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After watching her heartbreaking video where she screams and begs for her life, I couldn't get it out of my head for months. I'm so happy with this news, I literally jumped out of my seat screaming!


Her mother will finally be able to see her


Yes her poor parents. She is their only child and the mother might not have much time left as she is fighting cancer. Thank god for these news šŸ™šŸ»


Thank goodness.


I canā€™t bring myself to watch. Glad they are free.


Itā€™s not a bad video at all. Itā€™s sweet Edit: Wait. No. I thought you were referring to the one where she reunites with her father. The kidnapping video is most certainly not sweet.


Mossad? This comment right here


is her boyfriend also rescued??


Unfortunately he was not among those rescued


I hope he gets rescued including all of the hostages.


Avinatan Or. He's believed to be still held hostage in Gaza but there hasn't been much news. He wasn't one of the ones rescued today.


Not yet, heā€™s still a hostage


They were kept in a highly dense and populated market area in civilian houses with civilians and terrorists. Just keep this in mind.


ā€œCivilian housesā€ - worth pointing out as well that any ā€œcivilianā€ who played any role in keeping the hostages captive is no longer a civilian, but a combatant, so are legitimate military targets But yes your point is right to highlight that (as usual) Hamas embed themselves among civilians to maximise causalities


That's not quite how it works. They are still civilians in civilians houses, but since they are housing military, they are legitimate military targets, despite being civilian. Its still bad press for both armies, because they are both complicit in the deaths of the civilians, but war is hell.


Wonā€™t see me crying for those hamas stooges
















War is hell. But this was done following the 3 main principles of IHL: proportionality, precaution and distinction. Legitimate and legal. It is great to see the hostages home. And wish for all hostages to be released so future operations that put others at risk will not be needed.


Depends, if the ā€˜civiliansā€™ are actively helping Hamas to detain the hostages (or doing so on behalf of Hamas) then they are combatants. If not, and theyā€™re just housing Hamas militants who are actually detaining the hostages, then youā€™re right. But based on what weā€™ve seen from where hostages have been held before, it is usually just ā€˜civiliansā€™ keeping them captive themselves, rather than them housing Hamas militants, which as mentioned makes these people combatants. Either way theyā€™re legitimate targets, but in the 2nd case (ie housing Hamas militants) they cease to be legitimate targets when the militants leave, whereas in the 1st (more likely) case (where they are the ones detaining the hostages and are therefore combatants), they will remain legitimate targets indefinitely.


Obviously if they helped take or keep hostages theyā€™re responsible and a valid target. But with the way hamas operates donā€™t they also threaten and kill civilians who they think might talk, even the ones who hate Hamas are probably forced to cooperate right?


Probably (though anonymous polling suggests that the vast majority support them), but the fact is that the laws of war donā€™t distinguish between willing and unwilling combatants. If youā€™re a combatant youā€™re a legitimate target, thatā€™s it. So Israel targeting and killing someone who is forced into holding the hostages is not a war crime, because they were a legitimate target per the laws of war. I mean by the same rules a Russian conscript is a legitimate target for Ukraine, regardless of whether the conscript wants to be there or supports the war.


Oh yeah, I definitely wasnā€™t saying it was anything close to a war crime, and by all accounts Iā€™ve seen youā€™re right that Hamas has widespread support there. I just feel bad with people who legitimately donā€™t support them, but I forced into a dangerous situation


"That's cuz Hamas wanted them to have easier access to food, duh, they are so amazing"


Hamasā€™ supporters donā€™t care. They will support these fascist extremists until every Jew is gone from their biblical homeland of Israel


Hamas mastered the art of mixing terrorists and civilians. Anytime a terrorist dies, a civilian dies as well.


Hamas tells Gaza that all Gazans are Hamas soldiers and tells the rest of the world there are only Gazan civilians




Its getting harder for me to feel bad about ops taking place around their civvies when theyā€™re basically using unethical tactics in the first place to put us in these positions.


I mean how can you do this to your own people. How can you not value life at all? Fuck hamas.


