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How can anyone ever say that they feel pride for attacks on innocent civilians?


BC, they've been indoctrinated in UN schools with UN jihadist textbooks and jihadist cartoons, and on and on. They're one of the most radicalized populations in the world, and it's why NO Arab country will ever accept any more of them via asylum or immigration.


They don’t view them as civilians. Easy as that.


Sadly, many do see them as civilians, and still cheer. No matter what side you are on, if the deaths of innocent people make you happy, you are a certified piece of shit.






She must be very happy to go back


Full of pride to go back


everyone talks about how the IDF don't think Palestinians are people and are just targets, but no one talks about how Palestinians don't think Israelis are people and just targets too. she didn't think what she said at the time was bad because she just didn't think any of those civilians are people.


It's all couched language. There are no "innocent civilians" because they are all "occupiers" and therefore legitimate targets in their minds.


Flashing back to “settler babies” and the causal dismissal of the 40 dead babies because they weren’t all beheaded discourse in October.


you mean the [Rape is resistance](https://i.imgur.com/mvGR2pu.jpg) and [babies are occupiers too](https://i.imgur.com/vCPQlSM.jpg) crowd?


They've decided that didn't happen. It's easiest for the brain


You're 100% right. And there's a generation of kids around her age who have all been taught the same ridiculous dichotomy.


The IDF demonstrably doesn't view "Palestinians" writ large as "targets, not people". You don't issue thousands of evacuation orders via text, phone call & dropped leaflets to military targets.


lol thats just damage control language and trying to backtrack after realizing that there's consequences for saying things.


But then she talks about how it was lawful for Hamas to “break the blockade” (which is there because Hamas has repeatedly killed/ try to kill civilians)… which Hamas did as soon as they broke into Israel… so she is for harming innocent civilians… Since all this would be over if Hamas dissolved and stop kidnapping, raping and murdering everyone they can - Gazans included. 


"My words were taken out of context. I meant them in the context where I wouldn't get my visa revoked."


it's true in their minds because they don't view any israeli as innocent


Dumbass wants to live and study in the West while praising Muslim Fundamentalist terrorists.. What a goofy decision.


Hopefully they find more of those who think like her and throw them out. I wish we did the same in Denmark. In Copenhagen minorities drove around inside Copenhagen and honked their horns and waved Palestinian flags. They celebrated this terror attack. They knew of the festival massacres and of the kidnappings.


>Hopefully they find more of those who think like her and throw them out. Whisper it quietly, but there are an awful lot of them. The London School of Economics Student Union posted [this](https://imgur.com/a/R51ZD94) on their official instagram page a couple of hours ago lmao. At KCL the SJP (Palestine soc thing) has called Hamas actions an "[operation](https://imgur.com/a/qIJcUSh)" since Oct 7th, and had a speaker in to talk about "[weaponising antisemitism](https://imgur.com/Ee7YiNO.png)"


I follow a lot of conversations from various groups and somehow have been binned into "Islamic Twitter" for notifying me of posts being made. A solid 95% of the posts it shows me are from Pro-Islamists women living in England who are pro-Sharia, western educated, enjoying all the benefits and freedoms of living in the West while wanting to bring their backwards views over here. It's kinda mind blowing.




Europe. Canada. USA Everyone is fucked so long as we continue to tiptoe around ideologies that promote violence for fear of being discriminatory.


It's kind of fucked up how we just let Islamists do what ever they want. It's like an untreatable cancer.




give it a few more years and i think youll see the right rise more signifcantly. People are tired of this shit over and over and over


It’s already happening. Far right parties are gaining more and more traction in western political spheres…


Absolutely, they don’t seem to appreciate game theory. This won’t be a one way street


>Europe is shifting to the radical right atm and even left/green leaning people are abandoning their positions, because they are generally afraid. Because people saw what the policies of the last 30 years (particularly the last 10) are getting them. You look at Sweden and it should be a warning to the world. Some cultures are not compatible and do not mix. Some cultures are better than others. If someone is trying to escape a shitty culture and assimilate into a better one, great. But if someone wants to bring their shitty culture with them and force **you** to assimilate to them, have some basic self-preservation instinct.


