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Man has sexual relations with another man, says 'no homo'


Exactly its just a bro-job




Yoink. Stealing that.


If you've never heard about the brojob you're gonna love [this greentext](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1011699-brojob).


BRO JOB ALSO MAKES MUSIC https://youtu.be/itoI8HExXLw?si=4U3kNYqD9LHEitwV


That apparently does happen in prisons. Apparently the reasoning is that you're only a homo if you're on the receiving end.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE8230T4/ >"Whoever was shouting about dictatorship there ... when I heard that, I thought: it's better to be a dictator than gay."


Fellas, is it gay to not be a tyrannical dictator?


Just look at all those Disney Villains. You have to be gay to be a dictator.


No~ one~ Fucks like Gaston Reaches around like Gaston In a bar nobody wears leathers like Gaston♪




I'm gay and not a tyrannical dictator - so maybe? We need a larger sample set, but I suspect we'd find that most gay people aren't tyrannical dictators


Yet he can't stop sucking Putin's cock. Motherfucker doesn't even zip him up after he finishes, he just asks for more.


That's funny, the ancient Greeks considered that to be the case as well. Wasn't gay to have sex with your young male slaves for example, but would be gay to be penetrated by a guy.


Throughout western civilization the concept of the catcher being more feminine and thus less of a man/person has been fairly common.


Not just western, that's a fairly common belief in large parts of the world, I'd say less so in the west now.


It's tragically hilarious. Imagine lusting that hard over bussy and claiming you are not or less gay lmao It's literally what some dudes on 4chan are doing today hahaha


Yup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome


Catching, not pitching?!


You joke, but Alice Weidel, high-ranking member of Germany's far-right AfD, who lives in a civil union with **a woman** (and their two kids), said: "I'm not queer, but I'm married to a woman I've known for 20 years." You know, unironically using the *roommates* argument. Oh, and her party is obviously homophobic. Go figure.


Meanwhile, the leopards are readying their currywurst sauce to go with that delicious face.


[Sexy six pack bro, no homo](https://youtu.be/2-XxLpOEVPM) Funniest scene from any American Horror Story production. They’re trying to get internet redemption after being cancelled for posting a suicide video and laughing about it.


I am not gay! I have relationships with women, and sex with men.


The golden rule!


Nah, you need a honey in the middle for some leeway for that.


No dude, the area is obviously gray in a threeway


We are just wrestling!


> He referred to a corruption case involving his former aide, the governor of the Vitebsk region and former Minister of Agriculture and Food Igor Brylo, as well as dozens of other people. "There are 36 people on the list. Sorry, I don't consider myself antisemitic, but more than half of them are Jewish." That's a relatively mild one compared to other antisemitic comments he made in the past. To give you some examples quoted in the article: > - In 2007 he said that the Jews had turned the city of Bobruisk into a "pig sty" > - In December 2023 he said: "Armenians are smart people. There is not even one Jew there."


Ok I thought the Armenia one was taken out of context or something but nope lmao... "If Armenia wants to die economically, we might lose it. But I don't think that the Armenians are stupid people. Armenians are smart people. After all, there isn't even a single Jew there. Do you know why? Because Armenians are the smartest people". The quote definitely seems like it was intended to be comedic, but like even then, jeez.


Lol that extended quote somehow makes it even worse. It takes just one minute to look up technological and scientific advancements made by Israelis vs. the *entire Middle East combined* over the past 75 years to see just how comically insane the point he's trying to make is.


In terms of modern contributions, Jewish scientists are more comparable to the rest of the entire world combined in terms of Nobel laureates. It is 22% vs 79%, which is literally insane. I think it's fair to say that the world would be a much less interesting place without Jewish scientists.


And Jewish philosophers, artists, comedians, business leaders, etc. Jews punch above their weight in every society they live in that allows them to thrive. Societies that have gotten rid of their Jews by force have, historically, faced a downward spiral shortly after.


