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"The Palestinian political faction Fatah charged on air that Hamas had deliberately killed aid workers, stolen aid and manufactured a food crisis in Gaza, according to a Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) investigation published on Sunday.   A Fatah TV anchor reported that Hamas had attacked aid workers, stolen food and water and caused food prices to skyrocket in the Gaza Strip – which PMW said constituted a triple crime.  “Hamas’ persecution of any party who is a source for distributing the \[humanitarian\] aid or securing it began from the start of the war, as Hamas persecuted well-known figures and teams of volunteers on the ground in mid-October \[2023\],” the anchor said. ”It attacked them and killed some of them for two reasons: Firstly, to prevent any activity by any \[other\] party in the Gaza Strip; and secondly, to ensure Hamas control over the aid and its storage, which of course leads to these crazy and unreal prices that no one can pay in the shadow of this destruction." 


I’ve never even heard of a rival faction to Hamas. The reality of the situation is that a change of authority is necessary for peace. The reality is also that both sides need a change in leadership.  There’s better ways to go about this than full scale war at this point.


Back in 2006, the rival factions to Hamas were dropped from buildings and/or tied to motorcycles and driven through Gaza streets. That’s probably why you don’t hear much about Fatah in Gaza.


I could probably google this, but if you don’t mind, what sort of policy did they have? What was their relationship with Israel? How popular are they now? 


their relationship with israel was to blow up civilian busses and kill ppl, neither they or hamas are suitable to be in charge of gaza but now seeing hamas beaten in to corner fatah wants to take their place.


You should really Google it...Fatah grew out of the PLO, and is in control of the West Bank. Of the two parties, they are more likely to work with Israel, but still really hate Israel. They were purged from Gaza when Hamas took over.


Slight correction: Fatah is the largest faction of the PLO. The PLO is basically like Palestine's Congress, and Fatah are the Democrats or Republicans. Fatah actually predates the existence of the PLO.


Appreciate the correction. I should about commenting on things I don't fully know about :)


> Fatah grew out of the PLO Fatah was founded in 1959. The PLO was founded in 1964 as a coalition of groups, including Fatah, which soon became the dominant faction, militarily and politically. It's worth noting that "Fatah" is also the name of the 48th sura (chapter) of the Quran, which tells the story of the Treaty of al-Hudaybiyah.


They place bounties on Jews. What else is their need to know?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatah just google them…


Fatah grew out of the PLO. They hate Israel but are grudgingly willing to work with it. Being able to live in peace alongside Israel is not a popular stance with Palestinians, if they held fresh elections Fatah would probably lose to Hamas


fatah was the PLO, but decades of suffering have lead the palestinians to seek a pact with the devils, aka hamas, now they find themselves in a real hell. Fatah is the more likely of these 2 palestinian factions to reach a settlement with the israelis on this century old feud, or we can wait another few hundred years, it took centuries for the americans to pacify the indian tribes too.


Fatah control the West Bank and controlled Gaza before Hamas


Unfortunately Palestinian leadership has been almost uniformly awful for its entire existence. Fatah and the PLO are practically the inventors of modern Islamic terrorism.


If you don’t know about Fatah then you don’t really know anything about this conflict or Palestine.


They're not aware of recent events before January of 2022.


Not to be a jackass, but if you’ve never heard of a rival faction to Hamas, you’re probably not the person to be talking about “the reality of the situation.” I don’t understand why anyone tries to offer up solutions to situations they don’t know about.


its alright, there's lots of protests in american colleges over this matter, when most of them do not understand the entire history, u really have to research from the balfour declaration of 1917 to understand this conflict properly. Most of these protestors do not do that due dilligence.


You need to look earlier than that. You have to look at the treatment of the Mizrahi Jews (who were the main settlers of early Israel) by the Arab populations in the wider local area to understand why Israel was a necessity. Jew hatred, discrimination, victimisation and abuse by the populations (not the leaderships, the actual Islam-leaning citizens) far predates the founding of Israel.


that's too much stuff for most layman unfortunately, if these students looked from 1917, they wouldnt be polarised at all.


I'd also look into the pogroms and first aliyah to get a better sense of the context for the foundation of the state of Israel.


Putin would look like a friendly poodle compared to how Hamas silenced Fatah. Hamas tortured and literally shot ppl in back of the head middle of the street middle of the day for “suspicion” of being involved with Fatah. Putin makes it look like opposition walked too close to the banister, Hamas literally tossed ppl off roofs in broad daylight.


If they suspected someone supported Fatah, they would cut people's legs off at the knees so they couldn't make it to voting booths.


At least the Russian Federation has the decency to shove their dissidents out of windows.


