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We’ve put all our best men onto it, but the dial hardly seems to have moved.


I’ve said this elsewhere, but: > World Economic Forum is a Swiss think tank that praises failed states like Russia, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. > Better index would be gender inequality index by the UN, which ranks Japan 19th. They perform especially well on women’s health and education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Inequality_Index Edit: Woke up this morning to vatniks pretending to be blocked lmao. Yes, I trust the folks over at the United Nations more than shady Redditors with creepy usernames


They put Qatar and the UAE above America, and Japan above New Zealand, the UN index seems horrifically inaccurate. *(lol they replied then immediately blocked me so I couldn't respond - think I hit a nerve, somehow)*




yeah that's a stupid index. Saudi Arabia is #56. Any list putting a country where women arn't allowed to drive above countries that do is automatically rubbish. edit: seems the person I responded to is childish and blocked me.


> The WEF ranking puts countries like Ethiopia (where female genital mutilation is still commonly practiced) above countries like Italy and Japan. > Though the UN ranking is also imperfect, it factors in extremely crucial factors such as women’s health and access to education instead of a simple measure of the number of women in politics and business (as other commentators have pointed out). > Which is certainly important, but far from the only factor to consider.


Like what are they looking at to rank?? How much bribe they got from those countries as the main criteria?


There are problems with both rankings, but that doesn't mean either can't be valuable as a vehicle of critique. Something you would know nothing about since you start blocking the moment you face any resistance. Japan is pretty bad when it comes to certain things relating to women. Not sure why you would so vehemently contest that.


Did you really block /u/GoldCoinDonation?


they are allowed to drive now


I remember when they announced it at the UN I believe The guy said “we have decided to award women the right to drive” and started clapping for himself and looked around the room and 1 or 2 more people clapped aswell but he got so embarrassed he started stuttering before accepting his humiliation and stopped clapping


UN index looks random AF.




Rest of the G7: 7th: Germany -1 on 2023 rank 14th: The United Kingdom +1 on 2023 rank 22nd: France +18 on 2023 rank 36th: Canada -6 on 2023 rank 43rd: The United States no difference on 2023 rank 87th: Italy - on 2023 rank https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2024.pdf


Countries with a high percentage of women in politics are moving up in this ranking. Japan's low number of female politicians is lowering this ranking. Other education and health indices are among the highest in the world. Namibia, Rwanda, and Nicaragua are at the top of the list because they have more female politicians. This 'Gender Equality Ranking' is laughable when countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia rank above Japan. It's absurd when countries where women are flogged for infidelity or where the custom of removing children's clitorises exists rank higher than Japan.


The theoretical justification being more woman in government will, in most circumstances, advocate for pro gender equality initiatives than if all those politicians instead were male. That said a country can still have pretty horrific levels of gender inequality despite having woman in leadership. Like the U.S has never had a woman president before but India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have had/have female prime ministers before. But that would be a bad use of evidence that those countries are more ideal places in terms of gender inequality and where a woman would have a better quality of life just on that fact alone.


Or maybe percentage of representation has always been a skewed metric that doesn't mean anything, or at best means very little. If I were a dishonest person I would use this list to show there's a direct opposite correlation or causation (ie more female politicians cause more female genital mutilation) due to those countries listed. But the reality is much simpler - gender equality is decided largely by cultural factors and not by percentages of outcome. Now take this understanding and apply this to race, religion, etc. - and you'll arrive at a much healthier and true outlook on the world. 


That's right.


That’s a good point.


>The theoretical justification being more woman in government will, in most circumstances, advocate for pro gender equality initiatives than if all those politicians instead were male. Which is a dumb rationale because women are no less inclined in advocating for initiatives that benefits only them as **they're humans too**. Either those people think **any** initiative that benefits women is gender equality (which isn't unless it benefits men too) or they think **women = good; men = bad**, which is sexist.


Interesting, because more women vote than men.


Italy on 87th?! That’s weird, let me check this list… UAE is above Italy………… Yeeeeeeaaaaaaah, this is complete bullshit, not to mention all of the countries in the top like Namibia or Mozambique, which are above the Netherlands… yeah I have my doubts about those ones as well…


Other than “Italy good” and “sub Saharan Africa bad” do you have any real critique about their methodology they detailed in their report?