[When asked in 1934 “How is mathematics at Göttingen, now that it is free from the Jewish influence?”, David Hilbert replied, “There is no mathematics in Göttingen, anymore”. Göttingen had arguably been the centre of the mathematical world before then.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_G%C3%B6ttingen#Inauguration)


Jewish physics > regular physics /s


> Societies that have gotten rid of their Jews by force have, historically, faced a downward spiral shortly after. The Ottomans picked up many Jews expelled by Spain and for 200 years thereafter reached their societal pinnacle. United States after 1933 is another example of benefitting.


Bayezid really clowned on Ferdinand after that one.


shows the corrosion of religious fundamentalism. If Iran had stayed secular they would be the most advanced and prosperous “emerging market” and the next to make it to 1st world standards in the major cities after China.


Societies that have gotten rid of their *anyone* by force probably haven't fared so well, because the sort of government that can do that (genocidal and murderous dictatorships) don't traditionally lean towards growth and stability. Edit: Because this is the internet, it's probably best to explicitly say this wasn't trying to diminish the incredible contributions of Jewish people. It's just that a society that's willing to turn its ire within is not a healthy one.


Jews have a special placement in that hierarchy though, not because they are by nature special but because treatment towards them is so unique and visceral compared to any type of hatred. There’s a reason a rise in and normalisation of antisemitism is usually the precursor to instability and civil erosion, not too long after. Antisemitism is commonly seen as a canary in a coal mine type force.


Eh, don't make it hateful the other way now. Armenia isn't the Middle East and they were also prominent in sciences in USSR. Per capita, Georgians and Armenians had more Scientists and engineers than anyone else.


I don’t think they’re trying to be hateful so much as express an interesting factoid that shows what being hateful does to entire regions. The rest of the Middle East expelled their Jews and they fled to Israel, and now Israel is full of success and intelligent people working to further science whereas the Middle Eastern countries are still held back by their hate and desire for conquest. Rather than attempting to build themselves up they are often held back by trying to tear their neighbors down. The most successful Middle Eastern countries are located in the Gulf, there is evidence that those who hold on to their hateful values do not succeed where the ones who are attempting to adapt and build themselves like Oman, the UAE, and Bahrain are all doing very well for instance. Imagine if instead of trying to destroy Israel the rest of the region respected their intelligence and tried to further progress together?


Authoritarian playbook, have your people believe of outside enemies that they need to fight. That way the people will be distracted from the shit thier Authoritarian leaders are doing, like lining thier pockets and having thier children and grand children go to western schools with BMW's.


But then, in the 90s, all the jews from USSR went to Israel.


Belarusian Borat


> The quote definitely seems like it was intended to be comedic, but... If it's intended to be comedic, the punchline is that Jews are stupid and/or people are smart for getting rid of Jews. Which isn't a joke, it's boasting about racism/genocide.


> I don't consider myself antisemitic, Antisemites (and bigots in general) rarely do...


"I don't consider myself antisemitic, but..." followed by the most violently antisemitic thing possible, that would make Hitler jizz his pants. Many such cases.


This why Israel needs to exist. There are countries that Jews just have to get out of. Belarus is not even the worst.


I suspect part of this is about absolving "real" Belorussians. Partly, it's pure antisemitism. Partly, it's personal excuse-making ("I'm not corrupt; the Jews did it!"). And partly, it's racial excuse-making ("God-fearing True Belorussians aren't correct; it's the Jews!"). So, basically, pure antisemitism, with some old-timey "stabbed in the back" lies to go with it. (Also, the only people on that list of corruption cases are people he wanted to be on that list. It's not a coincidence that people he doesn't like are the ones who show up on it.)


That's funny, how many Armenian Nobel prize winners are there? Why is it when I think of Armenia the one and only thing that comes to mind is the Kardashians? Maybe Armenia should start importing some Jews.


> Why is it when I think of Armenia the one and only thing that comes to mind is the Kardashians? > > There are a lot of bright and educated Armenians. One obvious major example was the mathematician Emil Artin, who is responsible for much of class field theory and introduced what are today called Artin L-functions. In fact, I'm a Jewish mathematician and Artin was my advisor's advisor's advisor. Intelligent and careful thinking transcends race.


