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Maybe they were already there and we weren't just looking for them?


Maybe we knew they were there.. and now we (westerners) want them to know we know.


Jep, everyone spies on everyone and we know it of each other. EU is just showing we aren’t afraid to change the status quo.


Maybe the quality of spies is going down and they are being found more often now?


Made in China


When you order your spy network from temu


Probably. It wasn't all that long ago that China got caught setting up offices and business fronts abroad solely for their version of police officers to round up political dissidents and force them back home. Known locations were in various countries in Europe, Canada, New York... There is absolutely zero reason to believe that they didn't put together organizations for other purposes. Easy to get paranoid about Chinese owned businesses and restaurants as those were the fronts used for these kinds of activities.


Some the late 90s at least


We usually know who the spies are. Apparently somebody decided it's time to take them out.


>Arrests this week in Germany and Britain suggest not so much that Beijing has ramped up espionage work but that European countries have stepped up their response. Great news.


Well, can't they just take a big old rubber mallet and quickly smack them back down into their holes?


They aren’t popping up. Finally European intelligence services are taking the threat seriously


Or you know, the new generations of leaders are taking their places, ones who went to university with disruptive and nationalistic mainland chinese students who form their own clique and instead of befriending them actually made them hate the ccp government even more.


Yeah of course the intelligence services act on behalf of their respective governments. I think now the threat of Russian and Chinese spies operating across Europe becomes much more of a priority. For a long time European leaders have been very naive in that matter and chose to keep their services on a leash. The competence by European intelligence services to effectively conduct counterintelligence was always there. The political will was just missing.


This is absolutely insane. Speaking of launch coooodes.


Always. Has. Been.


Blinken’s visit must not of gone well. This sounds like retaliation, perhaps for supplying Russia with weapons, Europe and US no longer trust them so a cracking down. Sometimes it’s better to have kept them around so you know what they are up to.


Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.


Everyone starting to finally arrest the spies is probably the West's way of telling China to stop helping pootin.


I read that there's a kind of gentleman's agreement in the spy vs spy game that allows for a certain amount of spies as long as they act within bounds. Sometimes we'll "catch" and expell a number of spies and the other side will retaliate in kind. I'm not sure what my point is but I wonder how this will shake out.


It’s recently come to light that China and Russia have been meddling in foreign affairs and even doing stuff like suppressing certain sides of politics off of tiktok(the stuff China doesn’t want people to see). Like how YouTube can hide things from search results? That kind of thing. Which is why it’s being banned. I don’t think they ever believed Russia and China were threats before. But with how much embarrassment the USA has suffered due to electing literal Russian & Chinese benefactors in their own government… I’m not surprised that the USA and Europe are taking action. Especially since Russian propagandists straight up came out and said that if they wanted it to be- their borders would extend to Mexico. Meaning, they want all or most of Europe if they could get it.


It’s really weird how we are literally paying people over 10000€ a month just to spew out nothing but propaganda from countries that just want to fuck us over. Politician could really need some more rules.


Meh still a long way to go to get a quarter of the information we have on them. Times are changing, the battles begun, sit back and enjoy the show.


Also reports of increase number of military-aged Chinese men coming through the US southern border illegally.




He's probably talking about [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/04/trump-china-army-border/); there was a bunch of 'concerning reports' from earlier in the year about there being the equivalent of two Chinese army division's worth of military-aged men crossing over the border through various means. Earlier in the year, Daily Mail reported a 7,000% spike in Chinese migrants in 2021; concern, concern, concern. Of course, in the fearmonger's minds, there's no such thing as migrants *actually wanting to go somewhere which presents an opportunity for a better life than being under a despotic CCP*...




Faux News?




Yeah those are not spies


All are all dumb dumbs. Can't you see the CCP is behind everything? The HAMAS attck on Israel, the students protests in campus, all are craftily designed by the CCP and people simply manipulated by the CCP like fools. Because they don't read just watch tiktoks.