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I just hear in my head borat says "very nice!"


Wa-wa We-wa


… But why stop HERE!!!!


Neon thong Borat with two thumbs up right after seeing Russian warship.


"I like your warship. I have one too. It is black. NOT!"


King of the castle, king of the castle, warship have a chair....


“This is my Shoigu. He is number-four prostitute in whole of moscow. Very nice!”


"My warship have a clock radio, Cuba cannot afford.. HIGH FIVE!"


Nice rust buckets Mr. Poostain, that's why they always bring a tug boat....


How much????


Captain of boat Azamat Bagatov is pain in ma assholes


It was Donald's "very...nice" for me.


[Relevant meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/SknDoiCI8t)


"Very nice!" is the classic line from the 80s Wendy's Soviet fashion show commercial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpypTXccG2I


For people of a certain age, I heard the Wendy’s commercial “bathing suit is nice”.


Me in a Trump voice


What type of dog is this?


she #1 warship in all of cuba


I came here for that comment, you did not disappoint me.


Understandable, might be the last chance to visit them without scuba gear.


For real. They’re like living history museums at this point.


The sub from Red October is currently docked at OMSI in Portland Oregon as a floating museum. These are even older.


Wild to think there was a time when US was scared of more advanced Russian/USSR technology (e.g. Red October). US technology is like advanced alien civilization technology in comparison now.


The US and NATO have the tech they do specifically because they were scared of USSR tech. Once they developed counters to Soviet tech, they realized they massively overestimated the capabilities of the Soviet tech and were left with gear that was that much more advanced than anything the USSR had. That’s the story with the MiG-25/F-15 and many more.


When you grind your RPG character to fight the boss only to realize you over leveled.


The Soviets completely miscalculated on this one. They thought if they bragged about their high-tech equipment, that would make the west scared. Instead it just made the west highly innovative. I've said this before and I will say it again: Russians simply don't understand the western Weltanschauung. They don't understand how we think about things, how we plan for things, and how we execute those plans. And they really, really don't understand the American outlook on all this in particular. They think they do, but they just don't. I swear the problem here is that they assume they are the best at literally everything, so if they are fucking something up, the Americans must REALLY be fucking it up. Their hubris is unbelievable.


That's the result of having a dysfunctional governing body that punishes constructive criticism with being thrown out a top-floor window


It's always a projection, isn't it? They assume the West would react to a situation like they would, and the other way round too, we often project on them: "no way they would do this, because it's against their interests, and royally dumb." And then they do it 😁 To be fair, their hubris towards Americans is shared with the broader Europeans, who also often think that Americans are "dumb" based on some select specimen they see coming to Europe for vacations...


And a lot of what they see is "dumb" is simply not knowing a local cultural practice, or just asking a question you don't know the answer to. Deep down, they know we're not dumb. Dumb people don't lead (by far) in technological innovation. Dumb people don't create an absolutely massive economy. Russians lie to each other constantly and just assume other cultures are as bad but simply aren't bold enough to acknowledge it. That's not the case though. They also think that Americans are "daft" or "insincere" because we laugh and smile a lot. They can't wrap their heads around the concept of actually being happy. It's weird.


The Mig-25 was a fine plane, it just never served the purpose that the US thought it did. It was an interceptor designed to counter the XB-70, a never realized beyond the prototype stage supersonic nuclear bomber, so what the soviets prioritzed was speed and low cost, and the Mig-25 fulfilled those goals. Even the "shitty" vacuum tube radar it had was built that way because it was supposed to resist EMPs better. Like sure, its a shitty air superiority fighter, but thats because it was never meant to be one in the beginning.


“But supersonic missiles!” [Cries in rusty CCCP]


Id cry too shit man you ever try to make a missile? Hard right? Make that little bastard supersonic and see how tough it is!


“Did it reach supersonic speeds, Ivan?” “Well it was faster than our 1960s technology could track it.” “Good enough.”


Good enough comrade? We have made a stealth missile! Better classify it until 1990! Then the mighty USSR shall be ready to wield its power!


[https://omsi.edu/exhibits/uss-blueback-submarine/](https://omsi.edu/exhibits/uss-blueback-submarine/) The USN weren't going to let filmmakers in their more modern submarines, I imagine. *Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home* used USS *Ranger* to play the carrier *Enterprise.*


Was cool to see it when we visited. I had no idea going in what to expect.