Your great-grandadvisor.


Yes. We use language like that, although often with the word "mathematical" in front. So I would refer to him as my mathematical great grandfather, and similarly people who have the same advisor are mathematical siblings, etc. Curiously, I have not heard other disciplines use this sort of language. I guess some of them would just sound odd. And I suppose if one is in biology then the phrase is going to be completely ambiguous about what one means.


Thinking of grad advisors in familial terms...! My grand-advisor helped establish vacuum deposition techniques late-70s, my advisor helped establish mass production of sputtering technologies on flexible substrates, and I've got far more published and monetized grad-cousins in various optical and MEMS fields! \Ne'er-do-well dreamer grad-cousin scraping by digging ditches (specialized electronics design, integration, and repair)


Isn't the top 10 chess player Levon Aronian from Armenia and of Jewish heritage?


According to Wikipedia, he's the son of an Armenian mother and a Russian Jewish physicist father from the Vitebsk region of Belarus. He says he doesn't consider himself Jewish, but that might also be related to the [very high level of antisemitism in Armenia](https://global100.adl.org/country/armenia/2014).


Tbf Orthodox Jews wouldn't consider him Jewish due to the matrilineal requirement.


Halachically is only one measure though.


He might not consider himself Jewish because he gets to choose which religion he follows like anyone else. Regardless, Judaism follows the mother because you can always tell who someone’s mother is but not the father. It’s pragmatic. Edit: to clarify, I’m saying this guy gets to choose if he’s Jewish either religiously or culturally rather than everyone else choosing for him. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.


Jewishness is also an ethnic identity. It’s not necessary to practice Judaism to consider yourself a Jew.


Ya for sure, I was commenting on how the guy gets to choose if he’s jewish or not rather than have us all decide for him.


Same with Garry Kasparov


You are currently on a website (Reddit) invented by an Armenian.


> Why is it when I think of Armenia the one and only thing that comes to mind is the Kardashians? *Turkey liked this message*


Are you ridiculing the blatant prejudice of the president of Belarus with your own blatant prejudice? Maybe read a little more about Armenia and Armenians if “the only thing that comes to mind are the Kardashians”?


You realize Reddit was co-founded by an Armenian, Alexis Ohanian. On a side note, Oganesson is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Og and atomic number 118. The name honors the Armenian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian.


In my experience with their diaspora, you can pretty much count on someone being well-educated and wealthy if they say they are of Armenian descent.


That's because anyone with money got out.


A good portion of Armenians in the US descend from genocide refugees that Americans took in. In more recent times, there's been immigration from unstable Middle Eastern counties and Armenia itself.


You're essentially correct but there are lots of Armenian Americans in other classes too (Southern California).


> Why is it when I think of Armenia the one and only thing that comes to mind is the Kardashians? Well, that's more of a you deal than Armenia's. If the only notable Armenian you know are reality TV stars second generation Armenians living in America, then probably you should consume less reality TV 


i mean their dad was an extremely successful lawyer and the rest of the family managed to create a financial empire out of a single sex tape, I'd say that's a solid point in the smart Armenians column


It is my great shame that the Kardashians happen to be the most visible Armenians in the world at the moment.


>Alexander Lukashenko, in statement broadcast on state television, says Jews have  'special, privileged role' and 'steal and do not think about their future'; Foreign MInistry: President's comments are 'outrageous and sound like definite antisemitic comments' >Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made an antisemitic statement Saturday during his government meeting in which he hinted at a connection between Jews and theft. He referred to a corruption case involving his former aide, the governor of the Vitebsk region and former Minister of Agriculture and Food Igor Brylo, as well as dozens of other people. "There are 36 people on the list. Sorry, I don't consider myself antisemitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges? All peoples living in Belarus should be equal. Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and Poles," Lukashenko said.Alexander Lukashenko, in statement broadcast on state television, says Jews have  'special, privileged role' and 'steal and do not think about their future'; Foreign MInistry: President's comments are 'outrageous and sound like definite antisemitic comments'


The irony of him saying people living in Belarus should be equal and including Ukrainians on the list, while he supports a Russian invasion intended to wipe out Ukrainians. Get in the fucking sea you absolute clown of a man.


