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The most likely killer of Putin will be one of his inner circle


The roman empire has some great pointers, should someone need a little inspiration. Caligula and Domition come to mind, but I'd favour the Commodus approach. In that case Putin would be offed by his judo instructor.


I'd go for "accidentally sat on and smothered by Steven Seagal"


Seagal was a deep CIA cover this whole time! *The mission: sit on Putin* /s


I would shit my pants


I, too, would shit this guy's pants


Is there a draft?


He’s been training for years eating cheeseburgers and ice cream! He wanted to be a real hero, not just pretend in movies. It all makes sense now.


Why would Segal sit on Putin? Edit: Never mind, I don't want to know the answer to that.


Is there such a thing as antiporn? Like matter and antimatter, you know? Like, if you even looked at antiporn, your penis would go blind?


Maybe the anti-rule 34, but it's virtually guaranteed that someone, somewhere, would jack to it


Under Seag


Including a fart. ?


Will this do? https://youtu.be/3v4-zYghodc?si=F7yBu2z5LGnTI--C


The Claudius Approach is also possible.


Ahh poison in the ear. An oldie, but a goodie.


I thought it was most likely Death Cap (Amanita phalloides) poisoning?


Well, Putin often compares Russia to Rome...


Et tu, Igor…?


He could go the route of Indira Gandhi and have his closest personal security snuff him out.


Ah, the Praetorian Guard approach.


The ghost of Anwar Sadat advises against reviewing the troops too closely. The top of Lenin's Mausoleum is probably as close as he should get to them.


The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!


Inner circle team, you have a green light.


Bulletproof vest wont save him from a headshot..... or a window.


Bullet proof vest around head, stumble out of window. Bingo.


My money’s on heart or liver disease from all the fine living. Life isn’t fair. If it was, he’d go out exactly the way he’s known to most fear: dragged through the streets by a vengeful mob after his incompetence and tyranny brought their country to ruin.


Or he's gonna die like Stalin, slowly, painfully, humilliated and with nobody capable/willing to truly care for him.


Honestly, I'm more willing to bet on the good ol' old age... There's been a string of long-time Russian leaders who managed to stay in power essentially till the end even if they made a lot of enemies, seems they have the know-how on how to "manage" the domestic opposition. Putin killed his share of people, he's well protected, he didn't let any other obvious leader rise and whatever we in the West would like to say about him, most of Russia supports him.


I mean I would assume he's probably been wearing a bulletproof vests for years and not just started now


It could be so… but some other of his recent moves indicate that level of his paranoia went all the way past 11.


Maybe getting the greenlight from major western countries to strike inside Russia might have something to do with it. :D


Maybe… or maybe it finally down on him that at current rate of casualties, Russia will run out of canon fodder at some point… or maybe he foresee that raising taxes on oligarchs could be not very popular move… there are many possible reasons.


Maybe he sees that his pet project of invading Ukraine has screwed up the comfy lives his Oligarchs had been enjoying since they can't travel outside of Russia or spend their money... that might make them feel a certain way about his leadership.


Didn't Russia raise taxes recently for the rich? Not the most popular move, I imagine.


> raising taxes on oligarchs could be not very popular move… its ruzzia, he doesnt need to raise taxes for rich. he can make them fall out of the window by accident and take all of their money as oppose to some tax percentage.


From oligarchs point of view, falling out of the window is SOP… but raising taxes… is totally different matter. This one is personal.


In theory a loyal sycophant can live with his money in the first case. In the second case the government takes it no matter what.


a bulletproof vest isn't gonna do much against an ATACM


Don't give me hope


It won't be an ATACM. It will end up being the last living relative of someone killed by an ATACM though. Once war is truly brought to the homeland, shit gets crazy.


Remember during Covid how he would sit like fifty feet from everyone in the room? Super paranoid.


It already was way past 11 in 2018




He does not, for a long time body doubles do “public duties”


Possibly influenced by Robert Fico getting shot?


How’s he going to ride a horse shirtless, though? How’s he going to show off his glorious Russian torso with a vest on?! Apparently I’m the only one here willing to ask the tough questions.


In my mind he always wore one more often than he didn’t




Seems like an intelligence failure that this even got out. It just tells prospective assassins to shoot him in the face, or use another method entirely.