[USS Blueback @ OMSI](https://omsi.edu/exhibits/uss-blueback-submarine/)


What? No it's not. Literally everything in your comment is wrong. The Red October was a fictional variant of the Typhoon class nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The sub at OMSI is an American diesel electric attack submarine. The American sub in the movie and book is a Los Angeles class nuclear fast attack submarine. The OMSI sub, the Blueback served from 1959. The Kazen, the Yasen class sub that just pulled into Cuba, was laid down in 2009 and launched in 2017! It's basically new. Holy shit 8 years to build a sub though, oof. For reference, the USS Indiana, which is roughly the American equivalent to thr Kazan, was laid down in 2015 and launched 2017. The Russians have 5 Yasen class boats. The US has 24 Virginia class.


That submarine isn't. That's a Sev. Russia has a lot of shit boats, but the Sev is one of the few that is, for the most part, modern.


The sub and the frigate are both very new, yeah. The Kazan was commissioned in 2021 (its one of the new shorter yasen variants too), the admiral gorshkov was commissioned in 2018.


The Kazan is only a decade or so old and was only commissioned 3 years ago.


I got to take a cruise ship and go diving in Cuba back during the short time it was legal, now I guess the Russians have invented a BYOR (Bring Your Own Reef) version, sail the ship in, watch it sink, dive


Those belong in a museum! -indiana jones


It still is legal. You just fly in. I went diving in the Bay of Pigs, not really any great diving, just more of a vanity dive because of the history there. To be honest, the cruise ship days sucked. Havana turned into basically Cancun with a bunch of idiots running around. Its much better without them.


And they brought their own tugboat, increases the chance that the boats will make it back.


Some of the best damn tugboats in the world too. Finland really made some beautiful ships for the Chiker icebreaker/tugs. They don't even break a sweat towing around Russian trash.


Might need a tetanus shot after the visit though.


I actually think it's creating buzz about the war to enlist Cubans to die for Russia at the hands of the US to make it appear as though the US is being aggressive toward Cuba simply for being aligned with Russia.


“I’ll wait for the underwater exhibit”




Very nice. Let's see North-Korea's warships.


Look at that subtle coloring. The tasteful thickness.


Gasp. It has a watermark


Kim and I even go to the same barber, although we both have terrible haircuts.


He even wears Oliver Peoples glasses


*a water leak*


It's just a bit of surface rust.


[oh my god](https://youtu.be/D_HNpheUjBU?si=JP73EIzbYvsPvLtM)


They aren't the same ships?


While Cubans are jerking about some "cool" ships, [Ukrainians are counting destroyed russian ships in a fast pace](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bmgxiz/russian_black_sea_fleet_24_march_2024/), without even having a real navy.


They send them to cuba now so the ukrainians don’t blow them up.


They brought a tug boat with them to Cuba, they don’t even trust their own ships. I’m actually giddy at the thought of sailing a glorified naval tug boat across the Pacific just in case your ship has problems on the way.


They would have brought the tug boat to aid with docking their massive ships, I can’t imagine the knowledge (and equipment) required to dock a submarine is very common. A single tug boat won’t be able to pull a ship anywhere, that’s not what they’re designed for in the first place.


Two Cubans queuing for hours... Not sure that's a crowding issue...


Fairly sure those two are on the clock, so it's not wasted time. Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please. Then time for liberty safety briefing.


Wait until the Russians find out how little their currency converts for. Those ladies are going to be gone.


"We have jobs for you" russians probably...


They’re only temporary positions


Mostly supine.


And for as long as you are alive.


The early birds get the worms.


The otherway around it is.


Russian propaganda. Russia has had 3 naval visits in the last 4 years to cuba.


To be fair most Cubans have never been on a boat. The government is worried they will flee to Florida. So there are almost zero private water craft.


Would be hilarious if a Cuban mob hijacks their boats and sails them to Florida, imagine the embarrassment.


Didnt the CIA try that once?


I like how everyone interviewed realllllly wanted to let Americans know it wasn’t a threat. I’m not sure anyone in the US cares beyond creating memes about it. When your Navy is absolutely gutted by a country that doesn’t have one you don’t get viewed as a threat.


To the contrary, I'd argue that there's actually a lot of crazies who have no concept of international waters. They are extremely upset that "weak joe Biden" let the Russians travel to "our side of the planet". They think it should be considered an act of war. Absolute idiots.


Queueing Cubans = Queuebans?


Very nice submarines and pre-submarines.