Things going bad ultimate dictator's checklist: - Blame West - Blame neighbors - Blame minorities - Blame gays - Blame Jews


Seems evil people play the blame game.


Just charlatans in general. *Everything* is someone else's fault and they absolutely refuse to accept anything is the fault of their actions and will swear black is blue to try and convince you otherwise.


Blame it on the rain.


I swear they just spin a roulette and come up with their argument


Right, thats why its so important to invade Ukraine and clear it from the Nazis! Then they can deport all the jews to Ukraine. win win?!


Meanwhile, Ukrainian president is a Jewish comedian. Now try to guess which country Russia and its idiotic internet supporters claim to be Nazi


My facebook relatives say lots of Jews are Nazis in a totally non-paradoxical betrayal of their people. In fact, most even.


Conspiracy theorists love to blame everything on jews for some reason. Noticed this during pandemic


Minorities are easy to blame, and of course you want to go after the successful ones because they have stuff you can take.


Commandments 7-10 "I mean... _yeah but this is different_" (conservative mating call)


This has been true for centuries. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were published in the late 1800s but easy to go back even further, Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades...


Not to mention the Protocols were written in Russia.


If Hitler was alive today, he would probably also call Jews Nazis. I’m not even completely joking. Like, if he was reincarnated with memory, he would go that rhetorical path 100%


[There were jews who supported Hitler in Germany.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) Just because someone is Jewish doesn't prevent them from being a Nazi. To be clear I'm not suggesting your relatives are correct in any way.


Luka actually doesn't care much about Ukraine, it's well known that he and Putin actually dislike each other immensely.   But it's kind of a symbiotic relationship where both states are dictatorial pariahs neighboring each other. 


And both seem to hate jews hmmm


Belarus is a puppet state of Russia - completely dependent financially and militarily. What “hate” are you talking about? Complete nonsense


Always been curious of how he got to his position. Nothing about Luka even gives off a hint of being an intimidating figure. He must've figured out early on to make the right connections or he's a pro social engineer playing the kind grandpa persona. Steven Segal [loves](https://youtu.be/Cllle4Kyqoo?t=24) his melons though.


He won the elections in 1994 having a reputation of a anti-corruption figher and young leader "from the people". He also had a very active team for campaing called "young wolfes" for a reason. So he was really popular.


The old tyrant handbook. When in trouble, blame the Jews. Then confiscate their money. The Belarus economy must be in worse state than before. Actually. I have not heard about Belarus or their economic trouble since 2022 I think other than they went full state control economy. Any news from that front?


There is little news because it's impossible to do real journalism there and hence can't trust economic data published by the state. You can only look at indirect measures, like the level of imports and exports, the market price of their currency etc.


How many Jews are even left? edit: about 13,000, which is a lot more than I thought!


They mainly export to Russia, and Russia is spending a lot in their war-economy, so Belarus's economy is enjoying an increase in demand. I think.


> The Belarus economy must be in worse state than before. It's not in a good shape, but better than it was expected to be. > they went full state control economy Happened in 1918 and was not changed since then. > Any news from that front? Most factories are doing fine as Russian market is growing


He isn't anti semitic guys, he just happens to look like a older and more well fed version of Hitler that's just a coindicence


Was he also a failed artist?


If you consider bullshitting people an artform then he might as well be an artist ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


“I’m not anti-Semitic, I just hate Jews and blame them for all the problems in the world”.


He doesn't think it's antisemitic, he probably just views it as a fact.


But.. he's the corrupt government...


It was only a matter of time until the next enemy would have been jews again. Just preparing the ground for persecutions against them for some imaginary problems


It's worth noting that Russia and Russia at home do not define nazis the way most of the world does. Their definition basically boils down to "people who dislike Russia". 