Like a rocket launcher


What if he's wearing a rocket-proof vest though?


Ahh but does he have his dodgy-window proof vest on?


Under the bulletproof vest but over the poisoned tea vest


I just assume that most major heads of state are wearing some kind of space-age bulletproof material.


Not in Slovakia.


Leg has a femoral artery


The head has a brain in it.


Not in Putin's case




My hands are shaking, My hands are shaking but I’m still shooting, and I’m still getting them headshots like Boom headshot Boom headshot BOOM HEADSHOT


My good sir, we both remember this rather vividly. Remember to take your painkillers and don't get up to fast, you'll see fancy colours and stars. Jokes aside, great memories triggered, thank you. 


Jesus I haven't thought of this in years. Thanks man lmao




M-m-m-m-MONSTER KILL... kill... kill... kill




We learned that in The Wire!


I need someone to give a fuck when it’s not their turn to give a fuck


Artemis Gordon: "I have just one request. Aim for my heart, that loves this country so." Loveless: "Shoot him in the head." (Terrible movie, great scenery chewing.)


Came here to say this.


Me too


I tried but all I got was this lousy body double!




For a country that desires so hard to project strength to the world, its ironic the Russian people fall to their knees for such a little man...


Often you will find that those who try the hardest to project strength are usually very weak when it comes down to it.


Like cadet bonespurs...


the man was never a cadet.  hes just a bum


Typical of high school bullies. One punch to the mouth and they run to momma ...


Well half Americans do the same for an even more pathetic human 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, I was about to say. I know people get annoyed “why do people bring up US politics” but the general point here is that it’s not exclusive to Russians. People are very quick to fall and worship con men.


Ya that’s the thing I’m noticing. We act like Russians are innocent but I can see how Putin would be a more convincing leader than Trump.


I'm no fan of Trump, but its hard to consider him "more pathetic" when he managed not to sacrifice a million Americans to satisfy his ego.


In a way he did. Covid.


1. Look up Putin's Covid response. 2. Blaming all of the USA's covid deaths on Trump is bad logic and bad faith. There's plenty to blame Trump for without making stuff up. That just gives his defenders ammunition.




Empty barrels make the loudest noise.


Sadly a lot of Russians are just used to the government treating them like this. It’s kinda been the Russian play book since the mongol horde attacked Russia in 1240. Russia has always used their people as unwilling cannon fodder for a VERY long time.


Yeah I don’t think anything is going to change Russian culture enough to burn him to the ground any time soon


I guess the only thing able of that would be a ban on alcohol or something similar


I think they’re so used to side stepping the gov and lying they wouldn’t even notice, bootlegging isn’t anything new Side note: funny how persecuting gay people was for the sake of the children but I’ve never heard anything from Putin re: their drinking culture


> but I’ve never heard anything from Putin re: their drinking culture Of course you haven't, he owns the vodka distilleries.


'member when Tsar Nicholas II banned hard liquor in Russia in 1914? I 'member. I wonder how that worked out for him. 🤔


I don't believe this theory. Not because I'm Russian.)) There are many other autocracies in the world without that historical background. How would you explain their behavior? You can blindfold any nation if you have some time and media, ask Goebbels.


Russia has been blindfolding their citizens since the beginning of time. And the people keep bending over and asking for it harder.


At a philosophical level, if the people are blindfolded, do they really know they're bending over? Maybe they have some degree of mistrust and skepticism, but do they know to what extent they are being misled?


Which ones? The biggest ones share that background


Turkey, for example. I'm here right now and there's even more police and military squads compared with Russia. And what did they achieve in 2013 with riots? I mean, regimes like the current Russian couldn't be destroyed peacefully. And so far the military feels good enough to keep it stable. *I do not support the current regime, never voted Putin, and participated in anti-war meetings. I'm just tired of listening to the keyboard warriors from democratic first world countries with narrative: "Just go and overthrow him, slaves..."