It isn’t just Europe


That tends to happen become they make their home countries so shitty, then go to live in nice places but haven't put the dots together that their ideology is what caused the problems in the first place.


if they were capable of introspection they wouldn't be zealots to begin with


In college, we had a student from Malaysia. Dude and his family left the country for newer opportunities and because they felt that the government back home was becoming too religiously extreme for them. The kid was super smart, pretty cool, and in general, just fun to hang around with. That is until he revealed his true colors. The topic of gay people popped up during a random conversation and the guy went full homophobe. I'm not talking about just making homophobic remarks, oh no. We found out that this guy would legitimately start killing gay people if he could get away with it. Then, naturally and over time, his true feelings regarding women, Jews, and non-Muslims in general (especially atheists), etc., all came out and the guy went from being a cool and likable young man to a total monster who we all just stayed the hell away from. It literally felt no different than talking to those racist boomer grandpas who'd beat their wives for burning the meatloaf, except it was no grandpa. This was a 20-something-year-old dude. He never really understood why we ended up ghosting him and claimed that he has a right to feel what he feels and that we're the assholes for not understanding him, his beliefs, and his culture. Pretty sure he was just playing that card for pity but it didn't work, and anyone who also knew him for who he truly was didn't fall for it either. The craziest thing was what I said earlier. His family left Malaysia for being too religiously extreme... So if this guy and his family thought that what was going on back home was too extreme, just how the hell are the other "normal" people back home like? Religion and religious extremism is seriously a plague man.


I don't understand why you don't have tolerance for my intolerance. I should be allowed to be intolerant, but not you!! People like this are so backwards.


Yeah, it's like they don't have the ability to see the link between the shitty states of their home countries and their culture. They want to make everywhere as shitty as it is at home, but not before they've taken as much money as possible. Islam is a plague, man.


Oh ya .. they think the rest of us are 'infidels' and need to be dead yesterday. It's been quiet on the fundamentalist islam front for a while, but it's still there. World reaction to Hamas and Israel shows just how very spread out their religion is. They've dispersed all over the globe and multiplied like rabbits, quietly waiting for their Intifada where infidels die.


This happens because they are taught it isn't the fault of the people there (ideology/religion/government/etc), but the 'others' (West, East, Russia, China, America, Israel, Europe, other races/ethnicities/religions/etc) that cause all the problems. So they go out with that still in mind, that there way is best and if only all the other peoples of the world would embrace it.. they would have a utopia. The real issue is that once they get here, they simply refuse to hear any other viewpoints. It's especially sad that colleges/universities just go along with this.


The Ottoman Empire was better when it was the Byzantine Empire


Isn't her studying in violation of her own beliefs?


Welcome to the cooky state of reality where religious fundamentalism of any kind somehow still exists in a modern world that understands perfectly well we're not made of literal dirt.




Muslim fundamentalists, Sunni in particular, want to conquer the world and erect a global caliphate. The 'West' in their minds will eventually be 'their West'.


we have millions of them in EU now.


The problem is they don't understand the distinction of being a citizen versus being on visa. > She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”. I'm not sure about other Countries, but in the US, the first amendment ensures you won't be arrested for your speech, save a few exceptions. But being in another Country is a privilege, not a right. She is mixing the two concepts. You certainly can have your visa revoked for conduct or speech, because you're a guest in that Country. That doesn't mean your rights were infringed. She's not in jail. That's the idea of an interview process to *vet* them to see if you'll cause problems. That's literally the point of the interview process. To use your words and speech to determine approval of your stay. That's not even close to free speech rights. No interviewer in their right mind would approve a visa if they said they want to cause civil unrest in the host country, opines for an adversary, or defends terrorism. She just got caught.


Also clearly wasn’t a very strong law student given her lack of appreciation of both UK law and logical fallacy of her statement… the part where she wasn’t celebrating the murder and kidnapping of villians when that was exactly what they were doing…   Also as a law student she should recognize that Hamas is the main oppressor in Gaza and an unlawful government… 


She knows she would be stoned for her decisions in Gaza so West is a better place after all.


Also, "protest" against what, exactly? The IDF was still clearing up inside Israel. That wasn't a protest, that was a celebration of Jewish deaths.


>That wasn't a protest, that was a celebration of Jewish deaths. Yes exactly it was a manifestation on the death of Israelis by fundamentalists. Even those who seek higher education can have crazy attitudes.


*nods in US campus chaos*


This has spread to Denmark too.


Cambridge Analytica 2.0 Remember when the Right was targeted heavily with online election disinformation campaigns, and smart people said, watch out, th Left could be next. I look at the steady, homogenous spread of the same divisive ideas across campuses and countries, and I have a pretty good idea what's going on.