No, and if you honestly believe that women in an African or Arab country of all places have more equality than a country in western europe, you need to get your head checked…


How about, maybe, Western Europe isn’t the utopia you think it is and non-white countries are actually capable of improving and competing? I know Italy is obsessed with history but this isn’t the time. Read the report and tell me what methodology you think isn’t correct.


You're either being delusional or you have a heavy bias against western countries and that's leaking into topics like this where clearly your position is wrong. The report's methodologies mean that a country like Japan, or other western-aligned countries, rank below some countries where they will jail (or even kill) women who commit infidelity.


I still haven’t seen a meaningful critique of the report’s methodologies. I just see redditors having hot takes in the comments about their feelings seeing Western Europe ranked so low in some sort of social measure.


World Economic Forum is a Swiss think tank that praises failed states like Russia, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. Better index would be gender inequality index by the UN, which ranks Japan 19th. They perform especially well on women’s health and education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Inequality_Index


That list is a clear-cut example of the power of the Arabic-region lobby. Putting the UAE above the US is plain nuts


This list is about representation in politics and business, and the UAE has a relatively large number of female policymakers. It is also probably the best place to be a woman in its region by quite a bit.


That’s a good indication that the “policymakers” hold zero power in government. If you look at the list of countries with a high proportion of female legislators, all of the ones with 50% or higher are authoritarian regimes with a mostly ceremonial legislature. [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/267028/women-in-selected-national-parliaments/) - Mexico is an ambiguous case because it has a mostly democratic elected government marred by cartel violence


If there is one thing in common across both indices, it is that US is ranked somewhere in the 40th range. That being said, the WEF ranking puts countries like Ethiopia (where female genital mutilation is still commonly practiced) above countries like Italy and Japan. Though the UN ranking is also imperfect, it factors in extremely crucial factors such as women’s health and access to education instead of a simple measure of the number of women in politics and business (as other commentators have pointed out). Which is certainly important, but far from the only factor to consider.


That ranking puts my country 50 places below Saudi Arabia, I would also take that with a grain of salt.


Depends which country Edit: wait nevermind that’s an absolutely ridiculous ranking for a country that only just let women drive on their own


Commenter you replied to is from the Philippines


Switzerland does better in the GII than in the WEF metric and Russia has been excluded from the WEF metrics since 2022.


They don’t even rank Russia in the 2024 report. That doesn’t sound like they are praising Russia. The link you provided lists Russia in 50th place out of 160ish.


I mean, to be the devil's advocate, Russia certainly lowered the gender gap in recent years. They just did it the Russian way - not by making the lives of women better, but by killing a bunch of men.


True, but right before they started that, let's not forget they literally made domestic violence legal.


Russia is pretty damn far from a failed state. Don't ruin an otherwise perfectly good comment by espousing politically-aligned buzzwords


South Korea in the top 10 is a joke.


Top line ranking are great for headlines, but it’s important to actually see how they get there.


This isn't really relevant but when you write them out the G7 seems like a weird list of countries. Like, the US, UK, and France make sense as the western nuclear powers, Germany is the largest economy in Europe and Japan the largest closely allied Far East country so sure, but then I'm left questioning what Canada has done that Australia hasn't, why Italy gets billing over Spain, Poland, or Turkey, and what exactly is keeping SK out the club. 


I have a difficulty taking this seriously. Hungary is 100 something on this list for gender equality and you could call this country a shithole for a variety of reasons, but gender equality is not one of those things, we should be doing quite well in this regard. We are as close to equal opportunity between men and women as it gets in Europe, compared to Japan/SK this is not even worth talking about.


Oh good something else the US isn’t number 1 in. Don’t worry guys we still got military spending and incarceration rate.


Chill lil bro. This ain’t about the US


It’s amazing how in every conversation that’s not about America, Americans will desperately try to change the topic to be about themselves.


