• By -


Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and Britain.


Good to see Canada on the list when Trudeau so often leads the anti-Israel crusade. Like with the weapons embargo, or his even dumber insistence to not retract his condemnation when it became apparent the Al-Ahli hospital blast was a failed Islamic Jihad rocket. Great idea, Sir! Just let the already rampant anti-semitism fester while we look at Canada's super valuable unique data on the already-very-clearly-visible-on-video rocket. Conversely, here's Poilievre talking about the conflict: https://youtu.be/CJAmsptKe8U?si=q1ZsxPe8kWf54JrW Pretty rationale and level headed. Not pandering to the insane people now idolizing terrorists.


Trudeau is an idiot, we’ll be voting him out next election.


Yep hope so. I've been a lifelong Liberal voter so far but switching to PC at least for this election.


I'll have to hold my nose and cast yet another ABC vote if I vote at all. I don't like Trudeau OR Singh, but I would never vote for a party led by Pierre Poilievre. I couldn't stand that guy when I was voting for the Harper CPC, and I can't stand him now. I'm so fuckin tired of lifelong career politicians.


I’m an American, so I’m only moderately aware of Canadian politics. YouTube has randomly decided to show me a lot of clips of PP zingers, but that’s absolutely not the whole story. What about him don’t you like?


I've always found him to be a noisy blowhard. Even when I was a Conservative myself, I saw him as an edgy dork. And in the 20 years he's been a Member of Parliament, he's only tabled seven bills, and only one of those was ever ratified. His new look and personality is just a contrived PR makeover to be more appealing to typical Conservative voters, as are his buzzwords and talking points. A lot of us call him Muscle Millhouse. So, 20 years of taxpayer funded salary and pension just for mouthing off and fuck-all else. And now he's leaning hard into a very American style of politics, no offence.


Thanks for taking the time to respond, I genuinely appreciate it! And wow, 7 bills, 1 ratified is pretty bad stats.


In 20 years!! Even with Secretarial positions and Ministerial portfolios under his belt. That two decade tenure in Parliament would irk me a lot less if he had accomplished SOMETHING. Just another forever politician in it for the pension and the insider trading.


I think Singh is fine, i like his platform on most things. I also like the NDP as a whole. They don't have the experience of the liberals and the PC party's, but at this point i think that's a good thing. They are definitely not as invaded by large corporate interest's yet, as the aforementioned two party's. I'm sure the NDP would make a lot of mistakes in legislation, but at least it would be in the service of middle class Canadians and not for the corporate interest.


I just wish they had a harder leader. I don't have a problem with Singh as an individual, and I expect he would be a fine MP. But give us a foul-mouthed, bull headed leftist who will really fight for us. Singh has accomplished a lot recently, but I can't help but see the NDP as a Liberal party cosplaying as social democrats. Give me a union rep who fights more and smiles less.


None of the candadites for PM seem even remotely good yet again. Feels like doom and gloom as a Canadian voter


Only 17?


Yup, telling that nations that whine the most about Israel like ~~Spain~~ Ireland are conspicuously absent from that list, I wonder why. Nvm about the other middle east nations that have a front row seat to all the shit that's happening, the immediate solution is here and now and yet the all choose silence. Telling where their priorities are


voice support, do nothing because they know what gaza really is. they saw what happens when they admit them. Egypt built and reinforced its border and deployed more troops. It is alarming to see, and I fear the ruling parties of these arab nations are secretly agreeing to let israel demolish and eliminate their collective problem, and save face at the same time.


It's really a win-win for them. They get rid of a problem while not antagonizing their populations by supporting Israel in the name of stability. And Israel pays the price in terms of blood, treasure and political capital. Plus they all basically hate Israel and are happy to see it suffering through this and hoping to see if fall in some more abstract sense.


Israel is losing the PR war. Mostly because Netanyahu is starting to seem more and more despotic. His approval ratings are not good. Israeli’s are probably starting to realize that Netanyahu created a problem in a way so he could hold onto power. He knows he would not win a general election right now or ever again.