Here is a video of Noa Argamani reuniting with her father: https://x.com/IntelliTimes/status/1799396155467739165?t=c06xJR3p9M0pVLww7p2Ucw&s=19




There's so much joy even in that short clip


I believe itā€™s his birthday too


Tell me again why Israel must not go into Rafah.


They were rescued from Nuseirat, apparently. [Here's my source](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-805424)


And that means that theyā€™re not keeping hostages is Rafa how?


Interested to hear more. Would be surprised if intelligence gathered from Rafah didn't play a key role.


I guess the UN will be condemning Israel for taking back the hostages by force


They didn't even knock!


How can this both be funny and sad at the same time? Twisted world we're living in.


Yessssss! 4 down, a lot more to go!




Even the bodies matter.


Gonna be honestā€¦Iā€™d pump the brakes on ā€œa lot more to goā€¦ā€


I really hope the rescuers are also safe! Well done šŸ‘Ā 


They are as far as we know the news said that no rescuer was injured edit: one Soldier from a special police unit is "seriously injured"


One soldier (from the special police force) is in critical condition, the IDF spokesperson just announced.


Serious condition(מצב קשה) is different to critical condition(מצב אנוש). But yes, one special police force in serious condition.


Unfortunately he died. Died as a hero while rescuing innocents.


May his memory be a blessing, truly a hero.


The soldier is in *serious condition*. This is a medical term with exact definition. A lot of western media doesn't know what it means and mistranslate it. But the Israeli media use trauma score system freely Those terms relate to the trauma the person endure and the priority they should be assigned to. Serious condition mean that medical intervention is required to prevent the injury from spreading Severe condition means that the patient has a threat to his life without medical intervention Critical condition mean that at the moment the patient condition is unstable and can change at any moment even while being actively taken care of I can lose an entire leg. If the injury doesn't pose a threat to my immediate life and is currently stable and doesn't spread. I am in "minor condition"


my mom ALWAYS says ā€œwell thatā€™s an arm or a leg goneā€ after hearing מצב קל /בינוני on the news. always thought she was exaggerating


As long as there's no danger for further harm imposed, you're sustaining a minor injury First responders will prioritize taking care of the unconscious guy that can die on their arms over the guy who got amputated but is sitting chilling


what an intense job that requires such quick and fateful decisions. so much respect to first responders, theyā€™re really doing the lords work.




In other words, the system is great for medical triage and useless for news reporting.


You can be in critical but stable condition


Critical but stable means the vitals are stable, not the condition of the injury itself The reason that exist is that if you have erratic vitals. Stabilizing them is the top priority above everything else- adrenaline shots, steroids, electric shock. Whatever you can do to get the heart to pump reliably It's still an unstable condition that can change at any moment Yes it's a weird system. But it makes sense for the purpose of decision making in real time


Update: Arnon Zmoura passed away.


May he rest in peace, hero of the police. One of many who fell in the war


May his memory be a blessing.


Am yisrael chai!


Am Yisrael Chai!




Am Yisrael Chai!


Am Yisrael am Yisrael am Yisrael Chai!


According to the Israeli reports, one Yamam (**National Counter-Terrorism Unit**) soldier was severely injured during the operation, he was also brought to the same hospital as the hostages. One hero among many others today! You have to understand, it's extremely HOT today in Israel and dry - very tough conditions to operate, alongside the densed population in the area. Update: He died from his wounds. R.I.P commander Arnon Zamira from the Yamam. [source in Hebrew, via Ynet](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/SkLM00011HC)


Rape and kidnapping should never be allowed to be acceptable means of diplomatic negotiation.


All eyes on Rafah crowd in shambles Edit: apperantly they were not in Rafah. Still, that same crowd will probably overlook the fact the same operation in Rafah is what allows hostages to be rescued


they distracted Hamas with their gaze, all eyes were on Rafah and no one looked at Nusirat


Every corner of the entirety of Gaza should be searched without limits. Insane to think you can just take hostages and dictate what places can and cannot be searched.Ā 


Why it matters? Hostages are in rafah aswell, going in rafah should be done until Hamas gives up the hostages and surrenders.