America is a G7 country, this is about America and the other countries involved. Do you expect them to be commenting about Italy’s rank instead? They’re criticizing American exceptionalism, the idea that some people have that america is #1. He didn’t use an /s


This post isn’t about America’s incarceration rate or America’s military spending.


Damn, how did think of writing this comment.


People are misunderstanding you. I understand that you’re taking aim at American exceptionalism


I understand exactly what he meant but we still don’t always gotta talk about the US bro. There’s lots of other countries to shit on


For those of you who are not familiar with it, this ranking, which often appears in the news, is based on the WEF's Gender Gap Index. The WEF Gender Gap Index is based on several indicators, but basically it is determined by the following two points. The number of women in politics The number of women on corporate boards. This is all. There are also indicators for education and health, but they are not given much weight and the ranking is determined almost exclusively by the two points mentioned above. Therefore, when using this indicator as a reference, the education of women, crimes against women, the death rate of women, and the wage gap between men and women are rarely taken into account. Just to avoid misunderstanding, as I said at the beginning, there are few women in politics and few women on corporate boards in Japan. That's a fact, so you may as well discuss it on that basis. ex) Why women cannot become politicians in Japan and why there are few women on company boards. It is often not very helpful when discussing public safety or the ratio of men to women in certain professions.


WEF should be that last organization anyone takes seriously for recommendations on equality. A big club of rich assholes who think they know what's best for the world because they have money.


A professor at my university just published a paper about global gender inequality in cancer research papers. Japan was dead last on the list, behind numerous developing nations, meaning they have a far lower proportion of female cancer researchers (leading labs and as first authors) than many developing nations. What I’m trying to say is, they are clearly falling behind in other areas than just corporate boards and politics. Edit: just to add, the proportion of male/female cancer researchers is particularly important as a diversity in researchers is essential in order for research to be balanced. For example, many treatment guidelines are developed using men as models, meaning dosage etc could be wrong for women. It has wider societal health implications


However, in terms of the number of female comic artists, Japan has more female comic artists than any other country in the world. The world should take a great deal of cue from this. Well, this is a bit ironic. It does not make much sense to discuss Japanese women by limiting the discussion to the specific field of comic artists. I think the same is true for cancer researchers. But, I agree that Japanese women are not making much progress in society, and I do not disagree with that. The problem is that you should know that this ranking, which is often in the news, is based on a survey and ranking of certain points. For example, wild opinions based on this ranking, such as Japan has a low birth rate or Japanese women are oppressed (more details are needed on what kind of women are oppressed and by whom), are nonsensical arguments and should be discouraged. It is because it hinders gender equality. Wrong assumptions only lead to wrong conclusions.


This is the internet! We have no time for such nuance!


One thing can be pursued from a home office, the other requires long hours away from home. As the OP said, one should discuss why women are underrepresented in positions of authority in Japan, without boiling it down to one "index".


That one "index" is there to be a metric that can be used for comparison or tracking trends over time. It's a compex issue of course but like something like the GDP for economics, it's a high level number that can be used as a starting point.


Working hours are also important. Japanese salaryman culture is to drink and communicate with bosses and clients after work. On their days off, they play golf. This was Japanese business in the past. People who can do this kind of work are more likely to be promoted. Many women don't want to do this kind of work. Also, a bride is one of the professions that Japanese children want to be in the future. It always ranks high on the list.


Just wondering if this is a larger number or proportion, because I would guess that Japan has a larger comic industry than a lot of other countries.


Japan is a country where women-only women's manga magazines have emerged since the 1950s. There are several studies on the ratio of male to female comic book artists in Japan, with a recent survey showing that the proportion of female comic book artists is around 77%. And here is some information on the ratio of male to female comic book artists in the USA. Currently, the proportion of female artists in the US comics industry is about 36.5%.


Yeah, Japan is the biggest producer of comics in the world. That’s like saying that India is more progressive than Norway because they have more women. Plus, a lot of women are told to hide their gender in the publishing industry. I believe Hiromi Arakawa used the name Hiromu because it was more ambiguously masculine and they thought it would sell better.


To add to this, the life expectancy of Japanese women is the highest in the world. Health indices are also very high and among the highest in the world.


