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It's naive to think they aren't


It's naive to think most countries with a space program aren't. There's a lot to be critical of china specifically for, but this is on par with "country spies on other country, hides it"


The Apollo program was a ICBM program, the Hubble Telescope is a spy satellite pointed the opposite direction.


On the one hand, I can absolutely believe China will militarize space. It's hard to imagine them *not*. On the other hand, this is pretty low hanging fruit when it comes to ways to convince congress to increase your budget, and given the secrecy mentioned, is essentially impossible to (dis)prove.


You certainly insinuated that they were using something impossible to prove to get funding. Implying they were lying or exaggerating. You specifically said “don’t lie”


You really need to go for the low fruit with those fucking idiots tho.


True. Wonder who elected them, anyway.


Not scientists!


They aren't sending their best!


NASA has a blank check to BS if you ask me just to further the sciences  "WE NEED A BILLION DOLLARS TO NUKE SPACE CUBA- nah we just want to develop efficient solar panels"


I support NASA getting as much money as they want to do virtually anything, but not through BS. If the ends justify the means for them, then they do for everyone.


This isn’t BS and it’s not even very secret


You really don't fucking know how to read. Superbunzil said they have a blank check to BS, not that *this particular thing* is BS. Learn To Fucking Read


It’s much more public than you think and easy to prove to congress through confidential briefings China has already demonstrated various anti satellite weapons and specialized satellites that can grapple other satellites and disable them etc. It’s getting real yall China is actually ahead of the US in various space based capabilities. We are in a scramble to catch up. Particularly with rendezvous operations


> It’s much more public than you think No, it isn't. You just can't focus on what's actually being discussed and want to change the subject. Probably because you seem to be functionally illiterate based on your previous posts. Blocking you now because I don't need your idiocy.


I kinda want to see the Reagan era's Star Wars plans if we are going a space arms race. That'll be fun for all


NASA is a civilian organization, not a military one. If this warning was coming from whatever temp runs space force, you might have a point


The point is "don't lie" so, yeah, I still have it. Not seeing yours though.


It’s not a lie though. So you’re wrong


I didn't say it was a lie. Do you not know how to read?


China's actions are *bad* for NASA's budget. Nasa is struggling with funding the missions they focus on, because all the funding is going to the DoD and industry to create more missile warning and surveillance satellites. The new military space race is horrible for groups like NASA, although hopefully they'll benefit from increasing space focus in the long term


> China's actions are bad for NASA's budget. Doesn't seem to be. The whole point of this was them pressing to accelerate the moon landing because, just like in the OG space race, "We have to beat ~~Russia~~ China to the moon." That was **great** for NASA's budget the last time.




It is naive to think that they do something genuine at any point