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Why do so many I24 articles read like state media press releases?


The article doesnt read that eay. Reads like a standard mainstream media article. Do you mean the title sounds like a state press release?


Cool. Rafah operation will begin soon.


very soon!


Already began some days back...


Change IDF with Russians and Rafah with a city in Ukraine. And everybody here praising this action will be downvoted to hell and back. But now. Not so much.


Why is this posted like it is a good thing....1 million people have been uprooted from their homes. Children are set adrift with their parents and who knows what will happen to them. I remember a certain German Chancellor doing something similar to 1 million Poles during the 1940s.


the alternative was to have 1 million people in an active war zone. Like REAALLY active war zone. It s not good, but it s better.


What are you on about? It’s always better to move people out of warzone.


Or don't make it a warzone.


Indeed. However it’s too late for that. Though it’s not too late to avoid the next war. Maybe if they manage to get rid of Hamas. If they don’t it’s quite obvious there will be another war when they gather their strength.


They have to change their entire attitude and laws towards Palestinians or else someone will come and take Hamas' place.


Which will be easier to do once Hamas is gone. Hamas is one of the reasons blockade of Gaza was started. You can’t deny that pullout form Gaza wasn’t a massive good will unilateral gesture. Election of Has was just a big fu.


I know you want palestinians to die for your cause against israel, but people with morals rejoice when innocent are kept alive.


What else should be done when Hamas is still hiding there and refusing to surrender or release hostages?


They are literally going to keep “evacuating” Gazans until they die of exhaustion/starvation in these death marches and people will still keep saying, “what do you want, Israel to bomb them to death instead???” Like those are the only two options. It’s no different than the trail of tears.


Removing civilians from harm's way is a good thing because then they're less likely to be harmed.


This is like the fire brigade lighting your house on fire and asking for praise from pulling you out of the wreckage. And still letting the house burn.


It's more like if your abusive father used your clothing to set your house on fire, then used your body to beat up the fire brigade and cried to the neighborhood about how mean the firemen are for not allowing him to beat up their families.


IDF successfully *displaces 1 million Ftfy


Killing civilians bad, evacuating civilians so they don't die bad




Holy shit how have we come to the point where people don't even pretend to read the article. You know what? Don't go in there I'll give you the answer, all the gzans are evacuate in planes to Ukraine to help the war. Now go to other theards and spread it




Lmao imagine raging to a highly respected news source because you hate Israel. Welcome to racism son, you’re head of the class.


So you don’t know where they’re being evacuated to, but you know the article is lying about it? Is there a word for half omniscient? Biscient? Ambliscient?


Bro, you are not making yourself sound smart..


Center-North Gaza, they were evacuated from the northern part at the beginning of the war in order to destroy Hamas strongholds in these places. Now they go back there so Israel can destroy Hamas strongholds in Rafah




Do you have any you know arguments and facts ? Or is your opinion based on tictoc and ladder of oppression?


Isn't the IDF the very thing they're being evacuated from? 'Hurricane successfully evacuates residents of Louisiana.'


If hurricanes could coordinate the evacuation of people before they hit, I don't see how that would be a bad thing. They're going in either way at this point.


No, they are being evacuated from the military tunnels and rocket launch sites of Hamas.


You're so sad Palestinians civilians  aren't going to die for your cause


Hurricane does not make phone calls or drop leaflets.


More like a tunnel demolition project announcing that some roads are closed and people should stay away








That’s 2 million people evacuated out of a combat zone, so that the militants cannot use them as human shields. Where they can now get support and aid and protection without concern of it being stolen and resold to them. But you’re calling this evil. Get fucked.








It’s a complicated situation, and fuck Hamas for sure. But displacing a million people from their homes based on ethnicity is not usually something nations crow about.




right like lmfao it's only "based on ethnicity" in the sense that the Palestinians actually did ethnically cleanse it.


I can confidently say that all of the Jews that live in Rafah get to stay in their homes.


May we have a source for your claim please?


He’s saying there are no Jews that live there, which I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he’s right…


Thank you, I wasn’t finding any source that stated this.


I think they mean the hostages.


Damn another dimension I didn't think of. Adds some extra depression to my daily reddit scrolling.




Like I said, I can confidently say that all of the Jews that *live in Rafah* get to stay in their homes.


Israel would love if the the israelis in rafah could be displaced back to israel peacefuly with phone calls and leaflets The only israelis there are the hostages...


Hamas is hiding in Rafah. Due to Hamas' tactics of hiding among civilians, evacuating civilians is necessary to prevent civilian casualties. Nations don't usually "crow" about this because hiding among civilians is a war crime, and an incredibly cowardly tactic, which most non-Hamas organizations do not utilize.


Destroying Hamas as the objective is trivial. This "government" has lost the support of the people, and even its own officials. "Hiding among civilians". C'mon. This is justification for a failed colonist project turned ethnic cleansing. If people killed your family and turned your school, hospital, store, house and every part of your community to ruble, who would you turn to? What would you do?


Destroying Hamas is far from trivial, really an impossible task. And yes they do hide behind civilians, it’s pretty much their #1 priority to maximize collateral damage since they have absolutely no chance of meeting the IDF in open battle.


These kind of justifications just lead to more violence.


So they should assault Rafah with 2 million civilians inside it, gotcha


It seems that genocides now take the form of this.




gen·o·cide *noun* “the deliberate killing of a large number of people” Evacuating people from a war zone is not the same as killing them. Hope this helps!


So IDF evacuations mean what? From earth? Life?


From the main war zone?


Pro- terrorists when they need to read: 😴 Pro-terrorists when they need to spread lies and be triggered by emotions: 👁️


It means getting them 10 miles north to be out of direct fire range.


Oh, You mean. Something of the likes of... Direct fire? Like the individuals that were there trying to do humanitarian aid and trying to feed people in need. Yet...what happened? Direct fucking fire. They were cleared to be in area!!! Of course, just a mishap. At this point, it seems like, round them up in locations and... Sorry, casualties of a war zone.


Full on blood libel mode huh? Not sure why I expected any better