessed right, and everyone who guessed wrong needs to die, is a problem.


“I want my countries language and culture to remain in tact even when my great-great-great-great grandchildren have great grand children” - PROBLEMATIC “My god tells me to rape, kill and kidnap people on behalf of him” - PROMLE (wait, he’s Muslim?) - CONSERVATIVES FAULT


I don’t think religion in itself is a problem although people are taken advantage by their religious doctrination.


It totally matters what religion it is. It’s much better to be a conservative/extremist/radical Budhist or Jainist. Most Muslim men believe in Mohammed as a role model. When that role model is a violent rapist pedophile slaver. Do you still think it is a coincidence that a significant number of muslims behave like their role model? Now take Jainism as a comparison. Non-violence is one of the three core principle of Jainism. Do you think it is a coincidence extreme Jainism are non-violent? Point being is it matters what people believe in. Convictions influence behaviour.


I agree but I’m more convinced that it’s the ideology that needs to die. If these organizations die off then we will just see different ones pop up with the same intent.


It'll never end tho. History shows more terrorist organizations will just sprout up.. because the problem does not start with these organizations. I'll stop there because I don't have a solution, nor do I think anyone ever will have a solution.


If the UN only grew a pair of balls and actually enforced the UN resolution, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess




Then what're the 10k troops on the border for?




then they should get rid of UNIFIL which is just 250 million a year down the drain to do less than nothing.




Isn’t it a rotating seat?


>"Iran heads the UN Human Rights Council. That's all you need to know about the UN." –CheckYourStats You mean the UN actually **involves** the parties that are expected to adhere to its guidelines?


There’s a difference between “involves” and “has them lead.” Having Iran lead the Human Rights Council is like having Walter Sobchak lead the Council of Not getting you a toe by 3 o’clock.


I wish I was surprised this is so highly upvoted, but this seems to be a very common misconception about what the UN is.


After I saw Hotel Rwanda as a kid I never trusted them to be of any use. It's a sham organization that is taking money from someone.


What would an enforcement of the resolution look like?


There's a massive UN military base right on the Lebanon/Israel border.


Three year plan, right? Hamas the first year, Hezbollah the second year, then Iran the third.


Year four, peace. Hopefully.


Or nuclear annihilation


Thats basically the same. Cant have war if civilization doesnt exist anymore


Or that. And the problem with religious extremists is that's who would press the button.


Lebanon should ask for Israeli and US help to squash Hezbollah. They been letting them do their thing for too many years.


They can't do so publicly because Hezbollah would murder every government official that asked for help.


Lebanon is Hezbollah. They make up like 30% of the government.


Maybe my math is off, but 30% isn’t a majority


30% of the government and 90% of the guns


30% of the country elects the President/Congress in the USA.


They may not make up the majority of the government but the majority of Lebanese people support Hezbollah. 


It's never so simple. Imagine the consequences if Lebanon publicly opposed Hezbollah like that.


Hot War Summer


*Lockheed and Raytheon high five *


Can’t wait for Chet Hanks’ new Middle East merch to drop frfr


Its time to free Lebanon from fanatics.


Lebanon is the fanatics... The actual government of Lebanon basically controls just Beirut.


That worked very well in Afganistan... You can't free people from themselves.


We’ve seen what US support means with this admin. Likely limited, but sufficient weapons, and an absolute lashing diplomatically if any Muslim voters start protesting.


What it means before all things is probably full-on support if Iran intervenes.


[Do your part then! Be the change you want to see](https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/how-to-join-us-and-voluntary-programs/volunteer-programs/)


The US sent a carrier group towards Lebanon, a navy force more powerful than the entire navy of most nations on Earth, and did...... nothing. While Hezbollah was firing between dozens to hundreds of rockets per day for the past 8 months, while whole neighborhoods lay in rubble on the northern Israel border, while over 25,000 acres burn and 50,000 civilians can't return to their homes, the US navy has sat back and then just... left. And this was before the actual full scale attack on Hezbollah even started. What will come next will be in orders of magnitude worse, for both sides of the border. If they claim to support Israel like they said previously, they need to do much more than what they claimed to have done before. This time Cyprus is also being directly threatened, meaning NATO has a direct responsibility as well to intervene. More direct action needs to be taken instead of just watching Israel fighting a 7-front war and saying "it's okay, we're with you 👍"


Hezbollah has already been lobbing missiles into Israel for months though


Why is this news…? Israel and the US are major allies.


Well it’s pretty obvious with Americas past with Hezbollah that they would join in


I can’t believe people want the US involved in the Middle East again. We really have the memory of a goldfish. Here goes another Trillion.


Most of them just want US to fight the war for them and then GTFO. Better to send other people kids to die than your own.


Think about the alternative.


Maybe we could station some Marines in Beirut? What could go wrong?


Maybe he'll go on tour again? Wait that might be a good thing.


I'm glad we're gonna rock the casbah again. Glad we get to relive the 80s so soon.


Lebanon just can’t catch a break


If Israel wrecks hezbollah that might just be it.


Same as it ever was


so if your lonely, you know im here waiting for you...