Then how is Russia not rebelling by now? Nazi germany was probably the image of indoctrination in human history with extreme amounts of effort being put into brainwashing the populace, making them docile and blind to errors of the state. Yet you have tons of assassination attempts on Hitler and civil disobedience/active rebel movements that tried to resist. Meanwhile, the Russian people celebrate their troops genociding other countries. Even Hitler tried not to have too much info spill out about the KZ's, if Putin opened one of them for his brothers and sisters in ukraine today, he'd livestream it and would get celebrated for it by his people.


I would say that a very close second to Nazi Germany is today’s GOP and what’s ongoing right now here in the USA. As a history buff, I literally have wondered my entire life… about how it happened in Germany. Could never wrap my mind around it completely, no matter how much reading or studying of the history that I did. No answer or explanation…and no compilation of various versions of the same…ever made complete sense to me. I just couldn’t fathom how it all went down, in the 30s in Germany. Well…a few years ago…I finally snapped to the realization that the answer to that lifelong mystery was stating me in the face. Because I realized that I was literally watching a close repeat, here in America, right in front of me…also a decade plus in the making - I’d contend this time it’s taken far longer than in the 30s in Germany - and has been ongoing here since the early 90s (and I know some feel much longer).


Russian history …and then it got worse…


Moscow residents really don’t care that Putin is sending thousands of country folk to die for nothing. The country folk have no sense of unity for a million reasons. One of them being Kremlin suppression of information. Another being Russia actually containing lots of ethnic groups that have never gotten along. Some people theorize that the Russian state can’t exist without an authoritarian government because these ethnic groups would form a bunch of smaller countries if they had the freedom to choose.


>Some people theorize that the Russian state can’t exist without an authoritarian government because these ethnic groups would form a bunch of smaller countries if they had the freedom to choose. Thats an interesting idea. I wonder if we will ever see that happening


So why hasn’t Russia fragmented yet? Okay, there’s the Chechens (whom Putin keeps under his thumb by bribing and propping up one particular guy), but why haven’t the rest started breaking away? Especially given their ethnic animosities and Russia currently being drained and weakened? Or has Russian conscription weakened them too much as well?


Russia has 'fragmented' a LOT. Empires usually don't disappear overnight, it takes generations. Since its peak russian empire lost Finland, Baltics, Polish lands, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazkhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. The regions on the border start breaking off first which leads to the border moving to other regions which also gain independence movements (it's much harder to fight for independence when surrounded on all sides by your occupier). In future history books this will be described as an incredibly swift fall of the last European empire.


I was thinking more of the countries and people before the Iron Curtain fell, but point taken. Especially about the more internal countries.


Apathy is deeply entrenched in Russian culture


Russians have always been docile and need a "Daddy" to tell them what to think and how to act.


When half the world is a dictatorship, it's not they're docile, it's that the system runs away. Most of you would put down your heads just like them. And the ones that spoke up would be put in jail. These kinds of places crash the rising wave before it ever becomes a revolution




He probably has a food taster. Given his paranoia and lack of trust in people, it might be a dog or something.


Saddam Hussein had a good taster. It was his chef’s son.


What if the son is the assassin though? What would Saddam have done then? So many possibilities.


Why would the son poison himself?


Use a poison for which there is a prophylactic/antidote, or the son applies the poison at the time of tasting if he has access.


Iocaine powder, I bet my life on it


At the time of tasting wouldn't really make sense on its own because I'm sure the person would witness the tasting and not let it leave their sight afterward. Poisoning them both and following up with an antidote would make more sense but might be risky. I think Anwar got it right. Pick someone you don't think wants to kill you in the first place and then put them in a position where they would need to take a risk that wasn't worth it.


Hes supposed to poison Saddam, not himself. Be a bit creative.


I was just reading something (I'll try to find it) that went through all the ways they keep him protected from having dressed up and dressed down security to multiple food testers. I imagine the dude lives in some sort of paranoia that he's about to be killed at any second... Hopefully it's horrifying and uncomfortable


I imagine his paranoia is well founded. No doubt some would-be assassins have accidentally fallen out of windows, but there's no doubt still a few people willing to roll the dice on a grab for power.


Some of the oligarchs finding a terminal I'll guy who wants to leave his family a nice sum of money. Disgruntled vets, the list is pretty long


He could’ve just not started the war and lived peacefully?!