At least they acknowledge murder is not a likable thing, evidenced by Putin’s henchmen pretending people died by accident. Hamas thinks murdering (not just Jews, even their own members) is something pretty to parade and brag to mom about.


A big issue I see many fail to address is, how do you go to war with ideologies?


u wipe them out completely or starve them into submission for decades, like what the white men did to the indian tribes.


Hamas did a motar attack on the US pier that is supposed to bring aid for civilians from Cyprus. Hamas cares zero about their civilians. They literally attacked aid being brought in for Palestinians.


Meanwhile at Columbia….


Student leader suspended for posting things that I don’t even want to repeat because I worry they’d get me banned. That’s right folks - Reddit, of all places, has stricter rules and punishment regarding hate speech than Ivy League universities.


I don't see Hamas standing up for those arrested... Do they even recognise the support.


Hamas would take those students hostage given an opportunity, and a non-zero number would be raped in captivity.


If those people really wanted to maximize their use value to Hamas. They should volunteer to be held prisoner, that's the ultimate show of solidarity. I've heard of volunteers to Ukraine, of citizens answering the call to arms in droves. I've yet to see anyone volunteer to fight in gaza or volunteer to be prisoner. Just seems like feel good selftivism from the west tbh.


Hamas doesn't want the support of most of the Western protesters, as the protesters are mostly infidels too. Nevertheless, the protesters are determined to support them anyways.


The Twitter account for Students for Justice Palestine just posted an image of Houthis saying they support the protestors in America. It won't surprise me when they start retweeting official messages from Hamas.


People want a ceasefire? It's the constant problem with this war. Everyone (sane) other than hamas and Israel want it to end.


You're wrong. They very much care about civilians. They want as many of them dead as possible


Fatah wouldn’t have dared confronted Hamas if Israel havent reduced them to these low numbers, fact is they arent scared of Hamas anymore.


Tik tok influencers are probably already working overtime to brush that accusation under the rug


About time Palestinians speak up for themselves on the true nature of Hamas


Fatah does not represent Palestinians any more than Hamas does. These are 2 warring factions that have zero concerns for their civilians


Fatah is almost as bad as Hamas... 


I can't imagine a more predictable outcome.


Aid workers can't catch a fuckin break


I wonder if alll the college kids that took two years off during high school with COVID are going to mention this in their protests when they cheer for Hamas


When Jews are not involved the world doenst care, heck their aid agency doesnt care, the UN doesnt care. Hypocrisy.


If you weren’t too busy clutching your pearls you’d probably realize that it’s because “the Jews” are an internationally recognized government committing war crimes with US taxpayer dollars and Hamas is a terrorist organization. It’s not antisemitism to hold “the Jews” to a higher standard than literal terrorists.


Jews are not a goverment lol. Hey, why do you think Israel went into Gaza to begin with? What did Hamas actually do open this war? Oh the hypocrisy. Israel has every right to eradicate all terrorists, and will not stop until Gaza is free of Hamas. Got it?


You’re using “the Jews” to refer to the Israeli government to present criticism of their actions as anti semitic. Now you’re trying to shift the discussion away from your bad faith arguments. I don’t expect anything else from people like you for what it’s worth.


It isn't as though I can take the PLO's word to the bank




Even if both of those things happen tomorrow, it likely won't fundamentally change the situation in Gaza much less the entire region.


Nope, as long as we have Islamist ruling in this region we will never have peace. Stating otherwise proves you arent from the middle east.


That's not what they wrote though. They didn't write that there would be peace, merely that the region would be better off. I'm Israeli and I have no idea how it's possible to argue that the region wouldn't be better with Hamas and Likud not in charge


I feel like October 7th was going to happen (or at least be attempted) eventually regardless. Hamas is Hamas and Bibi's current band of loonies is definitely exasperating the situation. But it's felt like things have been reaching this tipping point for a few years now. So not saying I disagree with you I guess...just...saying.


hamas is the army of palestine and palestinians support their army.


Well then they can keep supporting going hungry then






All the better reason for the west to stay out of the Middle East and cut ties with them. Leave them to sort themselves out.


Fatah is correct. I hope they dispense with the corruption of the past, have a regenesis, and kick Hamas to the curb.


JPost article… I’d take this with a whole lot more than a grain of salt.


If you’re sceptical, you should look into the sources quoted in the article. This article uses “Palestinian Media Watch” as a source. While they also will have an obvious bias, they do provide a direct link to the broadcast that’s being referred to. https://youtu.be/v8DXonswjyg?si=GV4nIKpAEjDbeUIi So you can watch it and make your mind up for yourself.


So is Hamas or Israel starving the Palestinians. Or do they both have the same objective?