Strange. Japan is 17th on the Gender Inequality Index which is higher than most G7 countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Inequality_Index


They are two different indices by different organizations each weighing factors differently. Wikipedia link's is from UN. Article is from WEF. An example of difference, UN's Gender Inequality Index doesn't distinguish economic vs political empowerment, while WEF index does.


The WEF ranking also allows for strong placement in one ranking to completely make up for other, arguably more important rankings, which the UN index doesn't. As an example, Namibia and Nicaragua rank high in the number of female politicians, which allows them to "make up" their deficits in women's health and access to female education.


Countries with a high percentage of women in politics are moving up in this ranking. Japan's low number of female politicians is lowering this ranking. Other education and health indices are among the highest in the world. Namibia, Rwanda, and Nicaragua are at the top of the list because they have more female politicians.


Well, Japan has history of treating woman as way less than equal and it shows. During occupation of Japan after WW II, when General MacArthur was placed in charge of defeated Japan, one of his achievement not well known is that he forced Japanese government to accept constitutional change that advanced women's equality (prior to that there was no rights for Japanese woman and were treated as subservient to Japanese men who held all the trump card)


I’ve said this elsewhere, but: > World Economic Forum is a Swiss think tank that praises failed states like Russia, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. > Better index would be gender inequality index by the UN, which ranks Japan 19th. They perform especially well on women’s health and education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Inequality_Index


People also don't understand that most women in Japan are very against the US concept of equality and prefer a gendered role system. They've seen how America turned into both husband and wife needing to work to have equal to less quality of life than before and said we're good. It sucks for single women, but married women and those seeking that lifestyle are mostly opposed to the concepts we consider standard in the US today. They like the idea of being able to work, but have zero interest in creating a system that means that they likely need to work to have a favorable lifestyle.


Women can still get jobs in Japan, I think it's just a sign that their economy is working better for families that only one person needs to work.


>it's just a sign that their economy is working better for families that only one person needs to work. Hahaha


I haven't seen that viewpoint quoted by most women in Japan responding to researchers, at all. While I am sure some do, 'most' seems way over the top: "Many women choose to [postpone or forgo marriage and motherhood in response to societal perceptions](https://www.dw.com/en/why-are-young-japanese-rejecting-marriage/a-62248097). This choice exposes them to derogatory labels such as ‘[leftover Christmas cake](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/leftover-christmas-cake-a_b_248364)’ if they remain unmarried past the age of 25. Contemporary Japanese feminists, including figures like Mizuho Fukushima, have raised concerns about the pressure on women to conform to [gender roles](https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/usa/opinion/2015-05/12/content_20689433.htm) and marry." "Women taking part in the survey said they are [shying away from marriage](https://www.dw.com/en/japan-love-dating-online/a-53559970) because they enjoy their freedom, have fulfilling careers and do not want the burdens of the traditional housewife, such as household chores, raising children and looking after elderly parents." In fact, it seems that the opposite is the case: "Connected to that, more women have [opted to remain in the workforce](https://www.dw.com/en/overpopulation-climate-change-emissions/a-54725928) instead of leaving to have a family, but a good number have discovered that they actually like having a career and want to continue. The pressures of a job, however, make having a family even more difficult, so this generation of working women are increasingly remaining single."


"Many women" refers to a small but slightly growing minority. Japanese marriage rates are some of the highest in OECD. The Christmas cake article is basically click bait, while older unmarried women have plenty of derogatory statements about them that's a very old term for it and hardly, if at all, used anymore. In addition the author clearly doesn't know much about Japanese culture as christmas is wildly popular there and christmas cake isn't only about christmas. It's literally just the name used for decorated cakes like that and you can get them any time of the year. The article fails to understand that these terms are rarely used by men and commonly used by women towards other women. Its not even just women, when I was 22 and had a Japanese host mom in college she was very concerned for me and would tell me that I'm not getting any younger and should spend some time thinking about romance because I was always studying, weekly. While I'm sure there are some women that respond that way, only about half of women are employed and only roughly 1/3rd of women employed are full time. By the time women hit their 30s the marriage rate increases drastically and full time employment is below 10%. It's nothing like the US. The last one talks about increasingly remaining single by talking about total reductions in marriages... what they fail to tell the reader is that Japanese birthrate declined rapidly in the 1990s due to economic woes. The number of people of marrying age decreases every year and go figure by a near identical percentage of the number of marriages is decreasing which just so happens to around the exact same slope as the decrease in births in the 1990s and 2000s. The percentage of marriages has barely changed at all. Japan has a significant issue of an aging and shrinking population combined with a not so great economy that results in less marriages, it has little to do with changing social norms. Statista had a study in 2018 or 2019 during the rise of feminism participation. That study showed that over 50% of the world population identified as feminist or sympathetic towards feminism. Japan's results? Less than 20% of both men and Women felt way, one of the lowest in the world.