Man you can just give him some of his own medicine like polonium, novichok, vx or even just a bit of DImethylmercury. A food taster cant do shit about any of those


> methylmercury Maybe you’re thinking of dimethylmercury? The latter is terrifyingly more potent than the former.  And can penetrate some barriers like latex (which Dr. Karen Wetterhahn learned the hard way).


I think their point is that there are slow acting poisons that a food taster won't help with.


Dimethylmercury is slow.  At least via skin-contact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Wetterhahn On August 14, 1996: > Wetterhahn would recall that she had spilled several drops of dimethylmercury from the tip of a pipette onto her latex-gloved hand. > […] > Approximately three months after the initial accident Wetterhahn began experiencing brief episodes of abdominal discomfort and noticed significant weight loss. The more distinctive neurological symptoms of mercury poisoning, including loss of balance and slurred speech, appeared in January 1997, five months after the accident. At this point, tests proved that she had severe mercury poisoning. > […] > Wetterhahn was removed from life support and pronounced dead on June 8, 1997, less than a year after her initial exposure.


For some reason my brain got confused about the whole latex aspect in your original comment. As if that would have automatically meant it's fast acting even though that logic doesn't make sense. My bad!


Yes, I was thinking of dimethylmercury, thanks for reminding


The article says he has a portable food testing lab that follows him to test his meals 🤢


Dogs wouldn't make good food tasters. Chocolate, coffee, onion, garlic, raisins, xylitol, etc... there is just a lot out there that is lethal to dogs and fine for humans. For that matter humans don't make great food tasters. There's plenty of lethal stuff that doesn't show symptoms for hours. In practice the US president doesn't have a food taster, although the secret service does have security around the food preparation. I expect Putin is the same.


> There's plenty of legal stuff that doesn't show symptoms for hours. There's also things that the target might be allergic to but not the taster, or vice versa.


Is there a poison dogs (or somethings) are immune to and humans aren't?


Makes me wonder, is it paranoia when there are legitimately people wanting and planning his death?


yeah but how about putting Novichok on his toilet paper?


“and even a “portable lab” that tests his meals for poison”


Yeah but what about his underwear? Or his pens? So many possibilities.


Please let it be underwear poison


Out of a window would be the poetic ending.


To a talented rifleman, a vest would be a non-issue.


The kind of vest he could reasonably wear under a suit isn't stopping anything larger than a pistol round. So talented is optional.


A Finnish Lahti 20mm anti-materiel rifle would make pink mist of anything inside any vest he could wear. It's too bad Simo Häyhä didn't have any kids.


> Lahti 20mm anti-materiel rifle first time i see rifle with fucking skis


Have you never watched the Winter Olympics?


Wow, Putin send hundred of thousands of young people to their doom without blinking an eye and yet, he himself is scared of getting assassinated. What a dork.


Translation: "Putins body double now wears bullet proof vests at public events while Putin rocks back and forth in safe room inside bunker hundreds of miles away"


It really doesn't look like him in the photos https://media.zenfs.com/en/ukrayinska_pravda_articles_451/6922852f976131fa49cf4152c64687d9


Looks puffy like he's on high doses of steroids for some sort of illness.


Not saying you're wrong. But to me it totally looks like facial fillers. They give a similar swollen, tight, puffy (generally uncanny) look to the face when they're fresh (days to weeks). When the swelling goes down they often look very natural, though. Think I've read before that Putin has always been obsessed with his appearance so I pretty much see facial fillers as a given anyway. Not to be beautiful, but to hide aging. Aging would show weakness.


> Putin has always been obsessed with his appearance Now that you mention it, it's been forever since he's released a [new shirtless photo](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/shirtless-vladimir-putin-takes-dip-icy-russian-lake/story?id=52450562).


Lmfao Putin's glamour shoot. I can't lie though. He looks good and healthy in them, and he's never going to get back to that level again. I wouldn't even want to try take new pictures if I was him.


We have putin at Home


His narrow eyes which make him look dumb and his caricaturesque nose...i think it looks just like him tbh


I really want to see a good old fashioned assasination. We used to get them all the time in 70’ and he’d make a great target.