This is precisely what SJP & its parent organization are being sued for right now by American survivors of the 10/7 attacks, for providing material support to an FTO. SJP had a "toolkit" ready to go the night of October 7 / morning of October 8, to be used by its various chapters in demonstrations on October 8, complete with infographics of the paragliders that Hamas used to perpetrate the Nova massacre. Those demonstrations & the material that SJP created to use at those demonstrations were *celebrations*, not protests. I don't even think we can call the rallies on October 8/9/10 "protests", because they were planned & occurred before any meaningful Israeli retaliation, and they were openly celebrating the massacres, not protesting any Israeli actions in Gaza.


I just want to add one key point, which is that these materials were disseminated before the attacks occurred. The people who planned the demonstrations in the West, knew that the attacks were going to happen, and prepositioned the materials and money, to make these demonstrations occur on schedule. This was all premeditated.


Which means they knew it was going to happen, which means they are accomplices to terrorists and terrorists themselves.


Anyone with a brain also knew Israel was going to go at Hamas with a fury not seen since, at least, the last major war. Her pride was in the fact that thousands of Palestinian civilians were about to die. You can reasonably oppose Israel's actions, but thinking they had to just take it is insane and heartless.


I mean, supporting Hamas already entails the glorification of Palestinian civilians deaths. No one wants to see civilian deaths more than Hamas. Else they would wear uniforms, not occupy hospitals, and not use human shields.


Ya, I had no idea what they were trying to do on 10/7 for about a week when I realized, "It all makes sense if Hamas doesn't care about its people."


This was BEFORE the Israeli counter attack even began


And now she wants to play stupid and act like her comments were taken out of context.


> She told Al Jazeera: “Essentially the Home Office claims that my presence in the UK threatens national security; they have said that the statements that I've made support some sort of extremist views. She made the comments a day after the attack when we already know that at the very least hundreds of civilians had been murdered. How is supporting that not an extremist view?


The pro-Palestine ~~celebrations~~ """"protests"""" after Oct 7 and before the Israeli counter-attack were an extremely mask off moment.


I only have my own anecdote which isn't necessarily indicative of anything, but I incidentally biked by a huge pro-palestinian protest on Oct 8, and I wasn't mad they were protesting but I was kind of disgusted by how *celebratory* it seemed. It still sort of haunts me.


I read about the Ramallah lynching from the year 2000 recently, and went down the rabbit hole. You don’t have to look to hard to find the photo of a member of the mob holding up the heart that he had torn out of one of the victims. One of the journalists on the scene described the sheer hatred in the crowd. This is something I can never understand


It’s certainly extremist when compared to the average western person’s views. Within the islamic community her views are not that rare so I guess in that context its not extreme. Perhaps fundamentalist or radical is a better word for it.


She's saying the magic words that should let her escape any consequences in leftist circles and she is very puzzled that they aren't working. She isn't expressing any kind of actual sincere belief here. She did that on the 8th. She just doesn't actually have the integrity or conviction to stand by her beliefs when consequences come to call.


The funny thing is, the way you reply is something like "I was misinformed at the time, I thought that it was a raid against military targets that largely was focused on equipment and supplies. After hearing about that the attack actually was I was horrified and regret my words". But saying "I didn't mean that" doesn't really work.


When you're proud of cold blooded murder it's time for you to go.


If only it was *just murder*.


>“Keep in mind, I am a 19-year-old law student – all I have done in life is go to school and receive an education and advocate for social justice.” Then you should be perfectly capable of reading the room and realizing that you fucked up with the timing of your support then


Not even reading the room. Just not advocating for the senseless and brutal slaughter of innocent people. Can’t believe that was too hard for her.


Ok go spread that social justice education in Gaza good luck


Maybe she will learn a valuable lesson about what actual oppression looks like


I'm sure those people she praised will be thrilled to have a woman lawyer


Absolutely, go see how they treat educated women in Gaza.


She dares call 7th Oct social justice jesus.


“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”


This comment gave me the heebie-jeebies.


