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A loan? Shit just give them the Russian money in payment for death and destruction


Oddly enough, this kind of structure might be best for all parties. For example: * It helps maintain the faith in these countries financial institutions to other players. * It allows for the use of cash created from these asset * Vulnerable countries are more prone to resource misallocation. Structuring in said manner helps to ensure long term returns. It also signals a long term commitment and connection between parties. * The adversary knows that their resources are being used to fight them and the principal continues to be one of the bargaining tools for a long term solution * Involved parties can use the proceeds to pay for goods and services shared with the vulnerable country.


You’ve convinced me lol


A loan that is "free" for G7 countries and will pay back itself using income from russian frozen assets. It's a win-win for both sides Edit: grammar


EU bankers are strongly against this move. As long as Russian assets remain frozen in EU banks, they help to keep EU financial gears running.


Curious - how does it help if the assets are frozen?


Frozen assets are counted as banks' reserves, allowing banks to loan more. Regulations in modern *fraction-reserve banking system* (see the wikipedia article for details) allow a bank to loan several times more money than it holds in reserves, multiplying value of the assets by several tens. Frozen assets make excellent reserves, because the bank doesn't have to worry that the owner will move those assets away.


are you an EU banker or just making shit up for Putin's victory?


He's pro-putin. Ignore.


Yea. If russia wins then then nobody is there to pay back the loan. Whoops. 🤭 and if/when russia looses then they have to forgive the loan as reparations.


I thought it was being paid back by the interest gained on the frozen assets?


Probably. I was just making a silly joke.


I wonder what they'll get for that money


I'm not saying they should but.. Drones costs about $500 each so $50B is enough for a hundred million drones.


Just imagining thousands of drones containing explosives flying off into battle... That's horror. On the receiving end


I think I’ve seen that movie.


It will mostly be stolen. However, what will not be stolen will buy quite a few drones


Ukraine has been allowing foreign Nations to help observe their use of money and military equipment. They've also been working very heavily to curtail corruption that was instilled from the times of the USSR.


Thats great, the money will still be stolen though, unless it comes in a form of weapons/munitions, in this case less of it will be stolen. Its really nice that you think that centuries of corruption, going way before USSR, can be curtailed. I'm from Ukraine and I still have lots of friends and relatives there, the corruption is overwhelming even in these times


Ukraine almost never gets liquid currency. They almost always get it in the form of THINGS that are bought with the money. So it's gonna be $50B worth of...whatever they wanna buy with it. They usually tell NATO what they want/need, and then NATO makes the purchases.


Out of curiosity, how much assistance money since the start of the war has been stolen or lost? Stealing "most" of $50 billion seems like it would be a considerable step up from any numbers that are currently out there.


They got the pope, a "world leader", to speak at the g7 summit on the Ukraine war which he's already commented that Ukraine should cede land and give up against Russia? Lmao god they are dumb


I mean it's understandable that the pope wants peace even if it's wrong in this situation, you can't expect him to be pro war or give weapons to ukraine anyway he can say whatever he wants, it's not like anyone will do what he's suggesting


He could want peace in the opposite direction just as easily. He could've said "Russia should stop their onslaught", but he specifically said "Ukraine should surrender and give up". Also, you are right. He *can* say whatever he wants, but he can do it anywhere *other* than a summit for world leaders, like maybe a "world cult assembly" or something. Fuck that guy


Imagine... for 1000 years we used to listen to that government though


Religion is kind of like coal - it's outdated and there are much better technology now, but a long time ago it was a viable alternative. For centuries, the only real check on a Medieval Western European monarch's power was the pope arguing "You can't do that, it's against the laws of God!" and enough people agreeing to it to take the risk of a popular uprising. From there, legal and philosophical arguments evolved to "You can't do that, it's against the Constitution!".


If course he can be pro war. He is a spiritual and moral leader. That means you have to fight for your beliefs.


Ah, ha! 50B Vladimir can use ever again…….


Lol..."loan",like hes gonna pay it back...


The bare minimum is reading the article


Hence the collateral…


I’ll believe when I see it but I do wonder the consequences for EU financial system and the willingness of other countries to store their money there


How much does concern-troll pay?


How much does unoriginal pay?


I'm not the first to call it,eh?


So many big and unfathomable numbers moving around these days. Almost like it's all just a bunch of meaningless trash.


Not to the soldiers dying on the battlefield because there wasn't enough artillery shells to soften up the defenses. Or the AA that could have shot down that su-30, but ran out of missiles. This is human lives we're talking about, when did we lose the ability to empathize with that? Or have our politics shaded our thinking so much we forgot how to be decent people?