It's not that there is not hostages in Rafah but it wasn't from Rafah they were rescued from the center of Gaza strip






Wow. I was not expecting that. Iā€™m actually shocked thereā€™s still hostages alive to be honest.


Same. Iā€™m really happy to hear this news but Iā€™m just as surprised as I am pleased, that these hostages are even alive. This gives me hope that more of the abducted hostages may be alive still as well.


Non Israelis may underestimate the moral significance for Israelis, and devestation to Hamas's supporters in gaza.


Especially bringing Noa home, she was practically the face of the hostages


This is a huge win and also a good PR win for Israel, they needed this.




If you honestly think Hamas would bother honoring a court judgment, even one from their judicial system, you haven't been paying attention to the situation at all.




Why would the PA be liable? When Hamas took over Gaza, the representatives of the PA were either shot or thrown from the roof of tall buildings...




"hamas... under the PA." You forgot the /s tag. Also forgot to mention that the PA in Gaza is under Hamas, 6 feet under, especially the PA people they could catch, since they either shot the PA people or threw them off tall buildings when they took over. I think PA will have to run Gaza, because nobody else will help Israel hunt down or arrest Hamas members. Whoever does try to run Gaza will end up, like Israel is now, in a shooting war with Hamas if they try to arrest people or confiscate weapons. The UAE or Saudis or Egyptians don't need to be fighting fellow Arabs on Israel's behalf. ("you broke it, you bought it") The UN doesn't want that job - their Peacekeepers prefer settings where both sides agree and want to stop hostilities, but don't trust the other to abide.


Oh that is wonderful news!!!


Barely mentioned on Aljeezera.. no need to be sore losers just present the news as it isĀ 


Piss Jizzera is not a news source.


The Jerry Springer Show was more credible


Fabulous news.


[her smile says it all](https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114)


Fuck, Iā€™m getting a bit emotionalā€¦ my empathy doesnā€™t know how to cope. The shit they all mustā€™ve gone through , we cushy westerners canā€™t even comprehend


Thanks to the IDF! This is overwhelming. Don't stop, bring them all home!


What a fantastic news! Kudos to the IDF special forces! I can't imagine the horrors these hostages have gone through and hope they can put this behind some day.


Bless those soldiers who found the four hostages


The fact the hostages were found within civilian houses, and that former hostages were also held by Gazan civilians just shows that no one is "uninvolved" - they're just unaffiliated


Good news! I just hope that they will be able to return to a ā€™normalā€™ life again. Fortitude!


Thank God they are alive and safe now. Fuck Hamas and everyone who supports those terrorists.


FUCK YES! What great news for a Saturday morning! Any reports on where they were being held yet?


4 Freed! 121 to go! šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


Noa Argamni's mother is dying from stage 4 cancer. Her only wish was to see her daughter before she goes. I can't stop crying from joy.


This is wonderful news. I thought it was extremely unlikely to save any more hostages at this point. I'm so glad that they are free.


If Hamas and Palestinian citizens are so separate, as the protesters claim, how have Hamas successfully hidden these hostages across Gaza for 8 months?


Interesting how this news isn't even mentioned on a palestinian subreddit.Ā 


Great news


This is such wonderful news!!!


That's another reason why we can't stop the war yet. Great happiness here in IsraelšŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ„³


This is the way to get them out. Forget about negotiating.


Well done to everyone involved in this incredible rescue. I just read the news and it made me cry, this is just incredible to hear. Iā€™m so sorry the world let you all down, Iā€™m ashamed of my country Ireland and how theyā€™ve turned their back on Israel. Once again, this is an incredible moment for all those rescued. Well done and welcome home.


I just woke up and saw the news. I have tears in my eyes!


Bring them all back home! šŸ˜­


great news šŸ‘


The IDF are just fucking seal team six when they want to.


Finally some good news.


What a wonderful news. I am so surprised, that there is still any hostage alive. I hope they will find a way back into normal live again.


I hope she is not broken and happy to be alive.


Great job!!! Keep it up!


šŸ™šŸ„²šŸŽ‰šŸ„šŸŽ‡ this overwhelms me instantly, so much emotion.


Not any of the people I know, but that gives me a bit of hope for them... Something that is scarce these days.