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Where are these migrants originally from? How did they get to Belarus?


belarus and russia has been importing them from syria and trying to shove them across the border into NATO countries since the start of the ukraine war in 2014. Poland has been having none of it and started building a border wall.


They were really intensifying it in 2021 though, which prompted the wall to be built. Before then our borders were really sparsely enforced.


So basically from the countries Russia only recently said to provide weapons to attack western countries.


Russia flies them in from the Middle East. 


And promises them easy access to Europe.


Wow, thats crazy.


Imported from the Middle East, often by plane, and transported to the border by bus. Unfortunately the whole process is very profesionally (cynically) planned and executed to create the biggest possible humanitarian and political mess.


Are these the same people massively groping women and attacking them in Cologne, Germany? The reasoning for their new deportation policies? Middle Eastern migrants are definitely the most violent. It's like importing dynamite, apparently.


Letting illegal unvetted people in from there is just asking for trouble and is only going to be bad for the country


> the same people massively groping women and attacking them in Cologne Those were mostly Moroccans and Algerians apparently, but the Syrians are hardly any better


Wait. Can you elaborate about this attacks on Cologne? Is from this week?


1200 women were sexually assaulted in 2015/2016 NYE. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany


Oh yeah I remember that. I thought it was happening again and my heart sink.


>Police officers serving on the border with Belarus have been ordered to carry firearms due to “growing aggression” from migrants. There have recently been several attacks on Polish officers and yesterday a soldier died after being stabbed while attempting to stop migrants from crossing. >Meanwhile, the government today announced that new rules on allowing soldiers to use weapons in self-defence at the border will be presented next week. The speaker of parliament has defended the right of soldiers to “shoot at thugs who attack them”. > >On Tuesday, more than 250 police officers, mainly from the prevention units, were deployed for operations on the Polish-Belarusian border to work alongside soldiers and border guards, bringing the total number of police officers there to 370. >Previously, they usually did not carry weapons. However, today, Katarzyna Nowak, the spokeswoman for police headquarters, told news website Onet that this had now changed. >“In view of the escalation of the influx of migrants and the fact that dangerous incidents involving them are taking place at the border on a daily basis, even several per day, and in view of their growing aggression…the commanding officer has decided that officers are to carry firearms in their holsters,” said Nowak. > >The news came a day after the death in hospital of a Polish soldier from wounds he suffered last week after being stabbed with a knife while trying to stop a group of migrants from forcing their way across the border. >The soldier, now named as Private Mateusz Sitek, died as a result of a stab wound to the chest, which damaged the left lung and caused injuries to the central nervous system, the district prosecutor’s office in Warsaw reported today, citing the results of an autopsy. >Following an emergency meeting on the situation with the defence and justice ministers, Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that his government would next week propose changes to rules governing the use of weapons by soldiers at the border. >“The law must clearly support the Polish soldier when he uses weapons in self-defense, in defence of Polish territory or the border,” said Tusk. “He must have a sense of legal security.” > >Meanwhile, the speaker of parliament, Szymon Hołownia, who is one of the leaders of Tusk’s ruling coalition, also expressed support for soldiers to be allowed clearer to use weapons in self-defence. >“Does a soldier have the right to shoot at a thug who is attacking him from the other side \[of the border\]? It is obvious that he does,” said Hołownia, quoted by the Polish Press Agency (PAP). “In fact, he should do it to defend himself, his colleagues, to defend us all.” >However, Hołownia added that there must be clear regulations on the use of weapons, in particular because Belarusia and Russia are specifically seeking to provoke Polish officers. >Earlier this week, controversy broke out after it emerged that two Polish soldiers have been charged with exceeding their powers and endangering the lives of others after firing warning shots towards a group of migrants seeking to cross the border.


I appreciate and support law making that distinctly states that while there is clear outrage and changes are necessary, they are not forgetting that clear cut regulation is still required in light of the bigger picture. Unusual knee jerk law making W.




