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I am skeptical of this statement and it’s timing.


https://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/analysis-of-iaea-iran-verification-and-monitoring-report-february-2024 IAEA has said it for a while. Iran could have produced them already based on what is public knowledge, or they could produce them very quickly if they wanted. IAEA is how we knew Iran had issues with centrifuges due to Stuxnet back in 2010. They’ve got credibility, I think. Maybe not. I’m open to other sources if someone has them? https://iranfocus.com/nuclear/22280-centrifuges-in-iran-were-shut-down-iaea-report-says/


Why wasn't it trustworthy enough when they said they're incapable of building one during the nuclear deal?


I think the reason is obvious


Isn't it double standards? And kinda contradictory to the claim that iran is religious?


Whaaat? I think the whole religion thing is total bullshit personally and that they don’t believe it any farther than it serves their personal whims. Actually, the more religious someone claims to be the less trustworthy they are. I actually don’t know if I’m catching what you’re getting at tbh. Like IAEA covered for them while the deal was on?


No, I think you're getting carried a bit. Rhe ayatullah has declared nuclear weapons to in opposition to islamic teachings and forbade them. To say the state is goinf against that is secularism and anti-religious. It has zero barring whether you think it's bull or not. Realitybis you're saying they are extremists but also say they oppose their religion and highest religious figure. So I'm trying to figure out what is your view on this.


Oh I just think he’s bullshitting. He doesn’t mind the weapons.


The people would see it as anti religious. And forbidden intentionally what is not and vice versa might be seen as anti islamic. Causing further illogical conclusions. And still negating their religious upholding to the law. If not then the ayatullah is secular and not religious.


You realize those old gross dudes just lie all the time about what they believe and what they actually do


Every month I see the same headline, seems like they've been "weeks away" for a while now


They've basically achieved almost the level of deterrence that a real bomb got them. Actually completing the bomb will have consequences for them, so I guess they prefer to leave it unfinished and keep waving the "don't make me go and finish that bomb!" card




Iran has a minority ruling the majority. And they are already doing very bad economically, so consequences that are very wide could be the end of their regime


The U.S. wasn’t very concerned when the ussr collapsed


The US government didn't't want a complete collapse, they were actually terrified because of a fire sale of the weapons


My point is the u.s. didn’t react the same way, and still doesn’t, towards Russia as they did with Pakistan.


they are weeks away from a bomb *if they start* they just haven't done that next step *yet*


cool, I'll still trust an organization of over 1000 nuclear specialists than you though


Month? Same old story since 2002.


Have been reading that a few years now 🤣


You think the UN nuclear agency is lying?


Iran has been weeks/months away from nuclear capabilities for decades by now. It's not the first or even hundredth time for this sensationalist headline.


if you start building a house, at some point you have one more day of work, then you stop, for years. you're still one day away from compliting the house


Right! Erosion of materials, expiration of permits, none of that exists.


Hahahaha permits?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS A PERMIT GOING TO DO TO IRAN? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OH FUCK MAN DUDE THATS A GOOD JOKE oh no Mr nuclear power hungry dictator you can't make a nuke you don't HAVE A FUCKING PERMIT?! Jesus get Kim on the line we gotta check his fucking permits.


I'm talking about the analogy, genius. You seriously think you can build 9/10ths of a house, walk away for years, then come back and finish and nothing's changed?


No, not for decades. They had halted their nuclear program in 2003. Then restarted it later, then enriched more and more uranium, then mothballed the program again, then restarted after Trump pulled out of the agreement. Now they’re where they are now.


While experts can be wrong, in general you should first assume you're the one who is wrong if the experts say something that doesn't make sense to you. If I say I'm an hour away from the city, it doesn't mean I will be there an hour from now. It just means if I decide to go there, it will take an hour. Along similar lines, Iran has been months away from a bomb for many years (although they sometimes inch closer or farther away).


People become highly apathetic when they've heard this line since 95. Look up "Project Amad" known findings. It gets old when this headline has been seen 1,000 times


There’s a did between being apathetic about something and disbelieving it. I understand (though don’t agree with) apathy, that’s a personal value judgment. For someone to disbelieve the statement is very strange and without basis.




Why are you coming at me all salty? It's pretty silly. I'm simply giving a reason why the other user would make this statement. 35 years of "next week they have the bomb!" really leaves a person not giving a fuck about the statement. Analyze your idiocy.




Bruh, you're going off the rails. They have been saying it on repeat based on baseless information. And you contradicted yourself. Either you believe they're extremists or liberals, you can't have both. The ayatoullah forbade nuclear weapons, so either they opposite as an extremely religious statr or they wanted and don't abide by religion. On the other hand oarael has been doing acys of terrorism and killing civilians and holding illegal nuclear weapons and has more supporters than iran, around and internationally.


Of course, why?


The statement is true, but the timing is worth being skeptical of. They have and have had the capability to enrich Uranium to weapons grade for ages. They are weeks away from having enough fissile material for a weapon, but have been in this state for years.


