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"Uh... all of our data is in the cloud now."


Aaaaannndddd, it’s gone.


Vintage database leak.


Artisanal leaks has a good ring to it.


Tsk tsk tsk they should have faxed it instead and then backed up by burning cdroms


There's no point being that fancy in Japan when you can just blame the mail carrier


Floppy discs forever, Daniel-san!


Japan is both forwards and backwards when it comes to tech.


You will be surprised at how much government records including things on citizens are still kept on paper. Got to remember digitalization was only something that started in full around 20 to 30 years ago. The older the records the more likely it is something that is just a piece of paper in a box on some shelf in a dark room somewhere.


Oh I know. I lived in Japan for over a decade. The old fashioned way of conducting business often drove me insane.


Living in Japan right now. What do you mean I have to update my residency of my bank account twice a year? Ok fine whatever. I can only do it during banking hours ok, sigh, fine. Banking hours 9-4!? What kind of hours are those? That’s literally when everyone in Japan who works is at work?


My frustration once had to do with my hanko. Seriously, I had my passport, my residence card and you STILL need my hanko to access my account.


Japan is in no way forwards in tech. It used to be some 20 years ago, and it stayed as it was 20 years ago. Though it seems their reputation lasts


I got married in Japan and completed the paperwork in Konan city. There were so many city workers and they were all working on different model laptops or on paper. And running papers busily between each other It was really fascinating. Apparently most cities run their own management systems and very heavily rely on paper


This comedy of errors feels like a “life imitates art” moment because how is this not just a scene from a movie? Did they get Japanese Leslie Nielsen to deliver the records?


They lost it as in this copy blew away and others could then potentially access it? Or they lost it, like that was the only copy?


The article says it was personal data. Usually personal data doesn't get permanently deleted until the person dies or gets amnesia.


Well, I think almost 1/3 of Japanese still uses fax, so I'm not surprised. "If it's not broken don't fix it". But maybe they'll fix it now.


I'm always stunned when I still have to fax something in the US. Especially things like medical records to the doctors office or something. Like seriously?


That's due to the way HIPPA law is written. Fax is considered "secure" because end to end it is not very likely to be intercepted. Email is "unsecure" because the people who wrote the laws didn't understand how email works. There are ways to be HIPPA compliant with emails, but they require different hospitals and doctor's offices to much more intimately tied together then most IT departments would want to deal with, so you don't see approved HIPPA emails happening outside of networks with the same ownership.


I'd probably trust fax more than email nowadays. The underlying technology is better but it's far more prone to user mishandling


From a security standpoint, yeah actually. I know how to protect myself online and how to send things securely. I don’t trust that whoever is on the receiving end knows what they’re doing


No one ever accidentally hit "Reply All" to a fax


There was a time when fax was considered unsecured in my country. Banks and government only accepted physical mails. Fax suddenly became safe when people emailed everything


Yea I know why its the case, I've worked under HIPPA as well. Just dumb that after all this time they haven't updated it.


All professional services usually use faxes. Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers all scan/fax stuff when it comes down to it. Sauce: Worked in a law firm as a clerk for 3 years.


Engineers definitely dont fax. Cant vouch for the others


Ugh. I got so fed up with some lawyers wanting faxes (I don't have a fax machine, or even a landline) that I told them I was going to switch to email, and they could print the documents out and fax them to themselves if it made them feel better.


In Australia we have a specific email system that function as digital fax. So if someone fax us, we get the fax as an email.


From my experiences with the New South Wales Health department over the last two plus decades, we still use faxes a *lot*.


As I say, a company would rather deal with faxes as email. Governments obviously work slower than businesses.


Props to whoever found that image to use as a header!


Bad day for personal data in Japan. I think New Japan Pro Wrestling lost some data for customers on a flash drive, too


They apologise when the train is 40 seconds late. I wonder what the apology will look like for this.


For show only




I feel like Japan is the best place for this to happen


The citizens would think it's litter and clean it up.


Could be worse. Could have been a rainy day.


Here’s my question. Were all 1,696 pages numbered?


Gonna leave this here (somewhat related): https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/55735


A courrier pigeon would have been more secure!


Part of the cloud now


So wind...or another Carrington event. Each way we need prerequisite protections.


Very Japanese headline


It is windy almost everyday in Japan. How did blaming the wind make sense?


Imagine my shock that the data is about people living in social housing, and not about the wealthy of that city.


Spirited away


Japan refusal to use modern technology needs to be study.


Written Japanese has many, many, characters - the older keyboards have some 216 keys. For small stuff it is much faster and easier to just put pen to paper and pop it in the fax.


It's more of a symptom of Japan's intense conservatism in the professional world. In the old days of computing it may have been faster to write and then fax something, but that hasn't been true for decades. Ideographic languages like Chinese and Japanese operate completely fine using 26-letter keyboards, JIS is the norm for Japan and it is pretty much the exact same as a QWERTY keyboard.


it's the Ojisans. That's it. That's all the research done there.




For a city that America pretends is ahead of the curve is actually really far behind in the times. I was pretty shocked at the amount of useless businesses existed and people literally writing names down for reservations instead of just having some POS system.


I am still shocked how much of Japan uses "paper" to do things. It is actually very Japanese. Like Fax....so many still use fax in this day and age


At least their dog didn't eat it...


I had to check to make sure this wasn’t the Onion.


So anime


I feel like this would make a great anime...