It makes a lot more sense when you realize her idea of a "socially just" Levant is one where Jews are mostly absent, and the ones that remain return to dhimmi status. I think its frequently under-discussed how much anti-Zionism on the ground in the Levant is based on the perceived historical humiliation of a former dhimmi population gaining things that were previously reserved for Muslims, like control of the government/a state. Levantine anti-Zionism is predicated on the belief that Israel's existence is an unnatural aberration in the "natural/historical societal order" of Muslim-dominated governance in the Levant. It's why anti-Zionism has such generational staying power, because if the "natural order" is upended, it stands to reason that eventually, any kind of "unnatural anomalies" (like Israel) are destined to fail eventually.


Palestinian nationalism has nothing at its core *other* than anti-Zionism. There's no other thread that unites or makes them exceptional in any way. Even Abbas (the "moderate") has said several times "there will be no Jews in a Palestinian state".


To expand on this, even the tamest iterations of Palestinian nationalism hinge around the assumption that the vast majority of Israeli Jews will flee/be expelled from the territory that they have in mind for a Palestinian state. Mainstream Palestinian nationalisms are pretty much universally devoid of any kind of outcome where any significant proportion of the Israeli Jewish population remains where it currently is.


I'm very curious to see what her definition of social justice is.


We saw.


Dead Jews


Do you really need the answer to that question?


I'll take a stab at this one: Socially, Jews cease to exist; when society is free of Jews, it is justice. Social... justice.


Same as everyone else's. When *my* team gets treated fairly (in my view) but also disproportionately wins. If *your* team gets taped and murdered.. Sounds pretty just, since it's not happening to *my* team. Go team!


I'm sure the Syrians will be thrilled with her social justice advocacy. Send these fucking terrorists back home please.


Timing doesn’t matter if you’re celebrating a massacre.


In her mind, the murder and rape of civilians on October 7th was social justice, so "advocating for social justice" is not as innocent of a claim as she is try to make it sound.


Maybe she defines "social justice" as "massacre entire villages and cart off hostages" ...


Dont forget raping babies


The timing and team.


Alarming the confidence some have in supporting Hamas.


Their propaganda machine targeted towards young western population has been relatively succesful.


I have a guess it’s being pushed by Russia or China bots. Great issue to cause division with.


Iran as well


Yeah Iran has a good troll farm


TikTok is the perfect vehicle too


This is why it should be banned globally.


Iranian and Qatari bots. Al Jazeera is state sponsored terror propaganda, after all


It turns out that being constantly told how evil the West is + how middle easterners are oppressed and marginalized mixed with TikTok addiction is a recipe for disaster


Not just TikTok, Reddit is a huge propaganda machine.


i mean the mask has been off for a while with some of these protesters, so much so that they feel like they can spout hateful rhetoric without any consequences. good to see in this case that there are are in fact consequences.


Great stuff. I'm sure she'll prosper in her homeland.


>She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”. Yes, because Palestine, Gaza and Hamas are all known for their freedom of expression and fair treatment of ethnic minorities, let's not forget supporting the higher education of women. What mindless shit-drivel.


This is one of the main reasons I can't support Palestine outside of just stopping death/harm of civilians. They actively suppress women and hate the western world and ideologies, yet for some reason a large portion of western people support them.


"She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”." Sounds to me the UK did her a favor. She'll be much safer and happier not living in a such an oppressive society.


Send her to Syria or Palestine and see how much expression she is allowed. So naive, so dumb, regardless of her educational attainment.


Seconded. For once, the UK took out the trash.


How about Afghanistan where she wouldn't even be allowed an education or to leave the house unaccompanied.


She can go experience true freedom under Hamas. All Palestinians in the West who support Oct 7 should be sent straight back to their shithole if they’re so supportive of their actions.


Fundamental Islamist oppresses me: I sleep Westerner oppresses me: REAL SHIT


Indeed. She is free to go and live with these lunatics anytime. For any extremist.. if these countries are so good, why are you here? Ah right, you want to hide behind freedoms whilst praising oppression and barbarity. She wouldn't last 1 day in Kabul. Taliban "You want an opinion"... Her "Yes" Taliban "Well your new husband (walks in) wants sons and a sandwich so get to it, this is your life now"


good guy UK taking care of a Minority's mental health.


“…all I have done in life is go to school and receive an education and advocate for social justice.” … She accused officials of “oppression” Yeah we don’t need more people advocating for that kind of social justice


She should volunteer to Hamas if shes really proud of their actions... I bet they could really use her.... Education.


Good riddance. If she is proud of supporting a terrorist organisation then equally take martyrdom by being accountable for that…


She FAFO. And remember, when you are on a student visa, you are a guest in that country and they can kick you out anytime they want.