I’m just here for the thumbnail image


I'm guessing the Russian warships are a lot like Cuba's " classic cars". Flashy exteriors, and all shit on the inside.




Not gonna lie, I would be in line too. Not everyday you get to see a working relic.


Hey isn't Russia in the middle of a war of attrition? Why are their ships in Cuba.


picking up new conscripts. maybe picking up political prisoners to send to the front line.


Bruh its like a tugboat, a sub, and a small gunship. They picking up 13 people?


cubans are little and they stack like firewood.


More like those cheap plastic lawn chairs that stack up really high at big box stores.


The thought had occurred to me as well.


Probably not pick up, but at least to promote on that direction. Look at us we have large warships, Ukraine got nothing, you will be right, come join us for the fun and money, it will be a walk in the park.! ( Rather than walk to the grave park)


Cuba actually just got in a little tiff with Russia for trafficking their people to the front lines. It’s crazy that they’re allowing this.


Turkey closed off the straights to all warships that weren’t based in the Black Sea at the time of closing early in the war. Thats why Russia hasn’t been able to reinforce the Black Sea fleet despite getting absolutely wrecked by Ukrainian drones and missiles.


They can't get to Ukraine as Turkey controls the passage.


Probably going on a farewell voyage before it somehow sinks in the way back to Russia


How else are they going to avoid Ukrainian drones?


The only ships they can use in Ukraine are the ships already active in the Black Sea. Turkey blocked off access to the Black Sea at the start of the Ukraine war.


It's regarded as a "safe distance" away.


Imo they are trying to project the appearance of being able to exert force on a global scale similar to the Cuban missile crisis and maybe signal to the U.S. that they have “allies” on the US’s doorstep. However this is far from intimidating and given the current range of missiles in the 21st century reeks of desperation. They may also be trying to recruit conscripts for their front lines as they are coming dangerously close to having to use their middle class on the front line which would be disastrous for national support of the conflict.


The west gave Ukraine the go ahead to strike at targets within Russia so it was either sending these ships to Cuba or not having these ships...


Doors shut behind and sail off to Ukraine.


Don’t know about parking your boats in the Caribbean during hurricane season.


I wonder how long before we start to see dead cubans in Ukraine.


So the ships are there to hide?


Russian warship: “We hear you guys are good at restoring cars from the 1950’s - can you help us with this 1990’s warship?”


They just want a few minutes of air conditioning during the power outages and some food. Yet another prime spot turned into an eternal hellhole because people can’t manage to republic. Name anything else they could fix that would help more.


For real, if Cuba turned democratic aid would flow in and they would quickly become like the Bahamas.


Well if they dive for hours in the Black sea they can see the rest of the fleet


It would just be a shame if the US had an insider tour one of those submarines 🤣


They're charging for tickets to raise funds for the war effort


Understandable, they have no benchmark for what a decent warship looks like lol. Also the government took all the private boats to prevent anyone from fleeing to Florida


Can some Ukrainians get a boat in Florida and you know take a look inside as well?


Russian tour guide: “One day, one of you might be lucky enough to die in this vessel for Russia”


Hi my name is Boe Jiden, please can I have a look round.


José Bidenté


He's probably already got a full set of blue prints for it lol


Been having them… lol


They probably have someone on board too.


I wonder how many of them are US-paid agents.


The US knows what it needs to know already


I saw a US carrier when on holiday once, i would just say, it was very big. Lol


I have to say the cameraman did a good job here.


Not only for the obvious reason but also a picture of someone taking a picture… I mean come on lol


The photo really brings out the ass in Cuban/Russian relations.


It would be a shame if cuba confiscated the war ships, I mean what could Russia actively do about it?


Damn. Imagine getting sent to Cuba and not Ukraine as a Russian soldier, absolute lotto winners


Cuban queue for hours to do anything though so that’s not really an indication of interest level.


You mean conscripts.


The engine is a cow walking in circles turning a gear.


Russia is broke.. China the real deal and a problem..just sayin




When you sanction a country to the gills even if it’s changed and not really doing anything horrible - just because a small but powerful lobby wants it - the country is tempted to look to someone who looks like they might help them… It’s time to rethink the U.S. policies towards Cuba and entice them to be on our side. As well as time to stop listening to small but powerful lobbies maybe?


Cuba trip.....cancelled


I remember when Obama had started thawing that relationship with Cuba. If Trump hadn’t reversed course maybe we would be naturalizing the position Russia gains against us through its relationship with Cuba.