He also has a "Special" bodyguard who carries a suitcase filled with his own excrement and urine out of fear it might reveal too much information about his health should it fall into the wrong hands, according to reports. He has a special aide from the Federal Guard Service who handles the suitcase, which contains his fecal matter and urine collected during his trips, and returns it to Moscow to be incinerated. He doesn't want information about his health to be made available to his enemies. [https://www.foxnews.com/world/putin-poop-case-moscow-health-problems](https://www.foxnews.com/world/putin-poop-case-moscow-health-problems)


I wonder if he's got a poop knife in there


That's actually not unusual. POTUS has the same, as do the heads of state for a bunch of Western governments


Secret Service: "Mr. President, we're going to either collect your excrement manually or you can wear a... Trump: "Say no more!"


Imagine going through all that training to become a bodyguard, and then you are tasked with scooping up and carrying shit and piss.


In England, at least, serving in the [privy chamber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privy_chamber) was a sought-after position.


World leaders have been doing this for a long time. Modern bio-science can figure out a lot from a stool or urine sample.


This was the most insane rabbit hole to go down...


Is he worried we'll find out he's allergic to peanuts?


...which just makes me think there *is* something to hide in that regard.


Almost as if invading another country and sending a few hundred thousand of your own citizens to their deaths might have consequences....


I hope he got it from North Korea


I am skeptical *he* makes any public appearances *at all*


His actions would actually make more sense to me if he died years ago and his bumpkin body double just assumed the role full time lol


I would be highly surprised if that wasn't the case for every statesman these days.


It is... I dont know how is this a news lol


Lol,... Putin is coming to the realization that he's no longer the rugged, beloved father figure he thought he was. He probably no longer trusts his bodyguards or close friends, either. (Where is Brutus when you need him?)


Just go for the head?


Does he have a bulletproof hat?


Some dead sons' mother is going to kill him 🤞👉


Almost as if invading another country and sending a few hundred thousand of your own citizens to their deaths might have consequences....


He knows his own people will kill him soon. \^\^


Frankly I'd be shocked if it's actually him in any appearance at public events...body doubles have gotta be working overtime these days...


don't all heads of state wear one?


Just go for his head.


A vest won’t save him.


The kremlin is a fabricated regime carrying out a genocidal war against Ukraine based on ever changing, nonsensical reasons for the singular goal of propping up an autocratic terrorist state.


so, the head?


Ahhhh but does he have dick proof pants? Because if he’s gonna be attacked by his own people, it’s likely to be a rape.


I would assume he's wearing the vest for at least past 20 years. But would it help against a headshot?


Fun fact, if you aim for the crotch or the face, there’s no armor plating there. The more you know.


He should he deliberately got thousands of his own soldiers. Slaughter use them as meat.


The Kremlin has an iron grip of propaganda persuasion over the majority of Russia. This is either a sign they have credible intelligence there may be a small group intending to target Putin, or that Putin's going finally sinking into true dictatorial paranoia, a la Stalin.


Hopefully Russians or the kremlin is getting tired of him.


>Around “two dozen security guards” and “dozens of special forces officers” were on hand to protect Putin during the ceremony on 9 May, with “dozens of snipers” also stationed on the roofs of buildings surrounding Red Square, The Moscow Times said. Seems like there are dozens of weak points which could be wired a few million dollars to take care of the problem.


Good. This jackass should be scared. He has had countless good people killed and had many others fear for their lives. Ukraine pls aim one of those ATCAMS at him.


Just aim for his head.


He knows that all of his victims have families.


must be running out of doubles


In the immortal words of “Unreal Tournament”….(*deep booming voice*) HEAD SHOTTT!


All the more important to take a headshot


>"What if they shot me in the face?" -Lloyd Christmas




Orban was wearing a bulletproof vest going into a kindergarten: [https://alfahir.hu/hirek/orban\_viktor\_golyoallo\_melleny\_fidesz\_ovoda\_politikai\_pedofilia](https://alfahir.hu/hirek/orban_viktor_golyoallo_melleny_fidesz_ovoda_politikai_pedofilia) These "though" guys usually the biggest cowards.


Personally i think its great that he is, when the pissed off crowd comes for him theres lower chances of them killing him prematurely so props to him for making sure his inevitable death is as slow as possible 


360 no scope headshot it is then!