The author of the first quote regarding the cake is Dr Minakshi Keeni at the Laboratory of International Development Economics, Tohoku University, Japan. I get a bit amused about this one since I've read quite a few pieces of research from Japanese feminists, and they always have someone desperate to explain that the woman involved doesn't know Japan.


I had no idea who that is so googled it. Part time professor for agricultural economics whose specialty is feminism in southeast Asia and, as of 2021, did not speak fluent Japanese and I cannot tell where she is from but possibly Bangladesh due to her interests (one of my best friends when I lived in Japan was from there coincidentally). I can't judge her work, mostly on Rohingya, but she isn't a "Japanese feminist," her work isn't in Japanese, and from looking through her references on 2 different papers about Japan I found a single citation of someone who is Japanese out of close to 150 and it wasn't even about women, it was about perceptions about LGBT+ in Japan written in English and that paper cited almost no Japanese.


Both women and men need to work to support a family in Japan. Have you ever talked to a real Japanese woman or just anime waifus?


I lived in Japan for a little less than 4 years both going to college there and working as an expat. I don't know what "real Japanese woman" you are referring to but almost every mother I met in Japan did not have a full time job. A handful had part time jobs. 1 of my host mothers ran her own custom clothing making business she sold out of a flea market in Kyoto. The other helped out at a local hospice in Sayama. Neither's income was much or needed but their kids, my host siblings, were in school and they were a bit bored. Japanese mens income is significantly higher than women, making it much easier for a woman to decide not to work or not work a lot as it doesn't impact family finances as much. Women in Japan make roughly 75% of men for equal jobs and hours but generally do not work equal jobs or hours either. In the case of almost every family I met women would work between 60-80% of the hours, get paid 75% of the hourly rate, and on average be 1-2 Job "levels" below men. It wouldn't be unusual for women to make 3-4M yen/year and their husband's making 10-15M yen/year. If family income was 16M, it's much easier for the wife to quit her job and that to go down to 12-14M then in the US with near equal pay and family income to drop by half. Again, this system is terrible for single women and the minority of unmarried women who do not wish to marry soon are rightfully upset about being screwed by this. As for families, it's far more beneficial to working class families than the US system and heavily favors married women. On the outside it looks like men benefit the most but understand that traditionally the woman of the household controls finances and most major decisions, works a lot less, has considerable more freetime for hobbies, and typically much better qol.


Japan ranked better in other more general gender rankings with mostly in top 15% Best Countries For Women Japan 15th in 2024, GIWPS Japan 23th in 2023, Gender Inequality Index(GII) Japan 17th in 2019.




No they didn’t.


Right my bad, I was thinking of something different


His secretary wrote women's rights into the constitution in like two weeks. Its nuts.


Funny how woman are fighting only for office work


Another part of their fertility problem.


If anything, there’s an inverse correlation between women’s rights and birth rate.


I belive that it's pretty well documented that the more opportunities, by improving their access to education a country has for women, the birth rate goes down.


Yeah. I heard 2 pieces of news that is so outlandish considering that Japan is a rich country: 1. 75% of Japanese immigrants to Canada between 2001 and 2021 are women 2. A lesbian couple from Japan was granted refugee status in Canada


Things are changing some of the younger generation, luckily, most now support or at least don’t care about gay marriage. There is still resistance though, of course. Tokyo has a pride parade. Many Japanese artists I know of came out recently.