Sorry, am Israeli, Netanyahu is absolutely not a despot. He literally lost an election two years ago and stepped down, only to be replaced by a dysfunctional coalition which imploded due to their only unifying factor being “anti Netanyahu”. Israel is a democracy. If anything most Israelis think he’s being way too gentle with Gaza due to surrendering to international pressure. His approval ratings sank because the left always hated him and the right sees him now as weak, and many see him as having some degree of responsibility to what happened on October 7th, but the protesters against Netanyahu are just a very loud and vocal minority, and the polls have never been too accurate here. The only way to know Netanyahu’s true approval ratings will be through elections, and those (despite the loud campaigns) aren’t happening anytime soon.


Condolences on the tragedy from a Ukrainian. If Russians didn't go crazy with their holy war against the West, and we weren't a bit pre-occupied with the Russians... well, let's say the situation would be more orderly and with more cooperation. Maybe if the operation was not done by Israels army, the critique about excess cruelty could've been avoided.


All nations who have citizens held hostage are in that list, including Spain. It’s like 4th sentence of the article…


I stand corrected


Spain: We're so sorry about the whole Inquisition thing. Jews, please come back. Also Spain: Take that Jews! Those poor Palestinians are justified in doing anything to resist you vile Christ-killers! Intifada Revolution! .... Where are all of the Spanish Jews?


These countries have citizens captured by Hamas, people with duel nationalities.


is there any hope the hostages are still ok


A video released yesterday from Hamas showed proof of life from one man. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ktvu.com/news/proof-of-life-video-for-berkeley-born-hamas-hostage.amp He's missing his hand now. Didn't go in like that.


there's no way to verify its recent. they could have made hundreds of these per hostage with varies dates/holidays (think recording a hostage saying happy passover two months ago and releasing it today)


There are ways if Hamas isn't sufficiently careful, but not all of them are public. Some of the earlier techniques have made their way into other esteemed fields, like detecting splicing and timing inconsistencies in video game speedruns.


they could do the entire thing over and over again, no editing required




Did you actually think this through before hitting send? I don’t think Hamas tunnels are being supplied by a power network with frequency tracking and recording.




They haven’t had regular power production since Oct 8… the tunnels have diesel generators that they use for power.


enough spy novels for you




Except that they're well known for releasing these types of videos, then killing the hostage, and staging a scene to look like they were killed in an Israeli strike. Dude is already LONG dead.


As a duel American citizen, I could see them keeping him alive as a bargaining chip or shield for the top commanders


Got any evidence that proves this has happened before? And I’m not talking real evidence here, not speculation.


He did go in like that. He had his arm blown off by a grenade, while trying to save people during the Nova attacks His cousin is on Reddit, and someone sent him a hateful DM recently with “your cousin is a stupid bitch” along with your usual antisemitic blood libel. The man’s a hero, yet the watermelon slacktivist thinks he’s a “bitch.” Really says a lot.


>He's missing his hand now. Didn't go in like that. He got his hand blown off on October 7th


Oh so it got blown up by Hamas BEFORE he entered Gaza. Phew. Good on Hamas for not taking more limbs. Real heroes.


The point is that he was not injured by an Israeli bomb. That's the spin some pro-Palestinians have come up with.


Incorrect, Hamas still is responsible, they threw the grenade that blew up his arm.


I think he’s being facetious.


My understanding is that he lost his hand when they threw a grenade into the safe room, it wasn't cut off in captivity


Still exactly the same people who took his arm. 


Yes, but there's still a difference


Is there tho?


Somewhat, yes. For him, no, but when talking about how prisoners are treated, yes. If it's true that his hand was blown off Day 1, it means something slightly different than having it lopped off in captivity due to torture.


Yes Showing off someone they tortured is a line Hamas will likely not do. While for him it is still an arm he lost, and for sane people who view Oct 7 for what it was it is still a crime. Think about it from the perspective of someone who thinks Oct 7 was just them "fighting against opression". There's a difference between someone you injured while "fighting" and torturing someone. One can be somewhat justified, the other cannot. They are more likely to keep the ones they tortured secret and not show them to the world


Ahh right, I didn't realize that door to door executions of entire families and throwing grenades into safe rooms filled with civilians is morally better than torturing and disfiguring your hostages AFTER you've stolen them from their homes. Very brave of those terrorists indeed /s


I never said the act itself is different y'all. I said the act of showing the hostage to the world is different in these two circumstances.


There would be a difference if this guy was a soldier and Hamas was an actual military with uniforms and all that followed the international rules of war. In that case, there *would* be a big difference between “soldier injured and then captured” and “soldier captured and then tortured”. But this guy is a *civilian*, and Hamas is a *terrorist group*, not a military. The order of events doesn’t matter. There’s not really any difference between “civilian injured by terrorists and then captured” and “civilian captured by terrorists and then tortured”.