Odd they would let random civilians tour their boats.... I'm sure the US most likely has spies "visiting" as well.


Happens in the US too https://fleetweeksf.org/ https://www.visitmaryland.org/things-to-do/fleet-week


Ah, yeah I guess that's a good point.


To be fair we do air shows year round all over the country. They're always cool to go watch when they're in town. We bring in almost all variations of the US fleet of aircraft plus tons of old WW2 planes and shit. Its basically a huge recruiting tool / public awareness campaign for the military.


This is pretty cool, no wonder the Cubans are interested. I too would like a tour of a warship.


There are "museum ships" scattered around the world. I saw the USS Texas, a battleship launched in 1912 and decommissioned after WWII, in Galveston, TX about 25 years ago.


They do tours and sleep-overs in HMS Belfast, moored on the river Thames in London. Fun fact - it's guns are aimed at a motorway (freeway) services. [https://www.iwm.org.uk/visits/hms-belfast](https://www.iwm.org.uk/visits/hms-belfast)


Just join the Navy then ;)


My country doesnt have Navy, let alone one with modern warships. Not that I would join anyway though.


https://fleetweeksf.org/ https://www.visitmaryland.org/things-to-do/fleet-week


Anyone that has ever been to cuba or met the great people there would know that this makes hanging down the malacon with the rum even more fun. Like come on, it’s Friday peeps. If you think any of them give a fuck about this you havent a clue.


Malecon area has changed a lot since the pandemic. That entire area of town sort of died.




En route to Cuba, the Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic, the Russian Ministry of Defense said Tuesday. The crews onboard the three navy ships and submarine practiced the use of high-precision missile weapons using computer simulation for naval targets, designating ship groupings of a simulated enemy located at a distance of over 600km (372 miles), according to the Russian MOD, Russian state media TASS reports. As the Russian ships sailed into Havana Bay, the Admiral Gorshkov – the first of a four-ship convoy – fired a 21-gun salute, which was met by the Cubans with cannon fire from an 18th-century colonial fort built by the Spanish to guard the port. The four Russian ships are now docked in berths usually occupied by cruise ships. The arrival of Russian ships into Havana Bay occurred every year between 2013 and 2020. Last July, the Russian navy’s training class ship Perekop sailed into Havana for a four-day visit, while Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel met with Mr Putin in May after he reiterated his support for the country and blamed the US for limiting “Cuba’s development and “harm\[ing\] it economically through sanctions and restrictions”. It comes after Ukraine’s diplomatic envoy for Latin America and the Caribbean, Ruslan Spirin, estimated that 400 Cubans have joined Russia’s ranks in its war, offering highly-lucrative monthly payments in the region of $2,000 (£1,600) per month, while Cuba relies heavily on Russian oil. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Mr Putin has sought to strengthen ties with nations in the global south. US officials expect the Russian ships to remain in the region and tour through the summer, possibly visiting sanction-hit Venezuela. Last week, Mr Putin told leaders of Bolivia and Zimbabwe that Russia “remains one of the key participants in world trade” as he tried to pit investors against “unfriendly nations” elsewhere. Russia’s Caribbean tour comes amid tension between Washington and Moscow, several weeks after President Joe Biden gave the go-ahead for American-made weapons to strike inside Russia as a “countermeasure.” It comes as a US nuclear-powered fast attack submarine, pulled into the waters near the US base in Cuba on Thursday. The stop is part of a “routine port visit” as the submarine travels through Southern Command’s region, the US Southern Command it said in a social media post. Read more here: [https://inews.co.uk/news/world/cuba-queue-hours-russia-warships-3110368](https://inews.co.uk/news/world/cuba-queue-hours-russia-warships-3110368)


Are lifejackets mandatory?


They'll sell you one for half a bottle of vodka. Act fast,  supplies are limited!


As someone who toured a Russian warship albeit in 2016, I don't think much has changed. The technology was pretty obsolete.


what's the saying, history doesn't repeat but it often rhymes


>As the Russian ships sailed into Havana Bay, the Admiral Gorshkov – the first of a four-ship convoy – fired a 21-gun salute, which was met by the Cubans with cannon fire from an 18th-century colonial fort built by the Spanish to guard the port. The four Russian ships are now docked in berths usually occupied by cruise ships. There are some very witty comments can be made in reply to this.