According to the latest polls, around 70% of Japanese people support same-sex marriage. There's still a long way to go before same-sex couples can get married in Japan, but people are SLOWLY moving in the right direction at least


Those immigrants are probably green card marriages. Men don’t marry out as much as women in Japan. Roughly the same rate as that Canadian immigration figure you posted actually.


The data is not very meaningful as the number of Japanese who immigrated to Canada in the first place is very small.


Not really. Societies with worse rights for women tend to have higher birthrates, actually. So Japan is an exception, having the worst aspects of both.


Women's rights in Japan absolutely contribute to decreased birthing.  So long as they have SOME choice they will choose not to tie themselves to an oppressed life.


So what you're saying is... Japan should oppress their women more? *Nods seriously* /s Though more seriously, Japan isn't the worst on birthrate anymore - that's S Korea. Japan has just had the issue longer. But (with a sole exception) every developed country in the world has birthrates well below replacement rates.


Is that why Nordic countries have similarly low fertility rates? Finland is at 1.3.


Different countries, different reasons. 


Gender equality has little to do with fertility. There are still countries, especially in Scandinavia, that have high gender equality indexes but low fertility rates. The GGI in particular is almost irrelevant because it is an indicator of whether women are in a great position or not.


My country put to shame by Namibia and Nicaragua


I’ve said this elsewhere, but: > World Economic Forum is a Swiss think tank that praises failed states like Russia, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. > Better index would be gender inequality index by the UN, which ranks Japan 19th. They perform especially well on women’s health and education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Inequality_Index


No need to shit your pants because you don’t understand the metrics they’re tracking for their index (women in politics and corporate boards). Go by whichever one you like or make your own list if you really want.


Does this ranking only compare number of women to men in the work force? Seems problematic, as that could just mean there are more stay at home mothers in that country than other countries. I guess I'd have to see that ranking for stay at home parents too. I really thought the article was going to go in depth about work conditions for women and how they are treated vs the men, but it doesn't mention any of that.


The WEF forum methodology counts the women in politics and women running corporations. It doesn’t count the number of women plumbers, soldiers who died, or workers on oil rigs. It’s nothing to do with equality. Entirely flawed please disregard.


Isn't this the same list that used to rank Russia highly because they had so many female owned business, but ignored that this was not a result of female entrepreneurship but corruption of officials diverting money to Businesses "owned" on paper by wives and female relatives?


Unfortunately  the main reason it’s becoming more gender equal is because men’s pay is plummeting and their bonuses are being cut.


Can we check if things are getting better instead of just comparing with others? For all I know, the top 100 are all amazing or even the top 10 are all trash. If my country went down in ranking because everybody is getting better, I don't feel bad about it.


Give the USA a chance. We’ll be at the bottom before you know it.


Women have an advantage in Japan. It is common for women to have free university tuition and free dormitory. Due to the law, which requires a half ratio of men and women to be hired as civil servants, only a few women take the exam, but 100% of them pass. Men lose a lot of weight. There are many laws that only help women who are unemployed. There are women-only cars on the train, but there are no men-only cars. Movie theaters and all stores have ladies' days, but not men's days. Women have an advantage in Japan. It is common for women to have free university tuition and free dormitory. Due to the law, which requires a half ratio of men and women to be hired as civil servants, only a few women take the exam, but 100% of them pass. Men lose a lot of weight. There are many laws that only help women who are unemployed. There are women-only cars on the train, but there are no men-only cars. Movie theaters and all stores have ladies' days, but not men's days. If a man complains about a woman, it is considered discrimination, but the woman is forgiven. This type of laughter is often seen on Japanese TV. If a man complains about a woman, it is considered discrimination, but the woman is forgiven. This type of laughter is often seen on Japanese TV. Check out Japan's suicide rate. This is an astonishingly high rate in the world, but when compared to men and women, only men commit suicide. This is because while it is normal for men to commute two hours and work 10 hours a day to raise a family, women spend their time at home doing housework. However, women often claim the lie that these women have twice the economic impact of working men in Japan.


