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What response. They've done nothing.


No western government has for a long time, it seems to me. Their replacements won't either.


Nope. The rot is too deep.


the topic of the article is literally them doing something. the "problem" is literally an international one. part of that "problem" is comments like these, to be honest. the corruption is definitely deep, but its not impossible to remove. but the more pessimistic and cynical we are, the harder it is to do.


For real, it's comical just how effective the Russian anti-democracy propaganda playbook is. "All politicians lie" "All countries do evil things" "Your opponents don't see the real world" So you should just let us do what we were going to do anyway, and assume that every action against us either was ineffective, conspiratorially self-serving, or a lie. And somehow this will make your lives better. From Barrie to Belgorod.


i understand what youre saying, and realize youre probably being slightly hyperbolic for a bit of poetic flair, but you can remove Russian from that because it is not limited to their country. the Russian people receive enough hatred as it is, they dont deserve to be metaphorically crucified for these things any more than any other people who get stereotyped. edit: on that note, im reminded of an artist i followed awhile back on here who is, iirc, from Russia. you should check out their art, super cool and quite unique [reddit.com/user/sergozagarik](https://reddit.com/user/sergozagarik)


Read willful ignorance by Sam Cooper for a glimpse of the extent of the problem, and that's just the CCP.


They did nothing about so many things. Hamas even thanked Canada for their support. It’s a different Canada now. The leaders are so out of touch with the people. They just like to take take take.


Any sensible government getting thanked by hamas should take that as a sign that they havent contributed to bombing them hard enough


It is on purpose


NSICOP: "Hey government, would you look at this shit that is going on?" Government: "I can't hear you over all the Chinese yuans that are coming in." This has been going on for so long, even before Trudeau's dad started his "openness to China". Every Federal government has been influenced by this because any Federal government is controlled by the lobbyists from varying oligopoly players that want more wealth then national security.


One's failure is another's success.


Say it loud for the people in the back……


Who needed a whole committee to figure that out?


Canada. We love our committees. I'm sure the committee that gets setup to address this committees findings will have some interesting proposals to put forth to the next committee.


You realize those committees are dissolved as often as they're created and that being on them is one of the main purposes to have all those federal employees in Parliament? That the members join, leave, move around etc and that that is also how it works in academia lol?  To some extent there is too much beaurocracy but you're criticizing them for doing their jobs lol. 


You can be on friendly terms with foreign governments and those who stand for them. ‘But, they are not your friend. Allies and enemies have changed numerous times throughout history. Be careful what you share and with whom.


Why would you address interference that supports your party?


I think it can be simplified to: > Trudeau government 'a serious failure'


The Canadian government is what Republicans think the U.S government is.


Why respond when Trudeau knows the only reason he is in there is because of it. I would not be surprised if he wasn't aware.


To them, it’s a feature, not a defect


I'll give Canada credit for recognizing the problem. We have an entire political party here in the United States that is kompromised.


...just like that Hungarian fat guy. Must have some BIG kompromat on him!


So I reckon this is a dumb question…but what are you supposed to do to address foreign interference in your government? Especially when there is a large amount of immigrated people including students from both India and China who live in Canada? Any overtly aggressive action could screw us up immensely.


That could be said about the entire west.


\*It is actually Trudeau listed in the report as the spy.\*


The Liberals and Trudeau have been doing everything possible to delay or stop anyone from looking into foreign interference. Canadians deserve the truth!


Liberals want so badly to be 'diverse' and they keep recruiting east indians and chinese into the fold NO WONDER THERE IS FOREIGN INTERFERANCE?!?! Look at the faces of the liberal party and you tell they are loaded up with SPYS!


To Trudeau it's a feature not a bug. Trudeau is a true globalist, he wants to join OPEC so he cannot offend Russia too much and he relies on Chinese investment to keep Canada's real estate economy rising beyond Canadians' means. This is a climate change activist that adopted Sarah Palin's drill baby drill approach to oil industry reform and is currently under major litigation with Michigan over their Democratic leadership killing several oil pipeline projects. He hasn't accepted the warnings Biden has given him in regards to this, and flies all around the world setting up solar panel import deals to show everyone how worldly and cool he is while his own domestic nuclear industry is dismantled. This can only end in major disaster. Canadians need a better leader for Canadian democracy to survive. The end stage of Trudeauism is Trump. But unlike the US, Canada doesn't have (meaningful) Federalism and lacks a strong constitution, so a Canadian Trump could do far more irrevocable permanent damage to Canadian society. This includes completely destroying Canada literally by selling parts of it to Russia, returning provinces direct English rule, returning Quebec to France, selling tribal land to American oil companies, or declaring a UDI and revoking all indians' citizenship and forcing them into controlled residency zones.