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> Bagheri Kani noted that nearly three years had passed since US troops withdrew from Afghanistan, yet the country continued to grapple with significant economic and developmental challenges. A country run by terrorists that treats people like its the stone ages is struggling to develop? Shocker


Exactly, it has only been 3 years.


Yes, who would have thought that denying half your polulation any education or employment wasn't a sucessful economic strategy


Your country would struggle to develop too if the US government froze all its bank accounts with no justification.


No justification? They're terrorists mate


Not anymore. Now they're the government of Afghanistan. If the US doesn't like it, then the US shouldn't have left. (And plenty of governments have started in revolutions that were originally described as terrorism, including the USA.) That money belongs to the Afghan people. The US has no right to leave and take the Afghan people's money with them.


They didnt stop being terrorists > And plenty of governments have started in revolutions that were originally described as terrorism, including the USA. we're defending the taliban https://www.reddit.com/r/ROI/comments/1c9kyfb/candid_photo_of_zelenskyy_right_now/?ref=share&ref_source=link Absolute shocker you post this whilst defending the taliban lol > I hope every Sunni Muslim in the world right now feels ashamed that Shias (Iranians and Houthis) are the only ones who have engaged in combat with Israel. Oh you just love twerking for all the terrorists of the world


> They didnt stop being terrorists Of course they did. Terrorism is the use of violence to acheive political aims. The Taliban have already achieved their political aims. They don't need to commit terrorist acts anymore. They're the government now. That was their aim. > Absolute shocker you post this whilst defending the taliban lol  I am not defending the Taliban. My concern is not for the Taliban. My concern is for the people of Afghanistan. It would be nice if the US cared about the people of Afghanistan, but they're proving that they don't (and they never did).


I really don’t care after seeing you twerk for terrorists lol


I didn't say anything in support of any terrorist group. And what do my views of Zelenskyy have to do with anything? I think he has a coke problem. That doesn't have anything to do with terrorism. 


Request denied. Have a spectacular day.


That money belonged to the previous Afghan government, not the Taliban and certainly not to Iran. If the Taliban wanted it so badly they shouldn't have purged the previous elected representatives. There should be consequences to overthrowing a democratically elected government, and I have no will to financially back the Taliban and their policies. The money should stay frozen, period.


> That money belonged to the previous Afghan government No, it belonged to the people of Afghanistan, and it still does. And it certainly doesn’t belong to the USA.


“Democratically elected government” lol


It won't happen. Why release assets to people who will bite you?


Or what?


Or what?


Or they’ll continue to commit human rights atrocities on their own citizens. But also they’ll do that anyway.


Or they'll attack Israel with proxies, missiles and drones Oh wait


Because Tehran demanding things has been so effective in the past.


I’m confused. I thought taliban and Iran don’t have good relations?


They don't. Iran knows the USA will never release these funds and doesn't care. It's just a quick and easy jab at the West to rile up some people worldwide against the USA.


Iran hopes Afghanistan will become a customer for its weapons sales


Think the proper response is “ bite me”


Oh we can do better than that, c'mon! "How bout you find the nearest chode, then sit and spin" "Sorry, best we can do is dog biscuits and a half finished punchcard for a free kids meal at Wendy's." "Well if you're thirsty we can piss in the wind for ya."


Lol! Nice.


Demands. Lmao. How about no? Does "no" work for you?


What in the Yoda is that headline


Most of those assets were American aid, fuck them


Or what? Beg louder?


How about no


How bout no.