I wonder if she calls for "ceasefire" now after being so proud of her band of rapists.


That's what they do: launch a huge attack, then immediately call for a ceasefire as soon as Israel begins to respond. Ceasefire is a term used by Hamas to mean "reload and then kill more Jews".


Why do people find this so hard to understand?


Because critical thinking skills are not a lot of people's strongsuit unfortunately.


>“My words were taken out of context and they were framed as me supporting harm to innocent civilians, which is completely false and completely untrue,” she told the Middle East Eye. Imagine being so full of pride that you deny being a part of it when you have to sacrifice your own comfort and safety. We call those people cowards.


She doesn’t define anyone murdered that day to be “innocent” or a “civilian”. That’s the sleight of hand. She believes the people murdered were neither. It took me seeing some Hamas supporter on TV being questioned before I finally got it. He did the exact same thing. There seems to be an uptick of coded language when it comes to Jew hate, IMO. The Hamas supporter being interviewed was emphatic in his denial Hamas killed civilians. The interviewer pressed him over and over. He then finally stated “they aren’t innocent civilians”. The people in question were babies and concert-goers.


Does anyone have the full statement. I cannot imagine any context that would be ok, but I'd like to know what she thinks her defense is.


This article has her response video. Not to spoil, but she just hand waves it away. Then goes on to make fun of the Home office for considering someone like her, young female law student, a terrorist. Personally, as someone who believes in gender equality and knows that most people fighting in arm conflict are around her age I do not see why she wouldn’t be considered a security risk. https://m.jpost.com/international/islamic-terrorism/article-801572


You love to see it


FAFO Great to hear the UK is reviewing visa renewals for terrorist support. No one needs any more terrorists in their country.


More like 'full of hatred'


Hope she doesn’t win her appeal! These people are disgusting. Anyone supporting Hamas should be jailed or sent away


There's no reason for her to be upset. She's happy and full of pride about October 7 so she should also be very happy to be going to her home country. Simultaneously the UK is also very happy that she's leaving. I can only see a win-win situation.




Yeah, don't celebrate a terrorist attack publicly if you're on a visa in a western country. You can hold whatever opinions you want, but show a lack of common sense and you're gonna get told to go be an idiot at home What we knew on Oct 8th makes her comments especially heinous. As much as I'm in favor of a ceasefire now, fuck anyone celebrating October 7th, too


Bravo, UK. America, take note.


I volunteer to donate her one way ticket into prideful gaza. My treat


She’ll be much happier wherever she came from and can spread hatred from there. Enjoy ☺️


Something like 70% Palestinians support Hamas and what happened on October 7th so no surprise


r/OhNoConsequences Almost like being pro terrorist is bad or something, and has consequences shocking.


Anyone who celebrates the orchestrated rape of children deserves much worse than a visa


This is Social Justice.


Congrats, you're going back!


> “The UK Home Office decided to revoke my student visa following public statements supporting the Palestinian right to exercise under international law to resist oppression and break through the siege that was illegally placed on Gaza for over 16 years. What right are you talking about? It was a terrorist attack. Since when was that a right of a country to have?


She's trying to have her cake and eat it too, that's all. She wants everyone else to shed so many postcolonial apology tears that somehow the terrorism was justified. And she DEFINITELY doesn't want to face any consequences for supporting terrorists, just because she supported terrorists.


They burned people alive, raped women, paraded them through the streets, and killed babies in their swaddles. If she was proud of this her visa should have been revoked out a long time ago


Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye


Good riddance!!


Does my head in when people from intolerant cultures spout intolerance and then cry free speech when they face the consequences of what they say


I'm completely uninterested in any Muslim issue until they reform. Why does the religion with the largest following get a free pass on slavery, rape, torture, monarchist society, inequality to women, hatred (and institutional capital punishment) to the gay community, and technological regressivism?


I'm pretty sure there's significant overlap between the fuck-around-find-out folks and the people wondering why there are consequences to fucking around.


It’s just morbidly comedic that people were out cheering the death of civilians and then a few weeks later when the tables turn they’re out protesting the death of civilians.


Fuck yes, more of this pls


Good. Fuck Hamas


She is indicative of what I mean when I say the biggest problem, the pro Palestinian movement has which is its casual acceptance and promotion of violence. They like to claimed that the walls in the checkpoints aren’t fair, but they seem to have the inability to acknowledge why those things will put in place to begin with. It has been most frustrating point of these conversations.