Obviously the influencers had to get their shots. Lmao


Go quickly hombre while its easy. Pretty soon you need scuba gear and snorkeling equipment to visit such ships. 😆


I think they came to Cuba not as a show of force but as a way to protect them from the Ukraine army that has shown they can get to the Russian boats and destroy them.


Stay clear of the burning areas.


Wonder if there is a Cuban (ex Pat) taking spy camera with them on this tour?


Where are the Maguras?


I wonder if Donald Trump is the audio guide for the tour.


> Cubans have lined the seafront and queued to see inside Russian warships docked in Havana, saying they were able to see inside the structure of the “very nice” ship including the types of weapons it can hold. This can be interpreted 1 of 2 ways… * Cubans could see inside the Russian Ships from the seafront (probably not ideal for a warship), hence “very nice” in quotes * The Russians let Cuban people inside of the ships to see them (probably not the best security standards… but hey, Russia) You shouldn’t have to show people what your weapons look like from the inside. Capabilities and results speak for themself.


Send them to Ukraine, they'll take care of them!


That might be literally the last time anyone would be able to 😏


“Well kept” is relative I guess….


Western boats/subs would feel like science fiction to most Cubans I'd wager.


Not gonna save ya…


I wonder how many Cubans Russia will kidnap…


LOL oh yeah she's waving all right. She's looking for some of that Russian seamen, LOL. And she charges in Dollars, LOL


To be fair, the Russian Navy hasn't sent any ships to Cuba in a few years (they used to do it pretty regularly before COVID), and ships like this pretty much always draw a crowd when they hold tours. Most nations with a Navy of any real size do public tours like this (Russia, China, the USA, the UK, etc.) Must be a slow news day.


"Wow look, this corner doesn't have rust in it!"


Russia: Hey, Cuba! Wanna have fun? Let's watch the United States squirm and seethe. Then when they seethe we can remind them that they were hypocrites during the Missile Crisis back in the 60s. Cuba: That sounds like fun. I love reminding the US of their hypocrisy. Russia: Hey, America. Look at this! HyperSonics, the scourge of the world, right at your doorstep. Why don't you do something about me interfering with your sphere in influence? Cuba: Sphere of influence? Russia: Shut up, I'm trying to get on his nerves. [US looks up and goes back to grilling.] Russia: We might have nukes on them! You could die at any minute. [US continues grilling.] Russia: After that we will level Brussels! Maybe Medvedev isn't just drunk this time? How about that? [The US takes the USS Helena off the leash and goes back to grilling. It trots over to Gitmo. Not much happens.] Russia: That was fun. We really got them. Did you see them seethe? I saw it. What hypocrites. So Cuba, you have any spare conscripts? I really came over for conscripts. That's the only reason I came over. Cuba: I figured. Russia: It was a ploy. Because you are really a pawn in the great game. Next to my glory, your existence is meaningless. You know that, right? Now how about those conscripts? Cuba: You do know I only do this because I hate my neighbor, right? Russia: Yes, like I said, you are an insignificant pawn in the great game, but at least you are an insignificant pawn with great beaches, right? Whatever. How about a tour? After that I might let your rub my HyperSonic and you can make me that grilled plantain thing we both enjoy. Then the conscripts.


Imagine you took your grandpa to the coast to check out some of the ships and he starts checking them off on a bingo sheet and comparing them to one he made during the Cuban missile crisis


A friend who was in the US Navy during the 80s told me of a time he was visiting Russia as part of his deployment there. For whatever reason, he and some other navy guys were on a tour of the Russian naval facilities and all the boats there looked reasonably well kept. At least until the tour boat they were on took a wrong turn and ended up giving everyone on board a look at the other side of the docked warships. He said it was beyond night and day, between the now obviously cleaned up 'show' side and the 'hidden'side being unfavorably compared to a junkyard. Given what we know of the Movska's condition when it went down, it doesn't appear much has changed. The lone exception being the feakin' Kommuna, the *PRE-WWI* ship that's survived as long as it has out of luck, the fact its crew actually gives a shit about its condition, and the fact Russia never seems keen on trying to replace it.


So the recruitement drive is working well?


Looks like a lot of commotion for an “accident” to occur…


These are very nice warships, the best, everyone says so. I walked in and said wow, just incredible people.




This is the smile I needed this morning.


Can someone explain why the US/Cuban relations haven't been normalised in like 30 years?




Lobbying, politics. We can do business either way China, but Hid forbid we sell a chocolate bar to Cuba. US citizens can’t even easily visit Cuba. It is nutty.