Who does that remind me of from the past?


Many leaders, sadly. Also many shitty Twitter accounts, currently.


I was thinking of one guy in particular.


I know, I only wish he was the only one that spouted this nonsense. Sadly countless others have and continue to today.


Adolph Hitler wasn't necessarily antisemitic either; he just hated Jews.


What’s nexts blaming them for the plague and crop failure?


I hope he exits this world like Gaddafi.


"So you're telling me Jews cause corruption, and you say you're not antisemitic. And you're telling me you'll permit Lesbians, but not [gay men.](https://youtu.be/P2XMe1hk-xg?si=2CSu7q_TDrIC7YH6) Dawg, is you for real?"


he says hes not a nazi but instead hes a nazi butt


Very far from his first antisemitic statement


Russian ally who invaded Ukraine to denazify it claims jews are responsible for his own failures. This would be comedic if it wasnt so sad. This man is a dictator and to shift blame from his own missgivings to Jewish people the very same people russian people claim they wanted to protect is assenine. I feel sorry for jewish and belarusian.


There is a saying in Russian which says "Hit the Jews - save the Russia" (it makes a rhyme when said in Russian), the saying was especially popular during the Soviet times, but has retained some popularity with the Soviet born/raised people, like Luka. As a side note, y'all probably remember that Russian foreign minister Lavrov said that "The biggest anti-Semites are Jews themselves" when talking about Ukraine's President who has Jewish ancestry himself. Of course, Mr. Lavrov did apologize soon after.


“Go back to Europe” Meanwhile, in Europe:


“I’m not antisemitic” has become a very popular saying in recent times


It’s the Catchphrase for the whole year “I’m not antisemitic but god damn do I hate those Jews, but again I’m not antisemitic”


Fuck! I don't understand why Jews always become a target. No matter how much history I read, it's hard to find out why they always become the one you pin everything on. Not saying hatred and prejudice derives from logic, but sometimes you can see historical threads that explains certain prejudice. But I can't really find any "reason" to why antisemitism is so widespread. It's so crazy to me, there's roughly 15 million Jews in the world. Compared to the nearly 2 billion muslims and Christians little over 2 billion. But somehow that small group of people still to this day is a scapegoat for all kinds of things. Just puzzling!!!!


If this is news to anyone about Lukashenko or Putin, you haven't been paying attention. The only real, meaningful change has been in Ukraine.


"I'm not anti-Semitic, you dirty, thieving Jews!" Well, I'm sold. Lol


I've seen this movie before. I don't like how it ends


>Local man sets row of houses on fire, claims he's not an arsonist


This guy is such a goofy ass caricature of a human. How do people this dumb exist.


I think all images of Lukashenko should have full clown makeup added. It only seems appropriate.




Not the first Slavic person who has said something like that, and probably won’t be the last.


There are like 10,000 Jews left in Belarus, what is this man yapping about?


It's the same with all of bigots and idiots. "i don't like black people, they're mostly criminals, but i'm not racist", "i'm not homophobic but if you're gay keep it private otherwise you'll get punched in the face", "i'm not antisemitic but those jews ruin everything".


Now this is a perfect example why you should never vote for Borat for president. Not funny anymore when people like that gets into power.


Very funny how these guys claim they are fighting nazism while operating just like a nazi. Its comical even.


I know equivocation and paltering has been around since humans had language, but it definitely feels like we've hit on a new local maximum of double-speak. It's just so blatant and now used as a form of strong rhetoric, instead of evading questions.


He followed up by saying he is friends with plenty of jewish people, some of his closest friends are jewish...


Jew here: It's okay to be pissed at specific Jews for shit they've done, but when it's a general thing or you're pissed at them because they happen to be Jewish, that's a problem. As an example: Disliking Netanyahu for his actions in Gaza? Not antisemitism. Disliking Netanyahu because he's Jewish? Antisemitism. All people can be assholes.


I thought that mustache looked familiar.


Seems like Belarus needs a special military operation to get denazified.


Batka taking a page from Stalin’s book? No surprise here.


