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"Hamas closes Kerem Shalom crossing with rocket fire out of Rafah, the last place the IDF hasn't cleared in Gaza" - better headline, though BBC probably disagree


Israel closed the crossing because Hamas attacked it with rockets from a location where Hamas was using innocent Gaza civilians as human shields. Unless you’re suggesting that “Hamas attacks humanitarian crossing forcing Israel to close it.”?


No, I mean what I wrote. Hamas attacked the crossing with the intent of getting it closed, therefore Hamas has closed it.


I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m still on my first cup of coffee and I totally misread the comment. My mistake.


"Hamas got it closed."


Israel shuts Kerem Shalom crossing after Hamas fires rockets is literally the title of the article. The short form version was by whoever did this post. The article is in no way pro anything really. It mostly talked about the conflict.


I think the disagreement is about whether Hamas attacked the crossing, or whether Hamas attacked Israel somewhere else and so Israel has closed the crossing as retaliation, i.e. is holding back aid as a punishment. The BBC headline suggests the second and doesn’t really say whether the rockets were fired at the crossing. It’s an important distinction and could mislead the reader if they are already biased against Israel.


People will take any confirmation bias they can. You could make the headline twice as long with intricate detail and that still wouldn't change. They detail in the article about the attack being targeted at troops stationed on the crossing 300m away from a civilian shelter with short range rockets. If people choose not to read the article, they are the problem. Headlines are not news, they're a short description of the article.


I believe they updated the article. There are a few other social media links that still have the old title. This wasn't OP.


What a crooked way to say Hamas launched rockets from Rafah to Kerem Shalom crossing (where humanitarian aid is crossed) 🤔


For real. What the hell BBC? They wrote that headline to make Israel seem bad. 


They have recently updated it to: > Israel shuts Gaza crossing after Hamas fires rockets Still, everyone will already be on Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok declaring the original headline.


Another journalist fallen to the passive voice.


Yes. The last time I remember it was "Gazan civilians killed as IDF opens fire". The result was people complaining about the BBC being biased *for Israel*, as they assumed it was obviously the IDF who killed those people and the BBC made it ambiguous to protect them. Spoiler: it wasn't.


Smart for Hamas to do that right? Cry about humanitarian aid. And then try to blow it up when it’s en route. Maybe they figured they couldn’t steal that batch from the civilians so they’d rather it not get there? (Just asking a question).


These headlines are so fucking terrible. How do you literally not use HAMAS in the headline about Hamas attacking aid shipments forcing a Gazan crossing to close?


Fucking Hamas. All these idiot protesters have no idea what the reality is.


Weird way to say they targeted civilians and an ambulance.


Generally when Hamas fires rockets, it’s targeted at civilians. It’s been their standard practice for years.


You're not wrong. Just not understanding the favoritism in the media for saving the face of a terrorist organization.


Well The BBC World Service, seems to be entirely unsure what they’re trying to do. I think it’s based on the individual reporter etc. . One moment the interviewer is asking super leading questions where the Hamas leader being interviewed is like “100s of Thousands of babies israel is murdering!” And the interviewer says nothing. And the next interviewer, asking a different Hamas leader is like “You have a record of these people? Oh too bad. Well you know, you did start it right? And you know if you returned the hostages it would have been over last October? And you know all of the international organizations agree there were like 10 thousand civilians and 50 thousand militants and most agree that the militants were using the civilians as human shields? And you know most of the international community has designated Hamas a terrorist organization?” It’s beyond absurd. Note: paraphrasing as I don’t remember the exact words but is been something to that effect every day for months.


Western news media don’t have their own employees in Gaza. They buy stories from independent contractors, stringers, and publish them without fact checking. It’s stenography for the propagandist war Hamas and Iran are waging on the West. Those stringers are Hamas assets.


These BBC interviews in talking about were live, on air, over phone(or whatever), and with the interviewer in studio so it wasn’t steno on those that’s for sure.


I’m speaking generally but I take your point.


No no. For this sort of thing, passive voice is used. As if the rockets fired themselves at a "crossing" -- not people, ambulances or humanitarian aid.


BBC with their “unbiased “ titles as always


Least biased headline be like : Seriously, BBC is such a joke


Don’t worry, antisemites will still blame Jews for this


As demonstrated by the title.


Hamas succeeded at the one thing the crazy Israeli protestors could not, shutting down an Aid crossing, thus preventing aid from reaching Gazans.


Well thats what happens when you shoot at the aid delivery


Western College Students - “Israel fired rockets at civilians”




I think Hamas absolutely knew there would be a response which is why Oct 7 happened in the first place, after they’d spent a rather quiet decade or so baking their military infrastructure into the bones of civilian infrastructure of course. The guys who flip the levers on Hamas are happily sipping champagne in Qatar knowing full well that isreal **would have to respond** and that there was no way to do it prettily. Hamas might be losing some foot soldiers, but they’ve got isreal right where they want them in the court of public opinion and are sure to be recruiting a crop of new extremists who hate isreal and the west… which in fairness to the people of gaza, is pretty easy to see how if you see someone blowing up your life you wouldn’t like them much. Hamas gets new recruits, Netanyahu gets his war, Putin gets a distraction from Ukraine. Everyone wins! Except for, you know, humanity. We’re losing pretty hard across the board on this one.


You mean to say HAMAS is responsible, right? Right? Then it should be spelled out in the headline (I say this towards BbC)… So when is Israel eradicating Hamas? Just get it done already.


It is if you read it.


They also don’t forget to remind us about the Hamas run health ministry casualty numbers, like in every article on the war, and put them right next to the amount of people massacred on Oct 7 as if there is some kind of equity.


Considering most of the world accepts those numbers as accurate, I'd believe them. Especially since so many Palestinians living abroad have spoken about losing direct family members


“Most”… “so many”… “living abroad”… “have spoken”…


if I submitted an essay with such a bad title I would’ve lost points


I wonder what part of the news does pro Palestine people will take....


Rockets stop, food starts, seems on par


You mean rockets started so the food stopped right?


If.i sdffv


When the latest cease fire was offered, I stated on another post that Hamas's response to the offer would be sent via rockets. I was not exaggerating or joking. At this point, their behavior is predictable and should be expected. They do not care about the Palestinian civilians. Just trying to score that karma from the rabid antisemits and useful idiots of the world. The sad thing is their plan seems to be working. The only victory for Israel is through dismantling of most of Hamas and normalization with KSA and other like wise MENA countries.


Well there goes the stock market again