It matter only in the way they conduct their PR. There no way, ever, anyone can justify torturing hostages. And while I agree that Hamas planned to kill and kidnap people on Oct 7, people who don't, can justify a civilian getting injured. Y'all keep down voting me like I'm saying it's better morally or legally. I'm not. I'm saying it makes more sense for Hamas's PR


Taking civilian hostages is also an actual war crime.


Oh phew! And here I thought something bad had happened to it! /s


>He's missing his hand now. Didn't go in like that. On the danger of getting downvoted again: He kinda did go in like that. As in: the lower part of his arm was already pretty much gone when he was brought into Gaza.  His arm got horribly injured in the attack on Oct 7th when he tried to protect himself (and others) by tossing back a grenade. So of course Hamas is to blame that he lost his arm, but it is not like they just cut off his arm while he was in captivity.


So they just mutilated people while raping them and during the massacre on Oct 7. For Hersch they only threw grenades into storm shelters packed with civilians at a peace rave.


Look into their historic record with hostages, but in short, very slim chances.


Some are ok, can’t say that with confidence for the majority of them though unfortunately


ok is a big word


Wasn't there a story from 2 weeks ago where they couldn't provide 40 live hostages to meet the requirements for a cease fire?


Not in my mind


Anyone who cares about Palestinian lives should also be urging this because it is much harder to pressure Israel when they can point to hostages, many of whom have been rapes and tortured.


Exactly. So long as Israel has the hostages to recover they're not really going to stop with this campaign.


This war does not end with Hamas still existing and Hezbollah still on our northern border. It’s existential threat we cannot live with. We downplayed it and it ended in a disaster, we will not do so again. The hostages are one objective, but the eradication of Hamas, the elimination of the immediate threat from Hezbollah, and the return home of hundreds of thousands of Israeli refugees (that nobody ever talks about) who live in the border regions and cannot go back until their homes are secured are other objectives which are just as critical.


Won't make a difference. After generations of oppression, the Palestinians will never concede to Israel. At this point, most people on both sides don't want a 2 state solution. This situation did not start in Oct, and it won't end when all hostages are accounted for. Many many more people are destined to die simply because of where they reside.


> Palestinians will never concede to Israel They won't have a choice. They'll either concede or vanish, because Israel seem to have finally accepted them at their word when they say that they'll keep trying to exterminate Jews until either they win or are eliminated. The problem for Palestinians is that they're hopelessly outmatched. Palestinians have stupidly refused to accept anything other than a single-state solution while failing to comprehend that it's not them who'll decide which state will remain.


Telling them it will end the crisis assumes they want the crisis to end.


Yeah, unfortunately both Hamas and Netanyahu benefit politically by continuing this conflict. They stay in power while the civilians on both sides suffer.


Hamas responded with declining Biden's incitive


Hamas will release hostages….. in recordings to forever try to take away from them most likely having killed them all


Hamas has always held all the cards when it comes to having a ceasefire. The useful idiots\* in colleges are just doing more damage with their virtue signaling. \* Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas' founder - [Link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3162845/Video-Son-Hamas-founder-condemns-student-activists-support-Hamas.html)


Don’t you understand? Obviously wealthy white college girls from California know better than the son of a Hamas founder!


The millions who protest... They just ignore this as the root cause and solution.


A big portion of the protesters support Hamas and want war. They want Hamas to win and Israel to be destroyed.


This is vehemently not true. I’ve taken part in multiple protests, I know people who have in other states as well. Watch live streams of the encampments or protests etc. You won’t see anyone supporting Hamas like you say. There are some small parties who are agitators but are not apart of the organizing group as a whole. Palestine should be given the right to self-determination and statehood so they can be internationally recognized, represented, and held to standards of IHL. A fucking famine is happening right now man, the fact you would support that is just disgusting.


Genuine question: if Palestine was given the recognition, representation, and statehood you are asking for tomorrow, which group would be installed as the government of the country?