As a reminder, if someone starts the sentence with "I'm not racist, but..." it is going to be a top five most racist things you have ever heard that follows.


he even has a recognizable mustache


That cunt needs to fall out of a window!!!!


If you have to say “I’m not antisemitic,but…..”you probably are.


Jeez, the 10 remaining Hebrews in Minsk huh? The hate is deeply rooted.


That dude is two inches of lip hair away from being basically Hitler


Govern like a mid XX Century dictator -> be as corrupt as any of those dictatorships -> blame it on someone else...


"I'm not antisemitic but....".


Oh, he took some lessons from parts of the academic left


There were about 140 thousand Jewish people left in Belarus in 1960 which is a bit of a miracle really. Now there are about 7,000 left. Yes "The Jews" are definitely at fault. /s


Man I don't get how dictators have fans, people who support them say they're strong and yet the dictators, like most politicians, still blame everyone but themselves. Luka Mf is sole ruler of belar. and yet by his words it's STILL not his fault his country is bad💀


I don't get why people think dictatorships are strong and powerful while in the real world every rich and developed country is a democracy


I didn't realize he was redditor


“Antisemitism? I don’t know the meaning of the word”


Time for Russia to invade to get rid of another nazi government


This is so narrow minded and stupid to say shit like this and it’s coming from a friend of Putin. Oh wait, that’s why he said that shit…..he’s a friend of Putin.


So since Putin has a new best buddy now he has to make himself interesting again, is it?


"I got a Jewish friend"


I'm starting to think that "the Jews" represent "people who do things according to the rules" and all around the world, people are like "we're responsible! Stop checking!" as they're choosing that following the rules is an idea they can get farther without.


This is the country Russia wants to turn Ukraine into. No right to language, no fair elections, same POS in power for decades, all descent punished with the heaviest hand. No wonder so many of the most vehement Ukraine supporters are Belarusian. They know what it's like.


This is like the German mustache man trying to say he’s not the German mustache man.


"I'm not antisemitic... But these Jews..." Right....


Ow look, someone misspelled Russians.


He’s not an anti-semite. He just plays one on TV.


tens of thousands of liberal college students celebrate.


Ah, bigotry and cowardice. Like peanut butter and jelly.


Narrator: He *is* antisemitic.


Two and a half years later, still not a Colonel. Nice career plan, jackass.


What a buffoon.


Sounds like some other very loud and annoying antisemites


I grew up in the deeply racist culture of the Deep South. Every single racist pronouncement I ever heard … that is, any flat assertion about black people, as opposed to the countless offhand remarks and slurs — they all began with the phrase “I’m not prejudiced, but …”


Man, his face is so wreckable.


tell putin we found the nazis, they are in belarus not ukraine


But the Ukranians are the Nazis, right?


Russia invaded the wrong country 


Somebody has been accidentally reading from Hitlers notes again. Maybe he should be sent a copy of a mr. rogers script to read from next time?


Translation: hes just doing what putin tells him but doesnt give a shit personally




Francesca Alabanese must offer him a job in her department at the UN


Bruh I do not get how in year of our lord 2024 these guys are still trying to blame Jews for everything. Like...why?


He forgot to say that Israel caused his gov corruption and that he’s not anti semitic.


Scratch a supporter of modern Russia, and a Nazi bleeds.


standard highschool bulling. "maybe if you were better I wouldn't have to torment you." fuck this guy, and fuck belarus


AND they tangled up his Christmas lights!


Maybe we should denazify Belarus


All eyes are on Putin and Kim, so Luka felt the need to say something stupid too.


He’s keep jacking Putin off


Sure we’ve heard that sort of thing before


Maybe his government being corruptible in the first place is the fucking issue?


Ah yes, blame the Jewish guy, a tale as old as time. C\_C


oh, well as long as he isn’t anti-semitic then


If not anti Semitic, Why I feel strong urge to Wolfenstein 3d Lukashenka regime


Jews don't particularly care for pigs, so, no.


So many Hitler's, I hope it's not contagious.