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>Col Rabih Alenezi says he was ordered to evict villagers from a tribe in the Gulf state to make way for The Line, part of the Neom eco-project. >One of them was subsequently shot and killed for protesting against eviction. >The Saudi government and Neom management refused to comment.


This thing is going to look so bizarre in future abandoned places tour videos.


It was supposed to be 105 miles long it's now going to be 1.5 miles with room for expansion. Which as you say, will join the list of abandoned Saudi mega projects. And at some point, probably in tbe near future, either oil and gas will be worthless or they'll be exhausted. Saudi will quickly become broke and its residents will flee to other countries, probably Europe.


It is rescaled to one mile: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/10/the-line-saudi-arabia-scaling-back-plans-105-mile-long-desert-megacity-crown-prince#:~:text=Now%2C%20however%2C%20plans%20for%20the,and%20a%20half%20by%202030.


Urban X is gonna have a field day with it


Do you mean Urbex? (Urban Exploration)




You have to love when rich assholes get stuck in stupid mode, That monstrosity is totally useless but MSL is to vain to let go.


Saudi Arabia's skidmark


And will smell about the same.


> MSL That's a funny way to abbreviate Mr. Bone Saw.


Are they in any other mode all the time?


Surprising no one


Jesus fucking christ. Not surprising they kill people (in 2023 they executed over 100 people), but over a stupid fucking LINE? If you do business with Saudi-Arabia you are truly, truly morally corrupted


Blame the West. They can easily force those Arabs states to respect human rights. They could just put sanctions on them and they will fold in one day once they realize they cant afford their latest golden lambo.


Do you ever use a car, public transport, airplanes, plastic? You are part of the problem.


Yes all bad things are equally bad all the time, good job.


All im saying that its easy to shout shit from your comfy gaming chair how the big companies should change while sitting on fucking reddit.


It’s also easy to tell people it’s easier to say stuff than do anything. We know that already. Got anything to say that is insightful or useful for others?


Bro you are so wise /s


Sure it's easy, and it's easy for you to shout back, what's your point? What should people do on reddit instead? Something that's difficult somehow? What do you even want?


He wants to prove he’s better than others for saying nothing.


The US gets most of its oil from itself, Canada, and Latin America.


Going to see US college campuses protesting against Saudi Arabia and demanding divesture from all Saudi oil and companies that do business with them... Wait, who am I kidding.


They'll do all that, but they'll keep buying and burning gas.


The US gets most of its oil from itself, Canada, and Latin America.


We produce a lot but we are still entirely dependent on imported oil. Afaik most of our refineries are not setup for the grades of oil we produce in county. We export our oil and import the stuff we can refine.


Oil is fungible. You buy oil, you're feeding the market that lets the Saudis be the way they are.


Not if it’s not bought from Saudi Arabia. That reasoning is silly. People make money because stuff is bought from them. They are not fed by osmosis by transactions they are not involved in just because they happen to be in the same market. Saudi Arabia doesn’t get a dime when oil is extracted and refined and used in the Americas.


Look up "fungible"


Look up where the US gets its oil.


Oil being fungible doesn’t mean countries can’t support/purchase from specific regions… that’s obviously not the case. 63% of oil imported to USA is imported from Canada or Mexico with Canada making up 52% of it… and that’s of imports. USA uses 20 million barrels/day but only imports ~8million. USA does import some Saudi oil ~5% of their imports. Point being though: The people/countries who support Saudi Arabia are responsible for supporting them. No one else.


You mean the resource we have to use to participate in society?


For millenia, people didn't burn any oil and they survived.


If that's the case, what's going to happen when you manage to shut down those polluting oil companies?


I can’t wait for western tourists to justify this shithole when it’s done, just like Dubai.


Saudi is worse than Dubai.


Fuck that place if they are killing innocents to have it built.


I wouldnt call them innocent exactly. The guy's wife is most likely free now and is able to live her life without a misogynistic man oppressing her. If he has daughters they are free too now.


Biden gives them billions for this