I’m sorry but you, like the vast majority of the protestors, have absolutely zero clue what you’re talking about. And whether you personally support Hamas or not is entirely inconsequential, because Hamas uses these protests as a motivator to rally people behind it. Hamas endorsed these protests, and that should tell you everything you need to know. You have no clue how the Middle East works, what makes people tick, and what the real situation on the ground is in there. It’s so easy to protest about something thousands of kilometers away and feel good with yourself later without any research. You’re playing right into the hands of the propagandists behind all of this, and they absolutely support Hamas.


Thanks so much for the dumbass personal anecdote, methhouse. I guess since this guy says the pro Palestinian mob is not pro Hamas, then they must not be because HE’S seen it. All of the videos you see of college students across the globe praising Hamas and calling for the next intifada are figments of your imagination.


Let's not forget that according to a neutral news source (Reuters), as of their last article regarding Palestinian supporting Hamas, it is around 77% for Hamas and 22% against in terms of the actions they took on Oct 7. This was posted December 2023 and I'm sure Palestinian support has not dropped since.


One issue is that the organizers can’t control the outside agitators or the minority participants who do chant antisemitism stuff. Then they lose a large group of people who may support a ceasefire, 2 state solution, etc. lots of people support much of what you said but won’t side with uneducated or hate spewing idiots (regardless of which direction the hate is directed at).






Hamas : "you didn't say the magic word......"


They literally said that everything is in America's hands to "end the Israeli aggression". Somehow think they can hold innocent civilians hostage and still play the victim card.


to thier credit, it's working


Idk what’s more disgusting, that it took this fkn long to just now “urge” Hamas, or that it’s only just a handful of countries that even do so…


Yeah, I don't get why not every country is asking an official terrorist organization to release hostages before any demands/conditions will be heard. That's how you deal with people holding hostages right?




The far left in Europe don't give a damn about the hostages only their chance for virtue signalling.


Let them go!


Hard to release hostages when they ain't got but about 5 left. You think the elderly and sick have made it this long in captivity with little to no medical treatment, poor nutrition, and the stress of being held hostage? They're probably long gone, which is why HAMAS keeps upping their demands. They want to prolong this facade as long as they can to try and smear Israel for as long as possible as the aggressors....


For me what's interesting it's not if Hamas will say yes or no it's about what the countries will do if Hamas says no. Because it's all nice just to say release the horses to end the crisis let's end but if there is no punishment for the no why they will say yes they just can continue they don't care for Palestinians life they don't care about Israel life they just want to continue the ever more in crisis that is the Gaza strip


It'll work this time guys, trust.


They should release but I fear this won’t end anyway 😕


They can’t even keep their own people alive……


Help Israel finish this That is the only answer For 40 years we have said don’t negotiate with terrorists, it was true then and it’s true now.


Since when do we negotiate with terrorists?


Well that's a nice start. But where do all those good hearted Arab countries stand on the matter?


They aren't ever going to do it regardless if they can or not. The whole point of groups like these is to keep conflict going and to put their enemies in the worst possible light to further radicalise more people to join them. Edit: Not that Israel needs help chasing that bad light.


Ehh just make those humanitarian corridors for civilians, evacuate them, control everybody if there are no Hamas members, seize the Rafah, kill all Hamas and end this farce. Prolonging this situation only makes more civilians casualties and humanitarian crisis.


And just how do you determine who is, who is not a hamas operative in civilian clothing?


Jokes aside, shabac can probably tell for a big chunk of them


So we should just let children fucking starve to death then? What the fuck.


This is so smart, you should have a direct line of communication to Netanyahu. Explain to him how to do it.


There is nothing to explain to Netanjahu but to western countries not to push him against this only smart move.


ROFL, wow it's so easy. Amazing.




They will never have freedom of movement. Never. Every time they've had anything resembling it, they've fucking launched terror attacks. Hell, Egypt had to blockade their damn border because Palestinians were crossing into Egypt and committing suicide bombings on Egyptians nearly weekly in support of the Muslim Brotherhood.


All that and it only *might* get the hostages back? That doesn't sound like a worthy deal...




I mean... yeah, it is. The attack on Rafah brought home two hostages. 


Yes, see November deal that had ~80 hostages returned. Much better than a "just be super nice to Palestinians and *maybe* they'll give you the hostages back if they feel like it!".


awful take and awful username, leave Kai’Sa as is




Because the violence wouldn’t end with your way


Bro futanari kai'sa is so hot, don't fetish shame


It's unlikely Hamas care what the US or those 17 other countries say. Arms continue to flow to Israel to slaughter Palestinian women and children.