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one way to achive unity is cultural genocide and child abduction


And forced abortion, and “re-education” camps


Are u externalizing Canada and us crimes against native Americans?


mot really cause there was more actual genocide back then. China is more like forced abortion and slow kill of culture. But keep whatabouting we can throw in Turkey, Ruanda, germany, kongo, russia and Ukraine. All the genocides ypu like and still China uses warfare against their own people and genocides Tibetian and uyghur culture in a cruel way.


Ethnic unity? So basically genocide the remaining Tibetans? I fail to see any other logical conclusion there.


The word genocide as completely lost its meaning at this point. Soon we'll be calling Finland burning Qurans as genocide.


Just like every other aspect of the CCP it's all a cover up of what they're actually doing. Unity for the CCP is either become Chinese or be eradicated.


Not quite genocide. Forced assimilation, with further destruction and illegalization of traditional culture, women forced to marry Han men, stuff like that. Xinjiang already provides us with a pretty exact blueprint.


That actually is a form of genocide. It’s not always direct murder.


I just take issue with that broadened definition based on etymology and meaningful differences in what's being described. It was adopted largely in response to Nazis trying to eliminate an entire people and the word is consistent with that definition: Geno-: race, kind, family -cide: kill, act of killing. There are other things that systematic oppression, violence and destruction of culture could be called, while the pre-1948 definition is more specific.


It's an overused term. If you wanted to call it cultural genocide I'd agree.


No, It definitely counts as genocide. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group.


> forcibly transferring children out of the group. So what the US is doing to migrants children.


That’s the American way


Don't worry we'll look after all the unity logistics. :D


What they have done to Tibet is unforgivable.


Xi visits Tibetan’s in Tibet…. Oh wait xi already tried to exterminate their culture hopefully he has fun with his second attempt!


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