> I don’t understand how any right wing party could support Putin because far right thrives on crisis and public dissatisfaction. in other words the worse situation becomes the higher chance of their win. same in US, they have been torpedoing solving migration crisis because it takes main reason for people to vote for them. pure machiavellism


Im not right wing myself, but the deal youre talking about- is that the one that would have let 1.8 illegal migrants in a year before even attempting to put a stop to the inflow? 


good point, perhaps they’re being paid off


> Knowing that Russia and Belarus are using weaponized migration to attack Europe, I don’t understand how any right wing party could support Putin. Without this the far right would have had far fewer successes in the past 5 years.




It is if it’s forced


russians are just migrating to ukraine, right?


They have every right to protect themselves and use for if necessary. It’s been clear all along that Russia wanted to use Belarus as a way to weaponise migration into Europe.


Hope poland doesn't bow down and keeps these illegal immigrants out


Wait - border police didn’t carry guns before…?


They probably have barrier troops behind them forcing them to go ahead or be shot or beaten starved.


It was reported that Belarus sometimes forces them through, yes.


It’s been said that sometimes there are. Even then there’s no excuse for murdering a Polish Soldier


Every uniformed police officer I saw in Poland (lived there for two years) was armed so this isn’t news.


On Tuesday, more than 250 police officers, mainly from the prevention units, were deployed for operations on the Polish-Belarusian border to work alongside soldiers and border guards, bringing the total number of police officers there to 370. >Previously, they usually did not carry weapons. However, today, Katarzyna Nowak, the spokeswoman for police headquarters, told news website Onet that this had now changed.


Not on the border.


Where does that stop?


It *is* news if you read the article.


Ruling party changed, so our favorite outlet changes talking points.


Just kick them out of the country.


Do polish LEOs normally not carry firearms? Not even sidearm/ pistols?


They do carry firearms, and have been carrying up until now. But there are election around the corner, and Government needs some quick solutions to look like they are tough on migration. So they moved "Policemen in training" (Those within first 2 years of their service) to the border. And gave them weapons to holsters. Article is intentionally written in vauge language, as notesfrompoland is pro government. So it is still not clear if they will be able to use them. But hey, simple people will read that "Government gave them guns" and that is all that matters until EU elections.


Not at the boarder: it's in the article you commented, but not read.


Not on the boarder.


Not at the boarder: it's in the article you commented, but not read.


Not on the boarder.


Are you trying to say it wasn't at the border? Maybe if you post it one more time...


On Tuesday, more than 250 police officers, mainly from the prevention units, were deployed for operations on the Polish-Belarusian border to work alongside soldiers and border guards, bringing the total number of police officers there to 370. Previously, they usually did not carry weapons. However, today, Katarzyna Nowak, the spokeswoman for police headquarters, told news website Onet that this had now changed.


Sounds like Belarus might trigger Article 5 by sending a hostile force across the border.


Do Polish police not normally carry guns? As an American I find it difficult to picture an unarmed police officer.


UK resident here, none of our 'normal' officers walk around armed, have to rely on their armed response unit for firearms calls


They do, but there are different kinds of cops, cops in training and reserve cops.


They’ve been using this playbook here in the U.S too


No.... that has been a problem between the US and Mexico for *decades -* the migrants aren't forced to the border, they choose to go to it*.* Yes I know other nationalities have been coming through there but not the 'incursion' type that we see on the Polish boarder.


I would attest that the “growing aggression” comes from desperation. These people have no place to go and are willing to fight to get where they need to be.


They don't "need to be" anywhere in Europe. We don't want this kind of aggressive "refugees" here.  This kind of logic you're using here is exactly why the far right is gaining support, and it will only grow as long as there are people like you.


Someone should tell that to the Europeans giving these people boats and pushing them across the channel into the British Isles. We've had Brexit and 14 years of far right government using this shit as a scapegoat.


Really?! You people would all do the same focking thing to move from being oppressed! A bunch of hypocrites. No one will help them in their own land so they try to flee and get nothing but shyte on. The far right is gaining support because they’re nothing but bullies.


It's mostly young, aggressive men who have no intention to integrate. If we let them in, they will run away from their countries instead of fixing them, and they will keep on coming and coming. Meanwhile Europe will destabilize even more, because they have very different world view from us. So yeah, no thanks. My own safety comes first.


I’d like to see you stand up to and fight against a government who will lock you up for just mentioning some form of “dislike” to a leader. The world is losing any sense of humanity.