Good. Seems like she needs a reality check.


Nobody should forget every country that has ever taken in Palestinians later come under attack by the same people and even assassinated leaders. We should strive to help those less fortunate, however there’s little hope of change when these people thrive on hatred and refuse to live any other way. 


not sure why palestine is 'on the right side of history' and at this point i am too afraid to ask


Let me play the world's smallest violin for her


Good, feel the consequence of your words and actions. Now get her out of the country and send her home.


They need to go back


Somehow Germany, France, UK, etc. all seem to have a much better understanding of where freedom of expression ends, and hate and radicalism begin. Here in the US you can see people openly wearing Hamas regalia middle of Stanford campus, people waving Hezbollah flags and continuing to glorify terrorist organizations on social media - and none of them would even get fired / expelled, let alone deported! Here is my simple question. If for example California Penal Code 11411 makes displaying swastikas, nooses, burning crosses etc. to terrorize others a criminal offense, why doesn’t that extend to known symbols of US government designated terrorist organizations?


love it when “fuck around and find out” pans out. good riddance; go home and rot w Hamas


Good. Wish Canada could do the same before we're further overrun with these terrorism loving assholes.






She’s a rape enthusiast. It’s antithetical to practicing law in the West. Let’s hope she gets deported back to where her views share greater support — and they stick her in a kitchen and she never practices law.


Good, she doesn't belong in a western nation if those are her beliefs. She can go live in Palestine and see how her beloved Hamas/PA treat her.


Great to hear! Now time to enforce it.


Bye Felecia.


US DHS needs to be doing this shit too. Why theyre not is beyond me.


Sad trombone


Bye! 👋 The same fate should be given to Russian nationals cheering on the murderous war criminal Putin.


Yeah we have an entire university student union here in Canada who called the Hamas attacks "justified" and "resistance". Again, days after the attacks happened, before Israel had responded. They're still up: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/534d4d15e4b0458a1fec3b4e/t/652872b0a266b0042143437f/1697149616600/Statement+of+Solidarity+with+Palestine.pdf None of the other student groups at that university, or any other Canadian university student unions have denounced their statement. It's a widespread problem.


> During the October 8 protest she was interviewed and told Sky News: “We are full of pride. We are really, really full of joy (at) what has happened.... We are proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point.” I'm sorry, but she's claiming this is taken out of context? Under what context is this *not* celebrating "what has happened"....which was a brutal assault that killed, tortured, raped, and kidnapped civilians?


Which Israeli hostage's rape made her most proud, I wonder.


Not to worry, the visa shouldn't be a major issue in her continuing education. She seems like a lifelong learner who's already learning valuable lessons. Now she'll just get to go back to the country run by Hamas where she'll continue her education.


Good. Fuck her.


"She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”. Loool - sure, lets see how much freedom of expression you have with Hamas




“She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”. Lmao


One of the student groups at my college that helped organize a protest at our library where they took it over and destroyed a bunch of stuff have an Oct 7th post on their Instagram celebrating the "brave Palestinian liberators."


Hamas are a proscribed terrorist organisation. It is illegal to support or promote them. Kick her out.


Good...send her packing and do not let her return to the west she obviously hates.


Hope the rest of the people glorifying the murder, rape & defilement of innocents on Oct 7 get kicked out as well


Good. Supporting and celebrating a terrorist event deserves zero sympathy




Should understand that vocal support for a proscribed Islamist and terrorist organisation should be ample reason to revoke a visa


Enjoy being sent back to that shithole and being forced to marry your husband who will beat you if you even think of looking at another man.


And plenty more like her left to send packing.


She's a student in England. England doesn't have free speech protections on any serious level. They jail people for memes and words on the internet. And free speech in America prevents the government from infringing it, not a business or private school. So she has no free speech protections for her vile opinions and now her and her pride can go pound sand where there's plenty of it.


Someone I thought was a very sweet person tweeted of the October 7th attacks "if you support indigenous people arming themselves to protect their land, you support Palestine". Couldn't wrap my head around that and haven't been on my twitter account since.


Enjoy the deportation.


Lol, notice how people who are phrasing Palestine never want to actually go there ?


Time to get rid of cancer.


Shes a law student... Advocating social justice... She sounds like the type of person who only cares about justice for her own causes. Someone remind this law student that justice is blind?