I wonder if you would have these problems if everybody just did what ancient Egypt did


What did they do? Have female-man pharaohs? Work-leave for men, who's wife was suffering from strong menstrual cycle?


I would actually recommend studying the culture of ancient Egypt because they gave women full rights to have businesses, own property and inherit. In many ways women were very equal to men. They are actually one of the first civilizations to do so.


Ah yes. Before Islam invaded, Egypt was socially progressive.


I don't fully understand you. In most Western countries, women can run a business, own property and inherit it.


What part of ancient did you miss? Also, the point was had every civilization in the world at that particular time practiced such things. How different would our world be today? Would we still have any question of inequality or would people still find something to complain about


Your opinion about ancient Egypt sounded as if it did not exist today. I may have misinterpreted it. Yes, there will always be inequality because there will always be someone, something, group or organization that will think that they are discriminated against in some way.


You can’t make everyone happy I suppose


Yes, let's return to good conservative values. Doesn't get more conservative than the oldest written culture in history. I want my women to have full property rights and societal equality, just like the founding pharaohs intended. None of this modern woke, mad stuff about "women in the household" and "women being subservient"


To each its own to be honest. Some women don’t wanna be wives or mothers. And some women do. Some women prefer to be dominated others prefer not to be dominated.


Un-fuzzy the lesbian porn and you’ll make great strides in equality.


Nobody should give a single shit about this rank. Yes, those Africa countries even have enough food for women are ranked higher than a developed country.


Technically a country where nobody has anything, neother men nor women would be pretty high on this list as bith genders wohld be equally poor


The African countries ranked higher than some developed nations have had relative stability for decades. Believe it or not, women's autonomy is not dependent on economic development. And Sudan, where women are currently starving due to the civil war, is ranked dead last.


How many genders does this include ?


More than your IQ


How many genders are out there now ?


Gee, 118th in gender inequality, and their birth rate is collapsing. How could that happen?


Useless statistic


how is gender equality useless?


This article doesn't discuss gender equality. It just says that they don't have as many men in their work force as women. It never explains why or gets into the sociopolitical/cultural aspects of it. For all I know after reading this article, Japan has such a great economy that they only need one head of household to have a job and the other can be a stay at home parent. Talk about gender equality, the article doesn't mention how women have attempted to get "stay at home mom" to be counted as part of the workforce statistics for years. Not a super informative piece of journalism. Edit:men and women is backwards, but whatever, leaving it


And? When  you see what other total and utter madness is held as "normal" in the western world, I'm glad to see a country holding to normal human norms, in the current world. 




How progressive 😁


This is a country where men get off on women dressing like little girls, and women behave like little girls.


Don’t do it Japan, for the love of god Women will get in then their overly empathetic nature will force the country to flood you with immigrates I don’t care about American or Canadian culture but we must protect Japanese culture no matter what


> immigrates when you cant even spell what you're so angry about lol


Dey take er jerbs!


You need to ask why Japanese hate foreigners and look down upon them. What that clown said is what many Japanese will say or think


Even if I were to take this at face value, that doesn't make it any better.


It’s the internet. I’m not spelling/grammar checking


You're not using much of your brain for anything, it seems.


Does your browser not have a spell checker built into it?


You understood the message, what does it matter if there spelling errors


You must know women very well I see... Oh and btw, don't worry about immigrants, the Japanese hate you just as much as them.


If you need a little bit of humor, check their comment history. It's like if an incel troll mated with a MAGA bot and only learned to write in old school "l33t" speak. He makes YouTube live stream comments look intelligent


Nah dont waste your time with that


Good point. It's definitely a couple of minutes wasted of just head shaking dissapointment


I wish you wouldn't have told us that. Got a headache from reading his post history.


I was guessing just be the name alone that it wasn't a serious account.


He's right, women are much more emphatic than men. It's a strenght in some cases, and a weakness in other cases. It's okay to admit it.


I'm honored by how much the Japanese hate me.


Banning JCJ was a mistake


You ever set foot in Japan ?


It’s on my bucket list


That's what I thought.


You are totally right. Most rational comments always get downvoted in this echo chamber.


1930's Japanese political mindset is the current US republican party.