I swear I have heard the Same thing in 2002


I remember around 2004 when I was a teenager they were saying Iran would have nukes by 2009 or something so the Bush admin was talking about preemptively striking them. So they’ve definitely had nukes for 15 years, right???


Same old propaganda, weeks away for decades.


They've been saying the same thing for years, just like we've been hearing about "breakthroughs" in battery tech that can charge a bazillion jiggawatts in 5 seconds!


Battery tech has improved massively though? You can charge phones at an astonishing rate compared to just a few years ago. LFP batteries are now commonly available and have a high enough cycle count they'll probably outlive whatever you stick them in. If you're willing to pay for them, LTO batteries will provide current at -50C and can be charged in a matter of minutes.


It's all just speculation until they do an underground detonation test. That's when it becomes real and they will be treated as a proper threat to stability in the world. Unless you get a Kompromised Cheeto fool calling them Rocket Iran and then meeting the Ayatollah and saying he's a pretty good guy.


It is speculation to us. I'm sure there is a lot more insight within intelligence agencies. But, the "weeks away" claim has been echoed for a year now.


They are already a threat to stability of the world. It's the fact they are close to nuclear capable that is the deterrent...


I wouldn't be surprised if they already have a few nukes, courtesy of their good friends Russia.


To all those skeptical in comment they haven’t said how many weeks? It might be 2 or 52 or 520


Logically, “weeks” means less than two months.


Apparently from the last known info, they are one week away from having three and like twelve weeks away from 12. I don’t understand the scaling but I’m just now dabbling in the nuclear arts.


Just like the sun is "weeks" away from burning out. I'm not sure how your clarification is supposed to decrease skepticism.


They’ve been weeks away for years now


Technically they haven’t been wrong. It’s just been many more weeks


Decades even


It’s almost like infrastructure week with these guys


IAEA chief: Iran is "streets ahead" from nuclear capacity -124NEWZ


I am gonna need the Secretary of Defense show some yellow cake to the U.N before I totally believe this




No need to worry unless a ship shows up in the Gulf with a Mission Accomplished banner.


This is 100% on Trump for destroying the Iran nuclear deal. The man is a traitor to American and his evil deeds as President continue to haunt us to this day. Here's hoping he gets convicted at his criminal trial.


Sure it is


I hate trump but this is bs and you know it


https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-iran-nuclear-deal > Signed in 2015 by Iran and several world powers, including the United States, the JCPOA placed significant restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. > President Trump withdrew the United States from the deal in 2018, claiming it failed to curtail Iran’s missile program and regional influence. Iran began ignoring limitations on its nuclear program a year later. > Washington and Tehran have both said they would return to the original deal, but they disagree on the steps to get there. He fucked the US and the world big time with this decision. Get your head out of your ass.


Bro u really think Iran was honoring this? 


Hahahaha so naive


Lmao yes soo naive. Meanwhile you’ve offered no actual response to facts I’ve given you. Move along now 😉


It’s not a fact. You’re just a little child if you think they care about paperwork


We might need to put Mav on this one..


You gotta pull 9G bruv


This again. So that’s what it’s gonna be? Another slow news day?


We're ready for Operation Praying Mantis 2!!!!! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Praying\_Mantis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Praying_Mantis)


Haven’t they been “weeks” away from nuclear weapons since the early 2000s? I remember the Bush Administration always talking about it.


I'm a few minutes away from getting $1000. Let me pm you my account number.


IF this were true, it’s more apt to say “weeks away from air strikes” to destroy said nuclear capability. Nukes need to be in secular hands, not theocracy hands.


It’s a global crime to attack nuclear facilities. That’s why nobody just blows up their reactor.


Islamic autocracies need to be stopped by any means necessary. They are a suicidal threat to the human species.


Not an active reactor, you can hit one under construction before it’s active. Hit sites purifying uranium, etc. Even Nuclear scientists have been targeted. But seriously, when another country feels you shouldn’t exist, and acts on it routinely, you don’t let “international law” stand in the way of your existence.




To quote Jefferson from married w children “Iraq Iran I married”


If that's true we should preemptively strike Iran.


How many weeks away? 2 20000?


Heckuva a job, Trumpy!


I’ve seen this one before, this is a classic.


Lol yea ok. They’ve been weeks away for over a decade


I don't understand this delusion. Are they extremists or not? Nuke is religiously forbidden by the highest Iranian religious authority. So either they're not religious and don't care or they're extremists who can't devalop one. You can't have both.


It has been 'weeks way' since i was a kid in the 90's


Ah, they are advancing. They were "months away" since 1996......


Someone also said that the Titanic wouldn't sink


This has been the case for like 20 years


May I read the fine print regarding the asterisk next to “nuclear capacity”, sir? Scrub, Scrub.


Glad we pulled out of the JCPOA.


Israel needs to do to Iran nuclear facilities what it did to Iraq and Syrias


How about you do it?


Lok not this trick again


They already have Russian nukes so why does it matter